How to implement Window Function in Apache Flink? - scala

I have a kafka topic source, I group it by a 1 minute window.
What I want to do in that window is to create new columns with Window Function as in SQL, for example I want to use
Can I use DataStream functions for these operations? or
How can I operate my kafka data to convert it to DataTable and use sqlQuery?
Destination is another kafka topic.
val stream = senv
.addSource(new FlinkKafkaConsumer[String]("flink", new SimpleStringSchema(), properties))
I've tried to do this
val tableA = tableEnv.fromDataStream(stream, 'user, 'product, 'amount)
but I get the following error back
Exception in thread "main" org.apache.flink.table.api.ValidationException: Too many fields referenced from an atomic type.
test data
Query example
user, product, amount,
COUNT(user) OVER(PARTITION BY product) AS count_product
FROM table;
expected performance

You need to parse the string into fields and then rename them afterwards.
val env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment
val tEnv = StreamTableEnvironment.create(env)
val stream = env.fromElements("1,beer,3",
val parsed => {
val arr = x.split(",")
(arr(0).toInt, arr(1), arr(2).toInt)
val tableA = tEnv.fromDataStream(parsed, $"_1" as "user", $"_2" as "product", $"_3" as "amount")
// example query
val result = tEnv.sqlQuery(s"SELECT user, product, amount from $tableA")
val rs = result.toAppendStream[(Int, String, Int)]
I'm not sure how can we implement the desired window function in Flink SQL. Alternatively, it can be implemented in simple Flink as follows:
parsed.keyBy(x => x._2) // key by product id.
.process(new ProcessWindowFunction[
(Int, String, Int), (Int, String, Int, Int), String, TimeWindow
]() {
override def process(key: String, context: Context,
elements: Iterable[(Int, String, Int)],
out: Collector[(Int, String, Int, Int)]): Unit = {
val lst = elements.toList
lst.foreach(x => out.collect((x._1, x._2, x._3, lst.size)))


ClassCastException: org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.GenericRowWithSchema cannot be cast

I am using an Aggregator to apply some custom merge on a DataFrame after grouping its records by their primary key:
case class Player(
pk: String,
ts: String,
first_name: String,
date_of_birth: String
case class PlayerProcessed(
var ts: String,
var first_name: String,
var date_of_birth: String
// Cutomer Aggregator -This just for the example, actual one is more complex
object BatchDedupe extends Aggregator[Player, PlayerProcessed, PlayerProcessed] {
def zero: PlayerProcessed = PlayerProcessed("0", null, null)
def reduce(bf: PlayerProcessed, in : Player): PlayerProcessed = {
bf.ts = in.ts
bf.first_name = in.first_name
bf.date_of_birth = in.date_of_birth
def merge(bf1: PlayerProcessed, bf2: PlayerProcessed): PlayerProcessed = {
bf1.ts = bf2.ts
bf1.first_name = bf2.first_name
bf1.date_of_birth = bf2.date_of_birth
def finish(reduction: PlayerProcessed): PlayerProcessed = reduction
def bufferEncoder: Encoder[PlayerProcessed] = Encoders.product
def outputEncoder: Encoder[PlayerProcessed] = Encoders.product
val ply1 = Player("12121212121212", "10000001", "Rogger", "1980-01-02")
val ply2 = Player("12121212121212", "10000002", "Rogg", null)
val ply3 = Player("12121212121212", "10000004", null, "1985-01-02")
val ply4 = Player("12121212121212", "10000003", "Roggelio", "1982-01-02")
val seq_users = sc.parallelize(Seq(ply1, ply2, ply3, ply4))[Player]
val grouped = seq_users.groupByKey(
val non_sorted = grouped.agg("deduped"))
This returns:
|key |deduped |
|12121212121212|{10000003, Roggelio, 1982-01-02}|
Now, I would like to order the records based on ts before aggregating them. From here I understand that .sortBy("ts") do not guarantee the order after the .groupByKey( So I was trying to apply the .sortBy between the .groupByKey and the .agg
The output of the .groupByKey( is a KeyValueGroupedDataset[String,Player], being the second element an Iterator. So to apply some sorting logic there I convert it into a Seq:
val sorted = grouped.mapGroups{case(k, iter) => (k, iter.toSeq.sortBy(_.ts))}.agg("deduped"))
However, the output of .mapGroups after adding the sorting logic is a Dataset[(String, Seq[Player])]. So when I try to invoke the .agg function on it I am getting the following exception:
Caused by: ClassCastException: org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.GenericRowWithSchema cannot be cast to $line050e0d37885948cd91f7f7dd9e3b4da9311.$read$$iw$$iw$$iw$$iw$$iw$$iw$$iw$$iw$$iw$$iw$$iw$$iw$$iw$$iw$$iw$$iw$$iw$$iw$$iw$$iw$$iw$$iw$$iw$$iw$$iw$$iw$$iw$$iw$$iw$$iw$$iw$$iw$$iw$$iw$$iw$$iw$$iw$$iw$Player
How could I convert back the output of my .mapGroups(...) into a KeyValueGroupedDataset[String,Player]?
I tried to cast back to Iterator as follows:
val sorted = grouped.mapGroups{case(k, iter) => (k, iter.toSeq.sortBy(_.ts).toIterator)}.agg("deduped"))
But this approach produced the following exception:
UnsupportedOperationException: No Encoder found for Iterator[Player]
- field (class: "scala.collection.Iterator", name: "_2")
- root class: "scala.Tuple2"
How else can I add the sort logic between the .groupByKey and .agg methods?
Based on the discussion above, the purpose of the Aggregator is to get the latest field values per Player by ts ignoring null values.
This can be achieved fairly easily aggregating all fields individually using max_by. With that there's no need for a custom Aggregator nor the mutable aggregation buffer.
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
val players: Dataset[Player] = ...
// aggregate all columns except the key individually by ts
// NULLs will be ignored (SQL standard)
val aggColumns = players.columns
.filterNot(_ == "pk")
.map(colName => expr(s"max_by($colName, if(isNotNull($colName), ts, null))").as(colName))
val aggregatedPlayers = players
.agg(aggColumns.head, aggColumns.tail: _*)
On the most recent versions of Spark you can also use the build in max_by expression:
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
val players: Dataset[Player] = ...
// aggregate all columns except the key individually by ts
// NULLs will be ignored (SQL standard)
val aggColumns = players.columns
.filterNot(_ == "pk")
.map(colName => max_by(col(colName), when(col(colName).isNotNull, col("ts"))).as(colName))
val aggregatedPlayers = players
.agg(aggColumns.head, aggColumns.tail: _*)

