How to add policy to Keycloak - UI crashes - keycloak

I'm trying to enable flow when some admin user by some admin client is able to create users and obtain their access tokens to be used for another clients.
I have KeyCloak setup with token exchange and fine grained authz enabled and configured clients. I'm able to login my admin user by REST api, then exchange token. But when I specify audience I got error.
This one returns token but I need token for another client/audience.
http -f POST grant_type=urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:token-exchange requested_subject=1a147915-53fe-454d-906a-186fecfa6974 client_id=api-admin client_secret=23a4ecbe-a9e8-448c-b36a-a45fa1082e6e subject_token=eyJhbGeiOiJSUzI1NiIs......
This one is failing with error.
http -f POST grant_type=urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:token-exchange requested_subject=1a147915-53fe-454d-906a-186fecfa6974 client_id=api-admin client_secret=23a4ecbe-a9e8-448c-b36a-a45fa1082e6e subject_token=eyJhbGeiOiJSUzI1NiIs...... audience=my-another-client
"error": "access_denied",
"error_description": "Client not allowed to exchange"
So I tried to setup fine grained auth for target audience client (enabled it in tab, then tried to add policy for my admin user to be able to exchange token) but when I want to add policy that will allow my admin user to perform token exchange I'm stuck on UI error.
When typing policy name I got 404 when Keycloak is looking for name colisions. Afaik 404 in this case shouldn't block form from posting because it is no name collision. Instead I got instantly redirected with error.
In the end of the day I can't add any policy in Keycloak. All the time form validation is ending up with crash caused by 404 policy name not found.
I'm using dockerized keycloak 10.0.0
Any ideas?

I hacked it by live editing Angular JS UI script function that performs verification in line 2403.
this.checkNameAvailability = function (onSuccess) {
if (!$ || $ == 0) {
realm: $route.current.params.realm,
name: $
}, function(data) {
if (data && && != $ {
Notifications.error("Name already in use by another policy or permission, please choose another one.");
} else {
this.checkNameAvailability = function (onSuccess) {
And that end up with successfuly added policy. Still looks like it's UI bug.


How to Properly Set Permissions for a Custom Strapi Plugin

Strapi Version: 4.1.5
Operating System: Debian GNU/Linux 9
Database: PostgreSQL 13
Node Version: v14.16.0
NPM Version: 6.14.11
Yarn Version: v1.22.5
Hi everyone, I can’t seem to find consistent information on how to use permissions with a custom plugin in Strapi. I want to make an endpoint available to my front-end (Next.JS) application, but only when the front-end application has authenticated as a user and using the JWT that is returned from authenticating with Strapi. I keep getting a 401 returned.
Here’s what I’m doing:
I used this page to set up authentication in Strapi. I have a user created in Strapi, and from the front-end, I can authenticate and it returns a JWT token. When I set up collection types to only be accessible with the “authenticated” role, I can access those collection types in the api using this JWT token. So all of that works. The problem is that I can’t get this to work with my custom plugin, and I’m not sure why. I still get a 401 error instead.
Here’s how I set up the permissions:
Based on this page, I initially tried to leverage the isAuthenticated permission that the Users & Permissions plugin provides:
method: "GET",
path: "/progress",
handler: "memberProgress.getProgress",
config: {
policies: ['plugins::users-permissions.isAuthenticated']
Unfortunately, this did not work. The server raised an error, saying that this could not be found. So back on the document linked above, I decided to take the approach of creating my own gloabl permission. I created src/policies/is-authenticated.js with the following contents:
module.exports = (policyContext, config, { strapi }) => {
if (policyContext.state.user) { // if a session is open
// go to next policy or reach the controller's action
return true;
return false; // If you return nothing, Strapi considers you didn't want to block the request and will let it pass
Then, I modified my plugin’s route as follows:
method: "GET",
path: "/progress",
handler: "memberProgress.getProgress",
config: {
policies: ['global::is-authenticated']
This is all based on that document I linked to. Unfortunately, this still does not work. It seems to find the permission (server doesn’t raise an error about it), but when I try to access my plugin’s endpoint with the JWT token, I just get a 401 error.
Here is how I’m trying to access the endpoint on the front-end:
// VERIFIED, auth works and I get the expected jwt
const strapiAuth = await strapiApiAuth();
if ( strapiAuth && strapiAuth.hasOwnProperty("jwt") ) {
try {
const response = await axios.get(
headers: {
Accept: "application/json",
Authorization: `Bearer ${strapiAuth.jwt}`
timeout: 500,
} catch (error) {
// This is where I land with the 401 error
Strapi check if you have a valid jwt by default with "authenticated" role, but you must mark the permission to your custom endpoint in "Settings→User & Permission Plugin→Roles" of admin panel also.

