Swift syntax explanation with compact map - swift

I did find following code while examine code:
override func layoutAttributesForElements(in rect: CGRect) -> [UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes]? {
return super.layoutAttributesForElements(in: rect)?
.compactMap { $0.copy() as? ParallaxLayoutAttributes }
private func prepareAttributes(attributes: ParallaxLayoutAttributes) -> ParallaxLayoutAttributes {
// Lot of code doing stuff with attributes
return attributes
So, actually what i want to ask is, that compact is function declared as following:
#inlinable public func compactMap<ElementOfResult>(_ transform: (Element) throws -> ElementOfResult?) rethrows -> [ElementOfResult]
Here in example, we pass just function, without arguments:
That completely bend my mind, because, well, prepareAttributes function declared like this (with argument you have to pass):
private func prepareAttributes(attributes: ParallaxLayoutAttributes) -> ParallaxLayoutAttributes
So, why code above compiles and what how exactly .compactMap(prepareAttributes)
runs when you did not pass an argument for prepareAttributes function?

In the call .compactMap(prepareAttributes), you pass in the function, prepareAttributes to compactMap as a closure. Since prepareAttributes takes a single input argument whose type matches the closure variable of compactMap, the compiler can automatically infer that it needs to pass $0 to prepareAttributes.
So essentially, .compactMap(prepareAttributes) is shorthand for
.compactMap {prepareAttributes(attributes: $0) }
A simple example of the same behaviour with map that is quite often used is to map over a type that you then pass into an init, which you could write as .map { MyType(input: $0) } or simplify to .map(MyType.init).
struct MyInt {
let value: Int
init(value: Int) {
self.value = value
let ints = [1,2,3]
let myInts = ints.map(MyInt.init) // same as `ints.map { MyInt(value: $0) }


Using generic methods in protocols Swift

I believe I have some misunderstanding of how generics work. I have the protocol:
protocol CommandProtocol {
func execute<T>() -> T
func unExecute<T>() -> T
And a class that conforms to it:
class CalculatorCommand: CommandProtocol {
func execute<String>() -> String {
return calculator.performOperation(operator: `operator`, with: operand) as! String
func unExecute<Double>() -> Double {
return calculator.performOperation(operator: undo(operator: `operator`), with: operand) as! Double
The calculator.performOperation() method actually returns Double, but here I just try to play with generics so I replace return type from Double to String.
After that, I have a class which invokes these methods:
class Sender {
// MARK: - Public methods
func undo() -> Double {
if current > 0 {
current -= 1
let command = commands[current]
return command.unExecute()
return 0
func redo() -> Double? {
if current < commands.count {
let command = commands[current]
current += 1
let value: Double = command.execute()
print(type(of: value))
return command.execute()
return nil
In the undo() method everything works as expected (one thing that I did not understand fully is how Swift really knows whether the unExecute value will return Double or not, or compiler infers it based on the undo() return type?)
But in the redo() method, I am calling the execute() method which returns String, but the method expects Double, so I thought that my program would crash, but not, it works totally fine as if execute() method returns Double.
Please, could someone explain to me what exactly happens under the cover of this code? Thank you in advance.
You are correct that you misunderstand generics. First, let's look at this protocol:
protocol CommandProtocol {
func execute<T>() -> T
func unExecute<T>() -> T
This says "no matter what type the caller requests, this function will return that type." That's impossible to successfully implement (by "successfully" I mean "correctly returns a value in all cases without crashing"). According this protocol, I'm allowed to write the following code:
func run(command: CommandProtocol) -> MyCustomType {
let result: MyCustomType = command.execute()
return result
There's no way to write an execute that will actually do that, no matter what MyCustomType is.
Your confusion is compounded by a subtle syntax mistake:
func execute<String>() -> String {
This does not mean "T = String," which is what I think you expect it to mean. It creates a type variable called String (that has nothing to do with Swift's String type), and it promises to return it. when you later write as! String, that means "if this values isn't compatible with the type requested (not "a string" but whatever was requested by the caller), then crash.
The tool that behaves closer to what you want here is an associated type. You meant to write this:
protocol CommandProtocol {
associatedType T
func execute() -> T
func unExecute() -> T
But this almost certainly won't do what you want. For example, with that, it's impossible to have an array of commands.
Instead what you probably want is a struct:
struct Command {
let execute: () -> Void
let undo: () -> Void
You then make Commands by passing closures that do what you want:
let command = Command(execute: { self.value += 1 },
undo: { self.value -= 1 })
Alternately, since this is a calculator, you could do it this way:
struct Command {
let execute: (Double) -> Double
let undo: (Double) -> Double
let command = Command(execute: { $0 + 1 }, undo: { $0 - 1 })
Then your caller would look like:
value = command.execute(value)
value = command.undo(value)
You think this returns a Swift.Double, but no. This code is no different than using T instead of Double. Swift does not require the names of generic placeholders to match what you put in a protocol.
func unExecute<Double>() -> Double {
return calculator.performOperation(operator: undo(operator: `operator`), with: operand) as! Double
You're not actually looking for generic methods. You want this, instead.
protocol CommandProtocol {
associatedtype ExecuteValue
associatedtype UnExecuteValue
func execute() -> ExecuteValue
func unExecute() -> UnExecuteValue

