attempt to index local 'def' (a nil value) - class

I'm working on a game. At a certain point, I would like to create special GameObject. The special GameObject is called Projectile and is the same as GameObject but has a dx and dy as well as some other functions that only a projectile will have. I am trying to make Projectile extend the GameObject class, but I run into issues when I try to create an instance of Projectile. I've tried different ways of declaring Projectile and shuffling declaration order but can't seem to figure out why I'm getting the error mentioned in the title. Thank you!
The following works just fine:
table.insert(self.dungeon.currentRoom.objects, GameObject(
But when I change "GameObject" to "Projectile" it does not.
table.insert(self.dungeon.currentRoom.objects, Projectile(
The rest is supporting code. I'm using Class code from Matthias Richter
require 'src/Projectile'
require 'src/GameObject'
require 'src/game_objects'
GameObject = Class{}
function GameObject:init(def, x, y)
-- string identifying this object type
self.type = def.type
self.texture = def.texture
self.frame = def.frame or 1
-- whether it acts as an obstacle or not
self.solid = def.solid
self.defaultState = def.defaultState
self.state = self.defaultState
self.states = def.states
-- dimensions
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.width = def.width
self.height = def.height
-- default empty collision callback
self.onCollide = def.onCollide
Projectile = Class{__includes = GameObject}
function Projectile:init()
GameObject.init(self, def)
self.dx = 0
self.dy = 0
['pot'] = {
type = 'pot',
texture = 'tiles',
frame = 14,
width = 16,
height = 16,
solid = true,
defaultState = 'idle',
states = {
['idle'] = {
frame = 14,
onCollide = function()

function Projectile:init()
GameObject.init(self, def)
self.dx = 0
self.dy = 0
def is nil
so in
function GameObject:init(def, x, y)
-- string identifying this object type
self.type = def.type
you index a nil value.
Same will happen for x and y


Why did Xcode warn me about making this a constant, and why does it still change?

Within my updateBlob function, Xcode warned me that pos is unchanged and should be changed to a let constant, even though I can see that it's being changed, and running the program does indeed change the position values. This all seemed to happen when I updated the BlobPos class with a defer keyword to update the x/y coordinates when it is sent the radius value. Although I could avoid using defer, why does the compiler warn me of making pos a constant, and the program is still able to change what should presumably be a constant?
class BlobPos
var x:CGFloat = 0
var y:CGFloat = 0
public init(radius:CGFloat) {
defer {
x = radius + 5
y = radius + 5
class Blob
var radius: CGFloat
var pos: BlobPos
radius: CGFloat,
pos: BlobPos,
self.radius = radius
self.pos = pos
func makeBlob() -> Blob
let radius = 8
let pos = BlobPos(radius:radius)
return Blob(radius: radius, pos: pos)
func updateBlob(blob:Blob)
let radius = blob.radius
let pos = blob.pos // compiler warning wanting me to turn this into a let constant instead of var
pos.x += 6
pos.y += 2
blob.pos = pos // strangely, new position is set
That is because BlobPos is a class and changing a class's properties doesn't change its location in memory, which is how classes are passed around (by reference to their location in memory). If BlobPos were a structure, then you would have to declare it a variable because structures are passed around by their values (not references to their locations in memory).

Unable to Get Bitwise XOR to work in GameMaker 2

I'm trying to implement Zobrist hashing for a chess game and thought I was doing things correctly. However, when I try to apply XOR to a Hash value, it simply changes between 0 (the starting value for the hash) and -2147483648, in spite of conducting a bitwise XOR against a random number between 0 and 18446744073709551616.
Here's some code. I thought it was relatively simple with a struct for each entry in the Grid, a constructor function to make an entry, a function to create the Hash Table, and finally one for the Hash itself.
//Hash Table struct. This can be expanded for each new piece type
HashTableEntry = {
//A function for creating a Hash Table Entry
function toHashTableEntryStruct() constructor {
var HashUpperBound = 18446744073709551616;
QueenHash = random(HashUpperBound);
BishopHash = random(HashUpperBound);
KnightHash = random(HashUpperBound);
RookHash = random(HashUpperBound);
PawnHash = random(HashUpperBound);
KingHash = random(HashUpperBound);
//A function to create a ds_grid Hash Table of the size passed to it, which it then returns
function CreateHashTable(_width, _height){
//Copy the local variables
var width = _width;
var height = _height;
//Create the grid for the Hash Table
var NewHashTable = ds_grid_create(width, height);
//Copy the original seed and set the game's seed to create the same table each time
var OriginalSeed = random_get_seed;
//Loop through the Grid and fill each value with a HashTableEntry struct
for(var i = 0; i < width; i++;){
for(var j = 0; j < height; j++;){
var NewHash = new toHashTableEntryStruct();
ds_grid_set(NewHashTable, i, j, NewHash);
//Reset the seed
//Return the shiny new Hash Table
return NewHashTable;
//A function for creating the original Hash of a board. This should only be called on
initialising a Board as it sets the Original Hash
function CreateBoardHash(_board){
var Board = _board;
var width = ds_grid_width(Board);
var height = ds_grid_height(Board);
HashTable = CreateHashTable(width, height);
var FinalHash = 0;
for(var i = 0; i < width; i++;){
for(var j = 0; j < height; j++;){
var PieceToCheck = ds_grid_get(Board, i, j);
if(PieceToCheck == Pieces.BLANK){ continue; }
var HashEntry = ds_grid_get(HashTable, i, j);
var XorValue = MatchPieceToHashTableEntry(PieceToCheck, HashEntry);
FinalHash ^= XorValue;
if(FinalHash == 0){
//Error here
//Set the instance variable for this original Hash
OriginalHash = FinalHash;
//Add it to the Current Hash stack
CurrentHash = FinalHash;
//Return said hash for the calling function
return FinalHash;
The problem comes in the FinalHash ^= XorValue; line, where XorValue each time is a random number, but FinalHash only ever comes out as 0 or -2147483648.
Can someone help with why this is the case and what I may be doing wrong with my XOR function?
Thanks to Reddit, I have fixed this. GameMaker must be doing something weird with the ^= operator, as the solution was as follows:
FinalHash = FinalHash ^ XorValue;