Keycloak.js can not get access token when login with Google and Facebook

I'm build a system for our company using Keycloak. I use keycloak.js for by-pass default login page of Keycloak.
function myFunction() {
let kcLogin = keycloak.login;
keycloak.login = (options) => {
options.idpHint = 'facebook';
kcLogin(options).then(auth => {
alert("keycloak Login");
if(auth) {
alert("token" + kc.token);
} else {
alert("auth is null");
keycloak.init({ onLoad: 'login-required' }).then(function(authenticated) {
alert(authenticated ? 'authenticated' : 'not authenticated');
}).catch(function() {
alert('failed to initialize');
But I can NOT get access token / refresh token after login.
I check: keycloak.token = undefined.
Please help me!
PS: I always get exception of keycloak.init then redirect to facebook login ( or google login )
alert('failed to initialize');
Thank you so much.
Code here:
You are trying to configure your backend and frontend with Keycloak.
Either you just have to configure your backend to integrate with your keycloak or Integration your frontend application and your backend will only verify the token.
The current application architecture you are following is an MVC pattern.
Where your spring boot(backend) application controls the integration with Keycloak.
Please refer to this article: Secure spring boot 2 using Keycloak
What you are trying to target follows this kind of architecture pattern:
Secure Vue.js apps with Keycloak | DevNation Tech Talk
In the above reference, I have used the Vue application but you can use your vanilla html/js application as well to integrate with keycloak.
First, try keycloak login flow in your application and then you can enable social login.

Using Keycloak for defining subjects in policies in Eclispe Ditto

My current use case is: I have a frontend application where a user is logged in via Keycloak. I would like to implement some parts of the Ditto HTTP API in this frontend (
For example I want to create policies ( for authorization. I've read in the documentation that one can use an OpenID Connect compliant provider and the form is : (
There's basic auth example at the bottom of the page, it seems to use the username in this case.
"policyId": "my.namespace:policy-a",
"entries": {
"owner": {
"subjects": {
"nginx:ditto": {
"type": "nginx basic auth user"
My question is: What exactly would be the sub-claim if I want to use Keycloak? Is it also the username of the user I want to grant rights to? And how would I get this in my frontend where I want to specify the policy for sending it to Ditto afterwards?
I tried to enable keycloak authentication in Ditto like suggested below and as stated here:
Because I'm running Ditto with Docker Compose, I added the following line as an environment variable in ditto/deployment/docker/docker-compose.yml in line 136: - Dditto.gateway.authentication.oauth.openid-connect-issuers.keycloak=http://localhost:8090/auth/realms/twin
This URL is the same as in the issuer claim of my token which I'm receiving from keycloak.
Now if I try to make for example a post request with Postman to {{basePath}}/things I get the following error:
<title>401 Authorization Required</title>
<body bgcolor="white">
<h1>401 Authorization Required</h1>
I chose Bearer Token as Auth in Postman and pasted a fresh token. Basic Auth with the default ditto user is still working.
Do I have to specify the new subject/my user in Ditto before?
I managed to turn basic auth in nginx off by commenting out "auth_basic" and "auth_basic_user_file" in nginx.conf!
It seems to be forwarded to Ditto now, because now I get the following error with Postman:
"status": 401,
"error": "gateway:jwt.issuer.notsupported",
"message": "The JWT issuer 'localhost:8090/auth/realms/twin' is not supported.",
"description": "Check if your JWT is correct."
My configuration in gateway.conf looks now like this:
oauth {
protocol = "http"
openid-connect-issuers = {
keycloak = "localhost:8090/auth/realms/twin"
I also tried to add these two lines in the docker-compose.yml:
- Dditto.gateway.authentication.oauth.protocol=http
- Dditto.gateway.authentication.oauth.openid-connect-issuers.keycloak=localhost:8090/auth/realms/twin
Unfortunately I still had no luck, same error as above :/ It seems like an user had a similar problem with keycloak before (, but sadly he mentioned no solution.
EDIT: It turns out that I specified these variables in the wrong way, the correct solution is to add them as part of command: java ... more info here
I tried to build Ditto locally instead of using the latest docker images and I think I might be one step further now, it seems like my oauth config is working. I get now:
"status": 503,
"error": "gateway:publickey.provider.unavailable",
"message": "The public key provider is not available.",
"description": "If after retry it is still unavailable, please contact the service team."
The error message from the log is:
gateway_1 | 2020-11-05 15:33:18,669 WARN [] o.e.d.s.g.s.a.j.DittoPublicKeyProvider - Got Exception from discovery endpoint <http://localhost:8090/auth/realms/twin/.well-known/openid-configuration>.
gateway_1 | Tcp command [Connect(localhost:8090,None,List(),Some(10 seconds),true)] failed because of Connection refused
gateway_1 | Caused by: Connection refused
gateway_1 | java.util.concurrent.CompletionException: [message='The public key provider is not available.', errorCode=gateway:publickey.provider.unavailable, statusCode=SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, description='If after retry it is still unavailable, please contact the service team.', href=null, dittoHeaders=ImmutableDittoHeaders [{}]]
gateway_1 | Caused by: [message='The public key provider is not available.', errorCode=gateway:publickey.provider.unavailable, statusCode=SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, description='If after retry it is still unavailable, please contact the service team.', href=null, dittoHeaders=ImmutableDittoHeaders [{}]]
gateway_1 | Caused by: Tcp command [Connect(localhost:8090,None,List(),Some(10 seconds),true)] failed because of Connection refused
gateway_1 | Caused by: Connection refused
My keyloak is definitely running, I'm able to get tokens. If I'm opening http://localhost:8090/auth/realms/twin/.well-known/openid-configuration which is in the first error message, I'm able to see my openid-configuration from keycloak config.
Edit: It seems that my gateway container cannot reach my keycloak container, will try to figure this out.
Unreachable keycloak docker container from the gateway docker container was the issue. I'm now using traefik:
Keycloak container has the following alias: keycloak.localhost
Oauth configuration in the gateway looks like this:
oauth {
protocol = "http"
openid-connect-issuers = {
keycloak = "keycloak.localhost/auth/realms/twin"
Now the gateway can find the keycloak container via the alias and I can still use the keycloak admin ui from my localhoast: http://keycloak.localhost:8090/auth/admin/
Additional info: Traefic Blog
What exactly would be the sub-claim if I want to use Keycloak?
Keycloak provides you a JWT.
A JWT is an encrypted JSON which contains multiple fields called "claims". You can check how your token looks like by visiting and pasting your token there. One of those fields is called sub. This is the sub claim.
To enable your keycloak authentication in eclipse ditto you need to add the issuer to the ditto configuration.
An example can be founde here.
The address must match the URL in the issuer claim of your JWT token.
ditto.gateway.authentication {
oauth {
protocol = "http"
openid-connect-issuers = {
some-name = "localhost:8090/auth/realms/twin"
Is it also the username of the user I want to grant rights to?
In eclipse ditto there is not really a concept of "user names". Eclipse ditto authentication is based on authorization subjects. For the basic authentication example you provided, the authorization subject which is generated within ditto is nginx:ditto.
For JWT authentication the authorization subject is generated as a combination of the name for the open id connect issuer which you configured (in my case some-name) and the value of the sub claim. An authorization subject could look like this: some-name:8d078113-3ee5-4dbf-8db1-eb1a6cf0fe81.
And how would I get this in my frontend where I want to specify the policy for sending it to Ditto afterwards?
I'm not sure if I understand the question correctly. If you mean how to authenticate your frontend HTTP requests to eclipse ditto, you need to provide the JWT to eclipse ditto by adding it to the authorization header of your HTTP requests in the following form:
authorization: Bearer yourJWT
If you mean how you would know the sub claim of a JWT, you need to parse the JWT to a JSON object and then read the sub claim out of the payload section.

