How to take a screenshot of your entire screen - swift

I have created an Xcode swift based software that is menu based. One of the buttons I have created is intended to capture a screenshot and save the file to a specific location.
I have found sources explaining how to do this on iOS, but I'm looking for macOS functionality. The article: Programmatically Screenshot | Swift 3, macOS has responses that have gotten me close but I think some of it is deprecated.
How can I implement this in a software developed for macOS with Xcode & Swift 5.
Here is the code for the function:
#objc func TakeScreenshot(_ sender: Any){
func CreateTimeStamp() -> Int32
return Int32(Date().timeIntervalSince1970)
var displayCount: UInt32 = 0;
var result = CGGetActiveDisplayList(0, nil, &displayCount)
if (result != CGError.success) {
print("error: \(result)")
let allocated = Int(displayCount)
let activeDisplays = UnsafeMutablePointer<CGDirectDisplayID>.allocate(capacity: allocated)
result = CGGetActiveDisplayList(displayCount, activeDisplays, &displayCount)
if (result != CGError.success) {
print("error: \(result)")
for i in 1...displayCount {
let unixTimestamp = CreateTimeStamp()
let fileUrl = URL(fileURLWithPath: "~/Documents" + "\(unixTimestamp)" + "_" + "\(i)" + ".jpg", isDirectory: true)
let screenShot:CGImage = CGDisplayCreateImage(activeDisplays[Int(i-1)])!
let bitmapRep = NSBitmapImageRep(cgImage: screenShot)
let jpegData = bitmapRep.representation(using: NSBitmapImageRep.FileType.jpeg, properties: [:])!
do {
try jpegData.write(to: fileUrl, options: .atomic)
catch {print("error: \(error)")}
menu.addItem(NSMenuItem(title: "Take Screenshot", action:
#selector(AppDelegate.TakeScreenshot(_:)), keyEquivalent: ""))
The second portion of code is the menu item that is a button. I want this button to take a screenshot of the screen and then save the file to a location I specify.
I get this error when I use the button on my application:

The error has to do with saving the file. You are constructing the URL badly.
First, expanding ~ to the home directory is generally a shell feature, not an OS feature. The underlying file path APIs (e.g. open()) just treat that as a normal character in a path. Foundation does support expanding ~ in path strings (not URLs), but you have to specifically request it with expandingTildeInPath. It's never automatic and it's never meaningful in URLs.
Next, I suspect you were trying to build a URL to a file within the Documents directory. However, you did not put a path separator (/) between the name of the directory and the name of the file. In other words, you constructed ~/Documents10989439875_1.jpg, not ~/Documents/10989439875_1.jpg.
You should use FileManager().urls(for:.downloadsDirectory, in:.userDomainMask)[0] to get the URL to the Downloads folder and then append a path component to that using appendingPathComponent(_:isDirectory:).


Is there a faster way to loop through the installed applications on macOS?

I'm writing a menu bar extra that shows you a list of your installed apps and allows you to click on each button in the list to open that app. Obviously, to do this I need a list of every app the user has. The specific way I chose to do this was making a function that would loop through the files in the system's Applications folder, strip out anything in an app's contents or that didn't end in .app, and return an array containing a list of files as names, which is then iterated through to create a list of "app buttons" that the user can click on to launch the app.
The code for my function is
func enumerateAppsFolder() -> Array<String> {
var fileNames:Array<String> = []
let fileManager = FileManager.default
let enumerator:FileManager.DirectoryEnumerator = fileManager.enumerator(atPath:"/Applications/")!
while let element = enumerator.nextObject() as? String {
if element.hasSuffix("app") && !element.contains("Contents") { // checks the extension
return fileNames
And I create my list with
ForEach(enumerateAppsFolder(), id:\.self){
AppBarMenuItem(itemAppName: $0)
But when I do it like that, the result is what I expected, but the performance is horrible. This can be seen in the screenshot, and will just be made worse by larger applications folders on some people's systems
(When the app is starting up, which takes about 5 minutes, the CPU and disk usage are also extremely high)
Is there a better and faster method that will retrieve every app on the system, similarly to the macOS launchpad or "Open With.." list?
The enumerator method of FileManager that you are using performs a deep enumeration of the file tree. You don't want a deep enumeration, just a top-level enumeration. Use the version of the enumerator method that has the options parameter and pass in .skipsSubdirectoryDescendants.
Here's an updated version of your function getting a URL directly from FileManager for the Applications folder and then doing a shallow enumeration to get the list of apps.
func enumerateAppsFolder() -> [String] {
var appNames = [String]()
let fileManager = FileManager.default
if let appsURL = fileManager.urls(for: .applicationDirectory, in: .localDomainMask).first {
if let enumerator = fileManager.enumerator(at: appsURL, includingPropertiesForKeys: nil, options: .skipsSubdirectoryDescendants) {
while let element = enumerator.nextObject() as? URL {
if element.pathExtension == "app" { // checks the extension
return appNames
Sample output when run from a Swift Playground:
"Numbers", "Dropbox", "Xcode", "Apple Configurator 2", "iMovie"

