Racket (Recursive structures and processing templates) - racket

I'm stumped on processing this structure, I want to write a function that tells how many topics occur in a discussion.
; a Discussion is (make-discussion String Digressions)
(define-struct discussion [topic digressions])
; Digressions is [ListOf Discussion]
; count-topics : Discussion -> Number
; counts the number of total topics in a discussion, including repeated topics
(define (count-topics d)
[(empty? (discussion-digressions d)) 0]
[(cons? (discussion-digressions d)) (add1 (count-topics (make-discussion (first (discussion-topic d))
(list (make-discussion (rest (discussion-digressions d)))))))]))
(check-expect (count-topics (make-discussion "music" (list (make-discussion "politics" empty)))) 2)
I've been trying for a few hours and haven't solved it yet. I'm not sure where to go from here, anybody have a sharp eye for Racket? I've tried to process the topic first, but haven't had any luck doing it that way.

You should not use make-discussion in your solution, we're trying to traverse the structures, not to create new ones. There are two cases to consider:
If the digressions list is empty, then we've found one topic, and there's nowhere else to go.
Otherwise, we count one topic (the current one) and call the recursion over all the elements in the list of digressions, adding their results. This is easy to implement using apply and map
This is what I mean:
(define (count-topics d)
[(empty? (discussion-digressions d)) 1]
[else (add1 (apply + (map count-topics (discussion-digressions d))))]))
Of course you can solve this without using apply and map, but for that it's better to write separate procedures as Alex suggests. Anyway, my approach works as expected:
(make-discussion "music"
(list (make-discussion "politics" empty))))
=> 2


Abstracting Lists in Dr. Racket

Currently, I have a function item counts that is meant to count the number of elements in a string and order them into pairs if it occurs once or more.
(cons "hello"
(cons "hey"
(cons "hello" '())))
(cons "hello" 2
(cons "hey" 1) '()))
(cons #true
(cons #false
(cons #true '())))
(cons #true 2
(cons #false 1 '())))
(define (item-counts lop ef)
[(empty? (rest lop))
(first lop)]
[(cons? (rest lop))
(ef (first lop) (item-counts (rest lop) ef))) ... ???
As shown by the tests, I wish to add a number to the existing list if one of the elements of this list occurs more than once. I used the equal? function to identify the number of times an element occurs, but I am lost on how to add the number to the existing list as well as condense the repeating elements when producing a new list. I have tried using the append function but it creates a list in a different format ( (list (list) ).
I don't know if this is self-learning, for a class, etc. I know there are standard HtDP ways to do this, recipes, etc. But I don't know these things, sorry. What I will say is that Racket is quite easy to prototype things. You can just describe your problem and don't think too much about the details. I usually like to start in the middle.
For example:
At some point in the middle of execution you will have strings yet to examine and an association list of the strings examined so far. Then your task is 1) if there are no more strings to get, we're done, otherwise 2) get the next string, add it to the table, and continue because we're not done.
(define (build-assoc from-string current-assoc)
(if (done? from-string)
(let ((first-string (get-first-string from-string)))
(let ((result-table (add-string first-string current-assoc))
(result-string (drop-first-string from-string)))
(build-assoc result-string
Maybe you don't use this procedure in the end. But it's a picture of what you're doing, and it suggests what sort of helper procedures you will need to finish your quest. Give yourself a fighting chance and just use DrRacket to outline your problem. When you see it, then maybe it gives you some ideas how to answer the questions. DrRacket helpfully points out all your unanswered questions like "done?: unbound identifier in: done?" Ah yes, how do we know we're done, good question DrRacket. Well you see, I was given this list of strings, so...

Why is (type-of list) equal to CONS?

