Is there a way to drop all the data types listed by \dT+.
I know you can drop types individually via DROP TYPE command, but I have a lot of types and it's painstaking to drop them all individually.
Following the directions suggested by user Schwern, I used psql -E and got this to work:
Run SELECT typname, typnamespace from pg_type;
Figure out what typnamespace your types are associated with
DELETE FROM pg_type WHERE typnamespace=${your_typnamespace}
I am trying to drop the schema masterdata from a postgres database, but it does not work. I am using PostgreSQL 9.5. I have 2 databses, one of them has the masterdata schema, which I want to drop. Here is the structure (in DBeaver):
My first attempt was just to execute the SQL statement DROP SCHEMA masterdata in DBeaver, but it tells me, that such a schema does not exist (but it does show it, as we can see in the picture!). Maybe, it does not know, in which of the 2 databses to look for this schema? If so, then how to specify it? I was looking for a way to specify the database, but did not find anything.
However, my second attempt was to use psql and to type the command
psql -U postgres -d bobd -h localhost
So here I concretely specify, which databse to use! psql does not answer anything, it just asks for the next command. And when I type \dn to view the current schemas, then the schema masterdata is still there! Also, the data in the tables is still there. I tried the same with other users instead of the user postgres (also with the owner of the schema to remove), but the result is the same.
Any ideas, what I am doing wrong?
Your DBeaver session was probably connected to the wrong database (postgres?).
Do it from the psql session, that is easiest.
Right after \dn showed you that there is indeed such a schema, enter
DROP SCHEMA masterdata;
It may complain that there are objects in that schema. Then you can use
Maybe your schema name contains characters that do not display or display differently (maybe capital letters) in DBeaver. I suggest you check names by running following query:
SELECT '~~' || nspname || '~~' FROM pg_catalog.pg_namespace;
Try adding quotes around schema name if you have added capital letters when creating schema.
I'm new to Postgresql and I just saw my friends query on a cakePhp controller that call 'pq_class'. I tried to look up to my PostgreSQL database and find out what's inside using pgAgmin4.
Unfortunately, I can't see any table name with 'pg_class'. I tried to google and find these pages :
postgreSQL - pg_class question
But I am still confused about pg_class. Is there any good or real explanation about pg_class and how to see it using pgAdmin4 without using any query (just right click -> view data)
pg_class is an internal system table that stores information about tables (and similar objects") available in the database. Every database product has such a collection of system tables (and views) that it maintains.
You can (and in most cases should) use the views from the information_schema if you want to see information about tables, columns, views and other database objects.
You can get details from information_schema on pgadmin like this.
SELECT * FROM information_schema.columns;
select * from information_schema.tables`
I am using a tool called giswater to model our water sewer and storm networks. The tools builds a database from a few simple inputs in a gui one of which is the SRID. the geometry columns are all xy and I want to make them all ZM aware. When I run the alter table command to update the geometry I get an error "Cannot alter column participating in a view or rule"
Anyway to force this change and ignore the error? I tried changing the view to not reference the column and I tried adding a new geometry column to switch the view to temporarily while I make the change. Apparently I cannot drop a column in a view or change it to another column. I also tried writing the schema to SQL then edited the sql lines for linestring and point to linestringzm and pointzm and using psql to run the file to update the schema; all I get is access denied using "psql -U postgres -d utility -1 -f \i Z:......\xyz_test.sql"
Also tried pg_restore.
Anyway to just force the change using pg_admin4? or other suggestions?
I am not familiar with the tool you are using but I would suggest checking all the objects (views and rules) referencing your table by using the below command.
FROM syscomments sc
INNER JOIN sysobjects so ON
WHERE sc.TEXT LIKE '%tablename%'
Then backing up these object and dropping them completely before attempting to alter the table.
I am trying to change the owner of a PostgreSQL database (version > 8.2) and its tables.
I read this solution:
Modify OWNER on all tables simultaneously in PostgreSQL
But is this the best way to do it (for recent versions of PostgreSQL)?. It seems that there is a function REASSIGN OWNED which is better, but this one changes every database owned by the old_role, doesn't it? I only want it for one database.
Like this post:
REASSIGN OWNED BY for 1 specified database
I am not going to change the owner postgres, which is the best way nowadays?
Thank you in advance
According to the manual:
Because REASSIGN OWNED does not affect objects within other databases, it is usually necessary to execute this command in each database
which would seem to meet your requirements, although it also says the command would affect table spaces (which are not specific to the current database).
The second SO answer you linked applies to the special case of the postgres user, which owns the system catalogs. You cannot change the ownership of these.
The two methods that spring to mind for me are:
1) First alter the database name, and then perhaps right a quick script which changes the owner on the current tables to the old tables.
ALTER DATABASE <dbname> OWNER TO <newowner>;
\o altertable.sql
SELECT 'ALTER TABLE ' || table_name || ' OWNER TO <newowner>; ' FROM information_schema WHERE table_schema = <oldowner> and table_catalog = '<dbname>';
\i altertable.sql
The above will generate your commands, then just pop them into a file and execute it.
2) The other option would be to use pg_dump to dump your database in plain text mode and then alter the appropriate strings using search and replace:
pg_dump -Fp -f dbbackup.dmp <dbname>
vi dbbackup.dmp
save and exit
Hope this helps.
I have an issue with psql. I am trying to select the records from a table but psql acts like the table doesnt exist. I have tried finding it and found that it resides in the 'public' schema. I have tried selecting from this table like so:
highways=# SELECT * FROM public.CLUSTER_128000M;
This does not work stating the following:
ERROR: relation 'public.CLUSTER_128000M' does not exist
I know that it definetly exists and that it is definetly in the 'public' schema so how can I perform a select statement on it?
This was caused by useing FME to create my tables. As a result FME used " marks on the table names making them case sensitive. To reverse this see the comments below.
This issue was caused by the third party software FME using quotes around the names of the tables at time of creation. The solution to make the tables useable again was to use the following command: