I want to validate if given email address is exists in paypal? I need to verify if the paypal email they provided me exists or not? - paypal

I want to give payments to my customers, for that purpose I am getting their email, I want to verify is that email address exists in paypal or not!
I searched and found payment identity API which I tried but that only provides me my data! Here is the LINK of that API.
I have also found Adaptive payment get verified status API but it is depreciated. Here is its Link.
Also found this link https://www.paypal.com/us/verified/pal=emailaddress to verify, but it doesn't work also! I got it from paypal Community Question.
Anyone here who can help me out this issue! Or if any one can help me in Connect With Paypal I am stuck on 6th step! This would also be used!

This is generally an unnecessary thing to implement.
But if you really must have this feature, you can indeed use Connect with PayPal, formerly known as Log in with PayPal).
Your question mentions being stuck but does not provide any technical detail about your problem or what you have tried so far.

If you have the paypal user's email address, you could check if there is a Paypal avatar associated with it, if not, it's not a valid paypal email account.
With the AvatarAPI service, using the "Paypal" provider, you send a HTTP post to https://avatarapi.com/v2/api.aspx request of
"username" : "##username##",
"password" : "###password##",
"email" : "#PAYPAL-EMAIL-ADDRESS##",
"provider" : "Paypal"
and if you get a response such as
"Name": "Whatever Company Ltd",
"Image": "https://pics.paypal.com/00/s/YTUwMmE3NDMtNDQ5Yi00ZDEyLThmZDktYmZmOTI0ZjM0Njcw/file_26.PNG",
"Valid": true,
"City": "",
"Country": "",
"IsDefault": true
then it's valid, or this if it's invalid:
"success": false,
"error": "Nothing found"


Why is PayPal REST api pay by credit card option showing on desktop, not showing on mobile?

After a lot of digging around I have finally managed to get something working with the PayPal REST API, the documentation is awfully confusing.
I'm creating a C#/MAUI mobile app where I need to take payments.
Anyway, I managed to get the PayPal API it to create this URL, below (I can simulate the same thing using Postman)
Get an access token (access_token) using the REST API
POST to https://api-m.sandbox.paypal.com/v2/checkout/orders/ this payload
"intent": "CAPTURE",
"purchase_units": [
"reference_id": "d9f80740-38f0-11e8-b467-0ed5f89f718b",
"amount": {
"currency_code": "USD",
"value": "100.00"
The returned payload gives me this json. There are other kinks in the returned payload but this is the one I need.
"href": "https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/checkoutnow?token=XXXXXXXXXX",
"rel": "approve",
"method": "GET"
Using that URL, on a desktop PC browser I get the option to log-in or "pay by debit or credit-card" but on mobile browser I only get the option to create an account or log-in to an existing account, using that exact same URL.
Does, anybody know whats going on here? How do I get the same options in a mobile browser. I can't find anything in the documentation that explains this behaviour.
Guest availability in the paypal.com checkout depends on very many factors, including the IP address and geographic location of the buyer, the amount of the transaction, the device used, and any number of other things. Other than disabling guest as a possibility in your account options, you cannot control this behavior of the PayPal page.
A 'Debit or Credit Card' button on your own page can be added using the JS SDK for approval, rather than redirecting away. Here is a demo, which would fetch the created order id/token from your server.

Google Play Developer API purchases.subscriptions doesn't return emailAddress field

I'm integrating with Google Play Developer API (https://developers.google.com/android-publisher). To be more specific I'm trying to get informations about a specific subscription (https://developers.google.com/android-publisher/api-ref/rest/v3/purchases.subscriptions/get).
Well I'm already getting informations about a subscription with the subscriptionId and purchaseToken. The problem is that some fields are not being returned in response. One of these field is emailAddress that importante for my usage context. I'm getting a response like the one shown below.
"startTimeMillis": "1631112305355",
"expiryTimeMillis": "1638981894973",
"autoRenewing": true,
"priceCurrencyCode": "BRL",
"priceAmountMicros": "39990000",
"countryCode": "BR",
"developerPayload": "",
"paymentState": 1,
"orderId": "GPA.9999-5849-9341-89139",
"acknowledgementState": 1,
"kind": "androidpublisher#subscriptionPurchase"
From the docs about emailAddress we have The email address of the user when the subscription was purchased. Only present for purchases made with 'Subscribe with Google'.
But what is Subscribe with Google? Isn't Google Play Billing in this category? My purchases are made on an Android mobile app with Play Billing.
Thanks any help.
Subscribe with Google is a completely different thing that Google offers or at least used to offer, these are not normal subscriptions, for normal subs you do not get the users email.
Subscribe with Google lets you buy a subscription, using your Google
account, on participating news sites. Select the publisher offer you’d
like to buy, click “Subscribe,” and you’re done. You’ll automatically
be signed in to the site, and you can pay–securely and privately—with
any credit card you’ve used with Google in the past.