Phaser 3 collisions while dragging an object

I'm trying to activate collision detection while dragging an object. The behaviour I'm looking for can be seen with the second example (circles) seen here with another library:
library example
From my understanding, Phaser's collision engine will only work when object position is automatically updated through its velocity. Is it really the case ? If so, what would be a clean solution ?
My best solution right now is to change velocity in the update() method and use the pointer movement along with the delta time to calculate velocity. With constant deltas, the object movement would match the pointer movement. However, the result is a bit sketchy and has problems when the mouse stops to move (with button still down).
if (obj.membre.isDragging){
let prevPos = {x: obj.membre.x, y: obj.membre.y};
let pointer = scene.input.activePointer;
let velocityX = 0;
let velocityY = 0;
if (pointer.position.x !== status.pointerX && pointer.position.y !== status.pointerY){
status.pointerX = pointer.position.x;
status.pointerY = pointer.position.y;
velocityX = (pointer.position.x-pointer.prevPosition.x)/status.deltaS;
velocityY = (pointer.position.y-pointer.prevPosition.y)/status.deltaS;
obj.membre.setVelocity(velocityX, velocityY);
Matter engine would make it work, but here is an acceptable solution with arcade engine. The trick is to add LOTS of drag (as in friction). It also seams to work fine in the drag callback.
scene.input.on('drag', function (pointer, gameObject, dragX, dragY) {
//set velocity to match pointer movement - status.deltaS is frame delta in seconds
velocityX = (pointer.position.x-pointer.prevPosition.x)/status.deltaS;
velocityY = (pointer.position.y-pointer.prevPosition.y)/status.deltaS;
gameObject.setVelocity(velocityX, velocityY);
Here is the solution a finally retained. It uses a custom speration function, based on the example
collider in create()
adjust body properties for all objects (necessary? based on example)
object.body.customSeparateX = true;
object.body.customSeparateY = true;
regular drag
scene.input.on('drag', function (pointer, gameObject, dragX, dragY) {
gameObject.x = dragX;
gameObject.y = dragY;
and here is the custom seperation function. I didn't know how to make it cleaner.
function customSeparate(s1, s2) {
var b1 = s1.body;
var b2 = s2.body;
//for dragged object, we have no velocity, so we take pointer direction
let pointFacingX = "left";
let pointFacingY = "top";
if (scene.input.activePointer.position.x > scene.input.activePointer.prevPosition.x) pointFacingX = "right";
if (scene.input.activePointer.position.y > scene.input.activePointer.prevPosition.y) pointFacingY = "bottom";
//if we have velocity we use that - could add priority to fastest object
if (b1.velocity.x > 0) pointFacingX = "right";
if (b2.velocity.x > 0) pointFacingX = "right";
if (b1.velocity.y > 0) pointFacingY = "bottom";
if (b2.velocity.y > 0) pointFacingY = "bottom";
let overlapX = 0;
let overlapY = 0;
if(b1.x > b2.x) {
overlapX = b2.right - b1.left;
else {
overlapX = b1.right - b2.left;
if(b1.y > b2.y) {
overlapY = b2.bottom -;
else {
overlapY = b1.bottom -;
//we move according to smallest overlap **no overlap is coded at 10000
if (overlapX <= 0) overlapX = 10000;
if (overlapY <= 0) overlapY = 10000;
if(overlapX < overlapY){
if (pointFacingX === "left"){
if (b1.x > b2.x) {
b2.x -= overlapX;
else {
b1.x -= overlapX;
if (b1.x < b2.x) {
b2.x += overlapX;
else {
b1.x += overlapX;
if (pointFacingY === "top"){
if (b1.y > b2.y) {
b2.y -= overlapY;
else {
b1.y -= overlapY;
if (b1.y < b2.y) {
b2.y += overlapY;
else {
b1.y += overlapY;