I am playing around with Common Lisp and just realized that
(type-of (cons 1 2)) is CONS
(type-of (list 1 2)) is also CONS
However the two are clearly not the same because all "proper" lists, must be conses with second element being a list.
That said, when there are only two elements, the second element is 2, and first element is 1, neither is a list, but the construct is also still called a cons.
This gets even more confusing since
(print (list (cons 1 2) 3)) ; this is a ((1 . 2) 3), an improper list, but still cons
(print (cons 1 (list 2 3))) ; this is a (1 2 3), a proper list, but still cons
(cons 1 (cons 2 3)) ; is not a proper list, but is a (1 2 . 3), but still cons...
All are cons, but why isn't (list 1 2) a list? It can't be a cons because cons and list must be different types in order to be told apart in the algorithm for determining whether or not it is a proper list (and in turn, (equal (list 1 2) (cons 1 2)) should be true; without this discrimination, there should be no difference between a cons and a list, there would just be a cons.
Can somebody please help me understand why it says that (type-of (list 1 2)) is cons, even though it is clearly a list (otherwise it would be an improper list to my understanding).
Proper and improper lists are not defined at the type level. This would require recursive type definitions which is only possible to do with Lisp with a satisfies type, and in that case type-of would still not return a type-specifier as complex:
b. the type returned does not involve and, eql,
member, not, or, satisfies or values.
The list type could be defined as (or cons null):
The types cons and null form an exhaustive partition of the type list.
That means that nil is a list, and any cons cell is a list. See also the definition of listp.
In other words:
(typep '(a b c) 'cons)
=> T
But also:
(typep '(a b c) 'list)
=> T
And of course this is true for any supertype:
(typep '(a b c) 'sequence)
=> T
(typep '(a b c) 't)
=> T
The type-of function returns the most basic type, i.e. cons, which can be thought of as the type for which no other subtype satisfy typep (but read the specification which gives the actual definition).
Just to clarify:
(cons 1 2)
... is a list, but it cannot be passed to functions that expect proper lists like map, etc. This is checked at runtime and generally, there is no confusion because the cases where one use improper lists are actually quite rare (when you treat cons cells as trees, for example). Likewise, circular lists require special treatment.
In order to check if a list is proper or not, you only need to check whether the last cons has a nil or not as its cdr.
Also, I saw that you wrote:
((1 . 2) 3) ; [...] an improper list
What you have here is a proper-list of two elements where the first one is an improper list, a.k.a. a dotted-list.
#coredump's answer is the correct one, but it's perhaps useful to see pragmatic reasons why it's correct.
Firstly, it's quite desirable that typechecks are quick. So if I say (typep x 'list), I'd like it not to have to go away for a long time to do the check.
Well, consider what a proper list checker has to look like. Something like this, perhaps:
(defun proper-list-p (x)
(typecase x
(null t)
(cons (proper-list-p (rest x)))
(t nil)))
For any good CL compiler this is a loop (and it can obviously be rewritten as an explicit loop if you might need to deal with rudimentary compilers). But it's a loop which is as long as the list you are checking, and this fails the 'typechecks should be quick' test.
In fact it fails a more serious test: typechecks should terminate. Consider a call like (proper-list-p #1=(1 . #1#)). Oops. So we need something like this, perhaps:
(defun proper-list-p (x)
(labels ((plp (thing seen)
(typecase thing
(null (values t nil))
(if (member thing seen)
(values nil t) ;or t t?
(plp (rest thing)
(cons thing seen))))
(t (values nil nil)))))
(plp x '())))
Well, this will terminate (and tell you whether the list is circular):
> (proper-list-p '#1=(1 . #1#))
(This version considers circular lists not to be proper: I think the other decision is less useful but perhaps equally justified in some theoretical sense.)
But this is now quadratic in the length of the list. This can be made better by using a hashtable in the obvious way, but then the implementation is ludicrously consy for small lists (hashtables are big).
Another reason is to consider the difference between representational type and intentional type: the representational type of something tells you how it is implemented, while the intentional type tells you what it logically is. And it's easy to see that, in a lisp with mutable data structures, it is absurdly difficult for the representational type of a (non-null) list to be different than that of a cons. Here's an example of why:
(defun make-list/last (length init)
;; return a list of length LENGTH, with each element being INIT,
;; and its last cons.
(labels ((mlt (n list last)
(cond ((zerop n)
(values list last))
((null last)
(let ((c (cons init nil)))
(mlt (- n 1) c c)))
(t (mlt (- n 1) (cons init list) last)))))
(mlt length '() '())))
(multiple-value-bind (list last) (make-list/last 10 3)
(proper-list-p list)
(setf (cdr last) t)
(proper-list-p list))
(setf (cdr (cdr list)) '(2 3))
(proper-list-p list))))
So the result of the last form is t nil t: list is initially a proper list, then it isn't because I fiddled with its final cons, then it is again because I fiddled with some intermediate cons (and now, whatever I do to the cons bound to last will make no difference to that bound to list).
It would be insanely difficult to keep track, in terms of representational type, of whether something is a proper list or not, if you want to use anything that is remotely like linked lists. And type-of, for instance, tells you the representational type of something, which can only be cons (or null for empty lists).

