I have a component and want to call it before every action.
So how can i call it and i need the current action name
Add this into main.php file
'as beforeRequest' => [
'class' => 'path\to\your-components' \\ api\components\mycomponent
this will call your component before on every request
To get the current action name
In that in studio I have created some fields in one module and i also add those fields in Layout. but i want to display the fields according to the selection, for example: if user select option-1 from dropdown field then it has to display say only three field, and if user select option-2 from dropdown field then it has to display say six fields. so i need to add some condition in the layout field. but i can't find any option there.. please help me to find out.
i also attached the example image below.
If you are using sugar 7.6 I can help,
You want to change the fields according to drop down values if i am not wrong .
For that you have to right a code in "record.js" and "create-actions.js" files . just write a js function.
This is an example for crerate-action.js
extendsFrom: 'CreateActionsView',
initialize: function (options) {
this.model.on("change:dropdown", this.renderFields, this);
renderFields: function () {
// write your code here
You need to modify the view definitions to add a script into the edit view of your module.
$viewdefs ['<Module Name>'] =
'<View Name>View' =>
'templateMeta' =>
'includes' =>
0 =>
'file' => 'path/to/your/script.js',
1 =>
'file' => 'path/to/your/script.js',
You then can use jQuery or any javascript library to hide or show the fields. if you are using SuiteR or SuiteP theme you can simply add/remove the hidden class to the elements.
Just make sure that you add all the fields into your view which you wish to show or hide.
To make this upgrade save modify or create
custom/modules/module name/metadata/editviewdefs.php for the edit view
custom/modules/module name/metadata/detailviewdefs.php for the detail view
There are many defined ways in sugarcrm, as you have created new fields, all you need to add dependencies on those fields like
This can also be added through Studio.
Go to Studio > module > fields > YOUR_FIELD > Dependent and add dependency.
I am trying to remove an action within an existing WooThemes Sensei Class
global $woothemes_sensei;
remove_action( 'sensei_single_course_modules_before', array( $woothemes_sensei->modules, 'course_modules_title' ),20 );
remove_action( 'sensei_single_course_modules_content', array( $woothemes_sensei->modules, 'course_module_content' ),30 );
I am not sure what I am doing wrong? I think I am calling the correct class with the global variable. And the labels are correct? I've tried various priorities.
Thank you!
You must wrap the remove functions in a function and attach it to a hook, before the action in question has been run.
$this has no context here. it only has context inside a class
remove_action must have the exact same priority as the add_action that you are trying to remove
The course-modules.php template says exactly how the course_modules_title action is being added
* Hook runs inside single-course/course-modules.php
* It runs before the modules are shown. This hook fires on the single course page,but only if the course has modules.
* #since 1.8.0
* #hooked Sensei()->modules->course_modules_title - 20
Sensei does not appear to be using a global and the modules class is accessed via Sensei()->modules as hinted at in the template. Therefore something like the following should remove your actions:
function so_31590319_remove_sensei_actions(){
remove_action('sensei_single_course_modules_before',array( Sensei()->modules,'course_modules_title' ), 20);
remove_action('sensei_single_course_modules_content', array( Sensei()->modules,'course_module_content' ), 20);
add_action( 'sensei_single_course_modules_before', 'so_31590319_remove_sensei_actions', 10 );
I have build an extension which I am bootstrapping with Typoscript and placing it in a modal box. I also have the same extension included in a Page element but with a different action.
The problem is when calling other actions from the extension in the Page it also reflects what is displayed in the bootstrapped version in the modal box. What I want to do is no matter what arguments are in the URL (which tell the extension what action to execute) the one in the modal box to always call the same action first.
Is this possible?
Should I probably look for a different solution to my problem?
The easiest way in my opinion would be an AbstractContoller from which two different controller inherit.
This way the would be separated completely but could share the same actions:
namespace YOUR\Extension\Controller;
abstract class AbstractController extends \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Mvc\Controller\ActionController{
public function firstAction(){
// your code here
public function secondAction(){
// your code here
First Controller:
namespace YOUR\Extension\Controller;
class FirstController extends AbstractController{
//no need to add actions here
Second Controller:
namespace YOUR\Extension\Controller;
class SecondController extends AbstractController{
//no need to add actions here
Your typoscript included on the page would then call FirstController->firstAction, the one in the modal would call SecondController->firstAction. If you transfer a different action via GET, it will only affect either the first or the second Controller.
