How to render two components while testing using react-testing library? - react-testing-library

i want to render two components using react testing library.
i have two components namely firstComponent and secondComponent
within my tests i render one compoennt like below
test('check test', async() => {
const { getByTestId } = utils.render(
<firstComp />,
utils.gqlMock(queryname, query-type),
//some logic here to do with getBytestid
Now the question is how can i render component secondComponent with mock within utils.render method
i tried something like
test('check test', async() => {
const { getByTestId } = utils.render(
[ utils.gqlMock(queryname3, query-type3),
<firstComp />,
utils.gqlMock(queryname, query-type),
//some logic here to do with getBytestid
But this throws some errors. doesnt seem to be the right way. could someone help me with this. thanks.

I never did this but I would try something like this :
const { getByTestId } = utils.render(
<SecondComponent />
<FirstComponent />


RTK query with Storybookjs

I am using RTK query with typescript in my react application and its working fine however storybookjs is not able to mock data for RTK query.
I am trying to mock store object as shown in this storybook document.
example -
export const Test = Template.bind({});
Test.decorators = [
(story) => <Mockstore data={myData}>{story()}</Mockstore>,
const customBaseQuery = (
{ signal, dispatch, getState },
) => {
return { data: [] }; // <--- NOT SURE ABOUT THIS
const Mockstore = ({ myData, children }) => (
reducer: {
[myApi.reducerPath]: createApi({
reducerPath: 'myApi',
baseQuery: customBaseQuery,
endpoints: (builder) => ({
getMyData: myData, //<-- my mock data
middleware: (getDefaultMiddleware) =>
Since RTK query hook is autogenerated, I am not sure how to mock it in storybookjs. Instead of getting mock data storybook if trying to fetch actual data.
Please help me.
You'd do
endpoints: (builder) => ({
getMyData: builder.query({
queryFn: () => { data: myData }, //<-- my mock data
alternatively you could leave the store setup just as it is and use msw to mock the real api.

When using <AsyncTypeahead/> I can't use onSearch and onInputChange at the same time

So as I said in the title, I can't use onSearch and onInputChange at the same time. If I try to, onSearch gets ignored. Can you tell me why or is there an alternative to onInputChange? Im using AsyncTypeahead in a Form, so I need the values when I click a button.
const [from, setFrom] = useState('');
const onSearchStart = (query) => {
startIsLoading: true
getStations(query).then(r => {
startIsLoading: false,
startOptions: r || []
This isn't the whole code, but it shows everything that is causing the error
As a workaround you can use useRef to not trigger the re-render. Here is the code:
const fromRef = useRef('');
const onSearchStart = (query) => {
onInputChange={(text) => {
fromRef.current = text;

Redux toolkit slice. Pure functions inside field reducers

Sup ya. Just wanna specify can we use it? I think we can just wanna be sure 100%
const someSlice = createSlice({
name: "someSlice",
initialState: {
users: [],
status: ""
reducers: {
actionSuccess: (state, { payload }) => {
state.users = payload.users;
actionFailure: (state) => {
// can we use here function?
A reducer should not trigger any side effects. That is, it should not do anything other than change the contents of the state. So you should not call a statusHandler which would trigger external effects.
If your statusHandler function does nothing but update the state, that does seem to work in my testing and I'm not aware of any reason why it shouldn't be okay.
Redux Toolkit uses Immer behind the scenes to deal with immutable updates, so this question basically boils down to whether these two functions, updatedInline and updatedExternally, are equivalent. They are, as far as I can tell.
const {produce} = immer;
const initialState = {
status: ''
const updatedInline = produce( initialState, draft => {
draft.status = 'failed';
const mutateStatus = (state) => {
state.status = 'failed';
const updatedExternally = produce( initialState, mutateStatus )
console.log("Updated Inline: \n", updatedInline);
console.log("Updated Externally: \n", updatedExternally);
<script src=""></script>

