FFMPEG Duration convert To Frames On PowerShell - powershell

I am new to FFMPEG
I need to get some duration's of some audio and video files.
my out put comes in seconds and milliseconds i guess
I need to convert this milliseconds into frames
FrameCount should be 30
This is my code
$audioId = "$id.m4a"
$dur = ffprobe $audioId -show_format 2>&1 | sed -n 's/duration=//p'
echo $dur
Output be like, its a loop running
my question is , i need to keep three seconds as it is , on the right side the milliseconds i need it to be divided by 30
that means i need the answers be like
thank you

$audioId = "$id.m4a"
$dur = ffprobe $audioId -show_format 2>&1 | sed -n 's/duration=//p'
Echo ($dur.Split(".")[0] + "." + [math]::Round($dur.Split(".")[1]/30))


FFmpeg audio concat/join not work properly in flutter

I am concat/join audio using ffmpeg_kit_flutter with following command. But the joint file duration is not right.
"-i \"concat:${audioFile1}|${audioFile2}\" -acodec copy $outPath";
I have two audio files first audio file duration 27s and second audio file duration 1m 47s.
After join both files actual file duration is 2m 14s.
But when we input 1st file in first input and 2nd file in second input then the output file duration is 2m 53s.
And if we input 2nd file in first input and 1st file in second input then the output file duration is 2m 6s.
Following is my code:
var cmd = "-i \"concat:${audioFile2.path}|${audioFile1.path}\" -acodec copy $outPath";
FFmpegKit.executeAsync(cmd, (session) async {
final returnCode = await session.getReturnCode();
log("returnCode $returnCode");
Please help me how to get the right duration after join both files?
Use this command,
var cmd ="-i ${audioFile1.path} -i ${audioFile2.path} -filter_complex 'concat=n=2:v=0:a=1[a]' -map '[a]' -codec:a libmp3lame -qscale:a 2 $outPath";
Instead of
var cmd = "-i \"concat:${audioFile2.path}|${audioFile1.path}\" -acodec copy $outPath";

text processing to select date range

I have below input and I want to select lines with dates from now to 2 weeks or 3 weeks and so on.
0029L5 08/19/2017 00:57:33
0182L5 08/19/2017 05:53:57
0183L5 02/17/2018 00:00:16
0091L5 10/19/2022 00:00:04
0045L5 07/27/2017 09:03:56
0059L5 08/14/2017 00:51:50
0100L5 08/20/2017 01:25:39
0111L5 08/21/2017 00:46:15
0128L5 08/21/2017 12:38:51
D00054 07/21/2017 09:01:19
So the desired output if let say I want for 2 weeks from now
0045L5 07/27/2017 09:03:56
D00054 07/21/2017 09:01:19
But if i want for let say 4 weeks then the output should be
0045L5 07/27/2017 09:03:56
0059L5 08/14/2017 00:51:50
D00054 07/21/2017 09:01:19
One way:
awk '{split($2,a,"/");split($3,b,":"); x=mktime(a[3]" "a[1]" "a[2]" "b[1]" "b[2]" "b[3]);y=systime();}x>y && x<(y+(n*7*24*60*60))' n=2 file
where n indicates the number of weeks
split($2,a,"/") => Split the 2nd column on the basis of / and store in array a
split($3,b,":") => Split the 3rd column on the basis of : and store in array b
mktime => gives the time in seconds
x contains the time in file in seconds
y contains the current time in seconds
Here's one solution using bash where file is the name of your file:
while read r; do dd=$(($(date -d "${r:6}" +%s) - $(date +%s))); echo $(($dd/(3600*24))); done < file
This will compute the date difference in seconds between the date in ${r:6} (substring of the current row) and today's date $(date +%s) and convert it to days.
To output only lines where the date difference is less than 2 weeks (1209600 seconds)
while read r; do dd=$(($(date -d "${r:6}" +%s) - $(date +%s))); if [ "$dd" -lt 1209600 ]; then echo $r; fi; done < file
This works fine, Please let me know in case anybody has any other simpler solution for AIX.
awk '{split($2,a,"/");split($3,b,":"); print $1,b[3],b[2],b[1],a[2],a[1],a[3]}' /tmp/TLD_1 | head -10 | while read media sec min hour day mon year; do month=$((10#$mon-1)); expiry=$(perl -e 'use Time::Local; print timegm(#ARGV[0,1,2,3], $ARGV[4], $ARGV[5]), "\n";' $sec $min $hour $day $month $year); current=$(date +%s); twoweeks=$(($current + (2*7*24*60*60))); if [ "$expiry" -gt "$current" -a "$expiry" -lt "$twoweeks" ]; then echo "$media $mon/$day/$year $hour:$min:$sec"; fi; done

Decomposing the output of tail

I have a text file like below. I was wondering how I can check the values of each element in the last line after using tail -n 1.
abd we 12345 1000
abd we 12350 1000
abd we 12355 1000
abd we 12360 1000
Thanks in advance
Your requirements are very vague. Do you want this?
fields=( $(tail -n 1 file) )
if [[ ${fields[2]} == 13000 ]]; then ...

