Specifying K8s namesapce for Gitlab runner - kubernetes

I have a Gitlab runner using a K8s executor. But when running the pipeline I am getting below error
Checking for jobs... received job=552009999
repo_url=https://gitlab.com/deadbug/rns.git runner=ZuT1t3BJ
WARNING: Namespace is empty, therefore assuming 'default'. job=552009999 project=18763260
ERROR: Job failed (system failure): secrets is forbidden: User "deadbug" cannot create resource
"secrets" in API group "" in the namespace "default" duration=548.0062ms job=552009999
From the error message, I undestand the namespace needs to be updated. I specified namespace in the Gitlab variables
But after this also, pipeline is failing with the above error message. How do I change the namespace for the runner ?

This seems to be linked to the permissions of the service account rather than the namespace directly. If you use GitLab's Kubernetes integration, you should not override the namespace, as GitLab will create one for you.
Make sure the service account you added to GitLab has the correct role. From https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/clusters/add_remove_clusters.html:
When GitLab creates the cluster, a gitlab service account with cluster-admin privileges is created in the default namespace to manage the newly created cluster

You may be having the same issue I was having. Instead of installing the Gitlab Runner into the existing Kubernetes cluster with helm install, I used helm template and another manager to install it (kapp). This breaks the logic in the Helm template that specifies the namespace as the one used in the helm install (See code). This led the runner to attempt to create the pods in the default namespace, instead of the namespace I created. I was able to specify it manually in my values.yml file though:
namespace: my-namespace


Promote image across openshift clusters

I'm trying to work out that if an image change trigger can fire based on an update to an image in a different OpenShift cluster.
e.g.: If I have a cluster non-prod and prod cluster, can I have a deployment configured in cluster prod with an image change trigger, with the image coming from the cluster non-prod's image registry?
I followed documentation here:
And based on above document ,
I created docker-registry secret in prod Cluster with docker-password = default-token-value from non-prod/project secret. The syntax used:
oc create secret docker-registry non-prod-registry-secret --namespace <<prod-namespace>> --docker-server non-prod-image-registry-external-route --docker-username serviceaccount --docker-password <<base-64-default-token-value>> --docker-email a#b.c
Also link builder, deployer and default SA with the new secret created above.
I also create image-stream in prod cluster like this:
oc import-image my-image-name --from=non-prod-image-registry-external-route/project/nonprodimage:latest --confirm --scheduled=true --dry-run=false -n prod-namespace
The imagestream was created successfully in the prod cluster and was referring to the latest sha:xxx identifier in the prod-namespace.
However when creating a deployment thru oc new-app my-image-name:latest --name mynewapp on the above imagestream, it generates ImagePullBAckOff. Here is the exact error message:
Failed to pull image "non-prod-image-registry-external-route/non-prod-namespace/nonprodimage:shaxxx": rpc error: code = Unknown desc = error pinging docker registry non-prod-image-registry-external-route: Get https://non-prod-image-registry-external-route/v2/: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority
I have this setup working following a similar process. Since our organization requires periodic password resets, creating a docker-registry secret based on my credentials was not a good solution.
Instead, we created a dedicated service account in the non-prod environment, pulled down the associated docker config and created an "image promotion" secret based on it in stage and prod environments.
Only comment I had based on your post and the error message:
x509: certificate signed by unknown authority
is to use the insecure sub-command option:
--insecure=false: If true, allow importing from registries that have invalid HTTPS certificates or are hosted via HTTP. This flag will take precedence over the insecure annotation.

How to pull from private project's image registry using GitLab managed Kubernetes clusters

GitLab offers to manage a Kubernetes cluster, which includes (e.g.) creating the namespace, adding some tokens, etc. In GitLab CI jobs, one can directly use the $KUBECONFIG variable for contacting the cluster and e.g. creating deployments using helm. This works like a charm, as long as the GitLab project is public and therefore Docker images hosted by the GitLab project's image registry are publicly accessible.
However, when working with private projects, Kubernetes of course needs an ImagePullSecret to authenticate the GitLab's image registry to retreive the image. As far as I can see, GitLab does not automatically provide an ImagePullSecret for repository access.
Therefore, my question is: What is the best way to access the image repository of private GitLab repositories in a Kubernetes deployment in a GitLab managed deployment environment?
In my opinion, these are the possibilities and why they are not eligible/optimal:
Permanent ImagePullSecret provided by GitLab: When doing a deployment on a GitLab managed Kubernetes cluster, GitLab provides a list of variables to the deployment script (e.g. Helm Chart or kubectl apply -f manifest.yml). As far as I can (not) see, there is a lot of stuff like ServiceAccounts and tokens etc., but no ImagePullSecret - and also no configuration option for enabling ImagePullSecret creation.
Using $CI_JOB_TOKEN: When working with GitLab CI/CD, GitLab provides a variable named $CI_JOB_TOKEN which can be used for uploading Docker images to the registry during job execution. This token expires after the job is done. It could be combined with helm install --wait, but when a rescheduling takes place to a new node which does not have the image yet, the token is expired and the node is not able to download the image anymore. Therefore, this only works right in the moment of deploying the app.
Creating an ImagePullSecret manually and add it to the Deployment or the default ServiceAccount: *This is a manual step, has to be repeated for each individual project and just sucks - we're trying to automate things/GitLab managed Kubernetes clusters is designed for avoiding any manual step.`
Something else but I don't know about it.
So, am I wrong in one of these points? Am I missing a eligible option in this listing?
Again: It's all about a seamless integration with the "Managed Cluster" features of GitLab. I know how to add tokens from GitLab as ImagePullSecrets in Kubernetes, but I want to know how to automate this with the Managed Cluster feature.
There is another way. You can bake the ImagePullSecret in your container runtime configuration. Docker, containerd or CRI-O (Whatever you are using)
As root run docker login <your-private-registry-url>. Then a file /root/.docker/config.json should be created/updated. Stick that in all your Kubernetes node and make sure your kubelet runs as root (which typically does). Some background info.
The content of the file should look something like this:
"auths": {
"my-private-registry": {
"auth": "xxxxxx"
"HttpHeaders": {
"User-Agent": "Docker-Client/18.09.2 (Linux)"
Configure your containerd.toml file with something like this:
username = ""
password = ""
auth = ""
identitytoken = ""
Specify the global_auth_file option in your crio.conf file.
Configure your account.
For example, for kubernetes pull image gitlab.com, use the address registry.gitlab.com:
kubectl create secret docker-registry regcred --docker-server=<your-registry-server> --docker-username=<your-name> --docker-password=<your-pword> --docker-email=<your-email>

