Applying sgolay for calculation velocity/acceleration with nonuniform Fs - matlab

I have some x and y (pixel) coordinates that were collected using a sensor that as not a steady Fs (sample rate) and want to apply a SGOLAY filter to my signal and compute the velocity and acceleration of the movement.
I'm following the example in the Mathworks help secction regarding Savitzky-Golay Differentiation. But they use a predetermined fixed Fs can someone help me and explain how can I apply the filter for an variable Fs (I have the time stamp for each coordinate).

The filter does not depend on the sample rate but is applied to a fixed number of points (i.e. the input framelen). Nevertheless, you are right that the signal should ideally be equally spaced.
apply the filter as it is to a variable-spaced signal (in terms of time)
make the signal equally spaced (i.e. interpolate it... as we don't know the signals, I cannot recommend any interpolation method for this)
make the filter time variable
For the last, I would recommend to use different frame-length and build your time-variable filtered signal afterwards. Here is a quick example of what I thought of
% create random signal
x = ([1:50,51:2:150].')/10; % "time" vector
sig = rand(100,1)+sin(x); % signal vector
% different factors => will be frame length
fct = round( 1./diff(x) );
fct_uq = unique(fct);
% allocate memory
Y = NaN(length(sig),length(fct_uq));
sig_flt = NaN(size(sig));
% loop over unique "factors"
for i = 1:length(fct_uq)
% ensure odd framelen
framelen = 2*floor(fct_uq(i)/2)+1;
% apply filter
y = sgolayfilt(sig,3,framelen);
% store results
Y(:,i) = y;
% build new filtered signal
lg = fct == fct_uq(i);
sig_flt(lg) = y(lg);
% plot
plot(x,[sig,sig_flt], x,Y,'--')


Linear regression -- Stuck in model comparison in Matlab after estimation?

I want to determine how well the estimated model fits to the future new data. To do this, prediction error plot is often used. Basically, I want to compare the measured output and the model output. I am using the Least Mean Square algorithm as the equalization technique. Can somebody please help what is the proper way to plot the comparison between the model and the measured data? If the estimates are close to true, then the curves should be very close to each other. Below is the code. u is the input to the equalizer, x is the noisy received signal, y is the output of the equalizer, w is the equalizer weights. Should the graph be plotted using x and y*w? But x is noisy. I am confused since the measured output x is noisy and the model output y*w is noise-free.
%% Channel and noise level
h = [0.9 0.3 -0.1]; % Channel
SNRr = 10; % Noise Level
%% Input/Output data
N = 1000; % Number of samples
Bits = 2; % Number of bits for modulation (2-bit for Binary modulation)
data = randi([0 1],1,N); % Random signal
d = real(pskmod(data,Bits)); % BPSK Modulated signal (desired/output)
r = filter(h,1,d); % Signal after passing through channel
x = awgn(r, SNRr); % Noisy Signal after channel (given/input)
%% LMS parameters
epoch = 10; % Number of epochs (training repetation)
eta = 1e-3; % Learning rate / step size
order=10; % Order of the equalizer
U = zeros(1,order); % Input frame
W = zeros(1,order); % Initial Weigths
%% Algorithm
for k = 1 : epoch
for n = 1 : N
U(1,2:end) = U(1,1:end-1); % Sliding window
U(1,1) = x(n); % Present Input
y = (W)*U'; % Calculating output of LMS
e = d(n) - y; % Instantaneous error
W = W + eta * e * U ; % Weight update rule of LMS
J(k,n) = e * e'; % Instantaneous square error
Lets start step by step:
First of all when using some fitting method it is a good practice to use RMS error . To get this we have to find error between input and output. As I understood x is an input for our model and y is an output. Furthermore you already calculated error between them. But you used it in loop without saving. Lets modify your code:
%% Algorithm
for k = 1 : epoch
for n = 1 : N
U(1,2:end) = U(1,1:end-1); % Sliding window
U(1,1) = x(n); % Present Input
y(n) = (W)*U'; % Calculating output of LMS
e(n) = x(n) - y(n); % Instantaneous error
W = W + eta * e(n) * U ; % Weight update rule of LMS
J(k,n) = e(n) * (e(n))'; % Instantaneous square error
Now e consists of errors at the last epoch. So we can use something like this:
Also I'd like to compare results using mean error and standard deviation:
And some visualization:
Second moment: we can't use compare function just for vectors! You can use it for dynamic system models. For it you have to made some workaround about using this method as dynamic model. But we can use some functions as goodnessOfFit for example. If you want something like error at each step that consider all previous points of data then make some math workaround - calculate it at each point using [1:currentNumber].
About using LMS method. There are built-in function calculating LMS. Lets try to use it for your data sets:
alg = lms(0.001);
eqobj = lineareq(10,alg);
y1 = equalize(eqobj,x);
And lets see at the result:
hold on
There are a lot of examples of such implementation of this function: look here for example.
I hope this was helpful for you!
Comparison of the model output vs observed data is known as residual.
The difference between the observed value of the dependent variable
(y) and the predicted value (ŷ) is called the residual (e). Each data
point has one residual.
Residual = Observed value - Predicted value
e = y - ŷ
Both the sum and the mean of the residuals are equal to zero. That is,
Σ e = 0 and e = 0.
A residual plot is a graph that shows the residuals on the vertical
axis and the independent variable on the horizontal axis. If the
points in a residual plot are randomly dispersed around the horizontal
axis, a linear regression model is appropriate for the data;
otherwise, a non-linear model is more appropriate.
Here is an example of residual plots from a model of mine. On the vertical axis is the difference between the output of the model and the measured value. On the horizontal axis is one of the independent variables used in the model.
We can see that most of the residuals are within 0.2 units which happens to be my tolerance for this model. I can therefore make a conclusion as to the worth of the model.
See here for a similar question.
Regarding you question about the lack of noise in your models output. We are creating a linear model. There's the clue.

