On the consumer-end of a named pipe (FIFO), is there a way to distinguish each item and redirect it to its own processes? - named-pipes

The best I can explain is by example.
Create named pipe: mkfifo pipe
Create 5 text files, a.txt, b.txt, c.txt, d.txt, e.txt (they can hold any contents for this example)
cat [a-e].txt > pipe
Of course, because the pipe is not open at the consumer side, the terminal will seem to be busy.
In another terminal, tail -fn +1 pipe
All content is fed through the pipe (consumed and printed out by tail) as expected.
But instead of simply printing out content consumed, I would like each piped text file to be redirected to a command (5 separate processes) that can only handle one at a time:
Something like python some-script.py < pipe but where it would create 5 different instances (one instance per text file content).
Is there any way for the consumer to differentiate between objects coming in? Or does the data get appended and read all as one stream?

A potential solution that might be generally applicable (looking forward to hearing if there are more efficient alternatives.
First, an example python script that the question describes:
import sys
lines = sys.stdin.readlines()
The goal is for the stream of text coming from the pipe to be differentiable.
An example of the producers:
cat a.txt | echo $(base64 -w 0) | cat > pipe &
cat b.txt | echo $(base64 -w 0) | cat > pipe &
cat c.txt | echo $(base64 -w 0) | cat > pipe &
cat d.txt | echo $(base64 -w 0) | cat > pipe &
cat e.txt | echo $(base64 -w 0) | cat > pipe &
A description of the producers:
cat concatenates entire file and then pipes to echo
echo displays text coming from sub-command $(base64 -w 0) and pipes to cat
base64 -w 0 encodes full file contents into a single line
cat used in this case concatenates the full line before redirecting output to pipe. Without it, the consumer doesn't work properly (try for yourself)
An example of the consumer:
tail -fn +1 pipe | while read line ; do (echo $line | base64 -d | cat | python some-script.py) ; done
A description of the consumer:
tail -fn +1 pipe follows (-f) pipe from the beginning (-n +1) without exiting process and pipes content to read within a while loop
while there are lines to be read (assuming base64 encoded single lines coming from producers), each line is passed to a sub-shell
In each subshell
echo pipes the line to base64 -d (-d stands for decode)
base64 -d pipes the decoded line (which now spans multiple lines potentially) to cat
cat concatenates the lines and pipes it as one to python some-script.py
Finally, the example python script is able to read line by line in exactly the same way as cat example.txt | python some-script.py
The above was useful to me when a host process did not have Docker permissions but could pipe to a FIFO (named pipe) file mounted in as a volume to a container. Potentially multiple instances of the consumer could happen in parallel. I think the above successfully differentiates content coming in so that the isolated process can process content coming in from named pipe.
An example of the Docker command involving pipe symbols, etc:
"bash -c 'tail -fn +1 pipe | while read line ; do (echo $line | base64 -d | cat | python some-script.py) ; done'"


