"Read-only file system" error on cephfs, how to handle this? - ceph

After full recovery as described here
there are still problems in filesystem.
"loaded dup inode" error log messages lead me to /lost+found folder
loaded dup inode 0x10000ed6c1a [head,head] v1 at /lost+found/10000ed6c1a, but inode 0x10000ed6c1a.head v493 already exists at ...
I tried to remove files in /lost+found and got error "Read-only file system"
rm: cannot remove '10000ed02dc': Read-only file system
scrub start / repair failed with
"performed_validation": true,
"passed_validation": false,
"backtrace": {
"checked": true,
"passed": true,
"read_ret_val": 0,
"ondisk_value": "(2)0x1:[]//",
"memoryvalue": "(2)0x1:[]//",
"error_str": ""
"raw_stats": {
"checked": true,
"passed": false,
"read_ret_val": 0,
"ondisk_value.dirstat": "f(v0 m2020-05-31T06:04:03.924797+0000 2=0+2)",
"ondisk_value.rstat": "n(v0 rc2020-06-01T12:00:00.000000+0000 b397013380709 5466639=3777584+1689055)",
"memory_value.dirrstat": "f(v0 m2020-05-31T06:04:03.924797+0000 2=0+2)",
"memory_value.rstat": "n(v19075 rc2020-06-01T12:00:00.000000+0000 b397013380709 5466639=3777584+1689055)",
"error_str": "dirfrag(*) has bad stats; "
"return_code": 0
scrub start /lost+found repair didn't helped too
"performed_validation": true,
"passed_validation": false,
"backtrace": {
"checked": true,
"passed": true,
"read_ret_val": 0,
"ondisk_value": "(2)0x4:[<0x1/lost+found v1>]//",
"memoryvalue": "(2)0x4:[<0x1/lost+found v454066>]//",
"error_str": ""
"raw_stats": {
"checked": true,
"passed": false,
"read_ret_val": 0,
"ondisk_value.dirstat": "f(v0 1=1+0)",
"ondisk_value.rstat": "n(v0 rc2020-05-31T06:07:50.359058+0000 1=0+1)",
"memory_value.dirrstat": "f(v1 1=1+0)",
"memory_value.rstat": "n(v1 rc2020-05-31T06:07:50.359058+0000 1=0+1)",
"error_str": "dirfrag(*) has bad stats; "
"return_code": 0
How can I repair this?


VS Code Error spawning PHP: Command failed with exit code 1

I am not sure what do to.
I have installed VS Code and keep getting this when I start it:
Error spawning PHP: Command failed with exit code 1: C:\laragon\bin\php\php-8.1.2-Win32-vs16-x64 --version 'C:\laragon\bin\php\php-8.1.2-Win32-vs16-x64' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
This is my setting file:
"editor.fontSize": 18,
"blade.format.enable": true,
"phpformatter.composer": true,
"[php]": {
"editor.defaultFormatter": "kokororin.vscode-phpfmt"
"php.validate.executablePath": "C:\\laragon\\bin\\php\\php-8.1.2-Win32-vs16-x64",
"workbench.colorTheme": "Atom One Dark",
"terminal.integrated.fontSize": 16,
"markdown.preview.fontSize": 21,
"debug.console.fontSize": 21,
"editor.suggestFontSize": 21,
"editor.fontWeight": "300",
"git.autofetch": true,
"workbench.iconTheme": "material-icon-theme",
"editor.codeActionsOnSave": null,
"[html]": {
"editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode"
"[vue]": {
"editor.defaultFormatter": "octref.vetur"
"[css]": {
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"tabnine.experimentalAutoImports": true,
"bracketPairColorizer.depreciation-notice": false,
"phpcs.executablePath": "C:\\Users\\user\\AppData\\Roaming\\Composer\\vendor\\bin\\phpcs.bat",
"phpcs.enable": false,
"phpcs.showWarnings": false,
"workbench.startupEditor": "none",
"window.zoomLevel": 2,
"security.workspace.trust.untrustedFiles": "open",
"php.executablePath": "C:\\laragon\\bin\\php\\php-8.1.2-Win32-vs16-x64",
"php.debug.executablePath": ""
This path is 100% right C:\laragon\bin\php\php-8.1.2-Win32-vs16-x64
Any idea what is happening please?

