Keycloak - read-only user attributes - keycloak

I want to keep some information in Keycloak as custom user attributes.
Some of them should be managed by the user itself. Other attributes should be managed only by a Keycloak administrator. Attributes managed by the administrator should be read-only visible in the "Edit account" web page for the user.
I went through the guide to add custom user attributes in this page and customized the "Edit account" web page.
My question is:
Is it ensured that the user cannot change the attribute that is meant as read-only for the user? E.g. by submitting a form where he/she sends correct data that will be automatically mapped on the server side to the user attribute.

For what you've said, it seems that you have three choices.
One would be to keep the keycloak "Edit Account" page and use an update profile listener to check what attributes are stored or which ones are updated by who, something like this:
public class UpdateProfile implements RequiredActionProvider, RequiredActionFactory, DisplayTypeRequiredActionFactory {
public InitiatedActionSupport initiatedActionSupport() {
return InitiatedActionSupport.SUPPORTED;
public void evaluateTriggers(RequiredActionContext context) {
public void requiredActionChallenge(RequiredActionContext context) {
Response challenge = context.form()
// Check the custom attribute 1 not being modified by the user
public void processAction(RequiredActionContext context) {
EventBuilder event = context.getEvent();
MultivaluedMap<String, String> formData = context.getHttpRequest().getDecodedFormParameters();
UserModel user = context.getUser();
KeycloakSession session = context.getSession();
RealmModel realm = context.getRealm();
String newYourCustomAttribute1 = formData.getFirst("yourCustomAttribute1");
String oldYourCustomAttribute1 = user.getFirstAttribute("yourCustomAttribute1")
if (!newYourCustomAttribute1.equals(oldYourCustomAttribute1)) {
Response challenge = context.form()
.setError("User cannot change the attribute")
public void close() {
public RequiredActionProvider create(KeycloakSession session) {
return this;
public RequiredActionProvider createDisplay(KeycloakSession session, String displayType) {
if (displayType == null) return this;
if (!OAuth2Constants.DISPLAY_CONSOLE.equalsIgnoreCase(displayType)) return null;
return ConsoleUpdateProfile.SINGLETON;
public void init(Config.Scope config) {
public void postInit(KeycloakSessionFactory factory) {
public String getDisplayText() {
return "Update Profile";
public String getId() {
What I don't know is if this listener will be called when you update the profile from your client application too. If it gets called, you'll need to check which is the logged in client, if it's the public client do not let update the attributes, if it's your service client, let it.
The second one would be to only let your service client update the user profiles and make a custom view in your application which sends a form POST to your client, instead of to keycloak directly. This way you can validate it in the service before sending it to keycloak.
The third one is to implement a FormAction interface, which would allow you to validate the incoming form at server side:
The core interface you have to implement is the FormAction interface. A FormAction is responsible for rendering and processing a portion of the page. Rendering is done in the buildPage() method, validation is done in the validate() method, post validation operations are done in success().
public void validate(ValidationContext context) {
MultivaluedMap<String, String> formData = context.getHttpRequest().getDecodedFormParameters();
UserModel user = context.getUser();
KeycloakSession session = context.getSession();
RealmModel realm = context.getRealm();
String newYourCustomAttribute1 = formData.getFirst("yourCustomAttribute1");
String oldYourCustomAttribute1 = user.getFirstAttribute("yourCustomAttribute1")
if (!newYourCustomAttribute1.equals(oldYourCustomAttribute1)) {
Response challenge = context.form()
.setError("User cannot change the attribute")

perform an update to version 12.0.4.
There were some issues < 12.0.4 with dropping all attributes if user updates his profile.
Additionally with 12.0.4 you can create user- and admin-read only attributes.
Check documentation:


