Show popup kind of cell renderer - ag-grid

I want to show a popup kind of cell renderer when a cell is focused. For suppose, if the row height is 50px, when a specific cell is focused, I want to have a custom cell renderer that has a height greater than 50px(e.g., 80px). I have developed a custom cell renderer, but only the content which fits within the cell height(50px) is visible and the remaining content is cut off. I tried setting up absolute positioning,higher z-index etc., but nothing worked. For cell editors, we can specify isPopup(){ return true }. Is it possible to have the same thing for cell renderer as well?

I don't think that it is possible to create a renderer that displays outside of the cell.
There is no API that I'm aware of to do it. Perhaps someone can come up with some sort of "hack", but just short of that, no.


NSTableView: second Column appears when it shouldn't

I have an NSTableView with only one column. When I change the Windows size, the TableView sticks to the Windows borders, as it should:
ScreenShot Small
However, when I expand the windows frame to much (for example, when using full screen) suddenly a second column appears:
ScreenShot FullScreen
I have no idea, why this is happening. I can't expand the first cell manually using this little resize indicator, it seems like the cell inside the tableview just wouldn't be able to grow more...
Here is a picture of the TableViews Attributes Inspector:
ScreenShot AttributeInspector
I didn't find any constraints or width settings that would explain this.
I would be really greatful for any kind of help.
Try changing the column sizing of tableView to Uniform in attributes inspector.
Also in your size inspector, check and adjust maximum width for the column depending on your window max allowable width.

How to add custom format for selected cell in react-data-grid?

Documentation addresses only the event handling
Are there any CSS classes that are assigned to the selected cell? Currently the selected cell has pale blue border but I would like to change this. Such change of style is not possible with ReactDataGrid.onCellSelected, because the formatter.render() event is fired first and only then onCellSelected event is fired. Yes, I can read the coordinates of the selected cell in onCellSelected, but I can not use those coordinates for formatting, because formatter.render() is executed before onCellSelected, i.e., coordintates of new newly selected cell are not available in the time moment when they should be read.
I do not consider this as bug, of course, there should be another mechanism how one can format the selected cell, but at present I can not find this mechanism in documentation. I went through the generated code in web console and I did not managed to find any additional class name that could have been added to the selected cell by the grid.
So, what is the right mechanism how to format the selected cell?
Maybe I can call (somehow) formatter.render() of the selected cell inside onCellSelected somehow? And that would solve my issue?

Accessibility annoying issue with hidden UI Elements

There is a table view and first cell in table view has a button. on touching the button, there 2nd cell which is hidden initially by setting the height as zero is slowly displayed (animation). This works awesome without any issues.
When i enable accessibility and make the accessibility label for the 2nd cell including its headerlabel, description label isaccessibility elements are set to no, there is no way they are actually hidden from accessibility's eyes. It still reads the content which is hidden in the background.
My question is how to avoid this issue ? i also set the accessibility label of the header and the description of the cell to #"", but it is not helping. Please give me a intuitive solution to solve this problem. Thanks

How can I set the title on a GWT cell widget?

I have a cell table that has several columns whose data may occasionally be wider than their column's width.
I have my css text-overflow set to ellipsis so it is obvious to the user that there is more to the cell's value when it exceeds the column's width.
With a "normal" widget, I would just use setTitle() to automatically display the full contents on mouse over, but the TextCell (and all other cell widgets) do not extend UiObject, so they do not have this method available.
A TextCell is implemented by a div within a td tag. Being able to set the title on either elements would give me the behavior I am looking for, but I cannot seem to find a way to get a handle on either of the elements.
What is the best way to get the HTML title behavior to work in a cell table widget?
you can write your own cell implementation and set the title in the html template yourself.
Take a look at a cell implementation. Basically they provide the html string for rendering.
Some of these kinds of issues have been "fixed" in GWT 2.3. But if you are stuck with using GWT 2.2, then writing your own cell implementation is the way to go.

Variable height UILabel

I'm working on a iPhone product page where some of the fields can be fairly long (product name etc.) I've created the page layout in IB, and use UILabels to show the text fields. For those long text labels I'd like the height of the label to scale and push the other labels further down. Is this possible using IB, or would I have to do everything in code? (Compute height and position of all the UILabels.)
I'm presently able to get the text in the labels to wrap and fill the available space, but I have to reserve space for this. When the label is only one line it leaves lots of unused space before the next label.
You will have to calculate the heights dynamically in code. I'm not sure what you're doing exactly, but you may want to start using a UITableView and return variable height cells. I wrote a blog post on how to do this at Cocoa Is My Girlfriend.
It did some searching for this same thing and as far as I can tell you have to manually resize and position the labels.
If you want to know how to dynamically resize a label, this is how I am doing it:
myLabel.frame = CGRectMake(227.0, 12.0, 22.0, 21.0);
I am happy to be wrong on this one, since I don't like having to do this either.