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Returning data from async call in Swift function
(13 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
I'm trying to get current document count belongs to spesific user from Firebase.
Whenever i try to assign count value to my variable in closure, value is always shown as nill.
So that i did couple of research, as a result i figured out networking sometimes takes so long and it happens asynchronously. So if i'm not wrong due to asynchronous returning a value inside a fucntion might happen before assign value .
I tried to add dispatchqueue.main.async but it didn't work for me...
Here is my code
func getEventCount () -> Int? {
var count: Int?
db.collection("Events").whereField("owner", isEqualTo: { (snapshot, error) in
if error != nil {
}else {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
if let snapshot = snapshot {
count = snapshot.count
return count
My main goal is getting count data from database and assign it to 'count' variable.
So why do i need that count variable? Because i'm going to pass that count value to tableView datasource method numberOfRowsInSection which is expecting a int value. With that value i'm going to represent some data in Events document from firestore in table views.
note: When i try to print count value in closure it shows desired value, but when function return value it's shown nill...
Once it is a Async call - you cannot synchronously return the value from the function. You should accept a callback to the function that will accept the count. That callback function or closure will be passed the value asynchronously.
func getEventCount (callback: #escaping(Result<Int, Error>) -> Void) {
db.collection("Events").whereField("owner", isEqualTo: { (snapshot, error) in
if error != nil {
let result = Result.failure(error)
}else if let snapshot = snapshot {
let result = Result.success(snapshot.count)
} else {
let result = Result.failure(SomeCustomAppError)
Then you can call this function passing in a callback
self.getCount() { result in
switch result {
case .success(let count): /// use count
// only here u can assign the count value to ur variable
case .error(let error): /// handle error
Note: In the above I've used the Result datatype from Swift standard library - so that both error
or result can be passed back
// In the code below I am trying to return an array from data in firestore, the array always returned empty when I put the handler outside the for loop so I had to use an if statement inside the for loop to get the array containing the data. after using the print statement you see in the code i found out that the compiler is going over the entire function before entering the for loop, (print("5") & (print("6") are the first to run and when I put the handler outside the for it will also be triggered and return an empty array
func getMyGames(joinedGamesIDs: [String], handler: #escaping(_ games: [GameViewModal]) -> ()) {
var games = [GameViewModal]()
if !joinedGamesIDs.isEmpty{
for id in joinedGamesIDs {
db.collection("games").document(id).getDocument { (document, error) in
if let document = document, document.exists {
if let game = self.getGameViewModal(document: document){
if games.count == (joinedGamesIDs.count){
I've embedded my explanations in the code commentary for easier reading. But the problem you have is that you aren't coordinating these async tasks (the getting of each document). You must coordinate them so when the last one finishes, you can "return" the array from the function. This function doesn't technically "return" anything (except Void) but the completion handler, in a way, "returns" the array which is why I put it in quotes. These semantic details matter and it helps to understand everything better.
func getMyGames(joinedGamesIDs: [String], handler: #escaping (_ games: [GameViewModel]) -> ()) {
guard !joinedGamesIDs.isEmpty else {
// If there is nothing to do, always consider
// calling the handler anyway, with an empty
// array, so the caller isn't left hanging.
return handler([])
// Set up a Dispatch Group to coordinate the multiple
// async tasks. Instatiate outside of the loop.
let group = DispatchGroup()
var games: [GameViewModel] = []
for id in joinedGamesIDs {
// Enter the group on each iteration of async work
// to be performed.
db.collection("games").document(id).getDocument { (document, error) in
if let doc = document,
let game = self.getGameViewModal(document: doc) {
} else if let error = error {
// Always print errors when in development.
// No matter what happens inside the iteration,
// whether there was a success in getting the
// document or a failure, always leave the group.
// Once all of the calls to enter the group are equalled
// by the calls to leave the group, this block is called,
// which is the group's own completion handler. Here is
// where you ultimately call the function's handler and
// return the array.
group.notify(queue: .main) {
This question already has answers here:
Returning data from async call in Swift function
(13 answers)
Closed last year.
I'm new at Swift and that's why i need your help. So I have a function which should send request and return a value
func getAnswer() -> String? {
var answer: String?
guard let url = URL(string: "") else { return nil }
URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: url) { data, response, error in
guard let data = data, error == nil else {
guard let response = response as? HTTPURLResponse else { return }
guard response.statusCode == 200 else { return }
do {
let model = try JSONDecoder().decode(Answer.self, from: data)
DispatchQueue.main.async {
answer = model.magic.answer
} catch let error {
return answer
but it always returns nil.