Swift type of shuffle()

I want to test a function, passing in a shuffle function so I can Unit test the function adequately. In other words:
func testme(testArr: [Int], shufflefunction : Shufflefunction = .shuffle) -> [Int] {
return tetsArr.shufflefunction
I know the syntax is incorrect; and that is the question.
What is the correct type of the shuffled function so I can make a reusable function for any particular shuffle implementation, as passed in the function above.
The second part of the problem is how to pass the standard shuffle() implementation as a default parameter for testing this function.
If you look at Array.shuffled, you will see that it is actually a function that takes an array, and returns a () -> [T]:
Therefore, the type of Array.shuffled could be written as
(([T]) -> (() -> [T]))
We can then use this as our parameter type:
func testShuffle<T>(array: [T], function: (([T]) -> (() -> [T])) = Array.shuffled) {
let shuffleFunction = function(array)
let shuffledArray = shuffleFunction()
// do stuff with shuffledArray...
// usage
extension Array {
func myCustomShuffled() -> [Element] {
// ...
let arr = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]
testShuffle(array: arr, function: Array.myCustomShuffled)
Note that the same approach doesn't work with Array.shuffle (the mutating version), because Swift doesn't support partial applications on mutating functions.
You can also write the parameter type as ([T]) -> [T], then you would have to pass the default parameter like this:
func testShuffle<T>(array: [T], function: ([T]) -> [T] = { $0.shuffled() }) {
let shuffledArray = function(array)

Why does my struct become immutable in a method chain?

In Swift I am trying to implement a method "tap" similar to the method which exists in Ruby.
I've come up with the following example code:
private protocol Tap {
mutating func tap(_ block: (inout Self) -> Void) -> Self
private extension Tap {
mutating func tap(_ block: (inout Self) -> Void) -> Self {
return self
extension Array: Tap {}
var a = Array(repeating: "Hello", count: 5)
a.tap {
}.tap {
print(a) // (Expected) => ["Hello", "Hello", "Hello", "Hello", "Hello", "5", "7"]
I'm not super familiar with mutating functions, inout parameters, or Swift in general, but the code above looks like it should work to me. tap works as expected when it's not being included in a method chain. When I include it as part of a method chain, like in the above example, the Swift compiler complains:
Cannot use mutating member on immutable value: function call returns immutable value
Can anyone explain to me why this doesn't work? Can anyone provide a working solution and explain why that solution works?
Another example usage would be:
let user = User(fromId: someId).tap {
$0.firstName = someFirstName
$0.lastName = someLastName
tap is a convenience thing that comes from Ruby. I'm mainly interested in understanding why the types in my function aren't working out right.
The return self returns a copy of the original array, not the original array itself. Until this copy is stored as a var, it cannot be mutated. So, this would work:
var b = a.tap {
b.tap {
But not without storing b as a var first. Of course, you wouldn't create a b in the first place, you would just use a repeatedly as you already pointed out.
So, the issue is that you can accomplish tap once, but cannot chain taps. This is because the return of self is implicitly immutable, and you cannot call a mutating function on an immutable value. Changing tap to a non-mutating function could get you what you want:
private extension Tap {
func tap(_ block: (inout Self) -> Void) -> Self {
let copy = self
return copy
var a = Array(repeating: "Hello", count: 5)
a = a.tap({$0.append("5")}).tap({$0.append("7")})
Because each invocation of tap( returns a copy of the original modified by the given block, you can call it on immutable types. That means that you can chain.
The only downside is that new a = in the beginning.

