I have a script for stress testing networks in batch, and it has been working fine for me and doing exactly what I wanted it to do. I recently tried to remake it in powershell, and overall it was the same, except for one detail. Whenever I tried to start new command prompts with start cmd.exe -argumentlist {/k ping $p /l $Bytes /t} -windowstyle Minimized, it starts cmd, but it gets lost at the $p saying Ping request could not find host $p. Please check the name and try again. instead of actually passing the variable. I have been stumped for a while and couldn't find what was causing this issue since when I passed other variables to set the title of the prompts, it worked fine. The variable $p isn't getting undefined either, so I don't know what is causing this.
Here are my scripts
Batch file:
#echo off
title MainPingCenter
(call )
choice /c DC /m "Would you like to ping the default gateway or a custom IP/Web Address?"
IF %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 1 ((for /f "tokens=2,3 delims={,}" %%a in ('"WMIC NICConfig where IPEnabled="True" get DefaultIPGateway /value | find "I" "') do (echo Default IP Gateway : %%~a & set i=%%~a))
goto add)
set /p i="Type in the IP address or website address you want to ping: "
set /p loopcount="How many cmds do you want to ping with? "
set /p Bytes="How many bytes of data do you want to ping with? "
set /a loopcount=loopcount+1
set /a loopcount=loopcount-1
if %loopcount% LEQ 0 (goto exitloop)
start /min cmd.exe /k ping %i% /l %Bytes% /t
goto loop
echo Success
echo Commands are running in background
choice /c CP /m "Would you like to create more ping cmds or proceed? "
IF %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 1 goto add
IF %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 2 goto choose
(call )
choice /c YNTC /m "Would you like to close all cmd processes? (Yes, No, Timer, Cancel)"
IF %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 1 goto yes
IF %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 3 goto timer
IF %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 4 goto back
echo Closing all instances of cmd excluding this...
taskkill /im cmd.exe /t /f /fi "windowtitle ne MainPingCenter"
echo Taskkill complete. Press any key to continue...
pause >nul
title Command Prompt
goto :eof
echo Ok, press any key to end this file...
pause >nul
title Command Prompt
goto :eof
set /p timer="Set amount of seconds until processes are closed: "
choice /c YN /m "Would you ike it to close automatically when the time is finished? "
IF %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 1 (timeout /t %timer% /nobreak & goto yes)
timeout /t %timer% /nobreak
echo Time is up. Press any key to terminate all command prompts
pause >nul
goto yes
$host.ui.RawUI.WindowTitle = "Main Ping Center"
while (!($p)) {
$choice = read-host "Do you want to ping the default gateway, localhost, or a custom address? `n[D,L,C]"
switch ($choice) {
"D" {$p = WMIC NICConfig where IPEnabled="True" get DefaultIPGateway /value |findstr "{"; $p = $p.trimstart('DefaultIPGateway={"'); $p = $p.trimend('"}'); break}
"L" {$p = "localhost"; break}
"C" {$p = read-host "What address do you want to ping?"; break}
if (!($p)){echo "Invalid input"}
while (!($lc -is [int])){
$lc = read-host "How many cmds do you want to ping with? "
$ErrorActionPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
[int]$lc = $lc
if (!($lc -is [int])){echo "Invalid input"}
while (!($bytes -is [int])){
$Bytes = read-host "How many bytes of data do you want to ping with? "
$ErrorActionPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
[int]$bytes = $bytes
if (!($bytes -is [int])){echo "Invalid input"}
$ErrorActionPreference = 'continue'
$nametitle = (Get-Random)*([math]::pi)*(Get-Random)
do {
start cmd.exe -argumentlist {/k title $nametitle `& ping $p /l $Bytes /t} -windowstyle Minimized
# Variable "$nametitle" gets passed normally but even if I remove the title and "&", $p never gets passed
} until ( $lc -eq 0 )
write "Success`nCommands are running in background"
while (!($C2)) {
$choice2 = read-host "Would you like to close all cmd processes? (Yes/Y, No/N, Timer/T)"
switch ($choice2) {
"Yes" {$C2 = "Yes"}
"Y" {$C2 = "Yes"}
"No" {$C2 = "No"}
"N" {$C2 = "No"}
"Timer" {$C2 = "Time"}
"T" {$C2 = "Time"}
if (!($C2)){echo Invalid input}
switch ($C2) {
"Yes" {echo "Closing all instances of cmd excluding this..."
taskkill /im cmd.exe /t /f /fi "windowtitle eq $nametitle"
echo "Taskkill complete. Press any key to continue..."
pause | out-null
"No" {cd "$home\desktop"
echo $nametitle > PingName.txt
echo "Ok, sending name of ping cmds to text file..."
echo "Press any key to exit this file..."
pause | Out-Null
"Time" {$timer = read-host "Set amount of seconds until processes are closed"
timeout /t $timer /nobreak
echo "Closing all instances of cmd excluding this..."
taskkill /im cmd.exe /t /f /fi "windowtitle eq $nametitle"
echo "Taskkill complete. Press any key to continue..."
pause | out-null
The goal is to automate the execution of 3 files:
A batch file that runs a selenium webdriver automated test suite.
