Does Concourse CI log who manually triggers and aborts builds? - concourse

Concourse CI provides an easy way to trigger and abort pipeline job builds via the web interface or the fly CLI.
I haven't found a way to determine who performed these actions after the fact. Is this information logged somewhere that can be accessed by users?
The information displayed on the web page and accessible by the fly watch command doesn't appear to contain these details.

There was the work-around to viewing this, you can enable auditing and check the logs (Check_Here).
But there was one open issue related to display who triggered job in the UI (Check Issue here)


Why choose github action when we can just run bash script in github workflow?

Just completed a GitHub workflow using more of them are actions, but also with one bash script.
When writing the workflow, it seems much quicker use bash script than actions.(since some actions are just do one thing. ) Why are the some reasons that we just need GitHub actions rather than bash script or python script trigger?
Or we are just supposed to use script languages for most part, then use GitHub actions for small portion of the whole workflow?
Interesting but not easy to answer with more information about what your goal is. The right answer might depend on your use case.
I have not used GitHub actions yet. Let me try to explain it anyway, starting pretty high level. Unfortunately, there's no option to add a table of contents ;) Please let me know if this helps.
1. What are GitHub Actions for?
From this "What is GitHub Actions? Benefits and examples" PDF file
GitHub Actions is a CI/CD tool for the GitHub flow. You can use it to integrate and deploy code changes to a third-party cloud application platform as well as test, track, and manage code changes. GitHub Actions also supports third-party CI/CD tools, the container platform Docker, and other automation platforms.
GitHub Actions is a continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) platform that allows you to automate your build, test, and deployment pipeline. You can create workflows that build and test every pull request to your repository or deploy merged pull requests to production. [...]
GitHub Actions goes beyond just DevOps and lets you run workflows when other events happen in your repository.
2. Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)
Usually, people run CI/CD tools to build, deploy, test, and run other tasks while doing that. We use another 3rd party CI/CD pipeline using Rake to build, test, and check links. Our pipeline invokes these small scripts you mention.
3. GitHub actions and scripts
From Essential features of GitHub Actions
If your job generates files that you want to share with another job in the same workflow, or if you want to save the files for later reference, you can store them in GitHub as artifacts. Artifacts are the files created when you build and test your code. For example, artifacts might include binary or package files, test results, screenshots, or log files. Artifacts are associated with the workflow run where they were created and can be used by another job. All actions and workflows called within a run have write access to that run's artifacts.
Here's the key point, I guess. You can really do a lot of crazy stuff within a workflow. All is related/specific to GitHub. Workflows are event-driven, meaning that you can run a series of commands after a specified event has occurred. For example, every time someone creates a pull request, you can automatically run a command that executes a test or other script.
4. GitHub action workflow and scripts
You can include different scripts in your workflow, e.g. using
5. (Complex) Examples
You can check out the repository for for some more complex examples, see action-scripts and workflow folders. GitHub themselves seems to use it pretty heavily.
6. Advantages/Disadvantages of GitHub actions
OR: Differences to other CI tools
It took some time to find something not marketing-ish. Key points are:
beginner-friendly using YAML config files
no need to set up your own CI pipeline
You can check out this SO post from 2019 for a list of what's good and bad about GitHub actions.
In short - for readability and the DRY ("Don't repeat yourself") principle.
It's more or less the same as using functions in programming.
I can agree that some trivial actions are useless.
But "actions/checkout" for example is priceless!

Heroku review apps and github integration

We have a heroku review app pipeline configured with github integration.
Currently, every time after a new app is created, we have to go in and manually disable automatic deploys in the UI here:
I was looking around for one of the following options to remove this manual step:
call an api to disable auto-deploy on a review app
change a pipeline level setting that determines the default value of auto-deploy for new review apps that get created
but so far I haven't been able to find anything.
Any suggestions for how this might be achieved would be much appreciated.

How to diagnose a problem with Azure DevOps build pipeline without re-running the pipeline every time you make a change?

I have an Azure DevOps pipeline build that has several steps and the build is long. Every time there is something wrong with the build we review the logs and identify issues or come up with theories, then in case of a theory we have to insert a diagnostic command line (such as get directory, show contents of a file, etc) in between the steps; and in case of a fix we add a fix but we have to wait for the whole pipeline to rerun and find out. This is causing us to take a lot of time to fix build issues.
If we had access to the state of the agent of an unfinished build and we could just log on using RDP or any other terminal and checkout the contents, and the state of the files on disk that would have saved us a lot of hours.
Is there any way with Azure DevOps to do any diagnostic of this type?
No, if you are using hosted agent. If you are using self-hosted agent you can obviously log in to that one. You can, however, implement steps that only work if the build failed and those steps can attempt to capture information you are interested in (say publish the state of the build directory).
If you are using Azure DevOps Services, there is a new REST API version out that will let you do a "preview" run of changes to the YAML definitions:

Manually delete workflows from YouTrack server

For whatever range of poor reasons...a user schedule workflow has been uploaded to our YouTrack server instance that now automatically generates seemingly hundreds of new issues a minute.
As you might imagine, the web server is totally unresponsive, meaning that we cannot disable or detach the workflow from the project. The workflow editor's attempts to remove the workflow fail with connection timeouts.
How can the workflow be disabled without accessing the usual admin pages? Is there a workflow file somewhere in the server's directory that can be deleted (I can't find one) while the service is stopped? Is there a "run in safe-mode" option for YouTrack?
We're running YouTrack 5 fwiw.
Thanks in advance.
In YouTrack 6.0 we've implemented special Java start parameter (-Djetbrains.youtrack.workflow.detachModified=true), it will work starting from next bug fix release.
This option will detach all the workflows from all the projects on start, except the unmodified supplied ones.
Please, consider, the Fix version of this issue will be changes as soon as we release next bug fix.
Workflows are stored inside YT db, so the best variant for you is to contact YT support. It'll be able to modify the db.

Additional Workflow Data in Project Server Workflow empty

I am trying to build a Project Server workflow using SharePoint Designer 2013.
The workflow itself is working. It can create a task in the Project Server task list and approving it progresses the workflow.
However, if you click "Additional Workflow Data" the history is always empty. I have been able to create a custom event to log in the history via designer, but I am looking for the true history of the workflow. In 2010, the history would show it entering each stage and other logging data. My 2013 workflow history shows nothing.
I have verified the account has permissions to write to the list. I have checked the IIS logs to see the workflows are running. I have checked the project server permissions and groups for the workflow proxy account. I have ensured "Workflows can use app permissions" is activated for the PWA collection. I have also tried "Copy-SPActivitesToWorkflowService" cmd to see if it needed to installation needed to be repaired. I have restarted the workflows, republished, bounced the boxes, but still not workflow history!!
Does anyone know how to resolve this issue or have other suggestions on where to look?
You need to use an 'Action' within the Workflow called 'Log to History List' and enter what you want the log to say at the point where you have added the Action.
The sticking point comes from a differences in versions.
In Project Server 2010, the workflows showed default actions and processes. In 2013, you cannot see all the various behind-the-scenes actions.
Any actions which you want to be able to trace, for example, when the project entered the stage, must be added into the custom workflow manually.