mimic test_start test_stop events in distributed mode worker - locust

In my locustfile I defined test_on_start and test_on_stop events to read a file needed for the test and to write detailed statistics in a CSV at the end of the test. when running in distributed mode, these events occur on the master, not the worker. I am assembling a list of detailed stats for each task in a task sequence and at the end of the test writing a CSV file when the test stops. I found this stackoverflow question which references a setup and teardown. I added these to my class User(HttpUser): but they appear to not be executed.
How can I mimic these events when the test is running on a worker in distributed mode?
Is there a better way?
I am using User on_start and on_stop already - my on_start calls a function to select a random user from a list which was created when the #events.test_start.add_listener is fired, which only happens on the master and not on the workers, so the worker doesn't have any user login data.
It seems counter productive to open the file, read it, select a user at random and close it every time the User on_start method is called. User on_start also sets up the iteration list [] which is where i store the times per task.
When the task sequence is done, meaning the last task is executed, i do a self.interrupt() which runs on_stop, which is where I take the iteration times, and put them into a second list, which is later written using the CSV module. maybe it would be better to just write the data to the CSV during on_stop

The setup/teardown for individual Users has been removed (because they were confusing, as it was run on the first instance of that User class, and when people set properties on that instance got very confused by the fact that later instances didnt get that). Tbh, I wish they had just been replaced by class methods...
The User still has on_start/stop methods though, and if you combine that with a flag it may be able to do what you want. Something like this:
class MyUser(HttpUser):
stopped = False
def on_stop(self):
if not MyUser.stopped:
MyUser.stopped = True
# write your csv
# this doesnt guarantee that all your Users are finished though.


How do I allocate fix number of users per single user class in locust

Suppose I have 3 separate user classes. I want to allocate fix number of users for each class. My code is as below.
class User_1(TaskSet):
# I need 3 users to execute the tasks within this user class
class User_2(TaskSet):
# I need only 1 user to execute the tasks within this user class
class User_3(TaskSet):
# I need only 1 user to execute the tasks within this user class
class API_User_Test(HttpUser):
#I already tried weighting the classes as below.
tasks = {Site_User_1: 3, User_2: 1, User_3: 1}
I've already tried weighting the classes as shown in the code above. But it doesn't work. Some times it will allocate more than 1 users for class User_2 or class User_3. Can someone tell me how to fix this issue.
A weight in Locust is just a statistical weight and is not guarantee. The weights determine how many times a task/user are put into a list to be selected from. When a new task/user is spawned, Locust randomly selects a task from the list. Given your weights:
tasks = {Site_User_1: 3, User_2: 1, User_3: 1}
Statistically speaking, spawning 5 users with weights 3/1/1 would get you 3/1/1 but it may not be that precise every time. While less likely, it's possible you could get 4/0/1 or 3/2/0 or 5/0/0.
From the Locust docs:
If the tasks attribute is specified as a list, each time a task is to be performed, it will be randomly chosen from the tasks attribute. If however, tasks is a dict - with callables as keys and ints as values - the task that is to be executed will be chosen at random but with the int as ratio. So with a task that looks like this:
{my_task: 3, another_task: 1}
my_task would be 3 times more likely to be executed than another_task.
Internally the above dict will actually be expanded into a list (and the tasks attribute is updated) that looks like this:
[my_task, my_task, my_task, another_task]
and then Python’s random.choice() is used pick tasks from the list.
If you absolutely have to have full control over exactly what users are running, I'd probably recommend having a single Locust user with a single task that contains your own logic on what to run. Create your own list of functions to call and iterate through it each time a new user is created. Might have to be external to the user as a global or something. But the idea is you manage the logic yourself and not Locust.
Using the single user method to control what's running won't work well if you run on multiple workers as the workers don't communicate with each other. You may consider doing some more advanced things like sending messages between master and workers to coordinate, or use an external source like a database or other service the workers talk to to know what they should run.