Sed inside a while read loop

I have been reading a lot of questions and answers about using sed within a while loop. I think I have the command down correctly, but I seem to get no output once I put all of the pieces together. Can someone tell me what I am missing?
I have an input file with 700 variables, one on each line. I need to use each of these 700 variables within a sed command. I run the following command to verify variables are outputting correctly:
cat Input_File.txt | while read var; do echo $var; done
I then try to add in the sed command as follows:
cat Input_File.txt | while read var; do sed -n "/$var/,+10p" Multi-BLAST_5814.txt >> Multi_BLAST_Subset; done
This command leaves me without an error, but a blinking cursor as if this is an infinite loop. It should use each of the 700 variables, find the corresponding line in Multi_BLAST_5814.txt and output the search variable line and the 10 lines after the search term into a new file, appending each as it goes. I can execute the sed command alone with a manually set single value variable successfully and I can execute the while loop successfully using the input file. Anyone have a thought as to why this is not working?
User, that is exactly what I have done to this point.
I have a large text file (128 MB) with BLAST output. I need to search through this for a subset of results for 769 samples (Out of the 5814 samples that are in the file).
I have created a .txt file with those 769 sample names.
To test grep and sed, I manually assigned a variable with one of the 769 samples names I need to search and can get the results I need as follows:
$ Otu="S41_Folmer_Otu96;size=12;"
$ grep $Otu -A 10 Multi_BLAST_5814.txt
$ sed -n "/$Otu/,+10p" Multi_BLAST_5814.txt
The OUTPUT is exactly what I want as follows:
Query= S41_Folmer_Otu96;size=12;
Sequences producing significant alignments: Score(Bits) E Value
gi|58397553|gb|AY830431.1| Scopelocheirus schellenbergi clone... 180 1E-41
gi|306447543|gb|HQ018876.1| Liposcelis paeta isolate CZ cytoc... 174 6E-40
gi|306447533|gb|HQ018871.1| Liposcelis decolor isolate CQ cyt... 104 9E-19
gi|1043259532|gb|KX130860.1| Batocera rufomaculata isolate Br... 99 4E-17
gi|987210821|gb|KR141076.1| Psocoptera sp. BOLD:ACO1391 vouch... 81 1E-11
To Test to make sure the input file contains the correct variables I run the following:
$ Cat Input_File.txt
$ while read Otu; do echo $Otu; done <Input_File.txt
... All 769 variables
Again, this is exactly what I expect and is correct.
But, When I do either of the following commands, nothing is printed to the screen (if I leave off the write file/append action) or to the file I need to create.
$ cat Input_File.txt | while read Otu; do grep "$Otu" -A 10 Multi_BLAST_5814.txt >> Multi_BLAST_Subset.txt; done
$ cat Input_File.txt | while read Otu; do sed -n "/$Otu/,+10p" Multi_BLAST_5814.txt >> Multi_BLAST_Subset.txt; done
Sed hangs and never closes, leaving me at a blinking cursor. Grep finishes but also gives no output. I am at a loss as to why this is not working. Everything works inidividually, so I may be left with manually searching all 769 samples copy/paste.
If you have access to GNU grep no need for a sed command, grep "$var" -A 10 will do the same thing and won't break if $var contains the delimiter used in your sed command.
From man grep :
-A NUM, --after-context=NUM
Print NUM lines of trailing context after matching lines.
Places a line containing a group separator (--) between
contiguous groups of matches. With the -o or --only-matching
option, this has no effect and a warning is given.
Not sure whether you have already attempted it but try breaking the problem into smaller chunks. Simple example below :
$ cat Input_File.txt
$ cat file.txt
This is line one
This is line two
This is line three
This is another four
This is another five
This is another six
This is another seven
$ cat Input_File.txt | while read var ; do echo $var ; sed -n "/$var/,+1p" file.txt ; done
This is line one
This is line two
This is line two
This is line three
This is line three
This is another four

