set empty values in MongoDB - mongodb

I'm trying to set some values for the devices that don't have that parameters but for dataPersist and each of the timestamps is not working. I don't know if it'a a problem of the if structure I'm using, but for dataContainer and dataImageList is working.
public getDeviceById = (deviceId: string): Promise<IDevice> => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
Device.findOne({ _id: mongoose.Types.ObjectId(deviceId) }).then((doc: any) => {
if (doc) {
if (!doc.dataPersist) {
Device.updateOne({_id: mongoose.Types.ObjectId(deviceId) }, { $set: { dataPersist: { persistSize: "", timestamp: new Date()} }})
if (!doc.dataContainer) {
Device.updateOne({_id: mongoose.Types.ObjectId(deviceId) }, { $set: { dataContainer: { containerInfo:[], dockerInfo: [], timestamp: new Date()} }})
if(!doc.dataImageList) {
Device.updateOne({_id: mongoose.Types.ObjectId(deviceId) }, { $set: { dataImageList: { imageList:[], timestamp: new Date()} }})
} else {
}).catch((err: any) => {
Why is that?
This is my model:
import mongoose from "mongoose";
import { IDevice } from "./iDevice";
interface IDeviceModel extends IDevice, mongoose.Document {
const deviceSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
dataPersist: {
persistSize: String,
timestamp: Date
dataImageList: {
imageList: Array,
timestamp: Date
dataContainer: {
containerInfo: Array,
dockerInfo: Array,
timestamp: Date
const Device = mongoose.model<IDeviceModel>("device", deviceSchema);
export = Device;
Thank in advance for your help.


Statistics with Mongo DB

I have the following DB structure :
"uploadedAt": "2021-09-22T22:09:12.133Z",
"paidAt: "2021-09-30T22:09:12.133Z",
"amount": {
"currency": "EUR",
"expected": 70253,
"paid": 0
I would like to know how do I calculate the total amount that still need to be paid (expected - paid), and the average date between uploadedAt and paidAt. This for multiple records.
My function for getting the data is (the criteria should be updated to get this data).
const invoiceParams = new FindParams();
invoiceParams.criteria = { company: company._id }
const invoices = await this.findAll(invoiceParams);
FindAll function looks like:
async findAll(
params: FindParams,
ability?: Ability,
includeDeleted: boolean = false,
): Promise<Entity[]> {
let queryCriteria: Criteria = params.criteria;
let query: DocumentQuery<Entity[], Entity> = null;
if (!includeDeleted) {
queryCriteria = {
deleted: { $ne: true },
try {
if (ability) {
ability.throwUnlessCan('read', this.entityModel.modelName);
queryCriteria = {
...toMongoQuery(ability, this.entityModel.modelName),
query = this.entityModel.find(queryCriteria);
if (params.populate) {
query = query.populate(params.populate);
if (params.sort) {
query = query.sort(params.sort);
if ( {
query =;
return query.exec();
} catch (error) {
if (error instanceof ForbiddenError) {
throw new ForbiddenException(error.message);
throw error;
const paymentTime = await this.invoiceModel.aggregate([
$group: {
_id: "$account",
averageSpread: { $avg: { $subtract: ["$paidAt", "$uploadedAt"] } },
count: { $sum: 1 }
Try this aggregation pipeline:
$set: {
expectedPaid: { $subtract: ["$amount.expected", "$amount.paid"] },
averageDate: { $toDate: { $avg: [{ $toLong: "$uploadedAt" }, { $toLong: "$paidAt" }] } }

Change field in object in array of object

I have a field achivment with an array of objects. I need to update the field currentPoints in one object that I will find by field name in the array.
Code model of mongoose:
const achive = new Schema(
achiveId: ObjectId,
name: { type: String, required: true },
finishedPoints: { type: Number, required: true },
currentPoints: {
type: Number,
default: 0,
set: function (v) {
if (v >= this.finishedPoints) this.isFinished = true;
return v;
isFinished: { type: Boolean, default: false }
{ _id: false }
const achivesSchema = new Schema({
userId: ObjectId,
achivement: [achive]
Code query:
export async function progressAchive(req, res) {
const value = 3;
try {
const test = await Achives.updateOne(
userId: req.user._id,
achivement: { $elemMatch: { name: req.params.nameAchive } }
{ $set: { achivement: { currentPoints: value } } },
{ new: true }
} catch (e) {
Instead of updating, it removes all objects from the array and leaves them one object with the currentPoint field. How can I update this like I want?
You should use the following for update
const test = await Achives.updateOne(
userId: req.user._id,
$set:{"achivement.$[el].currentPoints": value}
"": req.params.nameAchive
new: true