I suppose problem is here
DispatchQueue.main.async {
answer = model.magic.answer
How can I fix it?
In order to know what is happening here, you need to learn about #escaping functions in swift, here is some link1 together with taking function as another functions parameter link2 written in part "Function Types as Parameter Types" , closures in Swift link3 and
Here is what is happening simplified and explained step by step :
you call getAnswer()
variable answer gets initialized with value nil by declaring answer: String?
URLSession.shared.dataTask is called and it is taking as an argument another function - closure (Data?, URLResponse?, Error?) -> Void . Also URLSession.shared.dataTask is executed on different thread and is not returning yet, but will return right after it receives response from server, which can take any time (but usually milliseconds) and will basically happen after your getAnswer() function is returning value.
your getAnswer() immediately returns value of answer which is currently nil
if you get any data from server, or server could not be reached, your URLSession.shared.dataTask function executes your code in closure. This is the code it will execute:
guard let data = data, error == nil else {
guard let response = response as? HTTPURLResponse else { return }
guard response.statusCode == 200 else { return }
do {
let model = try JSONDecoder().decode(Answer.self, from: data)
DispatchQueue.main.async {
answer = model.magic.answer
} catch let error {
Your problem lies in how swift executes closures. When you call
URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: url) {
// Closure code here
return answer
Your "Closure code here" doesn't get called until the endpoint "" actually gives a response. However, you've promised swift that your function will return an optional string immediately after the serial code of your function has completed. For this reason, by the time your "Closure code here" has run, and your "answer" variable has been updated with the correct value, your function is long gone, and has already returned a value (which in this case is whatever you've set it to at the beginning - nil).
You can fix this issue in one of two ways.
Swift's new concurrency system
By defining your own closure.
Swift's new concurrency system
You can define your function as async, meaning that the function won't have to return a value in serial, as follows.
enum GetAnswerError: Error {
case invalidURL
func getAnswer() async throws -> String {
var answer: String?
guard let url = URL(string: "") else {
throw GetAnswerError.invalidURL
// Your function will suspend here and probably be moved to a different thread. It will resume once a response has been received from the endpoint.
let (data, _) = try await URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: url)
let parsedData = try JSONDecoder().decode(Answer.self, from: data)
return parsedData.magic.answer
When you call this function, you'll have to do so from an environment which swift can suspend. This means you'll call the function from either another async function like so
func anotherFunction() async throws -> Bool {
let answer = try await getAnswer()
// Run some code here
return answer == "YES" // Return some useful value
or from a Task object like so
Task {
// Note that because the function getAnswer() can throw errors, you'll have to handle them when you call the function. In this case, I'm handling them by using try?, which will simply set answer to nil if an error is thrown.
let answer = try? await getAnswer()
Note that when you call code in a task, you must be using the return value's from within the scope of the task. If you try to do something like this
func getAnswerTheSecond() -> String? {
var answer: String? = nil
Task {
let receivedAnswer = try? await getAnswer()
answer = receivedAnswer
return answer
You'll just end up back where you started, where swift immediately returns the nil value because your code is ran in serial. To fix this, run the relevant code on the "answer" from wherever it is needed within the task. If you are using the "answer" to update a SwiftUI view that might look like this.
struct ContentView: View {
#State var answer: String = ""
// This is the function that I've written earlier
func getAnswer() async throws -> String {
// Make URL Request
// Return the value
var body: some View {
let result = try? await self.getAnswer()
self.answer = result
Defining your own closure
You can define your own closure to handle the URL response; however, because of swift's new concurrency framework, this is probably not the right way to go.
If you'd like to go this way, do a google search for "Swift closures", and you'll find what you need.
This question already has answers here:
Storing asynchronous Cloud Firestore query results in Swift
(1 answer)
How do I save data from cloud firestore to a variable in swift?
(1 answer)
Closed 1 year ago.