Setting a User Attribute in Event Listener SPI - Keycloak

I'm trying to set a user's attribute after they register in my custom Keycloak extension. My event listener implementation looks as follows:
public class EventListener implements EventListenerProvider {
private final KeycloakSession session;
public EventListener(KeycloakSession session) {
this.session = session;
public void onEvent(Event event) {
if (event.getType() != EventType.REGISTER)
RealmModel realm = session.realms().getRealm(event.getRealmId());
UserModel user = session.users().getUserById(realm, event.getUserId());
user.setSingleAttribute("hello", "world");
public void onEvent(AdminEvent event, boolean includeRepresentation) {
public void close() {
My extension is recognized by Keycloak and successfully triggers onEvent() when an event occurs (hence why I didn't include the factory class).
However, the attribute isn't added to the user. How do I actually persist the changes to the user?
While searching for a solution to the above, I came across this discussion of a very similar issue. Extending RegistrationUserCreation instead of EventListenerProvider and using the solution given by #dvlpphb did actually manage to solve my problem; however, the solution only worked when overriding the RegistrationUserCreation's validate() method, which is called every time the user attempts to register.
If anyone knows a way to set a user attribute without EventListenerProvider through RegistrationUserCreation's success() callback, that would also solve my issue.
Thank you!

Keycloak OTP for read only federated users

I have implemented a custom user storage provider for federating users from our database.
I want to manage OTP for those users via keycloak, when I set the OTP to required in the flow and Configure OTP as required action the otp form is shown after federated user login, but when I try to setup the OTP I receive the error user is read only for this update.
How can I allow read only federated users to allow OTP configuration via keycloak?
2022-01-31 17:00:12,704 ERROR [] (default task-669) Uncaught server error: user is read only for this update
at org.keycloak.keycloak-server-spi#15.1.1//
at org.keycloak.keycloak-services#15.1.1//
at org.keycloak.keycloak-services#15.1.1//
the user adapter is
public class UserAdminAdapter extends AbstractUserAdapter {
private final CustomUser user;
public UserAdminAdapter(
KeycloakSession session,
RealmModel realm,
ComponentModel storageProviderModel,
CustomUser user) {
super(session, realm, storageProviderModel);
this.user = user;
public String getUsername() {
return user.getUsername();
public Stream<String> getAttributeStream(String name) {
Map<String, List<String>> attributes = getAttributes();
return (attributes.containsKey(name)) ? attributes.get(name).stream() : Stream.empty();
protected Set<GroupModel> getGroupsInternal() {
if (user.getGroups() != null) {
return user.getGroups().stream().map(UserGroupModel::new).collect(Collectors.toSet());
return new HashSet<>();
protected Set<RoleModel> getRoleMappingsInternal() {
if (user.getRoles() != null) {
return user.getRoles().stream().map(roleName -> new UserRoleModel(roleName, realm)).collect(Collectors.toSet());
return new HashSet<>();
public boolean isEnabled() {
return user.isEnabled();
public String getId() {
return StorageId.keycloakId(storageProviderModel, user.getUserId() + "");
public String getFirstAttribute(String name) {
List<String> list = getAttributes().getOrDefault(name, Collections.emptyList());
return list.isEmpty() ? null : list.get(0);
public Map<String, List<String>> getAttributes() {
MultivaluedHashMap<String, String> attributes = new MultivaluedHashMap<>();
attributes.add(UserModel.USERNAME, getUsername());
attributes.add(UserModel.EMAIL, getEmail());
attributes.add(UserModel.FIRST_NAME, getFirstName());
attributes.add(UserModel.LAST_NAME, getLastName());
return attributes;
public String getFirstName() {
return user.getFirstName();
public String getLastName() {
return user.getLastName();
public String getEmail() {
return user.getEmail();
The reason is that in your UserAdminAdapter class, you have not implemented the removeRequiredAction and addRequiredAction methods. The message you're receiving is from the default implementation provided by the base class. You should either implement these methods yourself and store the required actions in your underlying storage, OR consider extending your class from AbstractUserAdapterFederatedStorage instead which delegates all such functionalities to the internal Keycloak implementation.
FULL OTP support in my external DB
Well, finally after more than a week I got this working with Keycloak 18.0. What do you need to do?, simply, you have to implement each and every step in the authentication workflow:
Create your user storage SPI
Implement Credential Update SPI
Implement a custom Credential Provider SPI
Implement a custom Required Action SPI
Implement your authenticator SPI
Implement your forms (I kinda used the internal OTP forms in KC)
Enable your Required action
Create a copy of the browser workflow and plaster there your authenticator
And what do we get with this?
We get a fully customizable OTP authenticator (realm's policy pending...)
You can use that code for verification in your app (it's in your db)
You can setup users for OTP authentication in your app (no KC admin page involved, so, you can leave the admin page outside the firewall)
In my opinion, this is kinda annoying, since there are a lot of loops we have to make to be able to store our data locally and how to deal with the integrated OTP forms (for a "natural look"), but it gives me full control over my OTP integration, also, I can backup my database and their OTP authentication is still there, so, if I have a failure in a KC upgrade or it gets corrupted, I still have all that data.
Lastly, heres what it should look like when your manager has the custom OTP authentication

