Subquery checking for next elements - entity-framework

I am currently working on a Database-Security-System, have to make sure that in the next two minutes of this database there is no other entry that equals to true. But somehow I always end up getting a System.NotSupportedException.
My Code
public IQueryable<AuthorizationAttempt> GetSuspiciousActivity(
DateTime from,
DateTime to)
return GetActivity(from, to).Where(e1 =>
e1.Result == false
&& !GetActivity(
).Any(e2 => e2.Result == true));
System.NotSupportedException: "LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method 'System.DateTime AddMinutes(Double)' method, and this method cannot be translated into a store expression."
Thanks a lot

You can't use any helper methods inside your LINQ query. Use DbFunctions instead.


Why is EqualityComparer<string>.Default not working?

var dic = context.Treasure.Include("TreasureShare")
.Where(t => t.TreasureShare.IsShared && t.TreasureShare.EvaluationContent.Contains(keyword))
.ToDictionary(t => t.ProductUrl, t => t.ProductId, EqualityComparer<string>.Default);
I got an error:
An item with the same key has already been added.
So why the equalitycomparer not work, and how to use a equalitycomparer to get different records while querying to database.
I know IEqualityComparer can only be executed locally, but I didn't get an error like:
LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method 'System.Linq.IQueryable1[Panli.Service.Share.DataAccess.DbData.Treasure] Distinct[Treasure](System.Linq.IQueryable1[Panli.Service.Share.DataAccess.DbData.Treasure], System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer`1[Panli.Service.Share.DataAccess.DbData.Treasure])' method, and this method cannot be translated into a store expression.
except I change the codes to below:
dic = context.Treasure.Include("TreasureShare")
.Where(t => t.TreasureShare.IsShared && t.TreasureShare.EvaluationContent.Contains(theme))
.Distinct(new TreasureEqualityComparer()).ToDictionary(t => t.ProductUrl, t => t.ProductId);
This is my TreasureEqualityComparer:
public class TreasureEqualityComparer : EqualityComparer<Treasure>
public override bool Equals(Treasure x, Treasure y)
return x.ProductUrl.ToLower() == y.ProductUrl.ToLower();
public override int GetHashCode(Treasure obj)
return obj.ProductUrl.ToLower().GetHashCode();
So why not throw an exception just like the Distinct() when I use ToDictionary(..) which has an IEqualityComparer param ? Anyone can explain this ?
So why not throw an exception?
The ToDictionary part is executed in memory. This is apparent when you investigate the SQL that is executed: nothing that shows any preparation for a conversion to Dictionary.
The query expression with Distinct on the other hand is translated into SQL as a whole (except it isn't because it fails). EF tries to let the database do the hard work of returning distinct values, but of course a comparer can't be translated into SQL, so this overload of Distinct() is not supported.
As for the duplicate key: apparently there are duplicate URL's (ignoring case). Maybe you should use group by.
Dictionary key has to be unique. In this case you are using ProductUrl as dictionary key and ProductId as value, unfortunately as the error indicated there are more then one records in Table having same ProductUrl. So you can't use it as a dictionary key.

Error deleting rows in entity framework

I am receiviing this error when I try to delete rows using entity framework. Really do not understand why!
The object cannot be deleted because it was not found in the
public void Delete(int ticketID)
Modules.Entity.gmEntities context = new Modules.Entity.gmEntities();
var ticketitem = context.xticketitem.Select(p => p.TicketID == ticketID);
ticketitem.ToList().ForEach(r => context.DeleteObject(r));
By the call of context.xticketitem.Select(p => p.TicketID == ticketID); you will get a list of booleans that do not exist in context.
I think you should do something like this:
var ticketitem = context.xticketitem.Where(p => p.TicketID == ticketID);
ticketItem.ToList().ForEach(r => context.xticketitem.DeleteObject(r));
I've moved .ToList() on the next line to make differences between our snippets more evident. Let's try revise it step by step:
When you call var ticketitem = context.xticketitem.Select(p => p.TicketID == ticketID);
You are creating query that will go by all xticketitems and return whether each item's TicketID equals ticketID variable passed as an argument to your Delete method.
Result of this query is IEnumerable<bool>.
My code returns IEnumerable<xticketitem>. It's main difference.
When you call context.DeleteObject(r) your r variable is bool. and you are calling DeleteObject method on context. That mathod accepts parameter of type object (that's why you don't get error at compile time).
I'm calling DeleteObject on xticketitem ObjectSet that accepts strogly-typed parameter of xticketitem type.