Swift closures - force a closure to always complete

Is it possible to force a closure to be completed? In the same way that a function with a return value MUST always return, it would be ace if there was a way to force a closure to contain the syntax necessary to always complete.
For example, this code will not compile because the function does not always return a value:
func isTheEarthFlat(withUserIQ userIQ: Int) -> Bool {
if userIQ > 10 {
return false
In the exact same way, I would like to define a function with a closure, which will also not compile if the closure never returns. For example, the code below might never return a completionHandler:
func isTheEarthFlat(withUserIQ userIQ: Int, completionHandler: (Bool) -> Void) {
if userIQ > 10 {
The code above compiles, but I was wondering if there is a keyword which enforces that the closure sends a completion handler in all cases. Maybe it has something to do with the Void in the above function?
No, there is no language construct that will result in a compiler error if you forget (or don't need) to call the completion handler under all possible conditions like a return statement.
It's an interesting idea that might make a useful enhancement to the language. Maybe as a required keyword somewhere in the parameter declaration.
There is no special keyword for what you want. But there is an interesting approach you can take into consideration, that won't compile:
func isTheEarthFlat(withUserIQ userIQ: Int, completionHandler: (Bool) -> Void) {
let result: Bool
defer {
if userIQ > 10 {
result = false
that will do and is completionHandler is forced to be called:
func isTheEarthFlat(withUserIQ userIQ: Int, completionHandler: (Bool) -> Void) {
let result: Bool
defer {
if userIQ > 10 {
result = false
} else {
result = true
Not sure it's a good pattern to use.
Here is an interesting technique I thought of. You define GuarenteedExecution and GuarenteedExecutionResult types.
A GuarenteedExecution is a wrapper around a closure, which is to be used in a context where the execution of the closure must be guaranteed.
The GuarenteedExecutionResult is the result of executing a GuarenteedExecution. The trick is to have a desired function, e.g. isTheEarthFlat, return a GuarenteedExecutionResult. The only way to obtain a GuarenteedExecutionResult instance is by calling execute(argument:) on a GuarenteedExecution. Effectively, the type checker features responsible for guaranteeing a return, are now being used to guarantee the execution of GuarenteedExecution.
struct GuarenteedExecutionResult<R> {
let result: R
fileprivate init(result: R) { self.result = result }
struct GuarenteedExecution<A, R> {
typealias Closure = (A) -> R
let closure: Closure
init(ofClosure closure: #escaping Closure) {
self.closure = closure
func execute(argument: A) -> GuarenteedExecutionResult<R> {
let result = closure(argument)
return GuarenteedExecutionResult(result: result)
Example usage, in a seperate file (so as to not have access to GuarenteedExecutionResult.init):
let guarenteedExecutionClosure = GuarenteedExecution(ofClosure: {
print("This must be called!")
func doSomething(guarenteedCallback: GuarenteedExecution<(), ()>)
-> GuarenteedExecutionResult<()> {
print("Did something")
return guarenteedCallback.execute(argument: ())
_ = doSomething(guarenteedCallback: guarenteedExecutionClosure)

Swift: Optional chaining for optional subscripts

I have a let map : [String: String] and a let key: String?.
What is the most concise way to access map[key] (and get back a String? if I had a key and None if I did not)?
let value = key.flatMap { map[$0] }
would to the trick, using the
/// Returns `nil` if `self` is nil, `f(self!)` otherwise.
public func flatMap<U>(#noescape f: (Wrapped) throws -> U?) rethrows -> U?
method from struct Optional.
Alternatively, you can wrap that into a custom subscript method
extension Dictionary {
subscript(optKey : Key?) -> Value? {
return optKey.flatMap { self[$0] }
and the simply write
let value = map[key]
To avoid confusion with the "normal" subscript method, and to make
the intention more clear to the reader of your code, you can define
the subscript method with an external parameter name:
extension Dictionary {
subscript(optional optKey : Key?) -> Value? {
return optKey.flatMap { self[$0] }
let value = map[optional: key]
I think I am going with the decidedly unfancy
key == nil ? nil : map[key!]