Keycloak SPI: Access pasword in getUserByUsername

In Keycloak I implemented a custom UserLookupProvider and a CredentialInputValidator. The legacy system which I want to get connected to keycloak is only able to check if a user exist if I supply the system with the user ID and the password.
Unfortunately I dont have access to the password in the getUserByUsername function. Therefore I cant check if the user exists in the legacy system.
I found this similar question without an answer:
I found an answer:
I've found the idea here How to implement Recaptcha on keycloak login page (
I created a UserNamePasswordForm
public class RecaptchaUsernamePasswordForm extends UsernamePasswordForm implements Authenticator{
protected Response createLoginForm( LoginFormsProvider form ) {
return super.createLoginForm( form );
public void authenticate(AuthenticationFlowContext context) {
public void action(AuthenticationFlowContext context) {
context.getSession().setAttribute("password", context.getHttpRequest().getDecodedFormParameters().get("password").get(0));
I can access the password now everywhere:
public UserModel getUserByUsername(String username, RealmModel realm) {
if (isAuthenticatedInUls(username,session.getAttribute("password"))) {
return migrate(username, username, realm);
return null;

Pushing data from one user to another in Vaadin web app

I get the fact that it might take more than 10 lines of code (hopefully not more than 50), but I was wondering if you could help me anyway.
I'm trying to update one user's UI thread at runtime, based on another user's input. I've created a basic project which implements three predefined users (jim, tom and threeskin). I'd like to send a message from jim to tom and have it appear as a new Label object in tom's UI, without threeskin ever knowing about it, even though they're all logged in. Oh, and jim shouldn't have to refresh his page. The label should just spawn on screen out of it's own accord.
To say that I'd appreciate some help would be the understatement of the decade.
public class User {
public String nume;
public User(String nume) {
this.nume = nume;
public class Engine implements ServletContextListener {
public static ArrayList<User>userbase;
public void contextDestroyed(ServletContextEvent arg0) { }
public void contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent arg0) {
System.out.println("This code is running at startup");
userbase =new ArrayList<User>();
userbase.add(new User("jim"));userbase.add(new User("tom"));userbase.add(new User("threeskin"));
public class InfigeUI extends UI {
User us3r;
#WebServlet(value = "/*", asyncSupported = true)
#VaadinServletConfiguration(productionMode = false, ui = InfigeUI.class)
public static class Servlet extends VaadinServlet {}
protected void init(VaadinRequest request) {
VerticalLayout everything=new VerticalLayout();
if (us3r==null){everything.addComponent(auth());}else{everything.addComponent(main());}
ComponentContainer auth(){
final VerticalLayout layout = new VerticalLayout();
TextField userField=new TextField();
Button login = new Button("Log in");
login.addClickListener(new Button.ClickListener() {
public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) {
if (us3r!=null){
saveValue(InfigeUI.this, us3r);
}else{"I only know jim, tom and threeskin. Which one are you?");}}
return layout;
User login(String nume){
for (int i=0;i<Engine.userbase.size();i++){
if (nume.equals(Engine.userbase.get(i).nume)){return Engine.userbase.get(i);}
return null;
static void saveValue(InfigeUI ui,User value){
ui.getSession().setAttribute("something", value);
VaadinService.getCurrentRequest().getWrappedSession().setAttribute("something", value);
ComponentContainer main(){
VerticalLayout vl=new VerticalLayout();
Label label=new Label("This is the post-login screen");
String name=new String(us3r.nume);
Label eticheta=new Label(name);
TextField to=new TextField("Send to");
TextField message=new TextField("Message");
Button sendNow=new Button("Send now!");
return vl ;
Basically you want three things
UI updates for a user which does no action himself, or in other words a message sent from the server to the browser. To enable this, you need to annotate the UI class using #Push. Otherwise, the update will only be shown when the user does something which causes a server visit, e.g. clicks a button
Some way of sending messages between UI instances (there is one UI instance per user). You can use some message bus implementation for this (CDI, Spring, ...) or you can make a simple on using a static field (static fields are shared between all users). See e.g. for one way of doing it. It's also a good idea here to avoid all *.getCurrent methods as they in many cases will refer to another UI than you think (e.g. sender when you are in the receiver code), and you will do something else than you intend.
Safely update a UI when a message arrives. This is done using UI.access, also visible in the chat example.
First of all you need to enable the server push on your project help
based on Vaadin Documentation.
However, below code example will give what you want:
Create an Broadcast Listener Interface:
public interface BroadcastListener {
public void receiveBroadcast(final String message);
The Broadcaster Class:
public class Broadcaster {
private static final List<BroadcastListener> listeners = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<BroadcastListener>();
public static void register(BroadcastListener listener) {
public static void unregister(BroadcastListener listener) {
public static void broadcast(final String message) {
for (BroadcastListener listener : listeners) {
Your UI with Push Enalbed (via Annotation):
public class BroadcasterUI extends UI implements BroadcastListener {
protected void init(VaadinRequest request) {
final VerticalLayout layout = new VerticalLayout();
final TextArea message = new TextArea("",
"The system is going down for maintenance in 10 minutes");
final Button button = new Button("Broadcast");
button.addClickListener(new Button.ClickListener() {
public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) {
// Register broadcast listener
public void detach() {
public void receiveBroadcast(final String message) {
access(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
Notification n = new Notification("Message received",
message, Type.TRAY_NOTIFICATION);;
you can find the full link here.