Unable to save images to Egnyte/Google Drive/Dropbox - Swift/Xcode

I tried the following code solution and it allows for me to save to Google Drive now, but Egnyte and Dropbox are still greyed out.
func exportPhotosToFileLocation() {
var fileURLArray = [URL]()
for data in reviewDataController.tableViewReviewData {
guard let imageData = data.image.jpegData(compressionQuality: 1.00) else {
print("ERROR: Unable to print convert image to jpegData in exportPhotosToFileLocation!")
let fileManager = FileManager.default
do {
let fileURL = fileManager.temporaryDirectory.appendingPathComponent("\(data.imageTitle)").appendingPathExtension("jpeg")
try imageData.write(to: fileURL)
print("Successfully created file from jpegData in exportPhotosToFileLocation!")
} catch {
print("ERROR: Unable to create file from jpegData in exportPhotosToFileLocation!")
if #available(iOS 14, *) {
let controller = UIDocumentPickerViewController(forExporting: fileURLArray)
present(controller, animated: true)
else {
let controller = UIDocumentPickerViewController(urls: fileURLArray, in: .exportToService)
present(controller, animated: true)
Here is the developer documents for Egnyte. Unfortunately, none of it makes sense to me as a beginner.
Egnyte Developer Documentation
In my app, I'm trying to allow the user to select a save location (so choose a folder). Whenever I use this code, Egnyte/Google Drive/Dropbox are all "greyed" out and inaccessible.
let supportedTypes : [UTType] = [UTType.folder]
let documentPickerController = UIDocumentPickerViewController(forOpeningContentTypes: supportedTypes)
documentPickerController.delegate = self
self.present(documentPickerController, animated: true, completion: nil)
If I change supportedTypes to
let supportedTypes : [UTType] = [UTType.text]
It does let me access them. Does anyone have a solution for this? I obviously need the user to be able to select a folder in these applications... you can see why that is important.
This is up to the file provider extension (Google Drive, etc.). To allow picking a folder, the file provider has to lay content in its directory in a hierarchical manner... if they do this, they need to specify NSExtensionFileProviderSupportsPickingFolders in their Info.plist to tell the system it's allowed to choose folders.
Do you need to choose a save location and persist it? If yes, then you'll be blocked on the file provider implementing the necessary API. If not, the type you pass should the type of the document you are actually saving. The document will be saved once in the chosen folder (without any additional requirements on the file provider extension), and you will have to use the document picker again to save the next document.
If you are trying to select Dropbox as a location to import files from in the Apple File Importer but it does not advance to the file selection screen I found that restarting my iPhone seemed to resolve that issue.