changing frequency using fft and ifft not using whole numbers

I know I can change frequency by whole numbers by changing the variable shift but how can I change the frequency using numbers with decimal places like .754 or 1.2345 or 67.456. If I change the variable 'shift' to a non-whole like number like 5.1 I get an error subscript indices must be either positive integers less than 2^31 or logicals from line mag2s = [mag2(shift+1:end), zeros(1,shift)];
Example Code below from question increase / decrease the frequency of a signal using fft and ifft in matlab / octave works with changing the variable shift (but it only works with whole numbers, I need it to work with decimals numbers also).
PS: I'm using octave 3.8.1 which is like matlab and I know I could change the frequency by adjusting the formula in the variable ya but ya will be a signal taken from an audio source (human speech) so it won't be an equation. The equation is just used to keep the example simple. And yes Fs is large due to the fact that signal files used are around 45 seconds long which is why I can't use resample because I get a out of memory error when used.
Here's a animated youtube video example of what I'm trying to get when I use the test equation ya= .5*sin(2*pi*1*t)+.2*cos(2*pi*3*t) and what I'm trying to get happen if I varied the variable shift from (0:0.1:5) please keep in mind that ya will be an imported audio signal so I won't have an equation to easily adjust
clear all,clf
Fs = 2000000;% Sampling frequency
%1a create signal
ya = .5*sin(2*pi*2*t);
%2a create frequency domain
ya_fft = fft(ya);
mag = abs(ya_fft);
phase = unwrap(angle(ya_fft));
% ----- changes start here ----- %
shift = 5; % shift amount
N = length(ya_fft); % number of points in the fft
mag1 = mag(2:N/2+1); % get positive freq. magnitude
phase1 = phase(2:N/2+1); % get positive freq. phases
mag2 = mag(N/2+2:end); % get negative freq. magnitude
phase2 = phase(N/2+2:end); % get negative freq. phases
% pad the positive frequency signals with 'shift' zeros on the left
% remove 'shift' components on the right
mag1s = [zeros(1,shift) , mag1(1:end-shift)];
phase1s = [zeros(1,shift) , phase1(1:end-shift)];
% pad the negative frequency signals with 'shift' zeros on the right
% remove 'shift' components on the left
mag2s = [mag2(shift+1:end), zeros(1,shift)];
phase2s = [phase2(shift+1:end), zeros(1,shift) ];
% recreate the frequency spectrum after the shift
% DC +ve freq. -ve freq.
magS = [mag(1) , mag1s , mag2s];
phaseS = [phase(1) , phase1s , phase2s];
x = magS.*cos(phaseS); % change from polar to rectangular
y = magS.*sin(phaseS);
yafft2 = x + i*y; % store signal as complex numbers
yaifft2 = real(ifft(yafft2)); % take inverse fft
plot(t,ya,'-r',t,yaifft2,'-b'); % time signal with increased frequency
legend('Original signal (ya) ','New frequency signal (yaifft2) ')
You can do this using a fractional delay filter.
First, lets make the code ore workable by letting Matlab handle the conjugate symmetry of the FFT. Just make mag1 and phase1 go to the end . . .
mag1 = mag(2:end);
phase1 = phase(2:end);
Get rid of mag2s and phase2s completely. This simplifies lines 37 and 38 to . .
magS = [mag(1) , mag1s ];
phaseS = [phase(1) , phase1s ];
Use the symmetric option of ifft to get Matlb to handle the symmetry for you. You can then drop the forced real, too.
yaifft2 = ifft(yafft2, 'symmetric'); % take inverse fft
With that cleaned up, we can now think of the delay as a filter, e.g.
% ----- changes start here ----- %
shift = 5;
shift_b = [zeros(1, shift) 1]; % shift amount
shift_a = 1;
which can be applied as so . . .
mag1s = filter(shift_b, shift_a, mag1);
phase1s = filter(shift_b, shift_a, phase1);