I'm trying to set a variable to a boolean based on this code here:
Firestore.firestore().collection("users").whereField("username", isEqualTo: usernameTextField.text!).getDocuments
{ (querySnapshot, error) in
if let error = error { print(error.localizedDescription) /*ALERT*/ }
if querySnapshot!.isEmpty
print("QuerySnapshot is empty, this is unique")
retVal = true
print("There's a bloody username in here, get a new one")
retVal = false
return retVal
The issue is however, retVal is not changed. I understand what's going on here, it's an asynchronous block of code, however I don't understand how to fix it or work around it to fit my needs. How do I get the value of retVal, (or honestly just return true or false within this block of code) despite it being asynchronous. Is there anyway I can like wait for it to finish before further execution of code?
Since your call is asynchronous, you should use a callback or completion handler in your function, this way the retVal will be returned when the Firestore query finishes.
Something like this:
func userIsUnique(completionHandler: (Bool) -> Void) {
Firestore.firestore().collection("users").whereField("username", isEqualTo: usernameTextField.text!).getDocuments
{ (querySnapshot, error) in
if let error = error { print(error.localizedDescription) /*ALERT*/ }
if querySnapshot!.isEmpty
print("QuerySnapshot is empty, this is unique")
print("There's a bloody username in here, get a new one")
This question already has answers here:
Returning data from async call in Swift function
(13 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
My function in class page;
soru an object and [soru] an array list.
func GetSorular()->[Soru] {
NetworkManager.instance.fetch(HTTPMethod.get, url: "" , requestModel: nil, model: SorularResponse.self ) { response in
case .success(let model):
let sorularModel = model as! SorularResponse
for soru in sorularModel.records {
case .failure(_):
print("Failure e girdi!")
return sorularArray
return result empty..
the printing and viewpage getting result is unfortunately blank;
count Sorular :0
in View code:
var sorular=DerslerController().GetSorular();
Please Help!
You can't structure your code the way your are trying to.
Your NetworkManager's fetch() method is asynchronous. It returns immediately, and the closure you pass to it gets executed at some point later, after your
GetSorular() function has already returned without appending anything to your array. Instead, you need to refactor your GetSorular() to take a completion handler.
Your code might look like this: (Note that in Swift function names should start with a lower case letter.)
//Instead of trying to return the results, take a completion handler
func getSorular(completion: #escaping ([Soru])->() ) {
var resultsArray = [Soru]()
NetworkManager.instance.fetch(HTTPMethod.get, url: "" , requestModel: nil, model: SorularResponse.self ) { response in
case .success(let model):
let sorularModel = model as! SorularResponse
for soru in sorularModel.records {
case .failure(_):
print("Failure e girdi!")
completion(resultsArray) //Instead of trying to return the results, pass them to the completion handler
Then you'd call the function like this:
getSorular { results in
self.sorularArray.append(contentsOf: results)
//Do whatever else you need to do with your sorularArray
I refactored the code so it builds a local array and returns it rather than appending to a global array. That is much safer.
Right below the second comment, I receive an error of "Result of call to 'taskForDeleteMethod' is unused. Why is this when I use the results and error in the closure following the call?
func deleteSession(_ completionHandlerForDeleteSession: #escaping (_ success: Bool, _ error: NSError?) -> Void) {
/* 1. Specify parameters, method (if has {key}), and HTTP body (if POST) */
// There are none...
/* 2. Make the request */
taskForDELETEMethod { (results, error) in
/* 3. Send the desired value(s) to completion handler */
if let error = error {
print("Post error: \(error)")
completionHandlerForDeleteSession(false, error)
} else {
guard let session = results![JSONKeys.session] as? [String: AnyObject] else {
print("No key '\(JSONKeys.session)' in \(results)")
if let id = session[] as? String {
print("logout id: \(id)")
completionHandlerForDeleteSession(true, nil)
In earlier swift versions, you need not bother about the return value of a method. You may store it in any variable snd use it later or you may ignore it completely. Neither it gave any error nor a warning.
But in swift 3.0 you need to specify whether you want to ignore the returned value or use it.
1. If you want to use the returned value, you can create a variable/constant and store the value in it, i.e
let value = taskForDELETEMethod {
// Your code goes here
2. If you want to ignore the returned value, you can use _ ,i.e
let _ = taskForDELETEMethod {
// Your code goes here
You are confusing the results variable, which is, indeed, used inside the closure, and the result of the taskForDELETEMethod call itself, which is NSURLSessionDataTask object.
From the examples of using taskForDELETEMethod that I was able to find online it looks like it is perfectly OK to ignore the return value, so you can avoid this warning by assigning the result to _ variable, i.e.
let _ = taskForDELETEMethod {
... // The rest of your code goes here