Unable to write in VScode settings

It seems i am unable to write in any new setting as my settings.json has an error of some kind. I have tried removing certain duplicate lines and also adding new brackets to see if it would assist with the issue but so far i have not been able to figure out the problem. Here is what i have managed to do so far,
"editor.suggest.localityBonus": true,
"editor.suggest.statusBar.visible": true,
"editor.quickSuggestions": null,
"editor.snippetSuggestions": "bottom",
"files.autoSave": "afterDelay",
"liveServer.settings.donotShowInfoMsg": true,
"workbench.iconTheme": "material-icon-theme",
"prettier.jsxSingleQuote": true,
"prettier.singleQuote": true,
"terminal.integrated.shell.windows": "C:\\Program Files\\Git\\bin\\bash.exe",
"workbench.colorTheme": "Monokai Pro (Filter Spectrum)",
"editor.formatOnSave": true,
"editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode",
"emmet.preferences": {
"workbench.editorAssociations": {
"*.ipynb": "jupyter.notebook.ipynb"
"mssql.connections": [
"server": "{{put-server-name-here}}",
"database": "{{put-database-name-here}}",
"user": "{{put-username-here}}",
"password": "{{put-password-here}}"
"security.workspace.trust.untrustedFiles": "open",
"editor.fontSize": 18,
"editor.tabSize": 3,
"editor.guides.bracketPairs": true
"editor.bracketPairColorization.enabled": true,
I get an error saying "expected comma Ln33 col 3" and "end of file expected at Ln 37"
Change from:
"editor.guides.bracketPairs": true
"editor.bracketPairColorization.enabled": true,
"editor.guides.bracketPairs": true, // choose true/false/active
// { // gat rid of this {
"editor.bracketPairColorization.enabled": true,
// "editor.guides.bracketPairs":"active"
// } // get rid of this }