RingCentral Update Extension API Error: EXT-413: Credentials changing is not allowed

When calling the Update Extension API, I receive the error "Credentials changing is not allowed". What does this mean and how do I resolve this?
I'm setting the following properties:
status to Enabled
ivrPin to check voicemail on Polycom devices
password to log into RingCentral apps
Here's info on the API:
Update Extension API
Here's the error I'm receiving:
"statusText":"Bad Request",
"message":"Credentials changing is not allowed",
"message":"Credentials changing is not allowed"
This error will be encountered when attempting to update a user's password when Single Sign-On (SSO) is enabled on the account and passwords are managed by an external Identity Provider (IdP).
When SSO is enabled, you can still update the ivrPin and status properties, but not the password.
More on RingCentral SSO is available here:
Single Sign-On (SSO) - Overview

MicrosoftAzureMobile.MSClient.loginWithProvider with provider and token failed with return Code=-1505 "The token provided was not valid

I'm using MicrosoftAzureMobile ios framework to connect to an azure mobile app with authentication enabled. I configured the service with facebook login. I can successfully login with FBSDKLogin as well as MicrosoftAzureMobile.MSClient.loginWithProvider with provider and controller. However when I try the loginwithProvider with token get from FBSDK,
let accessToken = FBSDKAccessToken.currentAccessToken()
client.loginWithProvider("facebook", token: ["access_token":accessToken]){
I got below error
MicrosoftAzureMobile.MSClient.loginWithProvider with provider and token failed with return Code=-1505 "The token provided was not valid.
how do I debug this issue? the azure portal's tools/streaming logs works last week but always shows connecting today
problem solved, i have to use accessToken.tokenString because accessToken itself is not serializable to json