Security Scoped Bookmark - bookmark resolves but still can't access the file

EDIT: Additional information added at the bottom
I have a sandboxed, document based application that loads a user selected quicktime movie into an AVPlayer, and everything was working perfectly.
Now I am upgrading the code so that it will use Security Scoped bookmarks to get the URL rather than just storing a URL string so that the persistent store will allow the movie to be loaded upon relaunch of the application. When the bookmark is created it is stored in a Data variable of a managed object.
For some reason, this has broken the AVPlayer. While I have created a bookmark from the user selected URL, and can resolving the URL from the bookmark when the application is relaunched, the movie is not getting loaded into the AVPlayer correctly and I can't figure out why... I have confirmed that the URL being resolved from the bookmark does point to the movie file.
I have also added the appropriate entitlements to the project.
Here is my code:
Function Where User Selects a Movie To Load and Bookmark is Created
#IBAction func loadMovie(_ sender: Any) {
let openPanel = NSOpenPanel()
openPanel.title = "Select Video File To Import"
openPanel.allowedFileTypes = ["mov", "avi", "mp4"]
openPanel.begin { (result: NSApplication.ModalResponse) -> Void in
if result == NSApplication.ModalResponse.OK {
self.movieURL = openPanel.url
self.player = AVPlayer.init(url: self.movieURL!)
if self.loadedMovieDatabase.count > 0 {
print("Movie Object Exists. Adding URL String")
self.loadedMovieDatabase[0].urlString = String(describing: self.movieURL!)
} else {
print("No Movie Object Exists Yet. Creating one and adding URL String")
let document = NSDocumentController.shared.currentDocument as! NSPersistentDocument
let myManagedObjectContext = document.managedObjectContext!
let newMovie = NSEntityDescription.insertNewObject(forEntityName: "Movie", into: myManagedObjectContext) as! MovieMO
self.loadedMovieDatabase[0].urlString = String(describing: self.movieURL!)
// create Security-Scoped bookmark - Added 2/1/18
do {
try self.loadedMovieDatabase[0].bookmark = (self.movieURL?.bookmarkData(options: NSURL.BookmarkCreationOptions.withSecurityScope, includingResourceValuesForKeys: nil, relativeTo: nil))!
} catch {
print("Can't create security bookmark!")
Function where Bookmark is Resolved into URL and Movie is Loaded
// initialize AVPlayer with URL stored in coreData movie object if it exists and is a valid path
if loadedMovieDatabase.count > 0 {
// initialize with saved movie path if it is valid (from security bookmark data)
// let myURL = URL(string: loadedMovieDatabase[0].urlString!) <- replaced with new code below
print("Loading URL from Bookmark")
var urlResult = false
var myURL : URL
do {
try myURL = URL.init(resolvingBookmarkData: loadedMovieDatabase[0].bookmark, bookmarkDataIsStale: &urlResult)!
print("URL Loaded from Bookmark")
print("URL is", myURL)
let isSecuredURL = myURL.startAccessingSecurityScopedResource()
print("IsSecured = ", isSecuredURL)
player = AVPlayer.init(url: myURL)
print("Setting Up Movie")
} catch {
// No Data in bookmark so load default ColorBars movie instead
print("No Security Bookmark Available. Reverting to Default Color Bars")
let myURL = URL(string: initialMoviePath)
player = AVPlayer.init(url: myURL!)
} else {
// load default ColorBars movie instead
print("Nothing was loaded so just set up a new document.")
let myURL = URL(string: initialMoviePath)
player = AVPlayer.init(url: myURL!)
I am new to Security-Scoped Bookmarks, so I'm hoping that this may be obvious to anyone who has worked with them before.
I'm wondering if it's a problem with:
let isSecuredURL = myURL.startAccessingSecurityScopedResource()
Perhaps I'm calling this incorrectly? Sometimes I find Apple's documentation to be vague and confusing... Any insight would be appreciated!
I believe I know why this is happening, but I'm not sure how to fix it...
always returns FALSE... per the documentation that would mean that it's not working. Additionally, while the movie file is located on my Desktop, the Resolved URL comes up as the following (this may be normal, I don't know.):
The apple docs make reference to the fact that a Document Scope can not use files in the system (aka "/Library"), but my entitlements are setup to use application-scope bookmarks, and my bookmark was created using the nil flag for relativeURL: so this shouldn't be an issue.
I just stumbled upon the answer accidentally...
For starters, when I was resolving the URL, I was not using the method which allows you to include OPTIONS, so my URL was resolved WITHOUT the security-scope. My original code to resolve was:
try myURL = URL.init(resolvingBookmarkData: loadedMovieDatabase[0].bookmark, bookmarkDataIsStable: &urlResult)!
When I should have been using the version with options here:
try myURL = URL.init(resolvingBookmarkData: loadedMovieDatabase[0].bookmark, Options: URL.bookmarkResolutionOptions.withSecurityScope, relativeTo: nil, bookmarkDataIsStable: &urlResult)!
Basically, I used the first init option Xcode presented in the predictive list with the words "resolvingBookmarkData:" when I should have looked further down the list. (This is how I found my error.)
NOTE also that it's important to use...
and not
...when you're resolving your URL or it doesn't appear to work correctly.
Thus ends my frustration with this problem :) I hope this explanation might help others facing this problem!