Another batch file that generates a reports for the tests run in step 1.
A PowerShell script that attaches the reports and sends an email.
How can I automate the execution of these 3 files so that upon running a command or executing a file, all 3 are executed?
This is how my PowerShell looks like:
$Username = "";
$Password = "";
function Send-ToEmail([string]$email, [string]$attachmentpath) {
$message = New-Object Net.Mail.MailMessage;
$message.From = "c#c.com";
$message.Subject = "abc";
$message.Body = "abc";
$attachment1 = New-Object Net.Mail.Attachment($attachmentpath);
$smtp = New-Object Net.Mail.SmtpClient("build3", "25");
$smtp.EnableSSL = $false;
$smtp.Credentials = New-Object System.Net.NetworkCredential($Username, $Password);
Write-Host $smtp.EnableSSL;
Write-Host "Mail Sent";
Send-ToEmail -email "a#a.com" -attachmentpath "C:\file1";
Send-ToEmail -email "b#b.com" -attachmentpath "C:\file1";
This is what the first batch file looks like:
FOR /F "TOKENS=2 eol=/ DELIMS=/ " %%A IN ('DATE/T') DO SET dd=%%A
FOR /F "TOKENS=2,3 eol=/ DELIMS=/ " %%A IN ('DATE/T') DO SET mm=%%B
FOR /F "TOKENS=2,3,4 eol=/ DELIMS=/ " %%A IN ('DATE/T') DO SET yyyy=%%C
SET todaysdate=%yyyy%%mm%%dd%
start /d "nunitPATH" nunit3-console.exe "seleniumtestsuite dll PATH" --where:cat==SignUp --result="xmlreportPATH"
This is what the second batch file looks like:
start /d "exeFilePATH" ReportUnit.exe "folderPATH"
Simply write a batch script that runs
call script1.bat
call script2.bat
D:\path\to\powershell.exe -File script3.ps1
If you need async:
start script1.bat
start script2.bat
start "" "D:\path\to\powershell.exe" "-File" "script3.ps1"
Note the pair of double quotes before powershell.exe path.
Note that this assumes your device has at least powershell v2
However, this question is a duplicate of here
I have the following script in as a cmd file
FOR /F "usebackq delims=" %%G IN (myservices.txt) DO (
echo "Start service: %%Gā
How would I translate that into powershell?
My guess would be something like this
FOR /F "usebackq delims=" %%G IN (myservice.txt) DO (
echo "Start service: %%Gā
start-service -name "%%G"
If gsp_services.txt contains service name on each line:
get-content gps_services.txt | % {
"Start service: $_ā
start-service $_
I have created a simple batch script to pseudo-lock a computer using the following code:
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
color a
if not "%1" == "max" (
powershell -command "& { $x = New-Object -ComObject Shell.Application; $x.minimizeall() }"
start /MAX cmd /c %0 max & exit/b
echo Please enter a password to lock your computer . . .
powershell -Command $pword = read-host "Enter password" -AsSecureString ; $BSTR=[System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($pword) ; [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto($BSTR) > EOFlock.txt & set /p Pass1=<EOFlock.txt & del EOFlock.txt
taskkill /IM explorer.exe /F >nul
echo Please type the password to unlock the computer . . .
set /p Pass2=
if !Pass1! == !Pass2! (goto End)
goto Locked
start explorer.exe
echo This Computer is unlocked.
I want this window to stay on top, and preferably be unclosable until it has reached the end of the file. However, I did not find a way to do this yet.
You can call into PowerShell which in turn can call into the WinAPI... at least on Windows 8+ (7 might work too, previous versions probably not).
It's relatively straightforward:
Call PowerShell
Tell it to run independent of context
Use SetWindowPos to bring a window to the front
Use GetConsoleWindow to find out which window to act on
It all fits pretty neatly into a single command:
#powershell -ExecutionPolicy UnRestricted -Command "(Add-Type -memberDefinition \"[DllImport(\"\"user32.dll\"\")] public static extern bool SetWindowPos(IntPtr hWnd, IntPtr hWndInsertAfter, int x,int y,int cx, int xy, uint flagsw);\" -name \"Win32SetWindowPos\" -passThru )::SetWindowPos((Add-Type -memberDefinition \"[DllImport(\"\"Kernel32.dll\"\")] public static extern IntPtr GetConsoleWindow();\" -name \"Win32GetConsoleWindow\" -passThru )::GetConsoleWindow(),-1,0,0,0,0,67)"
My shutdown script using the Shutdown -R command to do a mass reboot of machines. If the Shutdown -R throws a error like "RPC Service Unavailable, or access denied" I can't catch it or just don't know how to. Can someone help? I don't want to use Restart-Computer in powershell since you can't delay the reboot and can't add comments.