Have Leaflet panTo not center

I have a trail on a map that the user can "follow" by mousing over a graph (time and speed). If the user zooms in a lot, part of the trail may not be visible. When the user wants to see the part of the trail that is not showing I use the panTo method...
The panTo method of leaflet is currently also centering. I don't want to center, I want the map to move just enough to show a point. (The problem with panTo is it causes excessive map scrolling and a harsh user experience.)
I have tried changing the bounds, but that has an (unwanted) side affect of sometimes zooming out.
Any way I can do a "minimal" panTo?
This is a (working but unpolished) solution; map is our own map wrapper utility class, lmap is a leaflet map object in typescript, and toxy() is a method to convert lat/longs to x/y values.
if (!this.lmap.getBounds().contains(latlng)) {
let target =;
let nw =;
let se =;
let x = 0, y = 0;
let margin = 75;
if (target.y < nw.y)
y = (-1 * (nw.y - target.y)) - margin;
else if (target.y > se.y)
y = (target.y - se.y) + margin;
if (target.x < nw.x)
x = (-1 * (nw.x - target.x)) - margin;
else if (target.x > se.x)
x = (target.x - se.x) + margin;
this.lmap.panBy(new L.Point(x, y));
First, fetch the bounds of the map (measured in pixels from the CRS origin) with map.getPixelBounds(). Then, use map.project(latlng, map.getZoom()) to get the coordinates (in pixels from the CRS origin) of the point you're interested.
If you're confused about this "pixels from the CRS origin" thing, read the "Pixel Origin" section at .
Once you have these pixel coordinates, it should be a simple matter of checking whether the point is inside the viewport, and if not, how far away on each direction it is.
Should give you what you want
function clamp(n,lower,upper) {
return Math.max(lower, Math.min(upper, n));
//Shamelessly stolen from
function getNearestPointInPerimeter(l,t,w,h,x,y) {
var r = l+w,
b = t+h;
var x = clamp(x,l,r),
y = clamp(y,t,b);
var dl = Math.abs(x-l),
dr = Math.abs(x-r),
dt = Math.abs(y-t),
db = Math.abs(y-b);
var m = Math.min(dl,dr,dt,db);
return (m===dt) ? {x: x, y: t} :
(m===db) ? {x: x, y: b} :
(m===dl) ? {x: l, y: y} : {x: r, y: y};
L.ExtendedMap = L.Map.extend({
panInside: function (latlng, pad, options) {
var padding = pad ? pad : 0;
var pixelBounds = this.getPixelBounds();
var center = this.getCenter();
var pixelCenter = this.project(center);
var pixelPoint = this.project(latlng);
var sw = pixelBounds.getBottomLeft();
var ne = pixelBounds.getTopRight();
var topLeftPoint = L.point(sw.x + padding, ne.y + padding);
var bottomRightPoint = L.point( ne.x - padding, sw.y - padding);
var paddedBounds = L.bounds(topLeftPoint, bottomRightPoint);
if (!paddedBounds.contains(pixelPoint)) {
this._enforcingBounds = true;
var nearestPoint = getNearestPointInPerimeter(
sw.x + padding,
ne.y + padding,
ne.x - sw.x - padding * 2,
sw.y - ne.y - padding * 2,
var nearestPixelPoint = L.point(nearestPoint.x,nearestPoint.y)
var diffPixelPoint = nearestPixelPoint.subtract(pixelPoint);
var newPixelCenter = pixelCenter.subtract(diffPixelPoint);
var newCenter = this.unproject(newPixelCenter);
if (!center.equals(newCenter)) {
this.panTo(newCenter, options);
this._enforcingBounds = false;
return this;
Use this way
map.panTo([lat, lng]);

Swift for-loop wont accept index as a variable multiplied with a size.widht value

The issue: Im not allowed to operate the index to size.widht. I know its an CG value but I am allowed to operate with literals. However, when I try to use an declared int instead it doesnt allows it either.
size.widht/5 * (index + 1) says "Cannot invoke '+' with an argument list of type '($T6,($T10))'.
func addBricks(CGsize) {
for var index = 0; index < 4; index++ {
var brick = SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: "brick")
brick.physicsBody = SKPhysiscsBody(rectangleOfSize: brick.frame.size)
var xPos = size.widht/5 * (index + 1)
var yPos = size.height - 50
brick.position = CGPointMake(xPos, yPos)
What could possible be wrong?