unable to send large files to Kafka broker | Error message: The request included a message larger than the max message size the server will accept - apache-kafka

I am unable to send large file to the broker, I have edited the configuration files and inside my client program but it didn't work.
Error Message
The request included a message larger than the max message size the server will accept.
Server properties
Client app

Moving comment to answer...
The message.max.bytes is a cluster-wide setting and you need to make sure that the corresponding max.message.bytes configuration is also set at topic-level. As the topic-level configuration defaults to 1048588 you are seeing this error.

kafka-topics.bat --create --zookeeper --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic test --config max.message.bytes=9000000


Error while fetching metadata kafka {test=LEADER_NOT_AVAILABLE}?

I get the error after running those simple commands -
I started the Zookeeper and the Kafka servers,
I execute the command:
./kafka-topics --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic test
and execute the command:
./kafka-console-producer --broker-list localhost:9092 --topic test
I obtain a list of WARN like:
[2019-12-08 21:36:13,024] WARN [Producer clientId=console-producer] Error while fetching metadata with correlation id 37 : {test=LEADER_NOT_AVAILABLE} (org.apache.kafka.clients.NetworkClient)
what did I do wrong?
If your broker has the auto.create.topics.enable set to true, then this error will be transient and you should be able to produce message without any further error.
It happens just because the producer is asking for metadata about the topic it wants to write to but that topic doesn't exist in the cluster and the partition leader (where the producer wants to write) doesn't exist yet.
If you retry, the broker will create the topic and the command will work fine.
If the above configuration is set to false, then the broker doesn't create the topic automatically on the first request from a client so you have to create it upfront.
Finally, but it's not your case, the above error could even happen when the topic exist but, for example, the broker which is leader for the specific topic partition is down and a new leader election is in progress.
I wanted to add a comment, but its seems I can't. Just go through this link. Someone had a similar problem and it seems the problem is not what you have done but can be somethings different.
Link: https://grokbase.com/t/kafka/users/134qvay38q/leadernotavailable-exception

Get the latest offsets in SSL Enabled Kafka via CMD

I have being using the below CMD to get the latest offsets in from a Kafka Queue which has plain-text port open
kafka-run-class.sh kafka.tools.GetOffsetShell --broker-list server:9092 --topic sample_topic --time -1
But, now we only have the SSL port open, so I tried passing the SSL details as a property file
kafka-run-class.sh kafka.tools.GetOffsetShell --broker-list server:9093 --topic sample_topic --time -1 --consumer-config /path/to/file
Getting the below error -
Exception in thread "main" joptsimple.UnrecognizedOptionException: consumer-config is not a recognized option
How do I pass the SSL details to this command? These are all the available arguments for kafka-run-class.sh kafka.tools.GetOffsetShell
--broker-list <String: hostname:and port,...,hostname:port>
--max-wait-ms <Integer: ms>
--offsets <Integer: count>
--partitions <String: partition ids>
--time <Long: timestamp/-1(latest)/-2
--topic <String: topic>
Unfortunately kafka.tools.GetOffsetShell only supports PLAINTEXT connection. This tools is not used a lot and nobody has bothered updating it.
Depending on your use case, you have a few options:
Use the kafka-consumer-groups.sh tool: Assuming you have a consumer group consuming from that topic, this tool display the log end offsets of each partitions
Patch kafka.tools.GetOffsetShell: It's realtively easy to add support to secured connections bby reusing logic from the other tool. If you do so, consider sending a patch to Kafka =)
Write a tiny tool that calls Consumer.endOffsets()
Use kafka.tools.DumpLogSegments: As a last resort this tool can also be used to find the last offset

Setting log.retentions.hours for broker in Kafka 0.10.2.x

I am trying to set log.retenton.hours for broker level configuration for kafka 0.10.2x. But I am getting this error for below command.
kafka-configs.sh --zookeeper zookeeper:2181 --entity-type brokers --entity-name 0 --alter --add-config log.retention.hours=-1
Error while executing config command requirement failed: Unknown Dynamic Configuration 'log.retention.hours'.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: requirement failed: Unknown Dynamic Configuration 'log.retention.hours'.
at scala.Predef$.require(Predef.scala:277)
at kafka.server.DynamicConfig$.$anonfun$validate$1(DynamicConfig.scala:101)
at kafka.server.DynamicConfig$.$anonfun$validate$1$adapted(DynamicConfig.scala:100)
at scala.collection.Iterator.foreach(Iterator.scala:929)
at scala.collection.Iterator.foreach$(Iterator.scala:929)
at scala.collection.AbstractIterator.foreach(Iterator.scala:1406)
at kafka.server.DynamicConfig$.kafka$server$DynamicConfig$$validate(DynamicConfig.scala:100)
at kafka.server.DynamicConfig$Broker$.validate(DynamicConfig.scala:59)
at kafka.admin.AdminUtils$.changeBrokerConfig(AdminUtils.scala:555)
at kafka.admin.ConfigCommand$.alterConfig(ConfigCommand.scala:105)
at kafka.admin.ConfigCommand$.main(ConfigCommand.scala:68)
at kafka.admin.ConfigCommand.main(ConfigCommand.scala)
As the error says, that property is not dynamic (cannot be modified while the broker is running)
Plus, that feature shouldn't be possible with your version
From Kafka version 1.1 onwards, some of the broker configs can be updated without restarting the broker
You can set retention per topic level, otherwise, you need to edit the server.properties file of every broker and gracefully reboot them
I'm sure you have a good reason for "disabling" retention, but I would suggest trying compacted topics first
log.retention.hours is read-only property at broker level, so it can't be changed using kafka-config.sh dynamically.
Change it in server.properties and restart the brokers.
Here are the details for readonly or dynamic broker config.

Missing required argument "[zookeeper]"

i'm trying to start a consumer using Apache Kafka, it used to work well, but i had to format my pc and reinstall everything again, and now when trying to run this:
bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic test --from-beginning
this is what i'm getting:
Missing required argument "[zookeeper]"
Option Description
------ -----------
--blacklist <blacklist> Blacklist of topics to exclude from
--bootstrap-server <server to connect
--consumer.config <config file> Consumer config properties file.
--csv-reporter-enabled If set, the CSV metrics reporter will
be enabled
--delete-consumer-offsets If specified, the consumer path in
zookeeper is deleted when starting up
--formatter <class> The name of a class to use for
formatting kafka messages for
display. (default: kafka.tools.
--from-beginning If the consumer does not already have
an established offset to consume
from, start with the earliest
message present in the log rather
than the latest message.
--key-deserializer <deserializer for
--max-messages <Integer: num_messages> The maximum number of messages to
consume before exiting. If not set,
consumption is continual.
--metrics-dir <metrics directory> If csv-reporter-enable is set, and
this parameter isset, the csv
metrics will be outputed here
--new-consumer Use the new consumer implementation.
--property <prop>
--skip-message-on-error If there is an error when processing a
message, skip it instead of halt.
--timeout-ms <Integer: timeout_ms> If specified, exit if no message is
available for consumption for the
specified interval.
--topic <topic> The topic id to consume on.
--value-deserializer <deserializer for
--whitelist <whitelist> Whitelist of topics to include for
--zookeeper <urls> REQUIRED: The connection string for
the zookeeper connection in the form
host:port. Multiple URLS can be
given to allow fail-over.
my guess is that there's some kind of problem with the zookeeper connection port, because it's telling me to specify the port which zookeeper has to use to get connected to kafka. I'm not sure of this though, and don't know how to figure out the port to specify if this was the problem. Any suggestions??
Thanks in advance for the help
It looks like you are using an old version of the Kafka tools that requires to set --new-consumer if you want to directly connect to the brokers.
I'd recommend picking a recent version of Kafka so you only need to specify --bootstrap-server like in your example: http://kafka.apache.org/downloads

Kafka console producer skipping messages

I'm trying to send a file to a topic using:
cat myfile | kafka-console-producer.sh --broker-list $BROKER_URL --topic mytopic
When I check the count of messages on the topic I see few hundred messages less than actual.
During the write I see a message:
[2017-11-15 14:05:26,864] WARN Error while fetching metadata with correlation id 0 : {abc123=LEADER_NOT_AVAILABLE} (org.apache.kafka.clients.NetworkClient)
I have correctly set the advertised hostname and listeners.
What confuses me is that if leader is not available how does it manage to put any messages into the topic? Furthermore, the message appears randomly, sometimes it doesn't.
How can I debug this?
As pointed out by vahid in comments this is a know issue.
The workaround is to specify --request-required-acks 1 to the console producer.
The random occurence of LEADER_NOT_AVAILABLE happens when I write to a new topic without explicitly creating it first. (Thanks to amethystic)