Is there a way to name the inner mapValues() topic created as part of the count() operator in kafka-streams?

I'm, trying to name all processors of a simple word count kafka streams application, however, can't figure out how to name the inner topic created due to the mapValues() call inside the count() method, that's created as result of calling to stream(). This is the application code, followed by the topology description (showing only the second sub-topology):
def createTopology(builder: StreamsBuilder, config: Config): Topology = {
val consumed = Consumed
val produced = Produced
val flatMapValuesProc ="flatMapValues")
val groupByProc = Grouped
val textLines: KStream[String, String] =[String, String](inputTopic)(consumed)
val wordCounts: KTable[String, Long] = textLines
.flatMapValues(textLine => textLine.toLowerCase.split("\\W+"), named = flatMapValuesProc)
.groupBy((_, word) => word)(grouped)
Looking at the count() method, it seems like it's not possible to name this operation, from the code. Is there another way to name this inner topic?
def count(named: Named)(implicit materialized: Materialized[K, Long, ByteArrayKeyValueStore]): KTable[K, Long] = {
new KTable(
((l: java.lang.Long) => Long2long(l)).asValueMapper,
Materialized.`with`[K, Long, ByteArrayKeyValueStore](tableImpl.keySerde(), Serdes.longSerde)

How to perform UPSERT or MERGE operation in Apache Spark?

I am trying to update and insert records to old Dataframe using unique column "ID" using Apache Spark.
In order to update Dataframe, you can perform "left_anti" join on unique columns and then UNION it with Dataframe which contains new records
def refreshUnion(oldDS: Dataset[_], newDS: Dataset[_], usingColumns: Seq[String]): Dataset[_] = {
val filteredNewDS = selectAndCastColumns(newDS, oldDS)
.select( => col(columnName)): _*)
def selectAndCastColumns(ds: Dataset[_], refDS: Dataset[_]): Dataset[_] = {
val columns = ds.columns.toSet => {
if (!columns.contains(c)) {
lit(null).cast(refDS.schema(c).dataType) as c
} else {
ds(c).cast(refDS.schema(c).dataType) as c
}): _*)
val df = refreshUnion(oldDS, newDS, Seq("ID"))
Spark Dataframes are immutable structure. Therefore, you can't do any update based on the ID.
The way to update dataframe is to merge the older dataframe and the newer dataframe and save the merged dataframe on HDFS. To update the older ID you would require some de-duplication key (Timestamp may be).
I am adding the sample code for this in scala. You need to call the merge function with the uniqueId and the timestamp column name. Timestamp should be in Long.
case class DedupableDF(unique_id: String, ts: Long);
def merge(snapshot: DataFrame)(
delta: DataFrame)(uniqueId: String, timeStampStr: String): DataFrame = {
val mergedDf = snapshot.union(delta)
return dedupeData(mergedDf)(uniqueId, timeStampStr)
def dedupeData(dataFrameToDedupe: DataFrame)(
uniqueId: String,
timeStampStr: String): DataFrame = {
import sqlContext.implicits._
def removeDuplicates(
duplicatedDataFrame: DataFrame): Dataset[DedupableDF] = {
val dedupableDF = =>
DedupableDF(a(0).asInstanceOf[String], a(1).asInstanceOf[Long]))
val mappedPairRdd = ⇒ (row.unique_id, (row.unique_id, row.ts))).rdd;
val reduceByKeyRDD = mappedPairRdd
.reduceByKey((row1, row2) ⇒ {
if (row1._2 > row2._2) {
} else {
val ds = =>
DedupableDF(a(0).asInstanceOf[String], a(1).asInstanceOf[Long]))
return ds;
/** get distinct unique_id, timestamp combinations **/
val filteredData =, timeStampStr).distinct
val dedupedData = removeDuplicates(filteredData)
val dedupedDataFrame =
sqlContext.sql(s""" select distinct duplicatedDataFrame.*
from duplicatedDataFrame
join dedupedDataFrame on
(duplicatedDataFrame.${uniqueId} = dedupedDataFrame.unique_id
and duplicatedDataFrame.${timeStampStr} = dedupedDataFrame.ts)""")
return dedupedDataFrame