How to send Message object with Box.com's Collaborate Rest API Call?

I am trying to attach message object to "Create Collaboration" API Call. I am able to successfully invite a user to collaborate and the user receives the email but don't see the message in the invite email. My sample request below:
{"item": { "id": "5497784333", "type": "folder" }, "message": "This is a test message", "accessible_by": { "login": "johnxxx#gmail.com", "type": "user" }, "role": "editor"}
There is no documentation in the create collaboration API, but the BOX Web Application somehow accepts message and displays in the email. Could someone please help to determine if there is a way to send message object in the Rest API Call?
Thank everyone in advance.
Adding a message to the collaboration email invite is not currently supported through the Create Collaboration API.

Phone Number, Validation, and Dwolla

I'm integrating Dwolla into my website/app. I want to pay users from my bank account programatically for writing content on my site.
If I understand correctly, if users give me their phone number or email address, I can use the send() method and they will be able to complete the process with Dwolla.
My question is: do I need to validate the phone number users give me? Or will Dwolla do that? What format does it need to be in when I send it to Dwolla?
Also, will they be getting a text message on their phone with a link to register/log in to Dwolla? Just making sure. It'd be nice to see a walkthrough of the user experience somehow both from an email and a phone number.
Great question!
Phone numbers
Phone numbers should be provided as a string of 10 digits.
When you supply a phone number that is invalid (due to an invalid format, it not existing, or being unreachable) this will happen:
"destinationId": "0000000000",
"destinationType": "Phone"
"Success": false,
"Message": "Unexpected exception",
"Response": null
As you can see, the request will fail with Success flagged to false and no funds will be sent. What probably stands out here is that the current failure message is quite unhelpful -- this is on our to do list of things to be fixed. When it's fixed, we'll add the new error messages to the Error Codes table on the documentation page.
Since I don't know how granular the error codes will be (we may just return "Invalid phone number."), you may want to handle the validation on your end if you are looking to catch specific errors such as an invalid area code or a number with 14 digits.
User Experience
The recipient will receive, via text message or email, an invitation to register a Dwolla account in order to claim their funds. Here's are examples of both:
"You've received money from Gordon Zheng! Claim at dwolla.com/phone. Your code: 99999"
As soon as the user is finished creating and verifying their account, the funds will immediately be available. It's important that the user creates the account with the exact same phone number or email they received the payment with.

Embedded PayPal Login Button

I am trying to add a PayPal login button to my site based on https://developer.paypal.com/webapps/developer/docs/classic/loginwithpaypal/integration/. Currently, I am using PayPal sandbox therefore I use the static AppID "APP-80W284485P519543T" (https://www.x.com/developers/paypal/documentation-tools/quick-start-guides/paypal-apis-getting-started-guide).
The following is my JavaScript code
<script src="https://www.paypalobjects.com/js/external/api.js"></script>
paypal.use( ["login"], function(login) {
login.render ({
"appid": "APP-80W284485P519543T",
"authend": "https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/",
"scopes": "profile email address phone https://uri.paypal.com/services/paypalattributes",
"containerid": "myContainer",
"locale": "en-us",
"returnurl": "http://localhost:3000/"
When I run it, I got the error "Relying Party Validation error: client_id provided in the request does not match any of the registered clients. Please check the request."
Any idea why and how to fix it?
Thank you in advance for the help!
This happened to me.
Create a seller in sandbox.
go to the profile of the seller and check the client id under Log In with PayPal credentials, use it as your appid. I also used only "sandbox" as value of "authend"
The funny thing is that Log In with PayPal credentials not appeared to me until I had made the steps bellow and checked the profile again, I really dont know why:
login to www.sandbox.paypal.com with the creted seller accont
go to:
profile->Request API credentials
Option 1 - PayPal API
Set up PayPal API credentials and permissions
Option 2 - Request API credentials to create your own API username and password.
Also, it only started working when I created a fake app in production...
The new sandbox still a beta...
let me know if it worked.
you have to provide valid client_id as in the
the login with PayPal button is sending to below URI which contains client_id