Interpreting sophos static file analysis score

Is there an explanation anywhere for what the score field from the sophos static/dynamic file analysis report means?
The schema simply states: Maliciousness score of the analyzed file (0 = malicious, 100 = benign).
I expected this to be interpreted the same way as the file hash lookup reputationScore:
The following ranges are defined:
[0-19]: Malware
[20-29]: PUA (potentially unwanted application)
[30-69]: Unknown/suspicious
[70-100]: Known good
However, I've received a score of 10 which would indicate malware, but I have used a safe PDF file, which seems unexpected.
Does Sophos think the file is malicious, if it responds with a report score of 10 for static file analysis?
This is the response from Sophos:
"jobId": "3aee2c04a73bb64b3572271389cc2e95",
"jobStatus": "SUCCESS",
"report": {
"analysis_subject": {
"mime_type": "application/pdf",
"sha1": "5b03ccec77b416805d6d8e270d33942aaedcc6dd",
"sha256": "f6edcd8a1b4f7cb85486d0c6777f9174eadbc4d1d0d9e5aeba7132f30b34bc3e"
"analysis_summary": [
"description": "Document contains links to external domains",
"name": "edr_contains_domain_links",
"severity": 1
"description": "Document file size is small",
"name": "edr_info_file_size_small",
"severity": 1
"description": "Document has a small number of pages",
"name": "edr_info_page_count_small",
"severity": 1
"analysis_type": "static",
"detection": {
"permalink": "https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/f6edcd8a1b4f7cb85486d0c6777f9174eadbc4d1d0d9e5aeba7132f30b34bc3e/detection/f-f6edcd8a1b4f7cb85486d0c6777f9174eadbc4d1d0d9e5aeba7132f30b34bc3e-1656684162",
"positives": 0,
"sophos": "",
"sophos_ml": "",
"total": 59
"document_analysis": {
"meta_data": {
"author": "Yukon Department of Education",
"bytes": 20597,
"content_type": "PDF",
"encryption": "Standard V2.3 (128-bit)",
"language": "EN-US",
"last_saved_time": "2008-06-04T15:47:36Z",
"num_pages": 1,
"title": "PDF Test Page",
"version": 1.6
"linked_with_dynamic_analysis": false,
"ml_aggregate_results": {
"overall_score": 30
"ml_file": {
"analyses": {
"black_box": {
"benign": {
"raw": 0.39815810322761536,
"score": 30
"model_name": "dsml_model_pdf",
"model_version": "20211118"
"feature_intersections": [
"benign": 7120629,
"benign_fraction": 0.7120629263895423,
"category": "severity=1",
"description": "Feature NOT Observed: Document file size is large",
"indicator": "Feature NOT Observed: Document file size is large --> severity=1",
"malware": 9997092,
"malware_fraction": 0.9997092138044599,
"probability": 0.5840200283264096,
"scale_factor": 10000000
"benign": 617857,
"benign_fraction": 0.06178572053380388,
"category": "severity=1",
"description": "Feature Observed: Document has a small number of pages",
"indicator": "Feature Observed: Document has a small number of pages --> severity=1",
"malware": 5394909,
"malware_fraction": 0.5394909111791909,
"probability": 0.8972424383801834,
"scale_factor": 10000000
"benign": 537367,
"benign_fraction": 0.0537367720738131,
"category": "severity=2",
"description": "Feature NOT Observed: Document contains behaviour that executes on open",
"indicator": "Feature NOT Observed: Document contains behaviour that executes on open --> severity=2",
"malware": 5372856,
"malware_fraction": 0.5372856378987031,
"probability": 0.9090782833830074,
"scale_factor": 10000000
"benign": 536021,
"benign_fraction": 0.0536021766615527,
"category": "severity=2",
"description": "Feature NOT Observed: Document contains javascript",
"indicator": "Feature NOT Observed: Document contains javascript --> severity=2",
"malware": 5371043,
"malware_fraction": 0.5371043501402938,
"probability": 0.9092575175159124,
"scale_factor": 10000000
"benign": 509534,
"benign_fraction": 0.050953467474390626,
"category": "severity=1",
"description": "Feature NOT Observed: Document is possibly a phishing PDF",
"indicator": "Feature NOT Observed: Document is possibly a phishing PDF --> severity=1",
"malware": 5364929,
"malware_fraction": 0.5364929575695063,
"probability": 0.9132627839711798,
"scale_factor": 10000000
"benign": 428577,
"benign_fraction": 0.04285774978628207,
"category": "severity=2",
"description": "Feature NOT Observed: Field contains potentially suspicious content",
"indicator": "Feature NOT Observed: Field contains potentially suspicious content --> severity=2",
"malware": 5364293,
"malware_fraction": 0.5364293727421457,
"probability": 0.9260163947729065,
"scale_factor": 10000000
"feature_maliciousness": {
"Document contains links to external domains --> severity=1": {
"benign": 1828421,
"benign_fraction": 0.18284217995357024,
"category": "severity=1",
"description": "Document contains links to external domains",
"indicator": "Document contains links to external domains --> severity=1",
"malware": 9869267,
"malware_fraction": 0.9869267695627242,
"probability": 0.8436937653122213,
"scale_factor": 10000000
"Document file size is small --> severity=1": {
"benign": 7120119,
"benign_fraction": 0.7120119817558322,
"category": "severity=1",
"description": "Document file size is small",
"indicator": "Document file size is small --> severity=1",
"malware": 9899084,
"malware_fraction": 0.9899084471664678,
"probability": 0.581642026468478,
"scale_factor": 10000000
"Document has a small number of pages --> severity=1": {
"benign": 4086919,
"benign_fraction": 0.40869198927301453,
"category": "severity=1",
"description": "Document has a small number of pages",
"indicator": "Document has a small number of pages --> severity=1",
"malware": 5416129,
"malware_fraction": 0.5416129670799382,
