Matlab second set of axes not the same dimensions as the first - matlab

What I really want to do is what this question is all about:
matlab remove only top and right ticks with leaving box on
To paraphrase the original question, I want to have a plot with tick marks on the left and bottom axes but NO ticks on the top and right axes, but with the box outlining the plot still intact.
Since I don't have enough reputation, I wasn't able to simply comment to follow up. Anyway, I execute the same code given in the answer by mc2, and what I get is the figure below. The logic of the method is to use 2 axes that have the same dimensions and overlay them on top of each other. The first axis has the 'box' property turned off, the second one does not. The code is:
a = gca;
b = axes('Position',get(a,'Position'),'box','on','xtick',[],'ytick',[]);
Assume that the axis that represents "a" already exists. That's the initial figure. (I added the blacked out part on top of the screen shot.) The second axis that was created is clearly not the same dimensions as the initial one--it's the bigger, nearly-square box that surrounds the smaller, rectangular one. Instead, I want the big, nearly-square box to be same dimensions as the smaller one.
Somehow the get(a,'Position') function is not grabbing the correct dimensions that I want it to. Why is this happening?
I didn't make the original figure myself; a collaborator generated the data and sent me *.fig file.


Why is my axis position data changing when I use copyobj in MATLAB?

I'm creating a plot in Matlab with two axes, and I want to copy the entire figure to a smaller window with a specific size, and then save it (this makes it easier to format plots for display in Word documents). The function I'm using is as follows:
function printStandardFigure(figInput,filename)
dpi = 300;
newFig = copyobj(figInput,groot);
newFig.Units = 'inches';
newFig.InnerPosition = [1,1,6.5/2,6.5/2];
In theory, this should create a copy of the figure I've made with all its axes, etc. identical to the original but resized to fit the new window size. What actually happens is that the 'Position' property for one of the axes gets reset to [0, 0, 1, 1], but the other one displays just fine. This still happens even when I set the ActivePositionProperty to 'position', which normally causes the axis to hold the Position property constant.
I've also tried using copyobj to copy just the two axes over to the new figure, but I have similar issues with resizing, and this doesn't import any legends even though they are set as children of the axes.
This code works just fine if I only have one axis, so why does the second axis cause it to screw up? I've tried making the original figure have the same aspect ratio as the new one, and I've tried setting their sizes to be exactly equal using the InnerPosition property. I can't figure out what's going on and Matlab's documentation isn't helping.
Here's the original chart
And here's what the output of my function looks like.
Edit: Cris Luengo in the comments suggested I try the subplot command, which I thought was a good idea, so I tried it out. However, the export process is still causing a problem Here are the original and the exported versions of the plot when I do that. The original figure was created to have the same dimensions as the exported plot, just to make sure that resizing the axes wasn't causing the issue. I also get the same problem when I remove lines 6 and 7 from the export function (where I set the size of the new figure).

How to reverse the direction of Y-Axis of MatLab figure generated by `imagesc()` function

I am trying to display data in a matrix using imagesc() function but it is showing row index in decreasing order (Assuming origin at left-bottom). Any idea what mistake i could be making or how to correct this?
The matrix only has zeros and ones in it.
Set Ydir property of the current axes to normal
By default, imagesc uses reverse for YDir
See Documentation for Axes properties
Note: This completely flips the inside data as well (it supposed to). As you are dealing with matrices, I hope this is what you want.
If you don't want to affect inside data, you need to change order of YTickLabels instead.
There's another option which requires slightly less code:
axis ij
Reverse the coordinate system so that the y values increase from top to bottom.
As in this case (as it is already reversed), you could use
axis xy
To get back to normal, so that y values increases from bottom to top.
As mentioned in the docs of axis.

