How to get Weekly dates list in dart logic - flutter

Can any one help me out to getting list of dates of each week in a given month with selection of start of weekday like monday or any other .
not able figure out the logic in flutter (Dart)
for example :
input :
Month : May
weekday : Monday
output :
"week1": [
"week2": [
"week3": [
"week4": [
"week5": [

Finally i have found the solution . posting here for future use of others
calculateWeeks(DateTime currentMonth, DateTime previousMonth) {
List<List<String>> weeks = [];
currentMonth = DateTime.utc(2020, DateTime.august, 1);
if (currentMonth == null) {
currentMonth =;
int firstDay = 1;
int lastDay = DateUtils.daysofMonth(currentMonth);
log('Day from $firstDay - $lastDay');
DateTime startMonth =
DateTime.utc(currentMonth.year, currentMonth.month, firstDay);
DateTime endMonth =
DateTime.utc(currentMonth.year, currentMonth.month, lastDay);
DateTime weekStartDates = DateUtils.weekStart(startMonth);
DateTime weekEndDates = DateUtils.weekEnd(endMonth);
int daysDiff = weekEndDates.difference(weekStartDates).inDays;
log('Start week : $weekStartDates');
log('End week : $weekEndDates');
log('Diff : ${daysDiff}');
List<String> weekly = [];
for (int i = 0; i < daysDiff; i++) {
String date = '';
DateTime checkdate = weekStartDates.add(Duration(days: i));
if ((checkdate == startMonth || checkdate.isAfter(startMonth)) &&
(checkdate == endMonth || checkdate.isBefore(endMonth))) {
log('weekday : $i - $checkdate : ${checkdate.weekday}');
date = checkdate.toIso8601String();
if (checkdate.weekday == 7 || i == daysDiff - 1) {
weekly = [];
log('Weekly Dates :${json.encode(weeks)}');


Flutter filter list by dates

So I am getting a Promo List from an API that has a dateStart and dateEnd field which returns YYYY-MM-DD String or null if it is empty. Now I want to compare/filter.
1- has dateStart=YYYY-MM-DD && has dateEnd=YYYY-MM-DD - is ok to render but if dateEnd == today or over then it wont show
2- has dateStart=YYYY-MM-DD && has dateEnd=null - is ok to render in the list as it may be a lifetime promo
3- only show in list if dateStart is today or has already passed
Lets assume this is your list:
List sampleList = [
{"dateStart": "2022-11-18", "dateEnd": "2022-11-22"},
{"dateStart": "2022-11-20", "dateEnd": "2022-11-20"},
{"dateStart": "2022-10-20", "dateEnd": "2022-11-19"},
{"dateStart": "2022-10-20", "dateEnd": null},
so you can get your list like this:
var result = {
if (e['dateStart'] != null) {
DateTime startDate =
DateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").parse(e['dateStart'] + ' 23:59');
DateTime? endDate = e['dateEnd'] != null
? DateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm").parse(e['dateEnd'] + ' 23:59')
: null;
var now =;
if ((startDate.isBefore(now) || startDate == now) &&
(endDate == null || endDate.isBefore(now))) {
return e;
result.removeWhere((element) => element == null);
print("result = $result");//result = [{dateStart: 2022-10-20, dateEnd: 2022-11-19}, {dateStart: 2022-10-20, dateEnd: null}]
now you can use result to show your list.

show data according to number of weeks

i have this ui what i want to achieve is that i want to show data according to the date and also if the number of week is selected 1 then i want to show that same data for seven days from that particular date and after that date i want to remove that item
void chooseDay(CalendarDayModel clickedDay) {
setState(() {
_lastChooseDay = _daysList.indexOf(clickedDay);
for (var day in _daysList) {
day.isChecked = false;
CalendarDayModel chooseDay = _daysList[_daysList.indexOf(clickedDay)];
chooseDay.isChecked = true;
for (var pill in allListOfPills) {
DateTime pillDate =
DateTime.fromMicrosecondsSinceEpoch(pill.time! * 1000);
int? week = pill.howManyWeeks;
int totalDays = week! * 7;
final extraDuration = Duration(days: totalDays);
final startDate = pillDate;
final newDateTime = startDate.add(extraDuration);
if (chooseDay.dayNumber == &&
chooseDay.month == pillDate.month &&
chooseDay.year == pillDate.year) {
log("first condition vhitra");
} else if ( + 7 != + 1) {
} else if (!)) {
setState(() {
dailyPills.sort((pill1, pill2) => pill1.time!.compareTo(pill2.time!));
this is what i tried need some insight here thanks

