kubernetes do not schedule anything unless specified - kubernetes

kubernetes do not schedule anything to node unless specified
I am adding a node to the cluster. But i don't want pods to scheduled to it. I only want the services which are specified to run on this to be scheduled.

You can add a taint to the node and add toleration for the taint in pod spec for pods which you want to be scheduled in that node.


Why do we need PodDisruptionBudget on AKS?

I am going to implement PDB on AKS. Can someone please tell me why do we need it when we can use node autoscaler.
Also, does PDB allow zero unavailability by creating a node when one of the nodes fails?
PDB allows you to set rules before evicting your pods from a node.
Let's say you have a 2 nodes cluster and a deployment with 1 replica and you want to update your nodes.
kubectl drain will cordon node 1 so no pods can be schedule on that node
kubectl drain will remove the pod schedule on node 1
kubelet will then deploy your pod over node 2
Now if you set a PDB with a minAvailable: 50%, that drain command would fail as it would violates the rule.
The pods is killed and then kubelet tries to schedule it somewhere.
PDB allows you to prevent downtime by budgeting pods before evicting them.
Scenario without PDB
You perform node 1 update and node 2 cannot host the evicted pod :
pod is killed on node 1
kubelet cannot schedule pod anywhere
autoscaling provisions a third node
pod is scheduled on that new node
During that whole time your evicted pod was not running anywhere and your application was down.

Kubernetes - Enable automatic pod rescheduling on taint/toleration

In the following scenario:
Pod X has a toleration for a taint
However node A with such taint does not exists
Pod X get scheduled on a different node B in the meantime
Node A with the proper taint becomes Ready
Here, Kubernetes does not trigger an automatic rescheduling of the pod X on node A as it is properly running on node B. Is there a way to enable that automatic rescheduling to node A?
Natively, probably not, unless you:
change the taint of nodeB to NoExecute (it probably already was set) :
NoExecute - the pod will be evicted from the node (if it is already running on the node), and will not be scheduled onto the node (if it is not yet running on the node).
update the toleration of the pod
That is:
You can put multiple taints on the same node and multiple tolerations on the same pod.
The way Kubernetes processes multiple taints and tolerations is like a filter: start with all of a node’s taints, then ignore the ones for which the pod has a matching toleration; the remaining un-ignored taints have the indicated effects on the pod. In particular,
if there is at least one un-ignored taint with effect NoSchedule then Kubernetes will not schedule the pod onto that node
If that is not possible, then using Node Affinity could help (but that differs from taints)

How do I debug kubernetes scheduling?

I have added podAntiAffinity to my DeploymentConfig template.
However, pods are being scheduled on nodes that I expected would be excluded by the rules.
How can I view logs of the kubernetes scheduler to understand why it chose the node it did for a given pod?
PodAntiAffinity has more to do with other pods than nodes specifically. That is, PodAntiAffinity specifies which nodes to exclude based on what pods are already scheduled on that node. And even here you can make it a requirement vs. just a preference. To directly pick the node on which a pod is/is not scheduled, you want to use NodeAffinity. The guide.

Can podaffinity schedule two pods to run on the same node?

Both pods are scheduled on same node with podaffinity, each pod on a different namespace. Once I try to deploy both of them on same namespace, podaffinity fails, and one one pod is running while the other one remains pending with podaffinity error.
From your comment, I suspect that you have a label collision that is only apparent when you try to run the pods in the same namespace.
Take a look at your nodeSelectorTerms and matchExpressions
From the docs:
If you specify multiple matchExpressions associated with nodeSelectorTerms, then the pod can be scheduled onto a node only if all matchExpressions can be satisfied.

Kubernetes: Deploy daemon set to all nodes except for master node

I have kubernetes running on version 1.5 with two nodes and one master nodes. I would like to deploy fluentd as a daemon set onto all nodes, but the master node (the master node spams warning messages as it can't find logs). How can I avoid deploying to the master node?
So to make a pod not schedule on a master node you need to add the following
kubernetes.io/role: node
This will make the pod schedule on only nodes. The above example shows the default label for node in kops provisioned cluster. Please very the key value if you have have provisioned the cluster from a different provider
You can use a label for your slave nodes and use that label in a selector for the daemon set, which will only deploy on the nodes that have that label.
Inversely, you can define a negative selector to assign the daemon set to pods that don't have a label. In your case, the pod that doesn't have the master's label.
You're looking for the Taints and Tolerations features. Using these you can define that given node in "tainted" in particular way preventing pods scheduling on this node unless they have a toleration matching that taint.