SourceTree permanent local discard - atlassian-sourcetree

I am new to Sourcetree and source control in general. I am working on an Android project with a few other people and use bitbucket as the repository. I have learned the basics but don't want to track certain files in my local, specifically a lot of the gradle and iml files. But i think Stop tracking will remove those from the repo. Is there a way to just have source tree ignore any changes i make to certain files locally but not delete them from the repo ?
Thank you in advance

You can create a file and name it .gitignore in the root of the project and in that file place every directory to exclude by git like:
The above would be excluded from git tracked files.
If you are already tracking files this command will remove them from index:
git rm -r --cached <folder>


How can I stop cloning my application files on GitHub?

I want to stop cloning my application files to Github, How can I do that completely and remove the circle status on each solution files?
Environment: Visual Studio for Mac
Are you intending to have git ignore those files completely?
You can use a gitignore file (.gitignore) in the root working directory of your project to specify which files to ignore. In there, specify a filename per line in that file, or a whole directory to be ignored (eg: Shared/*).
You'll also need to remove those files from your git repo, since they've already been committed.
Copy-pasting from here:
Unstage the file
git reset HEAD newfile
Remove the file from git
git rm --cached newfile
Deleting the file will count as a commit, so you'll need to git push once you're done.
Also note that the file(s) and their contents will still exist in the git commit history, so this isn't a good idea if the goal is removing files with sensitive info.

Git ignore not ignoring directories

I'm trying to ignore obj, bin, debug type files/directories from my Visual studio project. I've followed the advice here:
ignoring any 'bin' directory on a git project
This is not working.
I've pasted the entire git ignore here:
This is not working.
I've tried all sorts of things...
The directories and their files are still being included when I run a git add. The .gitignore file is added and commited. What am I doing wrong???
EDIT: The files I'm trying to ignore aren't already being tracked. When I run a "git status" there are no pending changes. "nothing to commit, working tree clean". Then I run my VS program which modifies the files in those folders. Then I run another git status and all of the files show up as "modified"...
EDIT2: Does it matter if the files already exist? They are not being tracked but DO exist in the folder structure. When when I run the program they show up again as "modified". Then I have to run a "git checkout ." to remove them all. Then the cycle repeats...
If your file was already been tracked and committed before adding in .gitignore, it won't ignore it. You would require to remove it from index to stop tracking
For file
git rm --cached <file need to remove>
For Folders
git rm -r --cached <folder>
So that would be an issue in your case since Jenkins is still able to see the file in the repo
Hi look at the edit part ,
If you already have any folders in your git index which you no longer wish to track then you need to remove them explicitly. Git won't stop tracking paths that are already being tracked just because they now match a new .gitignore pattern. Execute a folder remove (rm) from index only (--cached) recursivelly (-r).
git rm -r --cached yourfolder
Based on your "Edit 2" above, it sounds like you don't think these have been previously committed, but in reality, they have been. If it shows up as "modified", the git is recognizing the file has changed from the last version it has checked in. If the file was not already committed previously then it would show up as Untracked.
When you are running git checkout on those files, you are telling git to revert those files back to the last version that was checked into git.

How to ignore eclipse metadata but preserve the template?

I've got an ARM project in Eclipse...Actually, I'm using the STM Workbench packaging of Base-CDT-Eclipse.
I'm working with a few other guys and we're using a git server to push and pull from.
However, everyone has a little bit different setup as far as where their toolchains are, OS's, etc.
This is causing trouble, because we're git dummies, and when we push changes after working locally, we do
git add .
git commit -m "some message"
git push origin master
And when we pull changes, we just do
git pull origin master
And pray that there no one else did anything in the meantime, because we're afraid of merging differences, but that's a different story.
Anyway, this whole project has a few sub directories that include things like datasheets, Word documents, and what-not...but, it also includes the metadata for the Eclipse project. So, the last person to commit also pushes their unique settings for things like tool-chain path, preferred builder, etc. This breaks the other guys' setup and after each pull, everyone else has to manually update their project settings to fix this.
So, what files are special to Eclipse for project settings and how can I tell git to ignore these files if they already exist? They need to be available for, say, a git clone but they need to be ignored for subsequent git push's and git pull's.
If you need the setting file and not rename it and it's ok forsetting file need not to do version control, so there is a way by .gitignore with below steps:
Create a .gitignore file. touch .gitignore
Edit and save the .gitignore file
Remove the caches from version control. git rm --cached filename
Commit and push
You can ignore those files changes locally with:
git update-index --skip-worktree -- .project
git update-index --skip-worktree -- .classpath
See: "Difference Between 'assume-unchanged' and 'skip-worktree'", it should better resist to git pull.
Another option would be to a content filter driver which generates (automatically on git checkout) a .classpath if it does not yet exist.
That allows you to version a .classpath.tpl template, and you can keep your actual .classpath completely private (and in your .gitignore)
See this answer for more.

Can I create local version of .gitignore that applies only to my local repository?

There are some files/directories in the remote git repository for my project that I don't want in my local repository. They are useful to other project members, but not me. And I can't just identify them in the root .gitignore file because when that file becomes part of the remote repository it becomes the rule for everybody else so they change it back. We don't want to get into a .gitignore war.
Is there a straightforward way for me alone to selectively chose the files/directories that I do or don't want to exchange between the remote repository and my local repository when I do a 'git pull'? To be clear, I'd like to make my selections once and have them take effect every time I do a 'git pull' (or equivalent) and not force them on anyone else.
You can add .gitignore to your .gitignore file.
You then git rm .gitignore and it is no longer tracked.
Then just remove the other files you don't want tracked.

.factorypath added to .gitignore is not taken into account

In .gitignore under the same directory there is
added for eclipse project. But whenever any change occur in this file it is still visible as modified under git or smartgit.
Any idea why ?
Most likely the file .factorypath was added to git before you excluded it in .gitignore. From the gitignore documentation (
The purpose of gitignore files is to ensure that certain files not tracked by Git remain untracked.
To stop tracking a file that is currently tracked, use git rm --cached.
To show files currently tracked by git you can use git ls-files.
As stated in the quote above to stop tracking the file use:
git rm --cached .factorypath.
This will keep your working tree copy of the file but remove it from the index.
It's because the file was previously tracked. With that in mind, this question already has been answered here.