Lisp - Elements of a lisp occur in other list

i'm having a problem with this lisp function. I want to create a function that receives two lists, and verifies if the elements of the first list (all of them) occur in the second list, it returns True if this happens.
Currently i have the following code:
(defun ocorre-listas (l1 l2)
(dolist (elem1 l1)
(dolist (elem2 l2)
(if (equal elem1 elem2)
It's not working, as expected. Should i try to do it just with a simple recursion? I'm really not getting how i can iterate both lists in search of equal elements.
I decided to try without the dolists. This is what i have now, it's still not working.
(defun ocorre-listas (l1 l2)
(cond ((null l1) nil)
((null l2) nil)
((if (/= (first l1)(first l2)) (ocorre-listas l1 (rest l2))))
(t (if (= (first l1) (first l2)) (ocorre-listas (rest l1)(rest l2))))))
I get a warning saying that "t" is an undefined function. Also, every example i try returns null. What am i doing wrong ?
In the second piece of code, if the first list is empty then all of its elements are in the second one.
You don't need the ifs since you are inside a cond
After test if the lists are empty, you'll only need to test if the first element of the first list is in the second one and call the function again with the first list without this element
Instead of trying to do everything in one function, consider splitting it into two (or more) functions, e.g.
One that takes a number and the second list, and tests whether the number appears in the list
Another that iterates over the numbers in the first list, and for each one tests (using the first function) whether it appears in the second list.
As well as DOLIST, consider using MAPCAR and FIND-IF (assuming they are allowed in this assignment.)
So you need to check if every element of l1 is a member of l2. These are both functions in the Common Lisp standard library, so if you're allowed to use them, you can build a simple solution with them.
See the common lisp subsetp
predicate and its implementation:
CL-USER> (subsetp '(1 2 3) '(1 2 3 4)
To be able to work on both lists at the same time, the trick is probably to sort the lists before starting the recursion. Then it should be a simple matter of comparing the first element, and applying the same function to the rest of the list recursively, with some CAR/CDR magic added of course...
While there are many ways to do this, I would recommend using a hash table to avoid O(n^2) complexity. Using a hash table, you can achieve O(n) complexity.
here is a union function
(defun my-union (a b)
(let ((h (make-hash-table :test #'equal)))
(mapcar (lambda (x) (setf (gethash x h) x)) a)
(mapcan (lambda (x) (when (gethash x h) (list x))) b)))
here is a function testing for IDENTICAL elements in boths lists
(defun same-elements (a b)
(apply #'= (mapcar #'length (list (my-union a b) a b))))
here is a function making sure a is a subset of b (what you asked)
(defun subset (a b)
(same-elements (my-union a b) a))

Get Last Element of each list

Let us say I have a list ((3 4 5) (d e f) (h i j) (5 5 5 5))
How can I get the last element of each list in such a way that the output would look like this (5 f j 5)?
Assuming this is about Common Lisp, there is a function last which returns a list containing the last item of a list. If you use this function with mapcan, which applies a given function to each element of a list and returns the concatenated results, you'll get what you want.
Note though that accessing the last element of a list is an O(N) operation, so if this isn't just homework after all, you might want to consider if you can't solve the real problem more efficiently than taking the last item of each list (maybe use another datastructure instead).
This, like most early LISPy homework problems is an exercise in thinking recursively and/or thinking in terms of induction. The way to start is to ask yourself simple questions that you can answer easily.
For example, if you had been asked to write something that gave you the first element in each list, I would thing about it this way:
Given a list of lists:
What is first-element of every list in the list '()? (easy - null)
What is first-element of every list in the list '(a)? (easy - a, or maybe an error)
What is first-element of every list in the list '((a))? (easy - (a))
What is first-element of any list in the form '(anything), where anything is a list? (easy - (first anything))
What is the first element of every list in the form '(anything morestuff)? (easy - (cons (first anything) (first-element morestuff)) )
What is first of an atom? either the atom or an error (depends on your point of view)
What is first of null? nil.
What is first of a list? (car list)
From here we can start writing code:
;; here's first, meeting questions 6-8
(define first (lambda (l)
((null? l) nil) ; Q7
((atom? l) l) ; Q6
(t (car l))))) ; Q8
;; with first we can write first-element, meeting questions 1-5
(define first-element (lambda (l)
((null? l) nil) ; Q1
((atom? l) (first l)) ; Q2
(t (cons (first (car l) (first-element (cdr l)))))))) ; Q4-5
Now this isn't your homework (intentionally). You should play with this and understand how it works. Your next goal should be to find out how this differs from your assignment and how to get there.
With respect to MAPCAR? Don't worry about it. You need to learn how to solve recursive problems first. Then you can worry about MAPCAR. What is the point of this assignment? To help you learn to think in this mode. Dang near everything in LISP/Scheme is solved by thinking this way.
The reason I went with all the questions to break it down into the parts that I'm worried about. If I'm given the task "how do I do foo on every item in a list?" I should answer the questions: How do I do handle null? How do handle an atom? How do I do handle on the first element on the list? How do I handle everything else? Once I've answered that, then I figure out how to actually do foo. How do I do foo on null? How do I do foo on an atom? How do I do foo on a list?
(defun get-last-lists (s)
(setq rt 'nil)
(loop for i from 0 to (- (length s) 1)
do (setq rt (append rt (last (nth i s)))))
(print rt))
as a beginner of lisp, i post my solution.
Write a procedure that returns the last element of a list, then learn a little about the built-in MAP (a.k.a. MAPCAR) procedure and see if any lightbulbs go off.
probably it is already solved, but I figured this out
; SELECT-FROM-INNER-LIST :: [list] -> [list]
(COND ((NULL lst) NIL)
((LISTP (FIRST lst)) (APPEND (LAST (FIRST lst)) (SFIL (REST lst))))
Now, this works for legit list...so if you call function SFIL with correct list.... if not, it will return NIL
hopefully this will be helpful, for anyone who finds it

