How to use Kafka with Neo4j community edition - plugins

I installed Neo4j and I can access the server. I can make nodes though cypher.
Now I want to use it for data streams. But I'm not sure how to do so. I just started Neo4j and I'm struggling with installing 'Stream Plugin'.
Any help is highly appreciated.

You should copy the jar files for the Neo4j streams plugin directly into your /plugins folder and configure the connections to Kafka and Zookeeper as well as other Neo4j property values at the neo4j.conf file as described here. For example:
Alternatively, if you are looking only for a sink connection from Kafka (i.e. moving records from Kafka topics to into Neo4j), you can also use Kafka Connect with the the supported Kafka Connect Neo4j Sink. More at


Where do user-supplied Kafka connectors live?

We've got a managed Kafka setup (Confluent platform, Kafka connect 5.5.1), streaming data from ~40 topics across 8 to 10 connectors. A few weeks ago I noticed that for some of those topics, we don't have any consumers assigned. The consumers which should be reading from or writing to those topics are ones that our org has written and have not changed in months.
Looking through our connector hosts (AWS EC2 instances) I actually cannot see where our connector JAR files exist - which surprises me a lot. We've got all the other connectors there, and when I used confluent hub to install the BigQuery connector that got put under /usr/share/java as one would expect.
Where should home-grown connectors live on the filesystem?
For the record, when I query :8083 using the appropriate calls I can see the connector and it does have an allegedly-running task.
They are picked from the Java CLASSPATH and plugin.path
As for where they should exist, is somewhere that the user account running the connect process has access to read those files.

two kafka versions running on same cluster

I am trying to configure two Kafka servers on a cluster of 3 nodes. while there is already one Kafka broker(0.8 version) already running with the application. and there is a dependency on that kafka version 0.8 that cannot be disturbed/upgraded .
Now for a POC, I need to configure 1.0.0 since my new code is compatible with this version and above...
my task is to push data from oracle to HIVE tables. for this I am using jdbc connect to fetch data from oracle and hive jdbc to push data to hive tables. it should be fast and easy way...
I need the following help
can I use spark-submit to run this data push to hive?
can I simply copy kafka_2.12-1.0.0 on my Linux server on one of the node and run my code on it. I think I need to configure my and with ports not in use and start this new zookeeper and kafka services separately??? please note I cannot disturb existing zookeeper and kafka already running.
kindly help me achieve it.
I'm not sure running two very memory intensive applications (Kafka and/or Kafka Connect) on the same machines is considered very safe. Especially if you do not want to disturb existing applications. Realistically, a rolling restart w/ upgrade will be best for performance and feature reasons. And, no, two Kafka versions should not be part of the same cluster, unless you are in the middle of a rolling upgrade scenario.
If at all possible, please use new hardware... I assume Kafka 0.8 is even running on machines that could be old, and out of warranty? Then, there's no significant reason that I know of not to even use a newer version of Kafka, but yes, extract it on any machine you'd like, use perhaps use something like Ansible, or preferred config management tool you choose, to do it for you.
You can share the same Zookeeper cluster actually, just make sure it's not the same settings. For example,
Cluster 0.8
Cluster 1.x
Also, not clear where Spark fits into this architecture. Please don't use JDBC sink for Hive. Use the proper HDFS Kafka Connect sink, which has direct Hive support via the metastore. And while the JDBC source might work for Oracle, chances are, you might already be able to afford a license for GoldenGate
i am able to achieve two kafka version 0.8 and 1.0 running on the same server with respective zookeepers.
steps followed:
1. copy the version package folder to the server at desired location
2. changes configuration setting in and server.propeties(here you need to set port which are not in used on that particular server)
3. start the services and push data to kafka topics.
Note: this requirement is only for a POC and not an ideal production environment. as answered above we must upgrade to next level rather than what is practiced above.

Migrating topics,ACL and messages from apache kafka to confluent platform

We are migrating our application from Apache Kafka to Confluent Platform .
Apache Kafka version:1.1.0
Confluent :4.1.0
Tried these options:
Manually copying the zookeeper logs and Kafka Logs- Not an optimal way
because of volume and data correctness.
Mirror Maker - This will replicate newly created topics and ACL. It will not
migrate old details in Apache Kafka
Please suggest better approaches on this.
You can keep your existing Kafka and Zookeeper installation.
Confluent does not change any way these run or manage data.
You can configure the REST Proxy, Schema Registry, Control Center, KSQL, etc. to use your existing bootstrap servers or Zookeeper connection; nothing should need migrated, you're only adding extra consumer/producer services which just happen to be provided by Confluent.
If you later plan on upgrading your brokers, then you can start up new ones from the Confluent package, migrate the partitions, then shut down the old ones. Similarly for Zookeeper, but make sure that you have at least 2 up during this process, and always have an odd number of them available after your transition

Couchdb changes to Apache Kafka

I want to have all of the changes of a couchdb database in kafka at application run time as they arrive. Is there any reliable existing tool for that?
You may try to use Kafka Connect tool. Also, Confluent Platform provides long list of different connectors for Kafka Connect.
I'm not a CouchDB user, but you may choose one of applicable source connectors here or create your own Kafka CouchDB source connector.

Kafka logs configuration is not be picked up when starting kafka via Confluent CLI

I am trying to upgrade from the apache kafka to the confluent kafka
As the storage of the temp folder is quite limited I have changed the log.dirs of to a custom folder
log.dirs=<custom location>
Then try to start kafka server via the Confluent CLI (version 4.0) using below command :
bin/confluent start kafka
However when I check the kafka data folder, the data still persitted under the temp folder instead of the customzied one.
I have tried to start kafka server directly which is not using the Confluent CLI
bin/kafka-server-start etc/kafka/
then seen the config has been picked up properly
is this a bug with confluent CLI or it is supposed to be
I am trying to upgrade from the apache kafka to the confluent kafka
There is no such thing as "confluent kafka".
You can refer to the Apache or Confluent Upgrade documentation steps for switching Kafka versions, but at the end of the day, both are Apache Kafka.
On a related note: You don't need Kafka from the Confluent site to run other parts of the Confluent Platform.
The confluent command, though, will read it's own embedded config files for running on localhost only, and is not intended to integrate with external brokers / zookeepers.
Therefore, kafka-server-start is the production way to run Apache Kafka
Confluent CLI is meant to be used during development with Confluent Platform. Therefore, it currently gathers all the data and logs under a common location in order for a developer to be able to easily inspect (with confluent log or manually) and delete (with confluent destroy or manually) such data.
You are able to change this common location by setting
export CONFLUENT_CURRENT=<top-level-logs-and-data-directory>
and get which location is used any time with:
confluent current
The rest of the properties are used as set in the various .properties files for each service.