"probability": 0.569935959461394,
"scale_factor": 10000000
"genetic_analysis": {
"neighbor_info": {
"1f1006182c2e9b6e2b09b07f9be9e122fdc1e681577af68984ab63a076a15fed": {
"filepath": "1f1006182c2e9b6e2b09b07f9be9e122fdc1e681577af68984ab63a076a15fed",
"is_malware": false,
"match_percentage": 0.25,
"score": 66.06397
"672cfdffbc33f07c0ad65633cbf610c5ec4bb7787c72d84a5460266aaa9a2dfa": {
"filepath": "672cfdffbc33f07c0ad65633cbf610c5ec4bb7787c72d84a5460266aaa9a2dfa",
"is_malware": false,
"match_percentage": 0.21875,
"score": 62.829075
"6cdde8eee67aa38917dfa4249f91381ffa983f2ff95a84d0f6076a4ddecf3de8": {
"filepath": "6cdde8eee67aa38917dfa4249f91381ffa983f2ff95a84d0f6076a4ddecf3de8",
"is_malware": false,
"match_percentage": 0.21875,
"score": 63.53914
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"is_malware": false,
"match_percentage": 0.1875,
"score": 58.78177
"a881bffc0893ae55112a9370f9cf693c3893d672b96c2160e341d9f20d47cd2f": {
"filepath": "a881bffc0893ae55112a9370f9cf693c3893d672b96c2160e341d9f20d47cd2f",
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"match_percentage": 0.8125,
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"filepath": "add263021a636c93d1fd6f9d7ac880ac8afaacc917dca01dbb66d388c71d1e6c",
"is_malware": false,
"match_percentage": 0.1875,
"score": 59.46551
"neighbor_matrix": {
"1f1006182c2e9b6e2b09b07f9be9e122fdc1e681577af68984ab63a076a15fed": {
"0_6659": false,
"10_9152": false,
"11_4861": false,
"12_5543": false,
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"15_5899": false,
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"27_5993": false,
"28_2717": true,
"29_2739": true,
"2_7985": true,
"30_7482": true,
"31_5233": false,
"3_7524": false,
"4_6424": true,
"5_110": false,
"6_8324": false,
"7_6214": false,
"8_7332": false,
"9_8770": false
"672cfdffbc33f07c0ad65633cbf610c5ec4bb7787c72d84a5460266aaa9a2dfa": {
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"10_9152": false,
"11_4861": false,
"12_5543": false,
"13_3732": false,
"14_5431": false,
"15_5899": false,
"16_1078": false,
"17_2637": true,
"18_6885": false,
"19_8710": false,
"1_7974": true,
"20_6372": true,
"21_7672": false,
"22_8447": false,
"23_5023": false,
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"10_9152": false,
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"12_5543": false,
"13_3732": false,
"14_5431": false,
"15_5899": false,
"16_1078": true,
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"18_6885": false,
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"9_8770": false
"9a0d27944893e40316037fd47fb4d9836c1518705b1baa4a0ebf0fe34b045c00": {
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"29_2739": false,
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"6_8324": false,
"7_6214": false,
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"a881bffc0893ae55112a9370f9cf693c3893d672b96c2160e341d9f20d47cd2f": {
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"13_3732": true,
"14_5431": true,
"15_5899": true,
"16_1078": true,
"17_2637": true,
"18_6885": false,
"19_8710": true,
"1_7974": false,
"20_6372": true,
"21_7672": true,
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"27_5993": false,
"28_2717": true,
"29_2739": false,
"2_7985": true,
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"4_6424": true,
"5_110": false,
"6_8324": false,
"7_6214": false,
"8_7332": false,
"9_8770": false
"analyzed_counts": {
"black_box": {
"benign": 0,
"malware": 0
"feature_intersections": {
"benign": 2798922,
"malware": 6340055
"feature_maliciousness": {
"benign": 2798922,
"malware": 6340055
"genetic_analysis": {
"benign": 7701633,
"malware": 2298367
"overall_score": 30,
"overall_scores": {
"black_box": 30,
"feature_intersections": 15,
"feature_maliciousness": 15,
"genetic_analysis": 13
"ml_filepath": {
"analyses": {
"neighbor_maliciousness": {
"most_similar": [],
"most_similar_benign": [],
"most_similar_malware": []
"analyzed_counts": {
"neighbor_maliciousness": {
"benign": -1,
"malware": -1
"overall_score": -1,
"overall_scores": {
"neighbor_maliciousness": -1
"ml_inputs": {
"filepath": null
"object_type": "file",
"reputation": {
"first_seen": "2022-02-08T19:28:46",
"last_seen": "2022-07-04T07:46:43",
"prevalence": "Popular",
"score": 62,
"score_string": "Prevalent"
"schema_version": "1.1.0",
"score": 10,
"submission": "2022-07-04T08:43:34Z",
"target": {
"file_name": "pdf-test.pdf",
"mime_type": "application/pdf",
"object_id": "f6edcd8a1b4f7cb85486d0c6777f9174eadbc4d1d0d9e5aeba7132f30b34bc3e",
"sha1": "5b03ccec77b416805d6d8e270d33942aaedcc6dd",
"sha256": "f6edcd8a1b4f7cb85486d0c6777f9174eadbc4d1d0d9e5aeba7132f30b34bc3e"
"requestId": "68db2f66-c63e-4a04-93f9-7067231e42e1"
File: https://www.orimi.com/pdf-test.pdf
There are a couple of interesting points in your question. Let's start with the scoring.
You are correct the API documentation is not entirely accurate. A score <20 is malicious and >70 is clean. You can see a sample implementation of processing the scores around line 139 here.
In the case of the report that you provided the ML analyzers are causing the file to be convicted. From the report it looks like the following file features (which are commonly seen in malicious files) are causing the ML model to believe the file is malicious:
Document contains links to external domains
Document file size is small
Document has a small number of pages
Looking at the dynamic analysis results and the information from Virus Total etc. this could be a false positive and should be escalated to Sophos. The escalation path for FP / FN's is here:

