I have several mapbox datasets, each with a collection of features located in different cities. Each feature has a field named city that contains the city the feature is located in (e.g. city = "new york"). In mapbox studio I have a style with layers made from each of those datasets. I want to load a map with it's bounding box containing all features with city == "new york"(fit map view to features bbox). How can I accomplish that, preferably without ever loading features that don't satisfy city=="new york"
If I understand you correctly, you have a basemap that contains all the cities, but when you load the map in mapbox-gl-js, you want to filter them to just one particular city.
You do this by calling:
map.setFilter('my-cities-layer', ['==', ['get', 'city'], 'new york']);
There isn't really a simple way of filtering all layers to only include data with that tag, though.
After selecting the relevant layer in Mapbox Studio, select the property whose visibility you would like to control. For example, suppose that you are interested in showing a text field for each of these features in your dataset (the same logic could also be applied to icon images). Once this property of the layer is selected, click on the "Style with data conditions" option in the layer editor. You will then be prompted to choose a data field (which in your case will be city) and subsequently prompted to set values for this data field (which in your case will be new york).
I am trying to use database diagrams in Sparx EA to collect and communicate information about how we are using tables.
I want to add information to columns and have this information show up in a diagram.
For example, the first thing I want to do is note which columns are required in a given application.
I have used the reverse-engineering to import all the many tables into my Sparx project.
It looks like I can extend column information with Tags at least.
But I can't find a way to show my custom tags in a diagram, such as a basic database diagram with tables.
Is there a way to visualize custom tag information for columns in a diagram?
What seems like the most direct example would be such as the following, where a custom "usage" Tag appears after the column name and data type ...
I welcome other options such as conditionally changing the color or font or something based on the Tag,
if adding the Tag name & value is not possible.
Since some of the open data has to do with property and each city has a unique identifier for a property, is there an easy way to map those unique identifiers in Socrata?
Visually, given a list of property unique identifiers in the open data, I'd like to see the properties on a map in one step.
More examples: If you go to http://api.us.socrata.com/api/catalog/v1?column_names=bbl you will see hundreds of references because this is what New York City calls it's unique identifier for a property.
What would be helpful is if we could easily see these properties on a map. We know that datasets should have latitude and longitude, but they usually do not. Plus for a property it is better to see the outline of the property and not just a point on a map.
In order to make it easier to do this, there is a tool at https://map.tidalforce.org/ it allows you to paste a comma delimited NYC BBLs (borough, block and lot) list. For example, https://map.tidalforce.org/?1pNFsY5rnHcsFEpLW2CJ this maps the socrata dataset at https://data.cityofnewyork.us/City-Government/Open-Article-7-Petitions/aht6-vxai
Is there a way to integrate with Socrata to make it easier to map properties for each area, city, state, etc. Or does this functionality already exist.
continuing a project I have posted a few questions for already are you able to have a more precise definition of what a dropdown is populated with?
I am using FM Starting Point and have a Projects, Estimate and Task table. A project can hold multiple estimates and tasks. Estimates contain multiple lines (stored in a separate table).
When In a Project you can add a task for that project. What I want to do is replace the field that gives the task a name with a list of lines contained within the estimates related to the project i have selected to add the task from.
I have created a dropdown and using the inspector got it to display all estimate lines but somehow I need to write a function that will only select lines from estimates that are within the project and also only estimates that have a field set to "active" for example.
what I am struggling with is where I can programme such a thing? In the inspector, you are limited to displaying a value and cant programme in a statement. I have tried a script that executes OnObjectEnter or OnObjectModify but that doesn't appear to work.
Any ideas where I can enter a more complex set of rules as to what populates a dropdown?
Create a relationship with the criteria you need. Base the value list for the dropdown on this relationship.
As for display, The value list's second field can be from a calculated field with any data or several other fields stringed together if no single field is sufficient. The first field should be the ID.
I have a two dimensions with the following data set
Original Dimension
I would like to create two filters that can be used to filter my dashboard. These two filter would be called - "Product_Type" and "Product" and should have the following drop downs:
Filter Breakdown
To summarize, I am looking for a way to take my original dimension and create the filter breakdowns so that in my dashboard I can have two filter (Product_type and Product). When i click on the Product_type filter, i should be able to see "overall", "fruits", "vegetable" and "leafy. Based on my selection , the Product filter should automatically show only the relevant values - i.e. if i picked "leafy" it should only show "spinach" and "kale". Finally if i select "kale" my entire dashboard should change accordingly.
Looking for a way to do this without drastically affecting the performance.
update: i was able to achieve this by creating multiple parameters and then using the pop window technique (https://vimeo.com/107352893) - but this has affected my workbook performance very badly. Need another solution!!
You should be able to accomplish your desired functionality by creating a calculated field for product type and a CASE statement to classify the products based on the product type you specified your image.
Further, filters can be configured to display available values based on the other filters in place. I would recommend having your Product Type filter a the "context" or "data-source" level, and your product filter at the lowest level, so that the selectable options for the product filter can be displayed using the "only relevant Values" option and limits the products that can be chosen.
Please see the following link for some more information on filtering hierarchies
Performance Related
General Filtering
Blog Post
"Only relevant values - Specifies which values to show in the filter. When you select this option other filters are considered and only values that pass these filters are shown. For example, a filter on State will only show the Eastern states when a filter on Region is set. You can use the toggle at the top of the filter card to switch between this option and the All Values in Database option.
All values in database - Specifies which values to show in the filter. When you select this option all values in the database are shown regardless of the other filters on the view.
All values in context (Tableau Desktop only) - When one of the filters in the view is a context filter, select this option on a different filter to only display values that pass through the context filter. For more information, see Improve View Performance with Context Filters."
I am creating an org chart from an excel spreadsheet. Each row has Employee Name and Job Title, but also Employee ID and Supervisor Employee ID (both number data types).
I am using the Organization Chart Wizard to automatically create an org chart as a starting point (its pretty big). In doing so, I use the two numeric fields in the "name" and "reports to" fields because we have employees with the same name. However, I do not want these numerical fields displayed in the org chart shapes. You can see in the second picture I cannot remove the three default fields from the chosen "Shape Data Fields."
Here's what the shapes look like, I want to remove the number field altogether. Regardless of the shape stencil I select, I get the same behavior.
If I try to delete the shape, I get the error "shape protection, container and/or layer properties prevent complete execution." Even when I go to Developer -> Protection -> Unlock, the issue persists. Thus, it must be an issue with the container or layer properties.
Lastly, this page has a "To Delete a data field" section at the bottom. I tried exactly this, and the fields were removed from the Define Shape Data box, but the shapes remained unchanged, still showing all fields:
Tweak the master you want to use by decorticating its structure.
In the drawing explorer check whether the shape (the master) is group or a single shape. Find out where the ID (the 3rd field) is used for display, adjust accordingly by correcting the shapesheet.
Sorry for such a generic explanation. If we could exchange files, I would have had a look at your master and could have corrected it.
I had the same issue, and eventually found that I could prevent the ID field (used in Name) from displaying, using Display Options - on the Org Chart tab, using the dialog box launcher button (bottom-right) in the Shapes section.
The ID field is shown as 'Name' under Block 2 - you can use the drop-down to set this to 'None' (so that it doesn't display at all), or pick one of the other fields that you chose to display in its place.