After updating from typo3 7 to typo3 8 several invalid values in page contents - typo3

I updated a typo3 site from version 6 to version 7 and now to version 8 heading for 9 or 10. Now some contents on my page are missing. When I look in the page editor all elements have errors like [INVALID VALUE ('ce_head-image')] or [INVALID VALUE ('ce_product')]. What does this mean?

Your content elements (CEs) have no rendering definition.
the rendering definition can be missing because of:
the basic rendering extension is missing
EXT:CSC leaves the core and is an TER extension
the names of the CEs is changed inside the basic rendering extension (there should be an upgrade wizard)
the same for CE types defined by additional extensions
extension is no longer supported for the newer TYPO3 version
changed names in newer versions (upgrade wizard?)
the registering of additional CEs does not work any longer as it has been changed in the core
As the names you have sounds unfamiliar my firsst guess would be the last reason.


TYPO3 10.4: tx_news content elements rendering error

I am updating TYPO3 from Version 8 to 9 and 10. Now there is one error, I am not able to find a solution.
In tx_news details view I am using custom fluid templates. In TYPO3 8 and 9 everything works fine. In TYPO3 10.4 I get an error when showing the detail page:
(1/1) #1381512761 TYPO3\CMS\Core\Type\Exception\InvalidEnumerationValueException
Invalid value "FILE" for enumeration "TYPO3\CMS\Core\DataHandling\TableColumnSubType"
If I remove this code for content elements in the fluid template, the page will be shown without errors:
<f:if condition="{newsItem.contentElements}">
<!-- content elements -->
<f:cObject typoscriptObjectPath="lib.tx_news.contentElementRendering">{newsItem.contentElementIdList}</f:cObject>
As I'm using content elements, I need this code.
You can see the error at the moment here:
I tried lots of variants to solve this, but still the error will be there when I insert the fluid output for content elements.
It seems you have a content element inside which is rendered in TypoScript with the FILE object (which was removed in v10). Take a look in your TypoScript (TypoScript object browser is best for this) and search for FILE objects (and replace them).
Here you can find the deprecation notice and a migration suggestion:

TYPO3 - Gridelements and nested flux content elements not visible in backend

Extension versions:
Flux: Fluid Integration - 9.3.2
Gridelements - 8.6.3
During an upgrade from 6.2 to 8.7.32, a website uses gridelements extension and Flux. We have some gridcontainers created with the gridelements extension and flux (CE's) nested inside these. Now the content elements are created but they don't get set properly inside the gridelement containers. Unless I create the flux elements outside the gridelement and then drag in inside.
In the database I can see that the fields are not properly assigned when created inside the gridelement:
Don't mind the typo, "Created outside parent container"
So that element with 0|0 on tx_gridelements_container and tx_gridelements_columns respectivly is not displayed in the backend and only visible in the list mode.
Now, this is strange because I checked the data types on the database and it seems alright. I had other similar pages that I've upgraded as well and no one had this issue after migrating to 8.7.32, since this issue only occurred in 6.2.x versions.
The allowed elements are set to all, as well as in the other TYPO3 where this issue is not occurring. Does anyone know what could I try to fix this? I'm running out of options and I couldn't find much at TYPO3 Slack, stack overflow and similars.
Are the necessary fields displayed in the editing form of those Flux elements?
To make Gridelements and their children work properly, you will need the Gridelements backend-layout, container and column fields defined for those elements. Otherwise they will get their default values, which is 0 in case of Gridelements.

TYPO3 9.5.15 with gridelements and t3sbootstrap not working

I have a new TYPO3 9.5.15 installation and added gridelements 9.5.0 and t3sbootstrap 4.4.5 to make content elements with 3 columns in a own 1 column backendlayout which is defined in PageTsConfig.
In older TYPO3 versions, this is working fine (i.e TYPO3 7) but in TYPO3 9 I get the following error in FE:
Tried resolving a template file for controller action "Standard->three_columns" in format ".html", but none of the paths contained the expected template file (Standard/Three_columns.html). The following paths were checked:
xxx/typo3/sysext/fluid_styled_content/Resources/Private/Templates/, xxx/typo3conf/ext/gridelements/Resources/Private/Templates/, xxx/typo3conf/ext/t3sbootstrap/Resources/Private/Templates/Content/, xxx/typo3conf/ext/t3sbootstrap/Resources/Private/Templates/, ,
I've double checked and can confirm, that both, gridelements and t3sbootstrap are included in the roottemplate of the website.
As far as I found out, the templates are available in xxx/typo3conf/ext/t3sbootstrap/Resources/Private/Templates/Gridelements/
but are called ThreeColumns.html
Has anyone an idee what causes the error and how to resolve it?
Thanks in advance
At a first look it seems that there are 2 problems with your combination here:
The message "Standard->three_columns" points to a wrong static template, so I guess you included the new DataProcessing static of Gridelements, while t3sbootstrap depends on the old Plugin and USER based static.
The root path xxx/typo3conf/ext/t3sbootstrap/Resources/Private/Templates/Gridelements/ is missing in your setup.
At a second look it might even be enough to change the Gridelements static, since t3sbootstrap takes care of the root path based on that setup.

TYPO3: Duplicate content elements and fields after Flux 6.0.x update

Since updating from Flux 6.0.2 to the newest Flux TER-Release (7.0.0) I have the problem that all my defined items are switched. I have them defined as an array like this items="{0: {0: 'value shown as a CSS class in the frontend',1: 'value shown in BE'},}". But now I get the BE value in the frontend template.
Also all my content elements from my provider extension are shown twice (without a title) in the backend and the fields defined in the 'Configuration' section of my content element are shown twice.
There's also a RTE field shown at the bottom of my content element that has not been there before.
BE Output: view
Code on Pastebin:
Any help deeply appreciated.
I just set up a fresh instance of TYPO3 6.1.9 (blank package) and installed my extension with the above mentioned content elements. Dependencies were resolved automatically as it should (newest versions). Via the content wizard I tried to create a new element and I get the same result as in my existing install I first noticed this bug in.
I was able to narrow it down to the flux:form.container tag. This duplicates the output in the BE. The select values are still switched though.
It is possible that you missed this official announcement:
Failure to run the update script before letting TYPO3 change the type of the colPos value will result in the symptoms you describe. There is, unfortunately, no way to restore this (since your SQL will have cropped off all negative values and made them zero without any backup).
Restore from a backup and run the script and you should be fine.

More than 4 column for content in TYPO3 6.x.x

Is there a way to add more column to TYPO3?
In the past I used to add additional column in ExtTables.php (, but since TYPO3 6.x.x the mod.SHARED.colPos_list is no longer support, so in backend I only see 4 standard column and nothing else...
Any sugestions, manuals?
I have found the solution - Beckend Layout - and tutorial on site