pytest: Executing multiple tests at once - pytest

I want to execute multiple tests at once but am getting a nastygram:
pytest tests -k '1.1.18 or 4.1.12 or 6.1.11 or 6.1.12' ...
ERROR: Wrong expression passed to '-k': 1.1.18 or 4.1.12 or 6.1.11 or 6.1.12
pytest tests -k 1.1.18 ... works fine to execute one test. My team has structured our tests using suite files that are specific to OS distros and associate the test numbers with scripts & methods like so:
- test_function: ""
test_id: ""
- test_function: ""
test_id: "1.2"
What am I doing wrong?

First pip install pytest-xdist
Then use pytest -n NUM where NUM is the integer of the number you want running in parrallel.
So to run 3 in parallel.
pytest -n3
pytest -n 3
Documentation link:
-k takes test function names. You want them to be unique.
- test_function1: ""
test_id: ""
- test_function2: ""
test_id: "1.2"
pytest -k "test_function1 or test_function1"
Note in windows cmd you must use " not '


How can I get a green TeamCity build with muted red pytest run from tox?

I have the following tox.ini file:
envlist = py310, flake8
isolated_build = True
skip_install = True
deps = -rtest_requirements.txt
passenv = *
commands =
pytest {posargs} --teamcity
deps = flake8
skip_install = True
commands = flake8 tests/
On teamcity, I run my python test through tox from within a script build step where I call the following shell script
#! /bin/sh
python -m tox .
Now, there is one red test that I want to mute. When I mute it, however, teamcity makes my build red even though it marked my test as muted, like so:
The problem is well-known, since 11 years, as reported here.
How can I modify my command in my tox.ini file to make my build green again? I don't want to mark my python test with the skip tag. I don't want to change the tox command from
commands =
pytest {posargs} --teamcity
commands =
- pytest {posargs} --teamcity
because that will just ignore any error that might happen during the pytest run (like "Internal error happened while executing tests", or "No tests were collected" for example).
Ideally, I would like to call
commands =
pytest {posargs} --teamcity || [ $? = 1 ]
but apparently tox does not understand the symbol ||.
What can I do?
You can call a custom shell script in your commands section, and there you can do whatever you want, including using ||.
commands =

gitlab-ci.yml: 'script: -pytest cannot find any tests to check'

I'm having trouble implementing a toy example that runs pytest within .gitlab-ci.yml
gitlab_ci is a repo containing a single file
import pytest
def hello():
def hello_test():
assert hello() == 'hello'
# .gitlab-ci.yml
image: python:3.6
- apt-get update -q -y
- pip install pytest
- pytest # if this is removed, the job outputs 'Success'
CI/CD terminal output
$ pytest
=== test session starts ===
platform linux -- Python 3.6.9, pytest-5.2.0, py-1.8.0, pluggy-0.13.0
rootdir: /builds/kunov/gitlab_ci
collected 0 items
=== no tests ran in 0.02s ===
ERROR: Job failed: exit code 1
I'm not sure why the test did not run... pytest does not seem to recognize
Put the python file inside the newly creared tests folder:
Modify gitlab-ci.yml in the following manner:
# .gitlab-ci.yml
image: python:3.6
- apt-get update -q -y
- pip install pytest
- pwd
- ls -l
- python -c "import sys;print(sys.path)"
- pytest
And would stay the same as before.
This blog post mentions a similar pipeline, but:
However, this did not work as pytest was unable to find the ‘bild’ module (ie. the source code) to test.
The problem encountered here is that the ‘bild’ module is not able to be found by the test_*.py files, as the top-level directory of the project was not being specified in the system path:
stage: Test
- pwd
- ls -l
- python -c "import sys;print(sys.path)"
- pytest
The OP kunov confirms in the comments:
It works now! I put the single file inside a newly created folder called 'test'
Manipulation of the PYTHONPATH variable is considered by some to be a bad practice (see e.g., this answer on stackoverflow or this Level Up Coding post). While this is possible not a huge issue in the scope of a GitLab CI job, here is a solution based on Alberto Mardegan's comment at the mentioned blog post without the need to fiddle with PYTHONPATH (also somewhat cleaner):
stage: Test
- pwd
- ls -l
- python -m pytest
Why does this work? From the pytest docs:
You can invoke testing through the Python interpreter from the command
python -m pytest [...]
This is almost equivalent to invoking the
command line script pytest [...] directly, except that calling via
python will also add the current directory to sys.path.
def test_hello():#func name must start with "test_",not "hello_test"