Extracting the contents between two different strings using bash or perl

I have tried to scan through the other posts in stack overflow for this, but couldn't get my code work, hence I am posting a new question.
Below is the content of file temp.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<env:Envelope xmlns:env="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/<env:Body><dp:response xmlns:dp="http://www.datapower.com/schemas/management"><dp:timestamp>2015-01-
22T13:38:04Z</dp:timestamp><dp:file name="temporary://test.txt">XJzLXJlc3VsdHMtYWN0aW9uX18i</dp:file><dp:file name="temporary://test1.txt">lc3VsdHMtYWN0aW9uX18i</dp:file></dp:response></env:Body></env:Envelope>
This file contains the base64 encoded contents of two files names test.txt and test1.txt. I want to extract the base64 encoded content of each file to seperate files test.txt and text1.txt respectively.
To achieve this, I have to remove the xml tags around the base64 contents. I am trying below commands to achieve this. However, it is not working as expected.
sed -n '/test.txt"\>/,/\<\/dp:file\>/p' temp | perl -p -e 's#<dp:file name="temporary://test.txt">##g'|perl -p -e 's#</dp:file>##g' > test.txt
sed -n '/test1.txt"\>/,/\<\/dp:file\>/p' temp | perl -p -e 's#<dp:file name="temporary://test1.txt">##g'|perl -p -e 's#</dp:file></dp:response></env:Body></env:Envelope>##g' > test1.txt
Below command:
sed -n '/test.txt"\>/,/\<\/dp:file\>/p' temp | perl -p -e 's#<dp:file name="temporary://test.txt">##g'|perl -p -e 's#</dp:file>##g'
produces output:
<dp:file name="temporary://test1.txt">lc3VsdHMtYWN0aW9uX18i</dp:response> </env:Body></env:Envelope>`
Howeveer, in the output I am expecting only first line XJzLXJlc3VsdHMtYWN0aW9uX18i. Where I am commiting mistake?
When i run below command, I am getting expected output:
sed -n '/test1.txt"\>/,/\<\/dp:file\>/p' temp | perl -p -e 's#<dp:file name="temporary://test1.txt">##g'|perl -p -e 's#</dp:file></dp:response></env:Body></env:Envelope>##g'
It produces below string
I can then easily route this to test1.txt file.
I have edited the question by updating the source file content. The source file doesn't contain any newline character. The current solution will not work in that case, I have tried it and failed. wc -l temp must output to 1.
OS: solaris 10
Shell: bash
sed -n 's_<dp:file name="\([^"]*\)">\([^<]*\).*_\1 -> \2_p' temp
I add \1 -> to show link from file name to content but for content only, just remove this part
posix version so on GNU sed use --posix
assuming that base64 encoded contents is on the same line as the tag around (and not spread on several lines, that need some modification in this case)
Thanks to JID for full explaination below
How it works
sed -n
The -n means no printing so unless explicitly told to print, then there will be no output from sed
This is to substitute the following regex using _ to separate regex from the replacement.
<dp:file name=
Regular text
The brackets are a capture group and must be escaped unless the -r option is used( -r is not available on posix). Everything inside the brackets is captured. [^"]* means 0 or more occurrences of any character that is not a quote. So really this just captures anything between the two quotes.
Again uses the capture group this time to capture everything between the > and <
Everything else on the line
_\1 -> \2
This is the replacement, so replace everything in the regex before with the first capture group then a -> and then the second capture group.
Means print the line
/usr/xpg4/bin/sed works well here.
/usr/bin/sed is not working as expected in case if the file contains just 1 line.
below command works for a file containing only single line.
/usr/xpg4/bin/sed -n 's_<env:Envelope\(.*\)<dp:file name="temporary://BackUpDir/backupmanifest.xml">\([^>]*\)</dp:file>\(.*\)_\2_p' securebackup.xml 2>/dev/null
Without 2>/dev/null this sed command outputs the warning sed: Missing newline at end of file.
This because of the below reason:
Solaris default sed ignores the last line not to break existing scripts because a line was required to be terminated by a new line in the original Unix implementation.
GNU sed has a more relaxed behavior and the POSIX implementation accept the fact but outputs a warning.

Echo or preview text changed using sed -i

Using sed you can easily change text in multiple files, eg:
sed -i 's/cashtestUS/cheque_usd/g' *.xml
The problem is that this has tremendous power, and a complex regular expression could easily have unforeseen consequences.
Is there a simple way to do either:
1) Echo the changes made
2) Run sed in a preview mode, so that the potential changes can be previewed
Run in preview mode without the -i:
sed -e 's/cashtestUS/cheque_usd/g' *.xml
(The -e is not necessary; it just says the next argument is the sed script, or one part of the sed script.) This writes all the output to standard output. You'd probably pipe it through less (or more), or pass it through grep to see that the changed lines were those you expected. Or you might process one file at a time and run a difference:
for file in *.xml
echo "$file"
sed -e 's/cashtestUS/cheque_usd/g' "$file" | diff -u "$file" -
Or …
sed have several 'debug/display action'
= display the current line number
l display the current working buffer content with a $ at the end of the content
i and a could be used to show a trace like i \
Debug trace here
if holding buffer is not used a h;s/.*/Debug Trace here/;g is usefull and does not appear at end of line treatment like ior a
echo "line 1
and two" | sed ':a
=;h;s/.*/Before substitution/;g;l
t a'