Can Update document with mongodb query but not work when do in mongoose [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Update nested subdocuments in MongoDB with arrayFilters
(2 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
My collection is like this:
With this query I can update replies.likes
"_id": ObjectId("5da832caeb173112348e509b"), //posts._id
{ "$push": { "comments.$[outer].replies.$[inner].likes": "10000012" } },
"arrayFilters": [
{ "outer._id": ObjectId("5db06e11d0987d0aa2cd5593") },//comments._id
{ "inner._id": ObjectId("5db6a88f7c6cfb0d0c2b689b") }//replies._id
But when I code using mongoose, express, collection not update
//Like Reply toggle"/toggleLikeReply", function(req, res, next) {
var id_post = req.body.id_post;
var id_comment = req.body.id_comment;
var id_reply = req.body.id_reply;
var id_user = req.user._id;
console.log("id_post: "+id_post+" id_comment: "+id_comment+" id_reply: "+id_reply+" id_user: "+id_user);
{ $match: {_id: ObjectId(id_post),"comments._id": ObjectId(id_comment)}},
{ $unwind: "$comments"},
{ $match: { "comments._id": ObjectId(id_comment)}},
{ $project: {"replies": "$comments.replies", _id: 0}},
{ $match: { "replies._id": ObjectId(id_reply)}},
{ $project: {"likes": "$replies.likes", _id: 0}},
]).exec((err, users_liked) => {
var index = users_liked[0].likes[0].indexOf(id_user);
if (index == -1) {
const updatePost = async () => {
try {
await Post.updateOne({
_id: ObjectId(req.body.id_post),
"comments.replies._id": ObjectId(req.body.id_reply)},
{ $push: {"comments.$[outer].replies.$[inner].likes": ObjectId(req.user._id)} },
"arrayFilters": [
{ "outer._id": ObjectId(req.body.id_comment) },
{ "inner._id": ObjectId(req.body.id_reply) }
} catch (error) {
console.log("error", error);
updatePost().then(function(data) {res.send({ like: true, success: true})});
const updatePost = async () => {
try {
await Post.updateOne({
_id: ObjectId(req.body.id_post),
"comments.replies._id": ObjectId(req.body.id_reply)},
{ $pull: {"comments.$[outer].replies.$[inner].likes": ObjectId(req.user._id)} },
"arrayFilters": [
{ "outer._id": ObjectId(req.body.id_comment) },
{ "inner._id": ObjectId(req.body.id_reply) }
} catch (error) {
console.log("💥", error);
updatePost().then(function(data) {res.send({ like: false, success: true})});
I logged the all the id is come and the same as I did with mongo query directly .
id_post: 5da832caeb173112348e509b
id_comment: 5db06e11d0987d0aa2cd5593
id_reply: 5db6a88f7c6cfb0d0c2b689b
id_user: 5da85558886aee13e4e7f044
What is wrong with my code using mongoose and express?
Try This Query
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
const Schema = mongoose.Schema
const ObjectId = Schema.Types.ObjectId
const updatePost = async () => {
try {
await Post.updateOne({
_id: ObjectId(req.body.id_post),
"comments.replies._id": ObjectId(req.body.id_reply)},
{ $push: {"comments.$[outer].replies.$[inner].likes": req.user._id} },
"arrayFilters": [
{ "outer._id": ObjectId(req.body.id_comment) },
{ "inner._id": ObjectId(req.body.id_reply) }
} catch (error) {
console.log("error", error);
updatePost().then(function(data) {res.send({ like: true, success: true})});

