Insomnia failing with Maximum call stack size exceeded when importing the swagger json - insomnia

I am having swagger ui for my application and when I try to import the same to insomnia rest client I am getting Maximum call stack size exceeded error.Refer this Image

This is still an open issue. You can track progress here.


Flutter - Getx issue with rest API requests

I have a problem with my project it doesn't happen a lot but it's very annoying, When a user call request for example (x) it could happen 1 time out of 10 and I don't know why this could happen and I caught the error it returns connection closed before full header was received.
I attached an image that illustrates my app cycle between the view - controller - rest API request.
Anyone can help me, please.
My Architecture

Optimisation of React-Native app memory while fetching Data from network

I am working with a React-Native app and i have some FlatList Component inside it and it is using round bout 100MB of memory but the problem i am facing is when i make some network request and after getting response from network request it start using memory of near about 500MB but according to PostMan this service response size is 18.66KB I also have implemented pagination so when FlatList's scroll finishes i make another call but this time memory is not increasing rapidly as it was increasing previously.
I am using Redux-saga for state management and i also disptach and action in componentWillUnMount to clear the state of redux but app memory not clearing it at all.
and here is post man response time and size

java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException: Request timed out to in gatling

Hi i'm running concurrent users 200 over 200 seconds, when I execute same script after 2-3 sets I'm getting this error do i need to do some settings in gatling for example shareConnections in conf file or its because server is not able to respond to more request.
class LoginandLogout extends Simulation {
val scn = scenario("LoginandLogout")
setUp(scn.inject(rampUsers(200) over (200 seconds))).protocols(CommonSteps.httpProtocol)
I'm using gatling 2.0.0-RC5 scala 2.10.2
Why blame the messenger? If you have a request timeout, that's your SUT's fault. Load testing is not about trying to tweak the injector to get the best possible figures, but to find out possible performance issues. You've just found one.
Using shareConnections makes sense when you're trying to simulated Web API clients (like a program calling a SOAP or RESTful webservice). It doesn't if you're trying to simulate web browsers.
I'm using gatling 2.0.0-RC5 scala 2.10.2
You really should upgrade! Just check the release notes since then, if you're not convinced.

Facebook graph API suddenly going very slow

I'm not really sure what's going on, but today I've noticed that the facebook api is working extremely slow for me.
At first I though it was a bug in my code, but I tried the Graph API Explorer, and even that's causing timeout errors half the time (just using /me):
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 504 (Server timeout)
I don't think its my internet connection, since everything else seems to be working quickly, and is giving me good results.
Is my problem somehow fixable or is this just some sort of freak occurance?
Has this happened for anyone else?
Do I need to consider the case that it will take exceedingly long in my application to recieve a response?
I currently have a registration page that waits for a FB.api response (with a spinner gif) before displaying the form. I could use a timeout to wait a few seconds and show it if the api doesn't respond, but I'd really rather not have to use this same sort of logic in every api call that my application depends on...
EDIT: its spontaneously fixed itself now. still no clue what happened.
You can check facebook api live status with this URL
today at 11:13pm: API issues We're currently experiencing a problem
that may result in high API latency and timeouts. We are working on a
fix now.

HTTP Request process line by line

I have an iOS app that I'm migrating from the very slow and clunky SOAP to a custom data format (basically CSV with some extra bits).
My priority is getting initial data to the client as quickly as possible while letting it still load more in the background. The server side is written to continuously flush data instead of caching the response.
So I'd like to parse out every line as they arrive at the client, instead of waiting for the full response.
If I view it in a browser I get progressive loading. However, using MKNetworkKit or ASIHTTPRequest or similar, I'm only able to get the full response which takes several seconds longer.
Does anyone know what the best options could be?
NSURLconnection can do what you want. You set the delegate and use -connection:didWriteData:totalBytesWritten:expectedTotalBytes: callback to read in a chunk of the data as it's downloading.
It will be up to you to properly handle splitting up the lines and handling chunks containing partial lines.