Unity OnParticleTrigger() get Collider it collides with - unity3d

I wanted to make a shot with a particle system and if one of the particles collides with something, then the opponent should get damage. I use the trigger function because I want the particles to continue flying after colliding. And in case you are wondering why I don't use a raycast: if I work with a raycast, the opponent gets harm without the particles arriving.
My Code:
private void OnParticleTrigger()
if (!hitObjects.Contains(other.gameObject))
where I would like to have the opponent's collider later, I have already inserted "other"

Make the projectile a game object with a child particle system that gets triggered once the projectile hits a target


Why does the object get stuck in the wall when repelled?

I made the endless movement of the object and its repulsion from the walls, but it does not always work correctly. At rounded corners (sometimes even at a straight wall), it just gets stuck and stops moving altogether, or moves slowly to the point where it stops moving. What can this be related to and how can it be fixed?
private void FixedUpdate() {
rb.velocity = direction * normalSpeed;
lastDirection = direction;
private void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D collision) {
//Repulsion from objects.
direction = Vector3.Reflect(lastDirection.normalized, collision.GetContact(0).normal);
There is a small distance between the objects, but the circle seems to stick to the wall and moves with it until it collides with another collider:
there are objects under the circle that also have colliders, but the collision between them is not considered, since they have the same layer (in the settings, I disabled the collision for objects on the same layer). What can be done to fix this error and what can it be related to?
The object in the general scale:
I tried to increase the size of the wall collider, tried to change polygon collider to box collider, connect composite collider, changed the mechanics of the object movement (in these cases, the movement could work incorrectly), but the result was always the same - the jams (sticking to the wall) continued.
It is difficult to answer your question without having more information, but I can suggest if you are using physics to move your objects - utilize physic materials and remove code that changes direction manually in OnCollisionEnter. Using physic materials you can easily make your object bounce from colliders of your choice without losing velocity.

Checking collision only during animations

I have this knight character with a sword and an attacking animation. I want to check if the sword is colliding with an enemy and then decrease the enemy health. I managed to do that but EVERY TIME the sowrd's collider hits the enemy's collider I have the interaction. Obviously I don't want that, but the interaction should happen ONLY when the player is attacking.
I tried different approahces:
Check the attack with a boolean, by doing this in the character script
if (Input.GetButtonDown("Fire1"))
GetComponent<Animator>().SetBool("hit1", true);
isAttacking = true;
and this in the enemy script
if (other.gameObject.CompareTag("Sword") && knight.isAttacking)
currentHealth -= 10;
Debug.Log("Enemy healh: " + currentHealth.ToString());
Check if the animation is running using animator.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).IsName("nameOfTheAnimationState") instead of knight.isAttacking
Nothing seems to work so far, I know that I'm missing something stupid and I'm going to facepalm when you guys will tell me so, please, make me facepalm!
In the animation window, open the attack animation of the player which roughly looks like this
Now, try playing with the vertical white bar, moving it shows the animation snapshot of the player at each keyframe. Now, find the keyframe at which the player lifts the sword to hit the enemy. Add an event there by clicking the button that's circled red in the image below
After adding the event, you'll see the function in the inspector that's invoked by the event when the animation reaches that keyframe.
Now, create a function to set the attack point active in your script.
Find the keyframe at which the player drops the sword after hitting the enemy and add an event there. Invoke another function that sets the attack point to false.

Continuous collision detection (CCD) in particle system in Unity, is that possible?

According to this article is possible to solve collision problems with fast moving objects in unity.
If you have particle system firing 1 sphere particle (ball throw for example) with collider and gravity modifier. And another moving collider with rigidbody (baseball bat for example), is there any possibility to make these object to NOT going through when they will collide in "high speed"? You cannot set "collision detection" on particle.
For better understainding I am adding two screenshots bellow.
Feel free for asking any question.
Collider(wall) is not moving, particle will bounce
Collider(wall) is moving towards ball with speed of "swing", particle goes through
The problem is because your objects are moving at a speed that they go through the collider. Say your object would move 10 units a frame, and it was 1 unit away from the collider. If the collider was 5 units long, it wouldn’t stop the moving object. This is because the next update will push it too far ahead of the next object.
First, don’t use a particle system for this. Just use a Rigidbody, because it is easier to handle in these situations.
You could solve this by doing a sweep test. A sweep test checks for colliders, where the object is going. You could just stop it from moving at the point it hit.
Rigidbody rb;
void Start()
rb = GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
void Update()
void Sweep()
RaycastHit hit;
if (Physics.SweepTest(rb.velocity, out hit, rb.velocity.magnitude))
rb.velocity = rb.velocity.normalized * hit.distance;
Make sure this script is on your ‘baseball’, and add force somewhere in this script. Make sure that you are not using particle system, but you are using Rigidbody.
This was untested; let me know if it doesn’t work or you get an error.

unity2D: Make enemies ignore OnTriggerEnter2D when they are traveling down

I have two scripts, one attached to a gameobject and the other attached to an enemy prefab that is instantiated over time. The script attached to the gameobject uses OnTriggerEnter2D to detect when the enemy has entered, then the health bar for the object goes down by one. Iit works, the only problem is now is that because of the fact that the enemy comes up then walks back down, the enemy is colliding with the objects more than once which is not what I want.
I have tried things like using booleans to stop it colliding more than once but other prefabs enemies isn't able to collide with the gameobject because of the boolean is being set to true and not being set back to false. I don't want to use yield wait for seconds because enemies do spawn often and so it won't really look normal; I also tried onTriggerExit2D but you get the idea if I try that method. Is there any other way of detecting if an enemy has entered the objects collider damaging the object once but then when the enemy comes back down he ignores the collision (without turning off the enemies or the gameobject's collider) aka all instantiated enemies is able to collide with the gameobject when they are going up but not when they are coming back down.
Your best bet is to simply do a bool check on the monsters if they're going north or not. There are several ways to go about this. If you know where they are going you can simply compare where they are going to where they are and compare the y vector values. so something like this:
public bool monsterNorthChecker(){
if(monsterDestination.y > currentLocation.y){
return true;
return false;
Then you can simply call that function OnTriggerEnter and verify if the monster is going north or not, if he is, take away his health. If you don't know his destination, you'll probably have to resort to more tedious means of determining destination direction. Something like comparing the y values of last frame's vector2 to this one and see which way he's moved.

Two collider in one game object how to distinguish between them when colliding with another?

I'm making a 2D game, there is one player with two collider : a box collider 2D on top and a small circle collider 2D bottom. When the player jump on the box he will be ok, but when he collide with the box with his face(box collider 2D) he will die ? How can I do that? I tried the following code , but it not work. Please help me.Thanks!
if (GetComponent<Collider2D>().GetType() == typeof(BoxCollider2D))
//do something
if (GetComponent<Collider2D>().GetType() == typeof(CircleCollider2D))
//do something
If you want to get a certain BoxCollider, you can use GetComponent<BoxCollider2D>() and GetComponent<CircleCollider2D>()
However, I am not sure how to take this information and check which one fired the the OnCollisionEnter, unless you set one collider to a trigger, and use OnTriggerEnter for one, and OnCollisionEnter for the other.
What I would recommend is having two child game objects on the player and put both colliders on each game object, and handle each event in their own OnCollisonEnter