foreach($PC in $PClist){
ping -n 2 $PC >$null
if($lastexitcode -eq 0){
write-host "Rebooting $PC..." -foregroundcolor black -backgroundcolor green
shutdown /r /f /m \\$PC /d p:1:1 /t 300 /c "$reboot_reason"
LogWrite "$env:username,$PC,Reboot Sent,$datetime"
} else {
write-host "$PC is UNAVAILABLE" -foregroundcolor black -backgroundcolor red
LogWrite "$env:username,$PC,Unavailable/Offline,$datetime"
If PowerShell Remoting is enabled on $PC something like this might work:
Invoke-Command -Computer $PC { shutdown /r /f /d p:1:1 /t 300 /c $ARGV[0] } `
-ArgumentList $reboot_reason
The -Computer option takes an array of names/IPs.
If you want to stick with your approach and just catch errors from shutdown.exe, evaluate $LastExitCode after the command:
shutdown /r /f /m \\$PC /d p:1:1 /t 300 /c "$reboot_reason" 2>$null
if ($LastExitCode -ne 0) {
Write-Host "Cannot reboot $PC ($LastExitCode)" -ForegroundColor black `
-BackgroundColor red
} else {
LogWrite "$env:username,$PC,Reboot Sent,$datetime"
2>$null suppresses the actual error message, and the check on $LastExitCode triggers the success/failure action.
I'd like to condense
psexec \\server taskill /f /t /fi "USERNAME eq $username" /im soffice*
psexec \\server taskill /f /t /fi "USERNAME eq $username" /im swriter*
psexec \\server taskill /f /t /fi "USERNAME eq $username" /im scalc*
psexec \\server taskill /f /t /fi "USERNAME eq $username" /im simpress*
Into one psexec command. Normally I'd try the & operator to do so & so but since I'm doing this all in PS, it doesn't seem to like that. I tried an array of () and "" but it doesn't seem to like those either.
EDIT [answer]
Ended up just copying a .cmd (BAT) file and making a shortcut in my $PROFILE locally.
function flushlibra
param([string]$user = "")
if ($user -eq "")
$user = Read-Host "User to nuke LibraOffice proccesses: "
psexec -c "\\unc\path\to\flushlibra.cmd" $user
.cmd file
taskkill /f /t /fi "USERNAME eq %1" /im soffice*
taskkill /f /t /fi "USERNAME eq %1" /im swriter*
taskkill /f /t /fi "USERNAME eq %1" /im scalc*
taskkill /f /t /fi "USERNAME eq %1" /im simpress*
psexec allows you to invoke a batch script remotely, too, not just single commands. Use the -c switch to indicate that the script should be copied to the remote system.
So if you locally have a script KillProcs.cmd:
taskill /f /t /fi "USERNAME eq $username" /im soffice*
taskill /f /t /fi "USERNAME eq $username" /im swriter*
taskill /f /t /fi "USERNAME eq $username" /im scalc*
taskill /f /t /fi "USERNAME eq $username" /im simpress*
Then you can run that remotely like this
psexec \\server -c c:\localpath\KillProcs.cmd
I always use like this way :) and works properly
psexec \\COMPUTER -e cmd /c (COMMAND1 ^& COMMAND2 ^& COMMAND3)
If you just want to concatencate commands on a single line then use the statement separator ; e.g.:
psexec \\server taskill /f /t /fi "USERNAME eq $username" /im soffice*; psexec \\server taskill /f /t /fi "USERNAME eq $username" /im swriter* ; psexec \\server taskill /f /t /fi "USERNAME eq $username" /im scalc* ; psexec \\server taskill /f /t /fi "USERNAME eq $username" /im simpress*
From looking at the PSEXEC usage, it doesn't appear to allow you to specify multiple programs in a single invocation of PSEXEC.
BTW you could use PowerShell's remoting capability - assuming server has WMF 2.0 or higher installed and has enabled WSMan remoting e.g.:
Invoke-Command -ComputerName server {Stop-Process -Name soffice*,swriter*,scalc*,simpress* -Force}
If you can't go the remoting route, another approach would be to create a PowerShell function:
function Stop-RemoteProcess([string]$ComputerName, [string[]]$Programs, [string]$UserName)
foreach ($program in $Programs)
psexec "\\$ComputerName" taskill /f /t /fi "USERNAME eq $UserName" /im $program
Stop-RemoteProcess server soffice*,swriter*,scalc*,simpress* JohnDoe