In the standard Windows Explorer, the repo contains all the expected files: A snip of my file directory.
In VSCode, the .gitignore file does not display in the explorer. It's still seemingly functional (all files in the .gitignore are ignored), but it poses an annoyance. Most notably, the .gitignore file does appear in other repos that I have on my machine.
Help would be appreciated.
Check in your project folder .vscode/settings.json.
In section files.exclude most likely you will see the line
Comment out or delete it and the file will appear in Visual Code Explorer
Using VS Code 1.74.2, any files or folders in .gitignore are excluded from the File Explorer tree. None of the solutions seen on the web work...
"explorer.excludeGitIgnore": false, doesn't work
files: exclude doesn't work
Isn't .gitignore meant to indicate files and folders you don't want in the repository? If yes, then why does it also remove them from the VS Code file explorer. What can I do to stop files and folders going into the repository but still have them visible in the File Explorer tree?
How do I get rid of these 'changes' on Visual Studio Code? There are over thousands of files and I was not aware of these changes since I installed vs code on my MacBook. I tried git reset --hard on the terminal, but nothing has happened. I also do not recall having these files on my laptop and VS Code cannot even open these files. VS Code also failed to notify me of these 'changes'. Whenever I try to delete all the files, it says git: fatal: you are on a branch yet to be born
See screenshot below:
All of these "changes" are most likely do to you initializing git in a folder with lots of settings and configuration folders. For example, in the screenshot, I can see that most of the "changes" are from .eclipse folder, a folder Eclipse uses to store configurations. You usually cannot see these folders, because they are "hidden" folders.
Solution 1
The first solution is to add a .gitignore file, to ignore all of those unnecessary folders. To do this, just add a file named .gitignore to the current folder. Then in that file, put a list of all of the folders to be ignored. For example(Go through the list of "changes" and add more folders):
Solution 2
The other solution to seeing these changes is just deleting the .git folder. You can't see this folder by default, because it is a hidden folder. To see this, you have to go to Finder, and press Command + Shift + .. After you see the .git folder, you can just delete it. The changes should now go away.
So I know this might sound like a noob question but I'm rather inexperienced with GitHub. I want to add a gitignore file to my repository, but I am unable to do so and I don't know how. I want to make sure a file is gitignored My visual studio code is connected with my repository. So I am able to push and pull via visual code.
Parsa & Liyam
You may go to File > New File at the root of your git repository (same directory as where your .git hidden folder is in). Then add all the directories/file that you want to be ignored into that new file and save it as .gitignore. (You can save as a plaintext file and just name it .gitignore within VS Code.
Vscode 1.46 is adding some automated help in generating a .gitignore file when you publish to github. From v1.46 release notes:
Publish to Github: Generate .gitignore
It's now possible to generate a .gitignore file when publishing a
workspace to GitHub. When publishing a workspace to GitHub, you are
prompted to select which files to include in the repository.
You can press Ctrl+Shift+P on your Visual Studio Code and then search for gitignore. Click the add gitignore option then you are good to go.
I come from SourceTree to board the GitKraken hype train. It has always been pretty easy to ignore files within ST. Just right-click on a file in the unstaged container and you've all the options. You can ignore the files directly, each file beneath a specific folder etc. (so, all the .gitignore stuff from within the GUI =)).
However, I can't find a similar feature in GitKraken. Does anybody know how I can ignore files via the GUI of GitKraken?
Please note: This is not a git question. I absolutely know in depth how ignoring files in Git work. But that's not the topic whatsoever. This is just a trivial GitKraken support question.
Currently there isn't an option to ignore a file through the GitKraken GUI.
If you check their post on twitter this is planned to be implemented soon and it will be in their release notes once this is completed.
UPDATE (26.01.2017.):
Version 2.0.0 brings the .gitignore option to the list of functionalities. You can now select a file or folder in the file staging area, and add to the .gitignore file on the fly. Right-click and select Ignore. From there, you can:
Add that specific file to .gitignore
Add all files with that file extension to .gitignore
Add all files in the same folder as the selected file to
(If selecting a folder) add that folder to the .gitignore
I have an Eclipse project which contains only a single folder "MyFolder" containing a LaTeX file "myfile.tex". For some reason, whenever I refresh the project or save a file, the following line is added to the .gitignore file at the root of my project:
I.e., someone mysteriously tells GIT to ignore the entire folder which contains my tex file. I suspect it's the tex plugin doing this. But why? How can I prevent this?
Try to:
Team → Git → Projects and unmark:
"Automatically ignore derived resources by adding them to .gitignore".