Interface MiniZinc to other languages - minizinc

I want to solve a problem for which a score function has been implemented in Prolog. Would it possible to call Prolog (or another language) from a MiniZinc script in the case an optimization function is defined in another language?
For instance, MiniZinc can easily be called from python through the package MiniZinc Python. Would there exist an interface to do the opposite (call Python from MiniZinc)?

There is currently no foreign function interface in MiniZinc. So it is currently not possible to use functionality from an other language, like Prolog, in MiniZinc.
Different from exposing MiniZinc to a programming language, integrating other languages into MiniZinc might not be as easy. The problem is that all parts of a MiniZinc instance needs to either be resolved by the compiler or be transformed to a solver-level construct. This means that a computation on parameter values is probably relatively easy to do in another language: MiniZinc could just call a compiled version of the computation. Transformations of variables, on the other hand, would require a strict MiniZinc API to perform them. You could compare such an interface to how you can use CPython in C: it would be more like writing a MiniZinc module in another language.


GraalVM: How to implement compiler optimizations?

I want to develop a tool that performs certain optimizations in a program based on the program structure. For example, let's say I want to identify if-else within a loop, and my tool shall rewrite it into two loops.
I want the tool to be able to rewrite programs from a wide range of languages, example Java, C++, Python, Javascript, etc.
I am exploring if GraalVM can be used for this purpose, to act as the common platform in which I can implement the same optimizations for various languages.
Does GraalVM have a common intermediate representation (something like the LLVM IR)? I looked at the documentation but I am not sure where to get started. Any pointers?
Note: I am not looking for inter-operability between languages. You can assume that the programs I want to rewrite are written in one single language; the language may be different for different programs.
GraalVM has two components that are relevant for this:
compiler, which compiles Java bytecode to native code
truffle, which is a framework for implementing other programming languages on top of GraalVM.
Languages implemented with the Truffle framework get partially evaluated to Java bytecode, which is then compiled by the Graal compiler. This article/talk gives more details including the IR used by Graal compiler: Depending on your concrete use case you may want to hook into Truffle, Truffle partial evaluator or Graal compiler.

Typed Racket Optimizer

I am learning some Typed Racket at the moment and i have a somewhat philosophical dilemma:
Racket claims to be a language development framework and Typed Racket is one such languages implemented on top of it. The documentation mentions that due to types being used, the compiler now can do more/better optimizations.
The concrete question:
Where do these optimizations happen?
1) In the compile/expand part (which is "programmable" as part of the language building framework)
2) further down the line in the (bytecode) optimizer (which is written in C and not directly modifieable via the framework).
If 2) is true, does that mean the type information is lost after the compile/expand stage and later "rebuilt/guessed" by the optimizer or has the intermediate representation been altered to to accomodate the type information and inform later stages about them?
The reason i am asking this specific question is because i want to get a feeling for how general the Racket language framework really is, i.e. is also viable for statically typed languages without any modifications in the backend versus the type system being only a front-end thing, while the code at runtime is still dynamically typed (but statically checked of course).
Thank you.
Typed Racket's optimizations occur during macro expansion. To see for yourself, you can change #lang typed/racket to #lang typed/racket #:no-optimize, which shows Typed Racket is in complete control of what optimizations are applied.
The optimizations consist of using type information to replace various uses of certain procedures with their unsafe equivalents. The unsafe procedures perform no runtime checks on the types of their arguments and cause undefined behavior (read: segfaults) if used incorrectly. You can find out more in the documentation section entitled Optimization in Typed Racket.
The exposure of the unsafe variants of procedures is what really makes it possible for user-defined languages to implement these optimizations. For example, if you wrote your own language with a type system that could prove vectors were never accessed with out-of-bounds indices you could replaces uses of vector-ref with unsafe-vector-ref.
There are similar optimizations that occur at the bytecode level, but these mostly apply when the JIT can infer type information that's not visible at macro expansion time. These are not user-controlled, but you don't have to rely on them.

What is the advantage of global functions when writing functional code

I am a Swift developer and am trying to adopt a functional / reactive style in my code. I have been using ReactiveCocoa in all my projects and I have started giving RAC 3.0 a try. One thing I have seen is that in project, there is heavy use of curried functions that have a global scope (i.e. not tied to an instance).
What I am keen to understand is why global functions is a good idea?
Is this something that is unique to curried functions or is it a general functional programming attribute?
for my experience with haskell (which do not have mutable varibles),i usually write all functions (and auxiliary ones) globally,which is convenient for testing.After debugging i usually move then from global-level to local one,but for library development,we can simply choose not to expose the helper functions to external usage.
Global function definition just means that you can access it any where (not strictly) within this module/file,or export it.

matlab call scala function

I would like to write some pieces of code in Scala . It is important for me that this code can be called from matlab. AFAIK java code can easily be integrated with matlab.
Is this valid also for scala code?
It is also valid for Scala code. Just pretend that you're doing Java interop (e.g. a method called + would actually be $plus) and make sure scala-library.jar is in Matlab's classpath (e.g. using javaaddpath).
Incidentally, I've done Java/Matlab interop before, and it's not as "easily integrated" as one might hope. Passing data is kind of awkward and you tend to trip on classloader and/or classpath issues every now and then.
I'd be wary of planning a big project with lots of tightly-connected interop. In my experience it usually works better using the Unix mindset: make independent tools that do their own thing well, and chain them together to get what you want. For instance, I routinely have Scala write Matlab code and call Matlab to run it, or have Matlab use system to fire up a Scala program to process a subset of the data.
So--calling Scala from Matlab is completely possible, and for simple interfaces looks just like Java. Just try to keep the interface simple.
You could encapsulate your Scala code in another language that's easily called by Matlab, such as Java of C. Since you seem to know about Java, you could use these examples to learn to encapsulate your Scala methods inside Jave methods that you can call from Matlab. A number of other methods are available to you with different languages (MEX-files, loadlibrary, etc...)