Why do I get array of nulls in my database? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Node.js Mongoose.js string to ObjectId function
(9 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
I have an array of ids which is launchIds.
I'm trying to push it on a model field trips with
$addToSet: { trips: { $each: launchIds }. This gives me an error: Cast to [ObjectId] failed for value \"[\"1\",\"2\",\"3\"]\...
if I try to map through launchIds and convert to Mongoose.Shema.Types.ObjectId I get in the database trips: [null,null,null]
lauchIds = ['1','2','3']
async bookTrips({ launchIds }) {
let userId = "5bf7f7b3817119363da48403";
const mongoIds = => Mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId(l));
{ _id: userId },
$addToSet: { trips: { $each: mongoIds } }
{ new: true }
Here's my model Schema:
const UserSchema = new Mongoose.Schema(
email: {
type: String,
required: true
token: String,
trips: [
type: Mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: "trip"
{ timestamps: true }
I'm passing ids via grapql playground. Here's my mutation:
bookTrips: async (_, { launchIds }, { dataSources }) => {
// logs ['1','2','3']
console.log(typeof launchIds);
const results = await dataSources.userAPI.bookTrips({ launchIds });
return { message: "hello" };
To convert a string or a number into mongo object use Mongoose.Types.ObjectId,
const mongoIds = => Mongoose.Types.ObjectId(l));
I was getting back an array of strings where this should be numbers
The solution:
My model (same as above):
const UserSchema = new Mongoose.Schema(
email: {
type: String,
required: true
token: String,
trips: [
type: Mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: "trip"
{ timestamps: true }
crud API:
async bookTrips({ launchIds }) {
let userId = "5bf7f7b3817119363da48403";
const idsToNums =;
const mongoIds = => Mongoose.Types.ObjectId(l));
{ _id: userId },
$push: { trips: { $each: mongoIds } }
{ new: true }
Notice the Mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId on model and Mongoose.Types.ObjectId on api. If I remove Schema from model or add Schema to api I'm getting an error. Not sure why, but the above example works. I hope someone will find this helpful or suggests a better solution.

Mongodb: When do we need to expire shopping carts?

I'm building an e-commerce website by ExpressJs + Mongodb and I'm stuck with this concern:
When do we need to expire the cart ( remove the cart and return the product to inventory ) technically ? Whenever user visit the cart? or should I need a cron job?
I've followed this article:
Here's my cart model's implementation:
'use strict';
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
const Schema = mongoose.Schema;
const CartItem = new Schema({
product: { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Product' },
quantity: Number
const Cart = new Schema({
userSessionId: String,
status: {
type: String,
enum: [ 'active', 'completed', 'expiring', 'expired' ],
default: 'active'
items: [ CartItem ],
modifiedOn: { type: Date }
summary: function(params, cb) {
$match: { userSessionId: params.userSessionId }
$unwind: {
path: '$items'
$lookup: {
from: 'products',
localField: 'items.product',
foreignField: '_id',
as: 'product'
$unwind: {
path: '$product',
preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: true
$group: {
_id: { userSessionId: '$userSessionId' },
count: { $sum: '$items.quantity' },
total: { $sum: { $multiply: [ '$product.price', '$items.quantity' ] } }
], (err, results) => cb(err, results[0]));
addProduct: function(params, cb, test) {
var d = new Date();
if (test) {
d.setMinutes(d.getMinutes() - 10);
{ userSessionId: params.userSessionId },
{ $set: { modifiedOn: d } },
{ upsert: true, new: true }, (err, cart) => {
if (err) {
return cb(err);
const index = cart.items.findIndex((item) => {
return item.product.equals(params.productId);
if (index === -1) {
product: params.productId,
quantity: params.quantity
} else {
cart.items[index].quantity += parseFloat(params.quantity);
updateQuantity: function(params, cb) {
{ userSessionId: params.userSessionId },
{ upsert: true, new: true }, (err, cart) => {
if (err) {
return cb(err);
const index = cart.items.findIndex((item) => {
return item.product.equals(params.productId);
if (index === -1) {
return cb(new Error('Can not find product in cart'));
cart.items[index].quantity = params.quantity;;
findItem: function(params, cb) {
this.findOne({ userSessionId: params.userSessionId }).exec((err, cart) => {
if (err) {
return cb(err);
const index = cart.items.findIndex((item) => {
return item.product.equals(params.productId);
if (index === -1) {
return cb(new Error('Can not find product in cart'));
cb(null, cart.items[index]);
removeProduct: function(params, cb) {
{ userSessionId: params.userSessionId },
$pull: { items: { product: params.productId } },
$set: { modifiedOn: new Date() }
getExpiredCarts: function(params, cb) {
var now = new Date();
if (typeof params.timeout !== 'number') {
return cb(new Error('timeout should be a number!'));
now.setMinutes(now.getMinutes() - params.timeout);
{ modifiedOn: { $lte: now }, status: 'active' }
mongoose.model('Cart', Cart);
You should use some kind of distributed session to store the shopping cart!
I think you are looking for something like:
It uses expressjs-session and mongodb then you have a distributed cache and it will work with multiple instances of your application.