GitLab CI for systemd service - service

I have built a deb package for a systemd service, which I would like to test after building it with GitLab CI.
The image I use is based on debian:stable (i.e. buster at the time of this writing).
I am doing a basic smoke test like this:
stage: test
- dpkg -i myservice.deb
- systemctl start myservice
This fails with an error message, because systemctl is not found. If I install that as part of the test, it still fails because systemd is not the first process on the system.
How can I test a systemctl service on GitLab CI? Is there a Debian image which runs systemd?

systemd is not compatible with Docker, and is normally not needed as the Docker paradigm is to run one service per container, therefore a service control framework does not make much sense. Unless you specifically rely on systemd for tests…
I found an instruction to run systemd inside a Docker container at (and, as a follow-up, It is based on Redhat but the principles of it should apply to other distributions as well (and it gives some more background info on systemd/docker compatibility).
However, at this point I am wondering if tests conducted on such a setup are still meaningful. It might be better to rely on a local VM for tests.


Tests that require orchestration of multiple containers in GitLab CI/CD

I am considering porting a legacy pipeline that builds and tests Docker/OCI images into GitLab CI/CD. I already have a GitLab Runner in a Kubernetes cluster and it's registered to a GitLab instance. Testing a particular image requires running certain commands inside (for running unit tests, etc.). Presumably this could be modeled by a job my_test like so:
stage: test
image: my_image_1
However, these tests are not completely self-contained but also require the presence of a second container (a database, i.e.). At the outset, I can imagine one, perhaps suboptimal way for handling this (there would also have to be some logic for waiting until my_image2 has started up and a way for kubectl to obtain sufficient credentials):
before_script: kubectl deployment create my_deployment2 ...
after_script: kubectl delete deployment my_deployment2 ...
I am fairly new to GitLab CI/CD so I am wondering: What is best practice for modeling a test like this one, i.e. situations where tests requires orchestration of multiple containers? (Does this fit into the scope of a GitLab job or should it better be delegated to other software that my_test could talk to?)
Your first look should be at Services.
With services you can start a container running MySQL or Postgres and run tests which will connect to it.

Docker compose build order

I have a problem with docker compose and build order. Below is my dockerfile for starting my .net application
As you can see as part of my build process I run some tests using "RUN dotnet test backend_test/backend_test.csproj"
These tests require a mongodb database to be present.
I try to solve this dependency with docker-compose and its "depends_on" feature, see below.
However this doesn't seem to work as when I run "docker-compose up" I get the following:
The tests eventually timeout since there is no mongodb present.
Does depends_on actually affect build order at all or does it only affect start-order (i.e builds everything the proceeds to start in correct order) ?
Is there another way of doing this ? (I want tests to run as part of building my final app)
Ty in advance, let me know If you need extra information
As you guessed, depends_on is for runtime order only, not build time - it just affects docker-compose up and docker-compose stop.
I highly recommend you make all the builds independent of each other. Perhaps you need to consider separate builder and runtime images here, and / or use a Docker-based CI (Gitlab, Travis, Circle etc) to have these dependencies available for testing.
Note also, depends_on often disappoints people - as it just waits for Docker's startup to finish, not the application startup. So your DB / service / whatever may still be starting up when the container that depends on it start will start using it, causing timeouts etc. This is why HEALTH_CHECK now exists (with a similar healthcheck feature in Docker Compose)

NixOS within NixOS?