Scala - Tweets subscribing - Kafka Topic and Ingest into HBase

I have to consume tweets from a Kafka Topic and ingest the same into HBase. The following is the code that i wrote but this is not working properly.
The main code is not calling "convert" method and hence no records are ingested into HBase table. Can someone help me please.
tweetskafkaStream.foreachRDD(rdd => {
println("Inside For Each RDD" )
rdd.foreachPartition( record => {
println("Inside For Each Partition" )
val data = => (r._1, r._2)).map(convert)
def convert(t: (String, String)) = {
println("in convert")
//println("first param value ", t._1)
//println("second param value ", t._2)
val hConf = HBaseConfiguration.create()
hConf.set("hbase.zookeeper.quorum", "192.168.XXX.XXX:2181")
hConf.set("hbase.master", "192.168.XXX.XXX:16000")
val today = Calendar.getInstance.getTime
val printformat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmss")
val id = printformat.format(today)
val p = new Put(Bytes.toBytes(id))
p.add(Bytes.toBytes("data"), Bytes.toBytes("tweet_text"),(t._2).getBytes())
(id, p)
val mytable = new HTable(hConf,hbaseTableName)
I don't want to use the current datetime as the key (t._1) and hence constructing that in my convert method.
Instead of foreachPartition, I changed it to foreach. This worked well.

spark join operation based on two columns

I'm trying to join two datasets based on two columns. It works until I use one column but fails with below error
:29: error: value join is not a member of org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[(String, String, (String, String, String, String, Double))]
val finalFact = fact.join(dimensionWithSK).map { case(nk1,nk2, ((parts1,parts2,parts3,parts4,amount), (sk, prop1,prop2,prop3,prop4))) => (sk,amount) }
Code :
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
def zipWithIndex[T](rdd: RDD[T]) = {
val partitionSizes = rdd.mapPartitions(p => Iterator(p.length)).collect
val ranges = partitionSizes.foldLeft(List((0, 0))) { case(accList, count) =>
val start = accList.head._2
val end = start + count
(start, end) :: accList
rdd.mapPartitionsWithIndex( (index, partition) => {
val start = ranges(index)._1
val end = ranges(index)._2
val indexes = Iterator.range(start, end)
val dimension = sc.
map{ line =>
val parts = line.split("\t")
val dimensionWithSK =
zipWithIndex(dimension).map { case((nk1,nk2,prop3,prop4,prop5,prop6), idx) => (nk1,nk2,(prop3,prop4,prop5,prop6,idx + nextSurrogateKey)) }
val fact = sc.
map { line =>
val parts = line.split("\t")
// we need to output (Naturalkey, (FactId, Amount)) in
// order to be able to join with the dimension data.
(parts(0),parts(1), (parts(2),parts(3), parts(4),parts(5),parts(6).toDouble))
val finalFact = fact.join(dimensionWithSK).map { case(nk1,nk2, ((parts1,parts2,parts3,parts4,amount), (sk, prop1,prop2,prop3,prop4))) => (sk,amount) }
Request someone's help here..
If you look at the signature of join it works on an RDD of pairs:
def join[W](other: RDD[(K, W)], partitioner: Partitioner): RDD[(K, (V, W))]
You have a triple. I guess your trying to join on the first 2 elements of the tuple, and so you need to map your triple to a pair, where the first element of the pair is a pair containing the first two elements of the triple, e.g. for any Types V1 and V2
val left: RDD[(String, String, V1)] = ??? // some rdd
val right: RDD[(String, String, V2)] = ??? // some rdd {
case (key1, key2, value) => ((key1, key2), value)
.join( {
case (key1, key2, value) => ((key1, key2), value)
This will give you an RDD of the form RDD[(String, String), (V1, V2)]
rdd1 Schema :
field1,field2, field3, fieldX,.....
rdd2 Schema :
field1, field2, field3, fieldY,.....
val joinResult = rdd1.join(rdd2,
Seq("field1", "field2", "field3"), "outer")
joinResult schema :
field1, field2, field3, fieldX, fieldY, ......
val emp = sc.
map { line =>
val parts = line.split("\t")
// we need to output (Naturalkey, (FactId, Amount)) in
// order to be able to join with the dimension data.
((parts(0), parts(2)),parts(1))
val emp_new = sc.
map { line =>
val parts = line.split("\t")
// we need to output (Naturalkey, (FactId, Amount)) in
// order to be able to join with the dimension data.
((parts(0), parts(2)),parts(1))
val finalemp =
map { case((nk1,nk2) ,((parts1), (val1))) => (nk1,parts1,val1) }