How do I write Push and Pop in Scheme?

Right now I have
(define (push x a-list)
(set! a-list (cons a-list x)))
(define (pop a-list)
(let ((result (first a-list)))
(set! a-list (rest a-list))
But I get this result:
Welcome to DrScheme, version 4.2 [3m].
Language: Module; memory limit: 256 megabytes.
> (define my-list (list 1 2 3))
> (push 4 my-list)
> my-list
(1 2 3)
> (pop my-list)
> my-list
(1 2 3)
What am I doing wrong? Is there a better way to write push so that the element is added at the end and pop so that the element gets deleted from the first?
This is a point about using mutation in your code: there is no need to jump to macros for that. I'll assume the stack operations for now: to get a simple value that you can pass around and mutate, all you need is a wrapper around the list and the rest of your code stays the same (well, with the minor change that makes it do stack operations properly). In PLT Scheme this is exactly what boxes are for:
(define (push x a-list)
(set-box! a-list (cons x (unbox a-list))))
(define (pop a-list)
(let ((result (first (unbox a-list))))
(set-box! a-list (rest (unbox a-list)))
Note also that you can use begin0 instead of the let:
(define (pop a-list)
(begin0 (first (unbox a-list))
(set-box! a-list (rest (unbox a-list)))))
As for turning it into a queue, you can use one of the above methods, but except for the last version that Jonas wrote, the solutions are very inefficient. For example, if you do what Sev suggests:
(set-box! queue (append (unbox queue) (list x)))
then this copies the whole queue -- which means that a loop that adds items to your queue will copy it all on each addition, generating a lot of garbage for the GC (think about appending a character to the end of a string in a loop). The "unknown (google)" solution modifies the list and adds a pointer at its end, so it avoids generating garbage to collect, but it's still inefficient.
The solution that Jonas wrote is the common way to do this -- keeping a pointer to the end of the list. However, if you want to do it in PLT Scheme, you will need to use mutable pairs: mcons, mcar, mcdr, set-mcar!, set-mcdr!. The usual pairs in PLT are immutable since version 4.0 came out.
You are just setting what is bound to the lexical variable a-list. This variable doesn't exist anymore after the function exits.
cons makes a new cons cell. A cons cell consists of two parts, which are called car and cdr. A list is a series of cons cells where each car holds some value, and each cdr points to the respective next cell, the last cdr pointing to nil. When you write (cons a-list x), this creates a new cons cell with a reference to a-list in the car, and x in the cdr, which is most likely not what you want.
push and pop are normally understood as symmetric operations. When you push something onto a list (functioning as a stack), then you expect to get it back when you pop this list directly afterwards. Since a list is always referenced to at its beginning, you want to push there, by doing (cons x a-list).
IANAS (I am not a Schemer), but I think that the easiest way to get what you want is to make push a macro (using define-syntax) that expands to (set! <lst> (cons <obj> <lst>)). Otherwise, you need to pass a reference to your list to the push function. Similar holds for pop. Passing a reference can be done by wrapping into another list.
Svante is correct, using macros is the idiomatic method.
Here is a method with no macros, but on the down side you can not use normal lists as queues.
Works with R5RS at least, should work in R6RS after importing correct libraries.
(define (push x queue)
(let loop ((l (car queue)))
(if (null? (cdr l))
(set-cdr! l (list x))
(loop (cdr l)))))
(define (pop queue)
(let ((tmp (car (car queue))))
(set-car! queue (cdr (car queue)))
(define make-queue (lambda args (list args)))