How to pass command-line arguments in CTest at runtime

I'm using CTest and want to pass command-line arguments to the underlying tests at runtime. I know there are ways to hard code command-line arguments into the CMake/CTest script, but I want to specify the command-line arguments at runtime and have those arguments passed through CTest to the underlying test.
Is this even possible?
I've figured out a way to do it (using the Fundamental theorem of software engineering). It's not as simple as I'd like, but here it is.
First, create a file ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/RunTests.cmake with the content
set(ENV{TESTS_ARGUMENTS} "--default-arguments")
if(NOT "${result}" STREQUAL "0")
message(FATAL_ERROR "Test failed with return value '${result}'")
Then, when you add the test, use
Finally, you can run the test with custom arguments using
cmake -E env TESTS_ARGUMENTS="--custom-arguments" ctest
Note that if you use bash, you can simplify this to
TESTS_ARGUMENTS="--custom-arguments" ctest
There are some problems with this approach, e.g. it ignores the WILL_FAIL property of the tests. Of course I wish it could be as simple as calling ctest -- --custom-arguments, but, as the Stones said, You can't always get what you want.
I'm not sure I fully understand what you want, but I still can give you a way to pass arguments to tests in CTest, at runtime.
I'll give you an example, with CTK (the Common Toolkit,
In the build dir (ex: CTK-build/CTK-build, it's a superbuild), if I run: ('-V' for Verbose, and '-N' for View Mode only)
ctest -R ctkVTKDataSetArrayComboBoxTest1 -V -N
I get:
UpdateCTestConfiguration from : /CTK-build/CTK-build/DartConfiguration.tcl
Parse Config file:/CTK-build/CTK-build/DartConfiguration.tcl
Add coverage exclude regular expressions.
Add coverage exclude: /CMakeFiles/CMakeTmp/
Add coverage exclude: .*/moc_.*
Add coverage exclude: .*/ui_.*
Add coverage exclude: .*/Testing/.*
Add coverage exclude: .*/CMakeExternals/.*
Add coverage exclude: ./ctkPixmapIconEngine.*
Add coverage exclude: ./ctkIconEngine.*
UpdateCTestConfiguration from :/CTK-build/CTK-build/DartConfiguration.tcl
Parse Config file:/CTK-build/CTK-build/DartConfiguration.tcl
Test project /CTK-build/CTK-build
Constructing a list of tests
Done constructing a list of tests
178: Test command: /CTK-build/CTK-build/bin/CTKVisualizationVTKWidgetsCppTests "ctkVTKDataSetArrayComboBoxTest1"
Labels: CTKVisualizationVTKWidgets
Test #178: ctkVTKDataSetArrayComboBoxTest1
Total Tests: 1
You can copy-paste the "Test command" in your terminal:
/CTK-build/CTK-build/bin/CTKVisualizationVTKWidgetsCppTests "ctkVTKDataSetArrayComboBoxTest1"
And add the arguments, for example "-I" for interactive testing:
/CTK-build/CTK-build/bin/CTKVisualizationVTKWidgetsCppTests "ctkVTKDataSetArrayComboBoxTest1" "-I"
Tell me if it helps.
matthieu's answer gave me the clue to get it to work for me.
For my code I did the following:
Type the command ctest -V -R TestMembraneCellCrypt -N to get the output:
488: Test command: path/to/ctest/executable/TestMembraneCellCrypt
Labels: Continuous_project_ChasteMembrane
Test #488: TestMembraneCellCrypt
Then I copied the Test command and provided the arguments there:
path/to/ctest/executable/TestMembraneCellCrypt -e 2 -em 5 -ct 10
I'll note that the package I'm using (Chaste), is pretty large so there might be things going on that I don't know about.

ScalaTest in sbt: is there a way to run a single test without tags?