ReactDataGrid row selection does not work

I am trying to build data table using react and react-data-grid version "^7.0.0-canary.16",
The render method looks like this:
render() {
return (
<div className={"component"}>
<ReactDataGrid width={600} height={400}
showCheckbox: true,
enableShiftSelect: true,
onRowsSelected: this.onRowsSelected,
onRowsDeselected: this.onRowsDeselected,
selectBy: {
indexes: this.state.selectedIndexes
So following the documentation on page
it should display checkbox in first column and when I select the checkbox it should call method this.onRowsSelected.
Alas, no checkbox is shown and no matter how I click the this.onRowsSelected method is never called.
On the other hand the method this.onRowClick is called, whenever I click somewhere in the table.
Does anyone have experience with this?
It seems to be showing the checkboxes with "react-data-grid": "6.1.0"
Although, I'm having issue with the checkboxes when we filter the data. The rowIdx changes and we lose context of that was previously selected. We want to make BE calls on selected Data. I tried changing it to use the but no luck. It messes up the selection.
Here is a hook for managing the selection
import {useState} from 'react';
export const useRowSelection = () => {
const [selectedIndexes, setSelectedIndexes] = useState([]);
const onRowsSelected = rows => {
setSelectedIndexes(prevState => {
return prevState.concat( => r.rowIdx));
const onRowsDeselected = rows => {
let rowIndexes = => r.rowIdx);
setSelectedIndexes(prevState => {
return prevState.filter(i => rowIndexes.indexOf(i) === -1);
return {
Pass them to the RDG
const {selectedIndexes, onRowsDeselected, onRowsSelected} = useRowSelection();
const rowSelectionProps = enableRowSelection
? {
showCheckbox: true,
enableShiftSelect: true,
onRowsSelected: onRowsSelected,
onRowsDeselected: onRowsDeselected,
selectBy: {
indexes: selectedIndexes,
: undefined;
rowGetter={i => filteredData[i]}
onAddFilter={filter => handleOnAddFilter(filter)}
onClearFilters={() => handleOnCleanFilters()}

How to set focus to a materialUI TextField?

How can I set the focus on a material-ui TextField component?
componentDidMount() {
I have tried above code, but it does not work :(
For React 16.8.6, you should use the inputRef property of TextField to set focus. I tried ref property but it doesn't work.
inputRef={input => input && input.focus()}
Material-ui doc says:
inputRef: Use this property to pass a ref callback to the native input component.
You can use the autoFocus attribute.
<TextField value="some value" autoFocus />
autoFocus was also not working for me, perhaps since this is a component that's not mounted when the top-level component loads. I had to do something a lot more convoluted to get it to work:
function AutoFocusTextField(props) {
const inputRef = React.useRef();
React.useEffect(() => {
const timeout = setTimeout(() => {
}, 100);
return () => {
}, []);
return <TextField inputRef={inputRef} {...props} />;
Note that for some reason it does not work without the setTimeout. For more info see
If you are using material-ui TextField and react functional component, you can pass inputRef in your TextField component. The trick here is the if condition if(input != null).
inputRef={(input) => {
if(input != null) {
Here is an working example for you. CodeSandBox- Material-ui-TextFieldFocus
add this propery to your TextField component :
inputRef={(input) => input?.focus()}
This will focus the component every time it renders. Other solutions I tried only focus the element an initial time.
const inputRef = React.useRef<HTMLInputElement>();
useEffect(() => {
}, [inputRef.current]);
const setTextInputRef = (element: HTMLInputElement) => {
inputRef.current = element;
return (
const handleClick = () => {
inputRef.current.firstChild.placeholder = '';
placeholder="search" />
<Button onClick={handleClick}>Click</Button>
This code is actually good, but has a drawback, on every render it's going to create a new function. It easily can be solved using useCallback
inputRef={input => input && input.focus()}
Should be
const callbackRef = useCallback((inputElement) => {
if (inputElement) {
}, []);
useRef hook simple example:
const focusMe_Ref = useRef(null); // 1. create
useEffect(() => {
focusMe_Ref.current.focus(); // 2. startup
}, []);
inputRef={focusMe_Ref} // 3. will focused
I am using this solution, works for text fields inspired by
const useFocus = (): [any, () => void] => {
const htmlElRef: MutableRefObject<any> = useRef<HTMLDivElement>();
const setFocus = (): void => {
if (!htmlElRef || !htmlElRef.current) return
const div = htmlElRef.current as HTMLDivElement
if (!div) return
const input = div.querySelector("input")
if (input) input.focus()
return [htmlElRef, setFocus];
export function MyComp() {
const [ref, setFocus] = useFocus()
// use setFocus() to focus the input field
return <Input ref={ref} />
I had a similar problem where the input field didn't regain focus after I've modified its contents with external controls (an emoji picker).
I ended up with this brute workaround hook:
const useEnforceFocusTextField = (textFieldRef: React.RefObject<HTMLInputElement>) => {
const [enforcedRerender, setEnforcedRerender] = useState(false);
React.useEffect(() => {
const timeout = setTimeout(() => {
}, 100);
return () => clearTimeout(timeout);
}, [enforcedRerender]);
return () => setEnforcedRerender((n) => !n);
From the outside, you call utilize this hook in the following manner:
const textFieldRef = useRef<HTMLInputElement>(null);
// enforceFocus() can be called in any callback to set the focus to the textfield
const enforceFocus = useEnforceFocusTextField(textFieldRef);
return <TextField inputRef={textFieldRef} ... />
For a material ui TextField you need to input the props for autoFocus in a inputProps object like this.
<TextField inputProps={{ autoFocus: true }} />
AlienKevin is correct ( pass a ref callback to "TextField.inputProps" ), but you can also save the element reference on your "this" object, so that you can set focus later. Here is an example in Coffeescript:
ref: (el)=>
if el?
#input_element = el