AWK - filter file with not equal fields

I've been trying to pull a field from a row in a file although each row may have plus or minus 2 or 3 fields per row. They aren't always equal in the number of fields per row.
Here is a snippet:
A orarpp 45286124 1 1 0 20 60 Nov 25 9-16:42:32 01:04:58 11176 117056 0 - oracleXXX (LOCAL=NO)
A orarpp 45351560 1 1 3 20 61 Nov 30 5-03:54:42 02:24:48 4804 110684 0 - ora_w002_XXX
A orarpp 45548236 1 1 22 20 71 Nov 26 8-19:36:28 00:56:18 10628 116508 0 - oracleXXX (LOCAL=NO)
A orarpp 45679190 1 1 0 20 60 Nov 28 6-23:42:20 00:37:59 10232 116112 0 - oracleXXX (LOCAL=NO)
A orarpp 45744808 1 1 0 20 60 10:52:19 23:08:12 00:04:58 11740 117620 0 - oracleXXX (LOCAL=NO)
A root 45810380 1 1 0 -- 39 Nov 25 9-19:54:34 00:00:00 448 448 0 - garbage
In the case of the first line, I'm interested in 9-16:42:32 and the similar fields for each row.
I've tried to pull it by using ':' as the field separator and then filter from there however, what I am trying to accomplish is to do something if the number before the dash (in the example it's 9) is greater than one.
cat file.txt | grep oracle | awk -F: '{print substr($1, length($1)-5)}'
This is because the number of fields on either side of the actual field I need can be different from line to line.
Definitely not the most efficient but I've been trying to do this with an awk one liner.
Hints or a direction would be appreciated to get me moving again. I am not opposed to doing in a better way than awk.
Maybe cut is the right tool for this job? For example, with your snippet:
$ cut -c 62-71 file.txt
The arguments tell cut to snip columns (-c) 62 through 71.
For additional processing, you can pipe it to awk.
You can also accomplish the whole thing in awk by accepting entire lines and then using substr to extract the columns you want. For example, this awk command produces the same output as the cut command above:
awk '{ print substr($0, 62, 10) }' file.txt
Whether you create a pipeline or do the processing entirely in awk is at least in part a matter of personal taste / style.
Would this do?
awk -F: '/oracle/ {print substr($0,62,10)}' file.txt
This search for oracle and then print 10 characters starting from position 62
You can grab those identifiers with one of
grep -o '[[:digit:]]\+-[[:digit:]]\{2\}:[[:digit:]]\{2\}:[[:digit:]]\{2\}'
grep -oP '\d+-\d\d:\d\d:\d\d' # GNU grep
It sounds like you want to do something with the lines, not just find the ids. Please elaborate.
Using GNU awk:
gawk --re-interval '
/oracle/ && \
match($0, /([[:digit:]]+)-([[:digit:]]{2}:){2}[[:digit:]]{2}/, a) && \
a[1]>1 {
# do something with the matching line
' file

How to merge two video parts and get a playable video file using Python?

Here, I actually wants to merge two strings out1 & out2 (which contains the first and second 30sec long video data) and write that to a file. So that I will get a 1min long playable video file. But what I am getting is the first 30sec video only. How should I edit this code to achieve that ? Please help me. Thanks a lot in advance.
import subprocess,os
ffmpeg_command1 = ["ffmpeg", "-i", "PATH/connect.webm", "-vcodec", "copy", "-ss", "00:00:00", "-t", "00:00:30","-f", "webm", "pipe:1"]
p1 = subprocess.Popen(ffmpeg_command1,stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
out1, err = p1.communicate()
ffmpeg_command2 = ["ffmpeg", "-i", "PATH/connect.webm","-vcodec", "copy", "-ss", "00:00:31", "-t", "00:00:30","-f", "webm", "pipe:1"]
p2 = subprocess.Popen(ffmpeg_command2,stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
out2, err1 = p2.communicate()
string = out1 + out2
fname = "PATH/final.webm"
fp = open(fname,'wb')
Please help me. I struck.
If you want to concat two videos with ffmpeg, it works like that:
ffmpeg -vcodec copy -isync -i \
"concat:file1.mp4|file2.mp4|...|fileN.mp4" \
import os
#Function to create a file list in the folder
import os
s = os.sep
path = r"F:\folder_mp4_files\temp"
def create_file_list(path):
return_list = []
for filenames in os.walk(path):
for file_list in filenames:
for file_name in file_list:
if file_name.endswith((".mp4")):
return return_list
alist = create_file_list(path)
tsString = '|'.join([i.replace('.mp4','.ts') for i in alist])
# mp4 converts to ts
for i in alist:
noExtension = i.replace('.mp4','')
# batch processing
os.system("ffmpeg -i %s -vcodec copy -acodec copy -vbsf h264_mp4toannexb %s.ts" % (i,noExtension))
# Remove used mp4 files
for i in alist:
os.system("""ffmpeg -i concat:"{0}" -acodec copy -vcodec copy -absf aac_adtstoasc {1}""".format(tsString, alist[0]))
# Remove used ts files
for i in alist: