How to determine the underlying provider used by Antimalware Scan Interface? - antivirus

Is there a easy way to see which underlying malware provider is handling the requests for Antimalware Scan Interface? Win32 call or registry key?
Windows Server 2019

According to MSFT docs, appears there are two registry keys for finding this info:


System Center Operations Manager 2016 API

I am playing with System Center Operations Manager 2012 R2 and 2016, and I would like to integrate the overall SCOM status into another monitoring solution (Cacti).
Is there an API to query the status of the SCOM Management Server and the number of active alerts, unhealthy clients, etc..?
I tried searching online for WMI or API access, but I get swamped with articles, how to use SCOM to monitor WMI and other APIs, not the other way around.
Nevermind, searching for SDK reveals the answer:

Message digest configuration in windows server 2012

I have a windows server 2012 machine, that is being used an certificate authority (using SCEP).
What is the default message digest algorithm ?
Is it possible to configure it to use a different one ?
I've being looking in documentation, but failed to find any way to do so.
I was able to find how to do this.
You need to edit the registry and change the entry under:
to the algorithms you wish to use.

Powershell: Find out if NUMA is configured and how many CPUs are assigned to each NUMA node?

Using Powershell, how can I find out if my server has NUMA enabled and how many CPUs are assigned to each NUMA node?
I found out here that the object object has an affinityinfo field. However, that field doesn't exist in my server object in Powershell when I create it (SQL Server 2005 on Windows XP).
It appears that the affinityinfo field only exists in SQL Server 2008 R2 and later.
There are APIs available that will get you this information but they are unmanaged which means they are not easily callable from PowerShell (.NET). In order to call these directly you have to use the Add-Type cmdlet to compile C# code into an in-memory assembly which you would then instantiate or invoke a static method from. I have an example of what this looks like on my blog.
Writing the C# is the tricky part because there is a lot of unfriendly looking code associated with it, check out this example. If you are familiar with C#, you might be able to adapt this to what you want. If not Mark has a tool called Coreinfo that looks like it will get you the information you are looking for. It actually calls the same unmangaged API that the linked p/invoke code does (GetLogicalProcessorInformation). You can just call this from PowerShell and process its STDOUT.
I don't think that native OS APIs in Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 for working with more than 64 logical processors are available in .NET, you can have a look to .NET Support for More Than 64 Processors. This guy use to write a .NET wrapper for OS APIs, you perhaps use that in PowerShell.

Connect to JMX using PowerShell

I am not a developer so please keep that in mind when reading the following message:
I need to be able to use Windows PowerShell to connect to a JMX RMI agent on a host, is this even possible ?
The example string from the java client I have been given is as below:
JMXServiceURL url = new JMXServiceURL("service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://localhost:7979/jmxrmi");
The reason for this is that I am doing other work in my PowerShell script and would like to keep it all in one place.
Thanks !
This is an unusual mix of two technologies, but it is possible.
On the off-chance that you are attempting to connect to a JBoss server, the quickest way may be for you to call twiddle, a command tool that will dispatch JMX requests to the target JBoss server and return the results to standard out.
Another way is to implement the Jolokia agent on the target servers. This will allow you to issue JMX requests using REST. Responses will also be returned in REST format which you can process in PowerShell using one of these solutions.
Thirdly, you can also deploy the JMX-WS service on your target servers which will allow you to communicate with the JMX server using web-services. This document provides some VBScript examples of this.
None of the above actually uses the JMXServiceURL syntax you outlined, and I cannot think of a way you could actually cleanly integrate this RMI based protocol into PowerShell, but hopefully one of the above will work for you.
========== UPDATE ==========
There may be a way to use the RMI implementation. Take a look at IKVM. It is a Java Byte Code to .NET compiler. I have successfully compiled JMX/RMI java code into a .Net assembly and used it from C#. I think PowerShell will do the same thing.

Using Entity Framework with Informix

I've been trying for quite some time to use Entity Framework with our IBM Informix databases. Hours of searching has pointed me towards installing the IBM .NET Data Server Provider, which I have installed, however when I attempt to add a new Entity Model to my project I only have the Microsoft SQL Server Data Providers listed. Am I missing a step? Is this even possible?
I am not an expert on Windows or .NET; treat any comments I make with due caution.
Installing the .NET Data Server Provider is an important first step. You now have to make sure that you can use it to connect to the Informix databases you want to manipulate. There are several things you'll need to check here:
Is the server (meaning the Informix instance) configured to allow DRDA connections?
By default, it probably isn't.
If you're the DBSA (database system administrator), you'll need to check that you've enabled 'drsoctcp' connections on the system, and configured a server alias to use that connection.
If you're not the DBSA, you'll need to chat with your DBSA to get the relevant information.
Assuming that you have DRDA connectivity enabled at the server side, you then need to ensure you have an appropriately configured ... DSN? Your client code needs to be able to connect to the server.
There is no reason I'm aware of why it cannot be done. However, I don't know exactly how to guide you step-by-step through any of the above.
You might need to seek assistance from IBM Technical Support.
You would help everyone if you clarified which version of Informix (the DBMS) you have, along with the version information for the platform where it is running (whether Windows or Unix, and the o/s version information) - and which version of the Data Server Provider you are using (and which variant of Windows you are using it on).