Stripes : RedirectResolution; How can I redirect to specific action event?

I have an action bean in my stripes application. The default handler/method will display a list of data, a list of all my MarketResearch objects
On my JSP, I can click on one to view its details, this takes me to a different JSP with a pre-populated form based on the particular MarketResearch object that you selected.
I have another method on my action bean which is mapped to the save submit button, this takes in what is on the amended form, and persists it. After this has taken place, I want it to redirect back to the form, rather than to the listing (default handler) action, is this possible?
My action is as follows :
public class MarketResearchAction extends BaseAction
ClientService clientService;
private static final String VIEW = "/jsp/marketResearch.jsp";
private Client client;
private Client clientBeforeChanges;
public Client getClient()
return client;
public void setClient(Client client)
this.client = client;
public Resolution viewAll()
return new ForwardResolution(VIEW);
public Resolution viewClientMarketResearch()
if (client.getSector().equals("Education"))
return new ForwardResolution("/jsp/marketResearchEducation.jsp");
} else if (client.getSector().equals("Local Government"))
return new ForwardResolution("/jsp/marketResearchLocalGovernment.jsp");
} else if (client.getSector().equals("Housing Association"))
return new ForwardResolution("/jsp/marketResearchHousing.jsp");
return new ForwardResolution("/jsp/viewClientMarketResearch.jsp");
public Resolution save()
clientBeforeChanges = clientService.getClientById(client.getId());
getContext().getMessages().add(new SimpleMessage("{0} updated", client.getName()));
return new RedirectResolution("/MarketResearch.action").flash(this);
public Client getClientBeforeChanges()
return clientBeforeChanges;
public void setClientBeforeChanges(Client clientBeforeChanges)
this.clientBeforeChanges = clientBeforeChanges;
public ClientService getClientService()
return clientService;
public void setClientService(ClientService clientService)
this.clientService = clientService;
Is it possible? Or am I approaching the situation from a bad angle and should re-factor?
Yes. You could return a RedirectResolution to the form jsp. If you're having difficulty with the parameters, if you have them in the save() method, you could do like so:
return new RedirectResolution("/theJsp.jsp")
.addParameter("one", one)
.addParameter("two", two)
.addParameter("three", three)
If you don't have the params that were passed to the form, you'll have to keep them going somehow. You could pass the MarketResearch object through the form so you'd have it there.
<stripes:hidden name="marketResearch" value="${ActionBean.marketResearch}"/>
And add the requisite instance variable/getter/setter on your MarketResearchActionBean.