ObjectCollection.Where(o => o.Related == EntityObject): "Unable to create a constant value"

Given an EntityObject, I'd like an object-oriented way find all related items as part of my data-source query.
The following produces the correct output, but brings all the rows over the wire to do it.
Parent. // EntityObject
Children. // EntityCollection
Where(o => o.Gender == 'm'). // IEnumerable (local!)
OrderBy(o => o.Age). // IOrderedEnumerable
Skip(pages * pageSize).Take(pageSize); // (Inefficient paging!)
I need to support a UI with this (filter using other criteria, sort, and paginate before returning results over the wire). I reordered to leverage Queryable:
Repository. // Repository
Children. // ObjectSet
Where(o => o.Parent == Parent && o.Gender == 'm'). // ObjectQuery, runtime error
OrderBy(o => o.Age). // IOrderedQueryable
Skip(pages * pageSize).Take(pageSize);
but this yields the error:
Unable to create a constant value of type 'DataModel.Parent'. Only primitive types ('such as Int32, String, and Guid') are supported in this context.
Is there a natural, object-oriented way to query on this relation, using Linq to Entities? Or do I necessarily fall-back to SQL for this?
I thought for a moment that CreateSourceQuery was going to be the answer, but it can't be applied to an EntityObject.
I can't do a test for what I'm saying, but I think that you get the error because EF doesn't know how to translate o.Parent == Parent into a SQL statement. Try compare the Ids of the two parents..
o.Parent.Id == Parent.Id

Unable to create a constant value of type 'System.Object'. Only primitive types ('such as Int32, String, and Guid') are supported in this context

I'm using MVC and Entity Framework. I've created a class in my model folder with this code below. I keep getting the error message above with both queries below. I know there is a known issue on referencing non-scalar variables, but I'm not sure how to implement a workaround:
private MovieLibraryDBEntities movieLibraryDBEntitiesContext;
public int getNumberOfEntriesReserved()
return (from m in movieLibraryDBEntitiesContext.Movies
where m.CheckedOut.Equals(1)
select m).Count();
//return movieLibraryDBEntitiesContext.Movies
// .Where(e => e.CheckedOut.Equals(1))
// .Select (e => e.Title).Count();
You cannot use m.CheckedOut.Equals(1) in linq-to-entities query. Use m.CheckedOut == 1 but CheckedOut must be integer.
This is an older question. I had the same problem when trying to filter a nullable column using the IQueryable interface. I solved the problem by first checking to see if the object had a value and then checking the value.
widgets = widgets.Where(x => x.ID.HasValue.Equals(true) && x.ID.Value.Equals(widgetID));
same issue using Any()
i had to change my where clause to search on primitive types, for me int
so this
where order.User == user
becomes this
where order.User.UserId == user.UserId
There is a blog post explaining the quirk.

How do I mock a Where clause in EF4

I am re-writing this question to make it clearer what I need to do. I am trying to use Rhino-Mock to test:
public IQueryable<TxRxMode> GetAllModes()
return m_context.TxRxModes.Where(txRxMode => txRxMode.Active);
Here's the code:
var context = MockRepository.GenerateStub<IProjectContext>();
//Returns an empty list
context.Expect(c => c.TxRxModes.Where(Arg<Func<TxRxMode, bool>>.Is.Anything)).Return(new List<TxRxMode>().AsQueryable());
TxRxModes in an IObjectSet property on the context and I want it to return an empty IQueryable<TxRxMode> object when the return m_context.TxRxModes.Where(txRxMode => txRxMode.Active); code is called.
When I run this, the Expect method call throws the an ArgumentNullException:
Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: predicate
I have tried the simpler:
IObjectSet<TxRxMode> modes = MockRepository.GenerateStub<IObjectSet<TxRxMode>>();
context.Expect(c => c.TxRxModes).Return(modes);
but this throws a null reference exception when I call
return m_context.TxRxModes.Where(txRxMode => txRxMode.Active);
Basically, this is part of the method I am trying to mock, so the key question is how do I mock this Where statement?
Where is actually a global static method and you shouldn't be mocking it. It operates on an IEnumerable however and you could just mock that.
Its kind of a hassle doing it with rhino mocks however. I would recommend doing the mock manually (if you need to do it at all).