How to Load Only One Track at a Time in Liquidsoap

I have a MySQL database that stores all my tracks and their associated information. One of the tables in the database is a queue table from which I pull a track for Liquidsoap to play. I am providing those tracks to play with Liquidsoap by using the request.dynamic.list.
def get_track() =
# Get the first line of my external process
result = list.hd(default="", get_process_lines(scripts ^ "get_track.py"))
# Create and return a request using this result
# Create the source
sourcetrack = request.dynamic.list(id="play_queue", conservative=false, get_track)
The get_track.py script retrieves a record from a queue table in the database.
I noticed that Liquidsoap will grab two tracks when in starts up. Two get "accepted" and one is "prepared."
Is there a way to get Liquidsoap to only accept one track at a time and wait to accept the next one only when reaching near the end of the currently playing track?
I also have scheduled programs that get added to the queue table in the database and when this occurs, all tracks are cleared from the queue table in the database and the program is then added to the queue table.
Since Liquidsoap appears to have a track already loaded in its queue while playing the "prepared" track, is there a way to remove that track so Liquidsoap will not play that track next, but rather call again the get_track.py script to load new track from queue table in database?
Liquidsoap always prepares stream's next items in advance, and it's a fundamental principle of its scheduler. This allows to start a download before playing the downloaded track, for example. As long as you are using request.dynamic.list, the called script must take care of this. In other words, you can't only rely on clock time to evaluate the track to return.
As far as I understand your use case you might prefer using a request.queue source, and have your script push each request on time via the telnet server.

ScheduledExecutorService: modify one or more running tasks

I have a program, it loads a few tasks from a file prepared by user and start executing them according the scheduling shown in the file.
Example: taskFile.txt
Task1: run every hour
Task2: run every 2 seconds
TaskN: run every monday at 10:00
This first part is Ok, i solved by using ScheduledExecutorService and i am very satisfied. The tasks are load and run as they should.
Now, let's image that the user, by GUI (at runtime), decides that Task2 should run every minute, and he wants to remove Task3.
I cannot find any way to access one specific task in the pool, in order to remove/modify it.
So I cannot update tasks at runtime. When user changes a task, I can only modify the taskFile.txt and restart the application, in order to reload all tasks according the newly updated taskFile.txt.
Do you know any way to access a single task in order to modify/delete it?
Or even, a way to remove one given task, so i can insert a new one in the pool, with the modifications wanted by the user.
This is not elegant, but works.
Let's suppose you need 10 threads, and sometimes you need to manage a specific thread.
Instead to have a pool with 10 thread, use 10 pools with one thread for each, keep them in your favourite data structure, and act on the pool_1 when you want to modify thread_1.
It's possible to remove the older Runnable from the pool and put a new one with the needed changes.
Otherways, anything put in the pool became anonymous and will be not directly manageable.
If somebody has a better solution...

How to make a Sequential Http get calls from locust

In Locust Load test Enviroment tasks are defined and are called randomly.
But if i want a task to be performed just after a specific task. Then how do i do it?
for ex: after every 'X' url call i want 'Y' url to be called based on the response of 'X'.
In my experience, I found that it's better to model Locust tasks as completely independent of each other, and each of them covering a user scenario or behavior (eg. customer logs in, searches for a book and adds it to the cart). This is mostly because that's a closer simulation of the user's behavior.
Have you tried just having the multiple requests on the same task, and just if / else based on your responses? This slide from Carl Byström's talk follows said approach.
You just have to make a sequential gets or posts. When you define your task do something like this:
def my_task(l):
There's an option to create a custom task set inherited from TaskSequence class.
Then you should add seq_task decorators to all task set methods to run its tasks sequentially.

How can I use a property on my Job instead of JobDataMap dictionary in Quartz.NET?

I am working on a Windows service which needs to schedule tasks whenever one of it's web services is called. This could happen hundreds of times per second in a worst case scenario. The task needs to wait a period of time, typically a minute or two, then call a method passing a parameter.
We tried to build our own scheduler class to do this:
public void ScheduleTask<T>(TimeSpan delay, Action<T> task, T arg)
threadPool.ExecuteAsync(task, arg);
But we figured this wouldn't be appropriate because we could theoretically end up with hundreds of Thread Pool threads all waiting. I am under the impression that there is a finite number of Thread Pool threads available and that this could potentially lock up the system.
I then turned to Quartz.NET and read on their features page that:
Job class instances can be instantiated by Quartz.NET, or by your application's framework.
and on page 3 of their tutorial that the Scheduler creates instances of your Job class (not you) and as such:
it does not make sense to have data-members defined on the job class as their values would be 'cleared' every time the job executes.
Feel free to yell at me, but how do I get a reference to my Job class instance before it executes so I can set a property on it?
The property is doing the job of a
parameter so i have no interest in it
after the Job has executed.
I also want to minimise the number of
objects it takes to acheive this to
keep my code neat and simple.
Finally, I seriously dislike using
Dictionaries so would prefer to avoid the JobDataMap object.
I don't understand exactly what your use case is and why you would need to set a property on the job, but to answer your question: to get access to your job before it executes you need to create a job listener (implement IJobListener). The job listener gets called just before the job gets executed, so you could set a property at that point.
Some links:
The documentation on job listeners
I wrote a blog post detailing the creation of listeners, here.