FileHandle not accepting my URLs for write access

I'd like to open a uniquely named output file for writing either plist or data, but not having any luck in getting a handle using either URL routine of init(fileURLWithPath:) or init(string:)
func NewFileHandleForWritingFile(path: String, name: String, type: String, outFile: inout String?) -> FileHandle? {
let fm = FileManager.default
var file: String? = nil
var uniqueNum = 0
while true {
let tag = (uniqueNum > 0 ? String(format: "-%d", uniqueNum) : "")
let unique = String(format: "%#%#.%#", name, tag, type)
file = String(format: "%#/%#", path, unique)
if false == fm.fileExists(atPath: file!) { break }
// Try another tag.
uniqueNum += 1;
outFile = file!
do {
let fileURL = URL.init(fileURLWithPath: file!)
let fileHandle = try FileHandle.init(forWritingTo: fileURL)
print("\(file!) was opened for writing")
//set the file extension hidden attribute to YES
try fm.setAttributes([FileAttributeKey.extensionHidden: true], ofItemAtPath: file!)
return fileHandle
} catch let error {
return nil;
debugger shows
which for this URL init routine adds the scheme (file://) but otherwise the same as the other, and I'd like to prefer the newer methods which throw reutrning (-1) when just using paths. The error thrown (2) is an ENOENT (no such entity!?) as I need a handle to write to I'm confused how else to get one? The sample path is a new folder created at desktop to triage.
Unlike the previous answer, I recommend using Data's write(to:options:) API instead of FileManager's createFile(atPath:contents:attributes:), because it is a URL-based API, which is generally to be preferred over path-based ones. The Data method also throws an error instead of just returning false if it fails, so if something goes wrong, you can tell the user why.
try Data().write(to: fileURL, options: [])
I would also suggesting replacing the path-based FileManager.fileExists(atPath:) with the URL-based checkResourceIsReachable():
if false == ((try? fileURL.checkResourceIsReachable()) ?? false)
You can't create a file handle to a non-existent file. That is what is causing the ENOENT error.
Use FileManager createFile(atPath:contents:attributes:) to create the file just before creating the file handle.
do {
fm.createFile(atPath: file!, contents: nil, attributes: [FileAttributeKey.extensionHidden: true])
let fileURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: file!)
let fileHandle = try FileHandle(forWritingTo: fileURL)
print("\(file!) was opened for writing")
return fileHandle
} catch let error {
return nil;

Using Xcode 7/Swift 2 writeToPath to Resources file the call does not fail but no data is written

I am using Xcode 7.3.1 and Swift 2.0. I am using the following code sample:
func writeToResourcesDataDir() {
if let path = NSBundle.mainBundle().pathForResource("TestData", ofType: ".json") {
let str = "Test String"
do {
try str.writeToFile(path, atomically: false, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding)
print("writeToFile successful")
} catch {
print("writeToFile failed")
} else {
print("Path does not exist")
Running under Xcode in the see the "writeToFile successful" message.But, also using the simulator, I can display the TestData in the Resources directory and the file does not have the string.I also used a terminal window in Mac to look at the files in the Resources directory and the TestData file is empty (0 bytes).I know I am in the correct Resources directory because there is another file in the directory that has correct data that is used for running the other parts of the program.
I have spent several days now looking at other google entries about data from writeToFile not working and I have tried out every fix or things to try I have found.
Can anyone help?
I added code to accept the boolean return from the call to writeToFile and it returns a false. I'm not sure why a false is returned but the catch isn't invoked.I am not sure how to get the error code that goes with this writeToFile in Swift 2.0.
I am also wondering if this is a write permissions problem.Should I be using the Documents directory instead of the Data directory?
Try something like this. This is swift 2.3 and xcode 8.
let filename = "yourjsonfile"
let documentDirectoryURL = try! NSFileManager.defaultManager().URLForDirectory(.DocumentDirectory, inDomain: .UserDomainMask, appropriateForURL: nil, create: true)
let filePath = documentDirectoryURL.URLByAppendingPathComponent(filename)
let fileExist = filePath?.checkResourceIsReachableAndReturnError(nil)
if (fileExist == true) {
print("Found file")
} else {
print("File not found")