sed with filename from pipe

In a folder I have many files with several parameters in filenames, e.g (just with one parameter) file_a1.0.txt, file_a1.2.txt etc.
These are generated by a c++ code and I'd need to take the last one (in time) generated. I don't know a priori what will be the value of this parameter when the code is terminated. After that I need to copy the 2nd line of this last file.
To copy the 2nd line of the any file, I know that this sed command works:
sed -n 2p filename
I know also how to find the last generated file:
ls -rtl file_a*.txt | tail -1
how to combine these two operation? Certainly it is possible to pipe the 2nd operation to that sed operation but I dont know how to include filename from pipe as input to that sed command.
You can use this,
ls -rt1 file_a*.txt | tail -1 | xargs sed -n '2p'
sed -n '2p' `ls -rt1 file_a*.txt | tail -1`
sed -n '2p' $(ls -rt1 file_a*.txt | tail -1)
Typically you can put a command in back ticks to put its output at a particular point in another command - so
sed -n 2p `ls -rt name*.txt | tail -1 `
Alternatively - and preferred, because it is easier to nest etc -
sed -n 2p $(ls -rt name*.txt | tail -1)
-r in ls is reverse order.
-r, --reverse
reverse order while sorting
But it is not good idea when used it with tail -1.
With below change (head -1 without r option in ls), performance will be better, that you needn't wait to list all files then pipe to tail command
sed -n 2p $(ls -t1 name*.txt | head -1 )
I was looking for a similar solution: taking the file names from a pipe of grep results to feed to sed. I've copied my answer here for the search & replace, but perhaps this example can help as it calls sed for each of the names found in the pipe:
this command to simply find all the files:
grep -i -l -r foo ./*
this one to exclude this_shell.sh (in case you put the command in a script called this_shell.sh), tee the output to the console to see what happened, and then use sed on each file name found to replace the text foo with bar:
grep -i -l -r --exclude "this_shell.sh" foo ./* | tee /dev/fd/2 | while read -r x; do sed -b -i 's/foo/bar/gi' "$x"; done
I chose this method, as I didn't like having all the timestamps changed for files not modified. Feeding the grep result allows only the files with target text to be looked at (thus likely may improve performance / speed as well)
be sure to backup your files & test before using. May not work in some environments for files with embedded spaces. (?)
fwiw - I had some problems using the tail method, it seems that the entire dataset was generated before calling tail on just the last item.

Grep data and output to file

I'm attempting to extract data from log files and organise it systematically. I have about 9 log files which are ~100mb each in size.
What I'm trying to do is: Extract multiple chunks from each log file, and for each chunk extracted, I would like to create a new file and save this extracted data to it. Each chunk has a clear start and end point.
Basically, I have made some progress and am able to extract the data I need, however, I've hit a wall in trying to figure out how to create a new file for each matched chunk.
I'm unable to use a programming language like Python or Perl, due to the constraints of my environment. So please excuse the messy command.
My command thus far:
find Logs\ 13Sept/Log_00000000*.log -type f -exec \
sed -n '/LRE Starting chunk/,/LRE Ending chunk/p' {} \; | \
grep -v -A1 -B1 "Starting chunk" > Logs\ 13Sept/Chunks/test.txt
The LRE Starting chunk and LRE Ending chunk are my boundaries. Right now my command works, but it saves all matched chunks to one file (whose size is becoming exessive).
How do I go about creating a new file for each match and add the matched content to it? keeping in mind that each file could hold multiple chunks and is not limited to one chunk per file.
Probably need something more programmable than sed: I'm assuming awk is available.
awk '
/LRE Ending chunk/ {printing = 0}
printing {print > "chunk" n ".txt"}
/LRE Starting chunk/ {printing = 1; n++}
' *.log
Try something like this:
find Logs\ 13Sept/Log_00000000*.log -type f -print | while read file; do \
sed -n '/LRE Starting chunk/,/LRE Ending chunk/p' "$file" | \
grep -v -A1 -B1 "Starting chunk" > "Logs 13Sept/Chunks/$file.chunk.txt";
This loops over the find results and executes for each file and then create one $file.chunk.txt for each of the files.
Something like this perhaps?
find Logs\ 13Sept/Log_00000000*.log -type f -exec \
sed -n '/LRE Starting chunk/,/LRE Ending chunk/{;/LRE .*ing chunk/d;w\
'"{}.chunk"';}' {} \;
This uses sed's w command to write to a file named (inputfile).chunk. If that is not acceptable, perhaps you can use sh -c '...' to pass in a small shell script to wrap the sed command with. (Or is a shell script also prohibited for some reason?)
Perhaps you could use csplit to do the splitting, then truncate the output files at the chunk end.