Unity How Do I get these blocks - unity3d

I want to use these cubes in my own game but I have literally no idea how he got them. Look at the cubes with the black outline, the walls the ground the roof, how do I get a cube with the outline like that. I know this is a stupid question but I have tried but I cant find out why.
Thanks in advance!

Those are not individual cubes.
Take as example one of the walls, probably it's a single cube (rectangular prism) for each wall, the trick is that it has a material with a texture applied to it and a normal map.
In simple words:
A texture is an image containing the colors the object has. In this case the blue color of the walls and the black lines simulating cubes.
A normal map is something like an image but it contains information about the "depth" of each pixel in the image. In this case it indicates that the black lines should be "deeper" than the rest of the image.
A material is the object that combines the texture with the normal map and along with other settings can tell the computer how exactly it should look like.
Of course this is only a very brief definition, if you want to know more about it I recommend you to read about: Materials, textures and shaders in Unity. There are some tutorials in Unity web page.

Use photoshop to create a single tile of each type of block and use it.


How to handle a jank (non-uniform) spritesheet in Unity 2D

I'm trying to rip the among us textures into Unity, but I'm having trouble with the spritesheet for crewmate animations like walking, venting, idle, etc.
Here's the spritesheet I'm talking about: https://github.com/Overload02/among-us-assets/blob/main/Players/Player-sharedassets0.assets-55.png
You can see it is not consistent at all, making a uniform square or rectangle cut impossible.
What I tried originally is just creating all the boxes manually, but this looks terrible.
How does one handle this elagently?
Maybe you could use each sprite as a seperate image instead of a spritesheet. then you could edit the edges of each one seperately.

How to draw a dot line between 3d object in Unity

I am trying to create a bit of a game where 3d house objects are used.
Also there are some 3d cubes to show the specific points in the house.
I would like to draw dot lines between these 3d cubes so that I can instruct users where to go next kind of things.
I achieved to draw a line in between but not dot lines like the photo attached.
I googled but found nothing...
Does anyone know how to achieve that?
Thank you.
Solved with help from Kalender.
Go to the unity forum and download the texture unity_31130666 attaches and apply it to LineRenderer with a bit of adjustment of shader.
It all worked.

Making a custom skybox for Unity

I'm struggling to find any simple/up to date tutorials on how to make my own skybox for Unity. I want the skybox to be cartoony/vector based so preferably I would like to make it in Adobe Illustrator.
How do I do this? Could anyone direct me to any tutorials? Also, are there any programs that allow you to upload an image that generates a skybox for you?
You may create a new "Skybox/6 Sided" material, and asing it instead the default skybox material. It's the same principle, a cube with 6 images that correspond to each side "front, back, up, down, left, right".
You have to generate a cubemap to have a skybox object, young padawan.
From the Unity Manual:
A Cubemap is a collection of six square textures that represent the reflections on an environment. The six squares form the faces of an imaginary cube that surrounds an object; each face represents the view along the directions of the world axes (up, down, left, right, forward and back).
Cubemaps are often used to capture reflections or “surroundings” of objects; for example skyboxes and environment reflections often use cubemaps.

How to achieve Terraria/Starbound 2d lighting?

I am making a 2d game in the perspective of Terraria/Starbound. I want the lighting to look similar to this:
Ive tried to get lighting like this by adding a material on all the sprites in my game and then giving them a sprite diffuse shader. Then I made a point light wherever I needed light. There where two problems with this though: 1) Where the light was most intense, it was draining the color of a sprite and made it lighter. 2) I noticed a big FPS drop (And I only had 1 point light!).
Is there any way of achieving lighting like this without having to write my own lighting engine? Ive search the asset store and Ive searched to see if unity has any way of handing 2D lighting from this angle but I have found nothing.
If I do have to write my own lighting engine, would that be to complex for someone who is relatively new to unity and has only had ~ 8 months experience?
Assume you are using tile map.
You need to have a field of view map, which can be achieved by reading this: http://www.redblobgames.com/articles/visibility/
Using such map, you know exactly the color tinting for each tile. Now, just blend the color to the SpriteRenderer of every tile on the map.
Somebody already created a line of sight plugin:
Here's my hacky solution on GitHub
There's 2 cameras.
Empty tiles on the tilemap are filled in with white blocks (only one camera renders this)
A gaussian blur is applied to the camera rendering the white blocks
Then, blend the two cameras, darkening everything not covered by the white blur.
You can adjust the "light" penetration by changing the white tile's sprite's Pixels Per Unit.

Unity3d: Texture viewable from inside object?

I am trying to make a globe around the camera so that everywhere the camera views it is surrounded by the texture placed on the globe.
I have been able to achieve the exact effect i am after by setting the shader of the sphere to Particles/Alpha Blended, and putting the camera inside the sphere. This way I have the camera inside a sphere object and all around it is the texture.
My problem though is this. I want to use a chroma key shader (to remove all occurances of a color) on the globe object. This means the shader is not set to Particles/Alpha Blended. And from inside the object the walls of the sphere are not textured.
Can anyone point me in the right direction to how i could achieve the effect i am after. I have a few ideas, however im not sure how to go about it. Im thinking i could:
1) Edit the chroma key shader to work in the same way as a Particles/Alpha Blended shader would (I have no experience in shader coding, or anything of the sort) 2) Use a hollow sphere, rather than the solid one unity creates (Im not sure where i would get that) 3) Use a different object all together that just renders a texture in a sphere shape, without it being a fully solid object (Im not sure if such a thing exists)
Any help would be greatly appreciated, I have searched the forums and cannot find what i am looking for.