How do I set the global font in MDriven Turnkey - mdriven

I can find the Views/EXT_Overidepages and the set Index.cshtml. But how do I reach the __Layout.cshtml

Load your font using #font-face in CSS.
Add it to the tkuser.css file. Read about that here


How to change font size on blog pages created on Github using JekyllNow

I created a blog using JekyllNow. JekyllNow allows you to create it fully on the web itself without having git or Ruby installed locally. i.e. everything was done without any local operation.
I am using the minimal theme. My page is created but the font seems very big. How do I change the font sizes on the page?
If there is a way to make it proportional, that would be even better - i.e. i.e. not just the default font size but also, H1, H2 etc sizes also are proportionally smaller.
Normally we edit the file style.scss located at the root of the jekyll instance.
body {
font-family: "Times New Roman", Times, serif;
But, if you are using the default Jekyll theme "Minima", you will have to edit the file minima.scss instead of the style.scss.
So, To change the default font size definition you need to reset the value of `$base-font-size'
$base-font-size: 16px !default;
Also you can change the default font definition itself by resetting the value of $base-font-family variable,
$base-font-family: "PT Serif", serif;
You will also need to remove the !default; suffix at the end of this setting for the new font to be applicable.

Is there a way to unload fonts loaded via loadFontFromList in flutter desktop application?

I'm making an application for Flutter Desktop and need to load and use the font files in the local directory.
The fonts were loaded through the loadFontFromList function.
But I couldn't find a way to unload the loaded font.
Is there any way to unload the fonts?
It looks like (Font Face Observer package) has unload, which will likely do what you need.

Ionic React: How to integrate custom fonts and icon set

I’m new with Ionic React and I’m looking for the correct way to integrate custom fonts and a custom icon set into my project, so that it’s working on all platforms as intended.
Custom Icon set
My goal is to make my custom icons work with IonIcon so that I can use the default styling options like “size” and the CSS variables (e…g --ioinc-stroke-weight).
What I did so far:
I added the icon set (all icons are svgs) into “public/assets/customicons/”
I imported IonIcon into my components where needed
Integrated the (e.g. )
So far the icons are displayed as intended and custom attributes “size” is working.
But, I’m not able to set the icon color or stroke-width programmatically. All the icons have set a default attributes (e.g. < g fill=“none” fill-rule=“evenodd” stroke="#092A5E" stroke-linecap=“round” stroke-linejoin=“round” stroke-width=“8” >). Even if I remove those default attributes, I’m not able to set them via CSS variables
Question 1: Is “public/assets/customicons/” the correct folder to store the icons?
Question 2: How can I make it work that I can change the color of the icon via CSS?
Custom Font
Goal: I want that the custom font is shown on all platforms
What I did so far:
Added the custom fonts in “src/assets/fonts/”
Created a “fonts.css” in “src/theme/” where I integrated the font via “#font-face”
#font-face {
font-family: ‘FONTNAME’;
src: url(’…/assets/fonts/FONTNAME.ttf’);
font-style: normal;
font-weight: 400;
font-display: swap;
assigned the font to differnet elements
Question 1: Is this the correct folder to store the custom fonts? (I wasn’t able to do the same when the custom font was saved under “public/assets/fonts/” like the icon set)
Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to find any docs, tutorials or posts on any of these topics.
Thanks for your help!

Load TTF font from external path

I was wondering that how to load a TTF font from a absolute file path, not relative, which is usually done with
[UIFont fontWithName:#"xyz"];
In cocos2d we can do it by using CCLabelBMFont that takes file as parameter, but when use CCLabelTTF it takes the name of font, not the file name.
Is there any workaround to load an external font not embedded with the application but downloaded from some resource as per need ?
Yes, you can do this.
Just copy the font to your project and add this reference in your info.plist. Then you can reference the font name just like any other system font.
if I did well understand your question, maybe this post Can I embed a custom font in an iPhone application? will give you an answer.

Blogger and unicode?

I have two questions
Can this code be added to blogger?
Can this code embed unicode fonts? and if can, please tell me the link how to do it.
I can't see your code Kotaro ,
but any code can added to blogger and and by default embedding font in web is not available . but you can use CSS 3.0 to force user to use from the font you like, this css property is
and you can use it as any other css property like
<div style="direction:ltr;text-align:left;font-size:small;font-url:('../resources/fonts/YourFont.ttf');"> you code </div>
just note that this CSS property just available at css 3.0 and now just Firefox 3.5 supports it so I recommand you Ignore it for now,
if you want to show a speciall text just use from a font that you know your users have it, like (Arial , Tahoma , Verdana ) for windows usres
for code you can use these software
1- copysourceashtml
that is a opensource software
2- Postable