How to disable vscode auto format adding newline at EOF when auto save js files?

I am using vscode and enabled the auto-format config to format files when saving files.
But i recently found that vscode editor always add a newline at EOF of each js file,so how to disable this?
I have specially added the config "files.insertFinalNewline": false, but it still not worked.
vscode info:
Version: 1.33.1 (system setup)
Commit: 51b0b28134d51361cf996d2f0a1c698247aeabd8
Date: 2019-04-11T08:27:14.102Z
Electron: 3.1.6
Chrome: 66.0.3359.181
Node.js: 10.2.0
V8: 6.6.346.32
OS: Windows_NT x64 6.1.7601
vscode config.json
"workbench.colorTheme": "Monokai",
"editor.fontSize": 16,
"editor.formatOnPaste": true,
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// A formatter must be available,
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So, how to config vscode correctly?
I had the same problem. To fix it you need to be in the folder of your project. then open your settings i.e command + shift + p, type settings, select Preferences: open settings UI, under Text Editor tab, choose Files and you'll find Eol tab to choose from \n, \n, auto. I choose auto so it will override whatever you specify.

I try to use OrientDB in distributed mode. How can I configure on which nodes will be located a specific database?

For example: I have three nodes in the same cluster ("node1","node2" and "node3"). These nodes are identical in configuration files hazelcast.xml. I want that the database "DB_1" was placed only on the first and on the second node. And database "DB_2" was placed only on the second and the third node.
I modifed the file "default-distributed-db-config.json" on the first and on the second node:
"autoDeploy": true,
"hotAlignment": false,
"executionMode": "undefined",
"readQuorum": 1,
"writeQuorum": 2,
"failureAvailableNodesLessQuorum": false,
"readYourWrites": true,
"servers": {
"*": "master"
"clusters": {
"internal": {
"index": {
"*": {
"servers": ["node1","node2"]
I modifed the file "default-distributed-db-config.json" on the third node:
"autoDeploy": true,
"hotAlignment": false,
"executionMode": "undefined",
"readQuorum": 1,
"writeQuorum": 2,
"failureAvailableNodesLessQuorum": false,
"readYourWrites": true,
"servers": {
"*": "master"
"clusters": {
"internal": {
"index": {
"*": {
"servers": ["node3"]
I modifed the file "distributed-config.json" in the database directory "DB_1" on the first and second node.
I removed from it all:
and wrote everywhere the only names of the first and second nodes:
But nonetheless if start the third node, then for database "DB_1" will run replicating in the third node too.
(OrientDB v2.1.13)
I don't think it is possible, every node of the same cluster has to be synchronized with the others.