Flink : DataStream to Table - apache-kafka

Usecase: Read protobuf messages from Kafka, deserialize them, apply some transformation (flatten out some columns), and write to dynamodb.
Unfortunately, Kafka Flink Connector only supports - csv, json and avro formats. So, I had to use lower level APIs (datastream).
Problem: If I can create a table out of the datastream object, then I can accept a query to run on that table. It would make the transformation part seamless and generic. Is it possible to run a SQL query over datastream object?

If You have a DataStream of objects, then You can simply register given DataStream as Table using StreamTableEnvironment.
This would look more or less like below:
val myStream = ...
val env: StreamExecutionEnvironment = configureFlinkEnv(StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment)
val tEnv: StreamTableEnvironment = StreamTableEnvironment.create(env)
tEnv.registerDataStream("myTable", myStream, [Field expressions])
Then You should be able to query the dynamic table created from Your DataStream.


Glue avro schema registry with flink and kafka for any object

I am trying to registry and serialize an abject with flink, kafka, glue and avro. I've seen this method which I'm trying.
Schema schema = parser.parse(new File("path/to/avro/file"));
GlueSchemaRegistryAvroSerializationSchema<GenericRecord> test= GlueSchemaRegistryAvroSerializationSchema.forGeneric(schema, topic, configs);
FlinkKafkaProducer<GenericRecord> producer = new FlinkKafkaProducer<GenericRecord>(
My problem is that this system doesn't allow to include an object different than GenericRecord, the object that I want to send is another and is very big. So big that is too complex to transform to GenericRecord.
I don't find too much documentation. How can I send an object different than GenericRecord, or any way to include my object inside GenericRecord?
I'm not sure if I understand correctly, but basically the GlueSchemaRegistryAvroSerializationSchema has another method called forSpecific that accepts SpecificRecord. So, You can use avro generation plugin for Your build tool depending on what You use (e.g. for sbt here) that will generate classes from Your avro schema that can then be passed to forSpecific method.

using existing kafka topic with avro in ksqldb

suppose i have a topic, lets say 'some_topic'. data in this topic is serialized with avro using schema registry.
schema subject name is the same as the name of the topic - 'some_topic', without '-value' postfix
what i want to do is to create a new topic, lets say 'some_topic_new', where data will be serialized with the same schema, but some fields will be 'nullified'
i'm trying to evaluate if this could be done using ksqldb and have two questions:
is it possible to create stream/table based on existing topic and using existing schema?
maybe something like create table some_topic (*) with (schema_subject=some_topic, ...).
so fields for new table would be taken from existing schema automatically
could creating of new schema with '-value' postfix be avoided when creating new stream/table?
When you create a stream in ksqlDB based on another you can have it inherit the schema. Note that it won't share the same schema though, but the definition will be the same.
CREATE STREAM my_stream_new
SELECT * FROM my_stream;

Serializing generic avro records as an Array[Byte] keeps the schema in the object

I'm currently writing a consumer/producer using AVRO and a schema repository.
From what I gather My options for serializing this data is either use the Confluent's avro serializer, or go with Twitter's Bijection.
It seemed Bijection looked the most straightforward.
So I want to produce date in the following format ProducerRecord[String,Array[Byte]], this comes down to [some string ID, serialized GenericRecord]
(note: I'm going for Generic records as this codebase has to handle thousands of schema's that get parsed from Json/csv/...)
The whole reason I serialize and use AVRO, is that you don't need to have a schema in the data itself (like you would with Json/XML/...).
When checking the data in the topic however, I see the whole scheme is contained together with the data. Am I doing something fundamentally wrong, is this by design, or should I use the confluent serializer instead?
def jsonStringToAvro(jString: String, schema: Schema): GenericRecord = {
val converter = new JsonAvroConverter
val genericRecord = converter.convertToGenericDataRecord(jString.replaceAll("\\\\/","_").getBytes(), schema)
def serializeAsByteArray(avroRecord: GenericRecord): Array[Byte] = {
//val genericRecordInjection = GenericAvroCodecs.toBinary(avroRecord.getSchema)
val r: Array[Byte] = GenericAvroCodecs.toBinary(avroRecord.getSchema).apply(avroRecord)
//schema comes from a rest call to the schema repository
new ProducerRecord[String, Array[Byte]](topic, myStringKeyGoesHere, serializeAsByteArray(jsonStringToAvro(jsonObjectAsStringGoesHere, schema)))
producer.send(producerRecord, new Callback {...})
If you look at the Confluent source code , you'll see that order of operations for interacting with a schema repository are
Take the schema from the Avro record, and compute its ID. Ideally POST-ing the Schema to the repository, or otherwise hashing it should give you an ID.
Allocate a ByteBuffer
Write the returned ID to the buffer
Write the Avro object value (excluding the schema) as bytes into the buffer
Send that byte buffer to Kafka
Presently, your Bijection usage will include the schema in the bytes, not replace it with an ID

How to find out Avro schema from binary data that comes in via Spark Streaming?

I set up a Spark-Streaming pipeline that gets measuring data via Kafka. This data was serialized using Avro. The data can be of two types - EquidistantData and DiscreteData. I created these using an avdl file and the sbt-avrohugger plugin. I use the variant that generates Scala case classes that inherit from SpecificRecord.
In my receiving application, I can get the two schemas by querying EquidistantData.SCHEMA$ and DiscreteData.SCHEMA$.
Now, my Kafka stream gives me RDDs whose value class is Array[Byte]. So far so good.
How can I find out from the byte array which schema was used when serializing it, i.e., whether to use EquidistantData.SCHEMA$ or DiscreteData.SCHEMA$?
I thought of sending an appropriate info in the message key. Currently, I don't use the message key. Would this be a feasible way or can I get the schema somehow from the serialized byte array I received?
Another possibility would be to use separate topics for discrete and equidistant data. Would this be feasible?

Storm- Routing bolt to get schema from the kafka spout

Storm - Conditionally consuming stream from kafka spout?
How do i get the schema of the data inside the Split Bolt when I try to output it using the declareOutputFields().
Fields schema = new Fields(?)
How do i get the schema of the all the fields in the data inside this bolt without basically reparsing all the data and recreating it?
You need to know the schema beforehand, ie, before you process the first tuples. The method declareOutputFields() is called during deployment before the first call to execute().
Storm cannot handle a variable schema. If you have JSON data with unknown structure, you could declare new Fields("json") and put the whole JSON object into a single field.