Place MATLAB legend such that it does not overlap on the plot

I am generating multiple plots of different datasets in succession using MATLAB. I would like the legend positions to be such that they don't overlap on the plotted lines and it would be ideal if this placement could be done automatically.
I am aware of setting the 'Location' to 'best' to achieve this but the placement of the legend tends to be awkward when 'best' is used (below). Also, I would like the legend to be inside the plot. I also came across a way to make the legend transparent (here) so that it does not render the plotted data invisible, but explicitly placing the legend elsewhere is what I am looking for.
Is there a way to place the legend at the extremes of the image ('NorthWest', 'SouthWest' etc) automatically such that it does not overlap on the plotted data (apart from the methods suggested above)?
So, you have tried using Location instead of Position? For example:
x =1:100;
y = x.^2;
lgd = legend('y = x.^2');
and you are getting odd results correct? A quick way of solving this would be to still use Location, with best, and extract the coordinates:
You should get something like this:
ans =
0.7734 0.3037 0.1082 0.0200
which maps to:
[left bottom width height]
You will need to focus on left and bottom. These two values, left and bottom, specify the distance from the lower left corner of the figure to the lower left corner of the legend, and they are analogous to the grid frame you are using.
Then, depending on the size of the frame (I would suggest you use axis([XMIN XMAX YMIN YMAX]) for this, if possible), you can pinpoint the position of the legend within the grid. What you can do next, is check if and which of your graphs in the plot cross paths with the legend (maybe define a relative distance function based on some distance threshold) and if they do, then randomly reposition the legend (i.e. change the values of left and bottom) and repeat until your conditions are met.
If this still troubles you I can write a short snippet. Finally, know that you can always opt for placing the legend on the outside:

MATLAB: Plotting two different axes on one figure

The MATLAB surf plot below is essentially two plots plotted adjacent to each other. For clarity, I have included some code below used to prepare the plot:
band1 = horzcat(band1, eSurface2(:,:,1));
band2 = horzcat(band2, eSurface2(:,:,2));
I would like for the y axis numbering to restart at the start of the second graph. How do I go about doing that?
You can use the 'YTick' and 'YTickLabel' properties of the axis to control the ticks, this way you can make it start from zero for the second graph. It will require some trail and error to get it right. See the relevant doc here (you'll have to scroll all the way to the bottom of the page).
Take advantage of the following feature of 'YTickLabel': "If you do not specify enough text labels for all the tick marks, MATLAB uses all of the labels specified, then reuses the specified labels".

CorePlot polar plot

It became apparent that I needed to attempt to modify CorePlot code to allow me to plot Polar/Radar plots, due to heavy memory usage trying to plot circles/spokes as ScatterPlots.
I realised I could continue to use CPTScatterPlot for the actual polar data, however somehow I needed to modify the drawGridLinesInContext, such that instead of straight lines at each location, CPTXCoordinate would draw the circular line, CPTYCoordinate would be ignored, and CPTZCoordinate would draw the spokes.
I had to create new classes based on their XY siblings viz CPTPolarGraph, CPTPolarPlotSpace, CPTPolarAxisSet, CPTPolarAxis. The new code continues to use X and Y axis to plot those axes, however a Z axis was introduced to manage the spokes.
Now I seem to have cracked this, however if I scroll up and down, the circles continue to pass through the X and Y axis ticks, as they should do, but when I scroll left and right, the circles get redrawn and no longer sit on the ticks.
I obviously got some more debugging to do here, but was hoping for some pointers from the CorePlot crew, as to what might be happening
I can zip my modified version of CorePlot_1.1, including a example polar scatter plot, and forward if needs be.
The positioning of the centreViewPoint tracks precisely, as the spokes are always generated from the same point, wherever the centre is in the plotArea. The rings are also always generated from the same centre.
It seems to me that somehow, the diameters of the rings when I scroll left right get changed from the first plot presentation, yet when I scrolled Up-down they don't. Notice that when the plot is scrolled to left edge or right edge the major rings are line up on the major ticks again, as are the minor.
I tried reversing the code such that only the CPTCoordinateY get plotted, and I see the same effect, except scrolling up-down exhibits the changing in ring diameter size.
Now perhaps CGPoint startViewPoint = [thePlotSpace plotAreaViewPointForPlotPoint:startPlotPoint]; which establishes the diameter of a ring from its x-coordinate, is not returning correctly. Although perhaps also the locations set are changing, but why should they if no zooming has been done.
I'm kind of struggling here, as when I walk through the code the locations don't appear to change.
This is likely a pixel alignment issue. The tick drawing code aligns the tick marks with the pixel grid but the new axis drawing does not. Look at CPTAlignRectToUserSpace() and the other alignment functions in CPTUtilities.h.
You also may need a custom setter method for the zRange in the plot space. Make it similar to the xRange and yRange setters. The notifications fired by these methods are important—they force other parts of the graph to redraw when the plot space changes.