I know that a single test can be ran by running, in sbt,
testOnly *class -- -n Tag
Is there a way of telling sbt/scalatest to run a single test without tags? For example:
testOnly *class -- -X 2
it would mean "run the second test in the class. Whatever it is". We have a bunch of tests and no one bothered to tag them, so is there a way to run a single test without it having a tag?
This is now supported (since ScalaTest 2.1.3) within interactive mode:
testOnly *MySuite -- -z foo
to run only the tests whose name includes the substring "foo".
For exact match rather than substring, use -t instead of -z.
If you run it from the command line, it should be as single argument to sbt:
sbt 'testOnly *MySuite -- -z foo'
I wanted to add a concrete example to accompany the other answers
You need to specify the name of the class that you want to test, so if you have the following project (this is a Play project):
You can test just the Login tests by running the following command from the SBT console:
test:testOnly *LoginServiceSpec
If you are running the command from outside the SBT console, you would do the following:
sbt "test:testOnly *LoginServiceSpec"
I don't see a way to run a single untagged test within a test class but I am providing my workflow since it seems to be useful for anyone who runs into this question.
From within a sbt session:
test:testOnly *YourTestClass
(The asterisk is a wildcard, you could specify the full path com.example.specs.YourTestClass.)
All tests within that test class will be executed. Presumably you're most concerned with failing tests, so correct any failing implementations and then run:
... which will only execute tests that failed. (Repeating the most recently executed test:testOnly command will be the same as test:testQuick in this case, but if you break up your test methods into appropriate test classes you can use a wildcard to make test:testQuick a more efficient way to re-run failing tests.)
Note that the nomenclature for test in ScalaTest is a test class, not a specific test method, so all untagged methods are executed.
If you have too many test methods in a test class break them up into separate classes or tag them appropriately. (This could be a signal that the class under test is in violation of single responsibility principle and could use a refactoring.)
Just to simplify the example of Tyler.
test:-prefix is not needed.
So according to his example:
In the sbt-console:
testOnly *LoginServiceSpec
And in the terminal:
sbt "testOnly *LoginServiceSpec"
Here's the Scalatest page on using the runner and the extended discussion on the -t and -z options.
This post shows what commands work for a test file that uses FunSpec.
Here's the test file:
package com.github.mrpowers.scalatest.example
import org.scalatest.FunSpec
class CardiBSpec extends FunSpec {
describe("realName") {
it("returns her birth name") {
assert(CardiB.realName() === "Belcalis Almanzar")
describe("iLike") {
it("works with a single argument") {
assert(CardiB.iLike("dollars") === "I like dollars")
it("works with multiple arguments") {
assert(CardiB.iLike("dollars", "diamonds") === "I like dollars, diamonds")
it("throws an error if an integer argument is supplied") {
it("does not compile with integer arguments") {
assertDoesNotCompile("""CardiB.iLike(1, 2, 3)""")
This command runs the four tests in the iLike describe block (from the SBT command line):
testOnly *CardiBSpec -- -z iLike
You can also use quotation marks, so this will also work:
testOnly *CardiBSpec -- -z "iLike"
This will run a single test:
testOnly *CardiBSpec -- -z "works with multiple arguments"
This will run the two tests that start with "works with":
testOnly *CardiBSpec -- -z "works with"
I can't get the -t option to run any tests in the CardiBSpec file. This command doesn't run any tests:
testOnly *CardiBSpec -- -t "works with multiple arguments"
Looks like the -t option works when tests aren't nested in describe blocks. Let's take a look at another test file:
class CalculatorSpec extends FunSpec {
it("adds two numbers") {
assert(Calculator.addNumbers(3, 4) === 7)
-t can be used to run the single test:
testOnly *CalculatorSpec -- -t "adds two numbers"
-z can also be used to run the single test:
testOnly *CalculatorSpec -- -z "adds two numbers"
See this repo if you'd like to run these examples. You can find more info on running tests here.

"make test" more verbose in Perl

When I run make test using the normal test harness that CPAN modules have, it will just output a brief summary (if all went well).
t/000_basic.t .......................... ok
t/001_db_handle.t ...................... ok
t/002_dr_handle.t ...................... ok
t/003_db_can_connect.t ................. ok
... snip ...
All tests successful.
Files=30, Tests=606, 2 wallclock secs
Result: PASS
If I run the tests individually, they output much more detailed information.
ok 1 - use DBIx::ProcedureCall::PostgreSQL;
ok 2 - simple call to current_time
ok 3 - call to power() with positional parameters
ok 4 - call to power() using the run() interface
ok 5 - call to setseed with a named parameter
ok 6 - call a table function
ok 7 - call a table function and fetch
How can I run all the tests in this verbose mode? Is there something that I can pass to make test?
The ExtUtils::MakeMaker docs explain this in the make test section:
make test TEST_VERBOSE=1
If the distribution uses Module::Build, it's a bit different:
./Build test verbose=1
You can also use the prove command that comes with Test-Harness:
prove -bv
(or prove --blib --verbose if you prefer long options.) This command is a bit different, because it does not build the module first. The --blib option causes it to look for the built-but-uninstalled module created by make or ./Build, but if you forgot to rebuild the module after changing something, it will run the tests against the previously-built copy. If you haven't built the module at all, it will test the installed version of the module instead.
prove also lets you run only a specific test or tests:
prove -bv t/failing.t
You can also use the prove command:
prove --blib --verbose
from the unpacked module's top directory. --blib includes the needed directories for a built but not installed module distribution.