(define q (make-queue 1 2 3))
(push 4 q)
; ((1 2 3 4))
(pop a)
; ((2 3 4))
I suppose you are trying to implement a queue. This can be done in several ways, but if you want both the insert and the remove operation to be performed in constant time, O(1), you must keep a reference to the front and the back of the queue.
You can keep these references in a cons cell or as in my example, wrapped in a closure.
The terminology push and pop are usually used when dealing with stacks, so I have changed these to enqueue and dequeue in the code below.
(define (make-queue)
(let ((front '())
(back '()))
(lambda (msg . obj)
(cond ((eq? msg 'empty?) (null? front))
((eq? msg 'enqueue!)
(if (null? front)
(set! front obj)
(set! back obj))
(set-cdr! back obj)
(set! back obj))))
((eq? msg 'dequeue!)
(let ((val (car front)))
(set! front (cdr front))
((eq? msg 'queue->list) front)))))
make-queue returns a procedure which wraps the state of the queue in the variables front and back. This procedure accepts different messages which will perform the procedures of the queue data structure.
This procedure can be used like this:
> (define q (make-queue))
> (q 'empty?)
> (q 'enqueue! 4)
> (q 'empty?)
> (q 'enqueue! 9)
> (q 'queue->list)
(4 9)
> (q 'dequeue!)
> (q 'queue->list)
This is almost object oriented programming in Scheme! You can think of front and back as private members of a queue class and the messages as methods.
The calling conventions is a bit backward but it is easy to wrap the queue in a nicer API:
(define (enqueue! queue x)
(queue 'enqueue! x))
(define (dequeue! queue)
(queue 'dequeue!))
(define (empty-queue? queue)
(queue 'empty?))
(define (queue->list queue)
(queue 'queue->list))
As Eli points out, pairs are immutable by default in PLT Scheme, which means that there is no set-car! and set-cdr!. For the code to work in PLT Scheme you must use mutable pairs instead. In standard scheme (R4RS, R5RS or R6RS) the code should work unmodified.
What you're doing there is modifying the "queue" locally only, and so the result is not available outside of the definition's scope. This is resulted because, in scheme, everything is passed by value, not by reference. And Scheme structures are immutable.
(define queue '()) ;; globally set
(define (push item)
(set! queue (append queue (list item))))
(define (pop)
(if (null? queue)
(let ((pop (car queue)))
(set! queue (cdr queue))
;; some testing
(push 1)
(push 2)
(push 3)
The problem relies on the matter that, in Scheme, data and manipulation of it follows the no side-effect rule
So for a true queue, we would want the mutability, which we don't have. So we must try and circumvent it.
Since everything is passed by value in scheme, as opposed to by reference, things remain local and remain unchanged, no side-effects. Therefore, I chose to create a global queue, which is a way to circumvent this, by applying our changes to the structure globally, rather than pass anything in.
In any case, if you just need 1 queue, this method will work fine, although it's memory intensive, as you're creating a new object each time you modify the structure.
For better results, we can use a macro to automate the creation of the queue's.
The push and pop macros, which operate on lists, are found in many Lispy languages: Emacs Lisp, Gauche Scheme, Common Lisp, Chicken Scheme (in the miscmacros egg), Arc, etc.
Welcome to Racket v6.1.1.
> (define-syntax pop!
(syntax-rules ()
[(pop! xs)
(begin0 (car xs) (set! xs (cdr xs)))]))
> (define-syntax push!
(syntax-rules ()
[(push! item xs)
(set! xs (cons item xs))]))
> (define xs '(3 4 5 6))
> (define ys xs)
> (pop! xs)
> (pop! xs)
> (push! 9000 xs)
> xs
'(9000 5 6)
> ys ;; Note that this is unchanged.
'(3 4 5 6)
Note that this works even though lists are immutable in Racket. An item is "popped" from the list simply by adjusting a pointer.