I'm starting to play around with NixOS deployments. To that end, I have a repo with some packages defined, and a configuration.nix for the server.
It seems like I should then be able to test this configuration locally (I'm also running NixOS). I imagine it's a bad idea to change my global configuration.nix to point to the deployment server's configuration.nix (who knows what that will break); but is there a safe and convenient way to "try out" the server locally - i.e. build it and either boot into it or, better, start it as a separate process?
I can see docker being one way, of course; maybe there's nothing else. But I have this vague sense Nix could be capable of doing it alone.
There is a fairly standard way of doing this that is built into the default system.
Namely nixos-rebuild build-vm. This will take your current configuration file (by default /etc/nixos/configuration.nix, build it and create a script allowing you to boot the configuration into a virtualmachine.
once the script has finished, it will leave a symlink in the current directory. You can then boot by running ./result/bin/run-$HOSTNAME-vm which will start a boot of your virtualmachine for you to play around with.
nixos-rebuild build-vm
nixos-rebuild build-vm is the easiest way to do this, however; you could also import the configuration into a NixOS container (see Chapter 47. Container Management in the NixOS manual and the nixos-container command).
This would be done with something like:
containers.mydeploy = {
privateNetwork = true;
config = import ../mydeploy-configuration.nix;
Note that you would not want to specify the network configuration in mydeploy-configuration.nix if it's static as that could cause conflicts with the network subnet created for the container.
As you may already know, system configurations can coexist without any problems in the Nix store. The problem here is running more than one system at once. For this, you need an isolation or virtualization tools like Docker, VirtualBox, etc.
NixOS Containers
NixOS provides an efficient implementation of the container concept, backed by systemd-nspawn instead of an image-based container runtime.
These can be specified declaratively in configuration.nix or imperatively with the nixos-container command if you need more flexibility.
Docker was not designed to run an entire operating system inside a container, so it may not be the best fit for testing NixOS-based deployments, which expect and provide systemd and some services inside their units of deployment. While you won't get a good NixOS experience with Docker, Nix and Docker are a good fit.
UPDATE: Both 'raw' Nix packages and NixOS run in Docker. For example, Arion supports images from plain Nix, NixOS modules and 'normal' Docker images.
To deploy NixOS inside NixOS it is best to use a technology that is designed to run a full Linux system inside.
It helps to have a program that manages the integration for you. In the Nix ecosystem, NixOps is the first candidate for this. You can use NixOps with its multiple backends, such as QEMU/KVM, VirtualBox, the (currently experimental) NixOS container backend, or you can use the none backend to deploy to machines that you have created using another tool.
Here's a complete example of using NixOps with QEMU/KVM.
If the your goal is to run automated integration tests, you can make use of the NixOS VM testing framework. This uses Linux KVM virtualization (expose /dev/kvm in sandbox) to run integrations test on networks of virtual machines, and it runs them as a derivation. It is quite efficient because it does not have to create virtual machine images because it mounts the Nix store in the VM. These tests are "built" like any other derivation, making them easy to run.
Nix store optimization
A unique feature of Nix is that you can often reuse the host Nix store, so being able to mount a host filesystem in the container/vm is a nice feature to have in your solution. If you are creating your own solutions, depending on you needs, you may want to postpone this optimization, because it becomes a bit more involved if you want the container/vm to be able to modify the store. NixOS tests solve this with an overlay file system in the VM. Another approach may be to bind mount the Nix store forward the Nix daemon socket.

offline hyperledger fabric setup on Redhat 7.0

is there any way we can get the hyperledger fabric binaries or build those from the source code as our machines are behind the firewalls. I am not able to run
curl -sSL | bash -s 1.0.5
which use the following commands
docker pull hyperledger/fabric-$IMAGES:$FABRIC_TAG
docker tag hyperledger/fabric-$IMAGES:$FABRIC_TAG hyperledger/fabric-$IMAGES
docker hub is blocked and external images are not allowed to download.
I believe this is the issue with most of the enterprises whose systems are behind the firewalls are provided restricted access for docker as well.
Just download the binaries directly for orderer and peers (and configtx, etc.) from this line in the script at Just browse manually to find your flavor and release.
echo "===> Downloading platform binaries"
curl${ARCH}-${VERSION}/hyperledger-fabric-${ARCH}-${VERSION}.tar.gz | tar xz
You may still have to clone and install the CA server, and install CouchDB, and Postgres, and Kafka and Zookeeper, etc., depending on how you want to set things up.
And you can always clone the main Fabric repo and make the binaries yourself.
You can then run them without docker (note: the cc container needs Docker available, but no images) or modify the docker scripts and create your own containers.
This page in the docs gives some good clues if you want to make yourself. You really only need to make peer and orderer but you can do make dist-clean all. Making all can take 45 min to 1 hour. You don't have to make and run any of the tests. And don't use vagrant.

Testing containerized microservice with external dependency

So I built a REST API microservice which queries a local Elasticsearch instance and translates the results according to an internal protocol. I built it into a Docker image and I would like to run some unit tests on it in build. Being ES connected to a private Docker network, it isn't reachable by the microservice during build, so the tests obviously fail. I was wondering, is there a way around this situation without having to use some complicated testing framework to do dependency injection? How do you test this kind of containers in your work practice?
I would build the application without any testing. Then I would test it using docker run so you can take the docker network advantages.
Roughly this is more elegant than test in the middle of the build:
docker build -t my_app:1.0-early your application in order to obtain an image.
docker run --network my_test_network my_app:1.0-early / Return the properly exit code or text.
Depending on the success or not of the test, re tag: docker tag my_app:1.0
You will need to have already created a docker network (docker network create my_test_network), or better use docker-compose.