Sort out dates for flutter check box/ Date scheduler

I have a service which returns a list of dates, which the user can opt for a future payment.
In the UI, there are three drop down boxes, one each for year, month and date.
Now when the user selects a particular year, then the months shown in the next drop down should only contain months corresponding to that particular selected year and similarly when the month is selected only the corresponding dates to that particular selected month should be shown.
The service response is something like below :
I was able to split out the dates,months and years and when I tried to change values using onChange, didn't get the desired result. Could some one please help me with the logic or maybe give me a link to get started?
I have found out a solution.
First initialize the variables :
List _serviceData = [];
List _yearList = [];
List _monthList = [];
List _dateList = [];
List<SchedulerYear> _yearData = new List<SchedulerYear>();
List<SchedulerMonth> _monthData = new List<SchedulerMonth>();
List<SchedulerDate> _dateData = new List<SchedulerDate>();
var yearData = [];
var monthData = [];
var _loadData, _year, _month, _date;
Models used :
class SchedulerYear {
String year;
String month;
String date;
String toString() {
return '$year $month $date';
class SchedulerMonth {
String month;
String date;
String toString() {
return '$month $date';
class SchedulerDate {
String date;
String toString() {
return '$date';
And finally the functions :
List<DropdownMenuItem<String>> getMenuItems(List options) {
List<DropdownMenuItem<String>> items = List();
for (String n in options) {
items.add(DropdownMenuItem(value: n, child: Text(n)));
return items;
_getYears() async {
_serviceData = await serviceHandler.fadfj; // the service response as a List
_yearData = [];
_yearList = [];
_yearItems = [];
for (int i = 0; i < _serviceData.length; i++) {
_loadData = _serviceData[i].toString();
_month = _loadData.split('/')[0];
_date = _loadData.split('/')[1];
_year = _loadData.split('/')[2];
_yearData.add(SchedulerYear(year: _year, month: _month, date: _date));
_yearList = _yearList.toSet().toList();
_yearItems = getMenuItems(_yearList);
_selectedYear = _yearItems[0].value;
yearData = _yearData;
_getMonths(selectedYear) {
_dateItems = [];
_dateItems = getMenuItems(_initialDate);
_selectedDate = _dateItems[0].value;
_yearData = yearData;
_monthData = [];
_monthList = [];
_monthItems = [];
for (int i = 0; i < _yearData.length; i++) {
if (_yearData[i].year == selectedYear) {
_monthData.add(SchedulerMonth(month: _yearData[i].month, date: _yearData[i].date));
monthData = _monthData;
_monthList = _monthList.toSet().toList();
_monthItems = getMenuItems(_monthList);
_selectedMonth = _monthItems[0].value;
_getDates(selectedMonth) {
_monthData = monthData;
_dateData = [];
_dateList = [];
_dateItems = [];
for (int i = 0; i < _monthData.length; i++) {
if (_monthData[i].month == selectedMonth) {
_dateData.add(SchedulerDate(date: _monthData[i].date));
_dateList = _dateList.toSet().toList();
_dateItems = getMenuItems(_dateList);
_selectedDate = _dateItems[0].value;
_getYears() is called inside init() and the _getMonths(selectedYear) is called onChange of years dropdown button and _getDates(selectedMonth) on the months dropdown button

Dart: How to find number of days between two dates excluding Weekend or Predicate