Don't forget:
register the controller/actions in your ext_localconf.php
copy / move the templates accordingly (they need to be in the folders named after the controller, e.g. templates/first/)
Do you call both of your Controller/Action sets in one Plugin?
I would try to split them fe like this
'FirstController' => 'foo, bar',
// non-cacheable actions
'FirstController' => '',
'SecondController' => 'baz',
// non-cacheable actions
'SecondController' => '',
I´m developing an application using Zend Framework 2 and I need to translate the text of the radio buttons ("Show", "Hide") that I´ve created in my form:
//within the Form
public function addRadioButtons ()
$isPublicRadioButtons = new Element\Radio('isPublic');
$isPublicRadioButtons->setAttribute('id', 'isPublic')
->setAttribute('value', '0')
'0' => 'Show',
'1' => 'Hide',
What do I have to do in the view side to be able to translate them?
I know that to render translations to the views I need to use $this→translate() view helper. So within the view I´ll have to somehow call the text of the radio buttons..
//Whithin the view
echo $this->translate($someHowCallTheTextOfRadioButton('isPublic') , $textDomain, $locale);
Look at FormLabel section to read about translating labels in zend framework 2. I think that most important thing to remember is:
If you have a translator in the Service Manager under the key,
‘translator’, the view helper plugin manager will automatically attach
the translator to the FormLabel view helper. See
Zend\View\HelperPluginManager::injectTranslator() for more
How to properly setup translator you have in ZendSkeletonApplication
In your view you can do something like this:
You can have your form implement the TranslatorAwareInterface and, if you are using PHP 5.4+, have it use the TranslatorAwareTrait (otherwise you simply have to implement the interface yourself). You can now inject a translator instance into your form, e.g. in the form's factory. Then you can translate the labels as follows:
//within the Form
public function addRadioButtons ()
$isPublicRadioButtons = new Element\Radio('isPublic');
$isPublicRadioButtons->setAttribute('id', 'isPublic')
->setAttribute('value', '0')
'0' => $this->getTranslator()->translate('Show'),
'1' => $this->getTranslator()->translate('Hide'),
I have spent hours on the net to find a solution, but nothing works.
I have a form divided into 2 subForms (I couldn't get the accordion pane to work)
like this :
$sfBase = new Zend_Dojo_Form_SubForm('base_info');
$id = new Zend_Form_Element_Hidden('id');
->setAttrib('style', 'display:none');
$nom = new Zend_Dojo_Form_Element_TextBox('name');
$nom->setLabel('Nom du produit')
->setValue("Entrez le nom")
$sdesc = new Zend_Dojo_Form_Element_TextBox('sdesc');
$sdesc->setLabel('Courte description du produit')
$sfBase->addElements(array($id, $nom, $sdesc);
$submitSubBase = new Zend_Dojo_Form_Element_SubmitButton('sub1');
and another subform which contains few other elements :
$sfComp = new Zend_Dojo_Form_SubForm('comp_info');
$submitSubComp = new Zend_Dojo_Form_Element_SubmitButton('sub2');
$this->addSubForms(array('base_info' => $sfBase,
'comp_info' => $sfComp
In my controller I display the entire instanciated form :
$this->view->base = $form;
but whenever I click on a submit button nothing happens. I tried placing a single submit button added to the form (not to a subForm)
with setAction :
array('controller' => 'Product', 'action' => 'add', 'id' => '1'), 'default',
but it is the same, finally I divided the form into two distinct Zend_Form instead of subforms, but that is not very clean...
So having tried multi page forms, subForms and dojo containers unsuccessfully I don't know what to do, and any help would be welcome !
thank you
I don't know if this will help at all but here is my answer.
If the MAIN form is not Dojo enabled, have you called Zend_Dojo::enableForm() in the init method? Is the MAIN form extending frorm Zend_Dojo_Form? If it's extending from Zend_Dojo_Form then you don't have to call Zend_Dojo::enableForm().
The Dojo forms submit through the use of javascript. You should have some javascript on the client side that can handle the responses from the server that will come back. If you don't have javascript on the client side to handle these returns, then you won't 'see' the results of the submit.
Try this, write some javascript using the dojo toolkit that will create an alert box when it receives something from the server. This way, if you click on the submit button and an alert box comes up you'll know that the form was submitted.