What are the key differences between Scala and Groovy? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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On the surface Groovy and Scala look pretty similar, aside from Scala being statically typed, and Groovy dynamic.
What are the other key differences, and advantages each have over the other?
How similar are they really?
Is there competition between the two?
If so, who do you think will win in the long run?
They're both object oriented languages for the JVM that have lambdas and closures and interoperate with Java. Other than that, they're extremely different.
Groovy is a "dynamic" language in not only the sense that it is dynamically typed but that it supports dynamic meta-programming.
Scala is a "static" language in that it is statically typed and has virtually no dynamic meta-programming beyond the awkward stuff you can do in Java. Note, Scala's static type system is substantially more uniform and sophisticated than Java's.
Groovy is syntactically influenced by Java but semantically influenced more by languages like Ruby.
Scala is syntactically influenced by both Ruby and Java. It is semantically influenced more by Java, SML, Haskell, and a very obscure OO language called gBeta.
Groovy has "accidental" multiple dispatch due to the way it handles Java overloading.
Scala is single dispatch only, but has SML inspired pattern matching to deal with some of the same kinds of problems that multiple dispatch is meant to handle. However, where multiple dispatch can only dispatch on runtime type, Scala's pattern matching can dispatch on runtime types, values, or both. Pattern matching also includes syntactically pleasant variable binding. It's hard to overstress how pleasant this single feature alone makes programming in Scala.
Both Scala and Groovy support a form of multiple inheritance with mixins (though Scala calls them traits).
Scala supports both partial function application and currying at the language level, Groovy has an awkward "curry" method for doing partial function application.
Scala does direct tail recursion optimization. I don't believe Groovy does. That's important in functional programming but less important in imperative programming.
Both Scala and Groovy are eagerly evaluated by default. However, Scala supports call-by-name parameters. Groovy does not - call-by-name must be emulated with closures.
Scala has "for comprehensions", a generalization of list comprehensions found in other languages (technically they're monad comprehensions plus a bit - somewhere between Haskell's do and C#'s LINQ).
Scala has no concept of "static" fields, inner classes, methods, etc - it uses singleton objects instead. Groovy uses the static concept.
Scala does not have built in selection of arithmetic operators in quite the way that Groovy does. In Scala you can name methods very flexibly.
Groovy has the elvis operator for dealing with null. Scala programmers prefer to use Option types to using null, but it's easy to write an elvis operator in Scala if you want to.
Finally, there are lies, there are damn lies, and then there are benchmarks. The computer language benchmarks game ranks Scala as being between substantially faster than Groovy (ranging from twice to 93 times as fast) while retaining roughly the same source size. benchmarks.
I'm sure there are many, many differences that I haven't covered. But hopefully this gives you a gist.
Is there a competition between them? Yes, of course, but not as much as you might think. Groovy's real competition is JRuby and Jython.
Who's going to win? My crystal ball is as cracked as anybody else's.
scala is meant to be an oo/functional hybrid language and is very well planned and designed. groovy is more like a set of enhancements that many people would love to use in java.
i took a closer look at both, so i can tell :)
neither of them is better or worse than the other. groovy is very good at meta-programming, scala is very good at everything that does not need meta-programming, so...i tend to use both.
Scala has Actors, which make concurrency much easier to implement. And Traits which give true, typesafe multiple inheritance.
You've hit the nail on the head with the static and dynamic typing. Both are part of the new generation of dynamic languages, with closures, lambda expressions, and so on. There are a handful of syntactic differences between the two as well, but functionally, I don't see a huge difference between Groovy and Scala.
Scala implements Lists a bit differently; in Groovy, pretty much everything is an instance of java.util.List, whereas Scala uses both Lists and primitive arrays. Groovy has (I think) better string interpolation.
Scala is faster, it seems, but the Groovy folks are really pushing performance for the 2.0 release. 1.6 gave a huge leap in speed over the 1.5 series.
I don't think that either language will really 'win', as they target two different classes of problems. Scala is a high-performance language that is very Java-like without having quite the same level of boilerplate as Java. Groovy is for rapid prototyping and development, where speed is less important than the time it takes for programmers to implement the code.
Scala has a much steeper learning curve than Groovy. Scala has much more support for functional programming with its pattern matching and tail based recursion, meaning more tools for pure FP.
Scala also has dynamica compilation and I have done it using twitter eval lib ( ). I kept scala code in a flat file(without any extension) and using eval created scala class at run time.
I would say scala is meta programming and has feature of dynamic complication