I need to calculate number of days between two dates in Dart.
There is built in function for that.
But I do not want weekends to be included.
Is there any way I can traverse between these 2 Dates or I can just exclude weekends.
I think you have no other choice than looping through all the days to check if this is a weekend day or not :
void main() {
DateTime date1 = DateTime(2019, 12, 01);
DateTime date2 = DateTime(2019, 12, 31);
print(getDifferenceWithoutWeekends(date1, date2));
int getDifferenceWithoutWeekends(DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate) {
int nbDays = 0;
DateTime currentDay = startDate;
while (currentDay.isBefore(endDate)) {
currentDay = currentDay.add(Duration(days: 1));
if (currentDay.weekday != DateTime.saturday && currentDay.weekday != DateTime.sunday) {
nbDays += 1;
return nbDays;
Result :
Another solution, not sure it is faster but can be useful if you need to identify the dates (you could return list<DateTime> instead of List<int> to see which day is a weekend day).
Here I build each days between the 2 dates and return 1 if this is not a weekend day, then sum the list :
void main() {
DateTime startDate = DateTime(2019, 12, 01);
DateTime endDate = DateTime(2019, 12, 31);
int nbDays = endDate.difference(startDate).inDays + 1;
List<int> days = List.generate(nbDays, (index) {
int weekDay = DateTime(startDate.year, startDate.month, + (index)).weekday;
if (weekDay != DateTime.saturday && weekDay != DateTime.sunday) {
return 1;
return 0;
print(days.reduce((a, b) => a + b));
I have also prepared a function which will traverse to all dates between two dates in Dart and will calculate number of days inBetween.
int calculateDaysBetween(DateTime mStartDate, DateTime mEndDate) {
int leaveDays = mEndDate.difference(mStartDate).inDays + 1;
int leaveBalance = 0;
var mTempDateTime =
DateTime(mStartDate.year, mStartDate.month,;
for (int i = 0; i < leaveDays; i++) {
mTempDateTime = DateTime(
mTempDateTime.year, mTempDateTime.month, + 1);
if (mTempDateTime.weekday == DateTime.friday ||
mTempDateTime.weekday == DateTime.saturday) {
print('is weekend');
} else {
// Total number of days between two dates excluding weekends.
return leaveBalance;
Improve #Developine Answer and make it more reusable , I make 2 function.
1.Calculate Total Days Of Month
2.Calculate TotalWeekDayOfMonth
Get Total Days Of Month
int totalDaysOfMonth(int month, int year) {
final result = (month < 12) ? DateTime(year, month + 1, 0) : DateTime(year + 1, 1, 0);
Get Total WeekDay Of Month
int totalWeekDayOfMonth(int year, int month, {int day = 1}) {
int totalDayOfMonth = totalDaysOfMonth(year, month);
int result = 0;
DateTime tempDateTime = DateTime(year, month, day);
for (int i = day; i <= totalDayOfMonth; i++) {
tempDateTime = DateTime(tempDateTime.year, tempDateTime.month, i);
if (tempDateTime.weekday == DateTime.saturday || tempDateTime.weekday == DateTime.sunday) {
print('is weekend');
} else {
return result;
How To Use It
void main(){
final resultWithoutDay = totalWeekDayOfMonth(2019,12);
final resultWithDay = totalWeekDayOfMonth(2019,12,day: 16);
print("Without Day $resultWithoutDay"); // 22
print("With Day $resultWithDay"); // 12

Datepicker noweekend and date range

I try to disabled the date for holidays and weekend but that not work
My code :
$(function() {
beforeShowDay: function (date) {
var startDate = "2017-06-17",
endDate = "2017-06-21",
dateRange = [];
for (var d = new Date(startDate); d <= new Date(endDate); d.setDate(d.getDate() + 1)) {
dateRange.push($.datepicker.formatDate('yy-mm-dd', d)&& $.datepicker.noWeekends);
var dateString = jQuery.datepicker.formatDate('yy-mm-dd', date);
return [dateRange.indexOf(dateString) == -1];
The date holidays are disabled but not the weekend !
I want disbled the weekend .
I have found solution
var startDate = "2017-06-17",
endDate = "2017-06-21",
bankHoliDays = [];
for (var d = new Date(startDate); d <= new Date(endDate); d.setDate(d.getDate() + 1)){
bankHoliDays.push($.datepicker.formatDate('yy-mm-dd', d));
function disableDates(date) {
var dt = $.datepicker.formatDate('yy-mm-dd', date);
var noWeekend = jQuery.datepicker.noWeekends(date);
return noWeekend[0] ? (($.inArray(dt, bankHoliDays) < 0) ? [true] : [false]) : noWeekend;
$(function () {
beforeShowDay: disableDates