How to fix k8s namespace permissions in gitlab ci

As I'm playing around with K8s deployment and Gitlab CI my deployment got stuck with the state ContainerStarting.
To reset that, I deleted the K8s namespace using kubectl delete namespaces my-namespace.
Now my Gitlab runner shows me
$ ensure_namespace
Checking namespace [MASKED]-docker-3
error: the server doesn't have a resource type "namespace"
error: You must be logged in to the server (Unauthorized)
I think that has something to do with RBAC and most likely Gitlab created that namespace with some arguments and permissions (but I don't know exactly when and how that happens), which are missing now because of my deletion.
Anybody got an idea on how to fix this issue?
In my case I had to delete the namespace in Gitlab database, so gitlab would readd service account and namespace:
On the gitlab machine or task runner enter the PostgreSQL console:
gitlab-rails dbconsole -p
Then select the database:
\c gitlabhq_production
Next step is to find the namespace that was deleted:
SELECT id, namespace FROM clusters_kubernetes_namespaces;
Take the id of the namespace to delete it:
DELETE FROM clusters_kubernetes_namespaces WHERE id IN (6,7);
Now you can restart the pipeline and the namespace and service account will be readded.
Deleting the namespace manually caused the necessary secrets from Gitlab to get removed. It seems they get autocreated on the first ever deployment and it's impossible to repeat that process.
I had to create a new repo and push to it. Now everything works.
Another solution is removing the cluster from Gitlab (under operations/kubernetes in your repo) and re-adding it.
From GitLab 12.6 you can simply clear the cluster cache.
To clear the cache:
Navigate to your project’s Operations > Kubernetes page, and select your cluster.
Expand the Advanced settings section.
Click Clear cluster cache.
This avoids losing secrets and potentially affecting other applications.

Kubernetes rolebinding: <namespace>:default being changed to <namespace>:<namespace>-service-account

I'm trying to run a deployment on a Kubernetes cluster at work through a GitLab CI/CD process (i.e. I don't control most of the configs). I'm also new to Kubernetes, so please forgive me if this is basic and obvious.
I have created my rolebindings:
kubectl create rolebinding [foo] --clusterrole=edit --serviceaccount=[bar]:default
And added my tokens and all settings to GitLab
When the deployment kicks off however, it will always fail at deployment with:
Error from server (Forbidden): error when creating "/builds/bar/baz/deployment.yml": service is forbidden: User "system:serviceaccount:bar:bar-service-account" cannot create services in namespace "bar"
I thought I should be working in system:serviceaccount:bar:default. why is :default being replaced with :bar-service-account and/or how do I fix this.
Many many thanks in advance
You are granting permissions to the default service account with the rolebinding you are creating. However, the deployment is not using that service account. If you look at the deployment manifest, it will have a serviceAccountName of bar-service-account.
Either change the deployment to use the default service account or change the rolebinding to grant permissions to the service account being used.

Terraform Kubernetes provider with EKS fails on configmap

I've followed the instructions to create an EKS cluster in AWS using Terraform.
I've also copied the output for connecting to the cluster to ~/.kube/config-eks. I've verified this successfully works as I've been able to connect to the cluster and manually deploy containers. However, now i'm trying to use the Terraform Kubernetes provider to connect to the cluster but cannot seem to be able to configure the provider properly.
I've configured the provider to use my kubectl configuration but when attempting to push a simple configmap, i get an error stating the following:
configmaps is forbidden: User "system:anonymous" cannot create configmaps in the namespace "kube-system"
I know that the provider is picking up part of the configuration but I cannot seem to get it to authenticate. I suspect this is because EKS uses heptio for authentication and i'm not sure if the K8s Go client used by Terraform can support heptio. However, given that Terraform released their AWS EKS support when EKS went GA, I'd doubt that they wouldn't also update their Terraform provider to work with it.
Is it possible to even do this now? Are there alternatives?
Exec auth was added here: https://github.com/kubernetes/client-go/commit/19c591bac28a94ca793a2f18a0cf0f2e800fad04
This is what is utilized for custom authentication plugins and was published Feb 7th.
Right now, Terraform doesn't support the new exec-based authentication provider, but there is an issue open with a workaround: https://github.com/terraform-providers/terraform-provider-kubernetes/issues/161
That said, if I get some free time I will work on a PR.