In this mindset, we can use an allpass filter to make a very simple fractional delay filter
The code above gives the 'M Samples Delay' part of the circuit. You can then add on the fraction using a second cascaded allpass filter . .
shift = 5.5;
Nw = floor(shift);
shift_b = [zeros(1, Nw) 1];
shift_a = 1;
Nf = mod(shift,1);
alpha = -(Nf-1)/(Nf+1);
fract_b = [alpha 1];
fract_a = [1 alpha];
%// now filter as a cascade . . .
mag1s = filter(shift_b, shift_a, mag1);
mag1s = filter(fract_b, fract_a, mag1s);
Ok so the question as I understand it is "how do I shift my signal by a specific frequency?"
First let's define Fs which is our sample rate (ie samples per second). We collect a signal which is N samples long. Then the frequency change between samples in the Fourier domain is Fs/N. So taking your example code Fs is 2,000,000 and N is 2,000,000 so the space between each sample is 1Hz and shifting your signal 5 samples shifts it 5Hz.
Now say we want to shift our signal by 5.25Hz instead. Well if our signal was 8,000,000 samples then the spacing would be Fs/N = 0.25Hz and we would shift our signal 11 samples. So how do we get an 8,000,000 sample signal from a 2,000,000 sample signal? Just zero pad it! literally append zeros until it is 8,000,000 samples long. Why does this work? Because you are in essence multiplying your signal by a rectangular window which is equivalent to sinc function convolution in the frequency domain. This is an important point. By appending zeros you are interpolating in the frequency domain (you don't have any more frequency information about the signal you are just interpolating between the previous DTFT points).
We can do this down to any resolution you want, but eventually you'll have to deal with the fact that numbers in digital systems aren't continuous so I recommend just choosing an acceptable tolerance. Lets say we want to be within 0.01 of our desired frequency.
So lets get to actual code. Most of it doesn't change luckily.
clear all,clf
Fs = 44100; % lets pick actual audio sampling rate
tolerance = 0.01; % our frequency bin tolerance
minSignalLen = Fs / tolerance; %minimum number of samples for our tolerance
%your code does not like odd length signals so lets make sure we have an
%even signal length
if(mod(minSignalLen,2) ~=0 )
minSignalLen = minSignalLen + 1;
t=linspace(0,1,Fs); %our input signal is 1s long
%1a create 2Hz signal
ya = .5*sin(2*pi*2*t);
if (length(ya) < minSignalLen)
ya = [ya, zeros(1, minSignalLen - length(ya))];
df = Fs / length(ya); %actual frequency domain spacing;
targetFreqShift = 2.32; %lets shift it 2.32Hz
nSamplesShift = round(targetFreqShift / df);
%2a create frequency domain
ya_fft = fft(ya);
mag = abs(ya_fft);
phase = unwrap(angle(ya_fft));
% ----- changes start here ----- %
shift = nSamplesShift; % shift amount
N = length(ya_fft); % number of points in the fft
mag1 = mag(2:N/2+1); % get positive freq. magnitude
phase1 = phase(2:N/2+1); % get positive freq. phases
mag2 = mag(N/2+2:end); % get negative freq. magnitude
phase2 = phase(N/2+2:end); % get negative freq. phases
% pad the positive frequency signals with 'shift' zeros on the left
% remove 'shift' components on the right
mag1s = [zeros(1,shift) , mag1(1:end-shift)];
phase1s = [zeros(1,shift) , phase1(1:end-shift)];
% pad the negative frequency signals with 'shift' zeros on the right
% remove 'shift' components on the left
mag2s = [mag2(shift+1:end), zeros(1,shift)];
phase2s = [phase2(shift+1:end), zeros(1,shift) ];
% recreate the frequency spectrum after the shift
% DC +ve freq. -ve freq.
magS = [mag(1) , mag1s , mag2s];
phaseS = [phase(1) , phase1s , phase2s];
x = magS.*cos(phaseS); % change from polar to rectangular
y = magS.*sin(phaseS);
yafft2 = x + i*y; % store signal as complex numbers
yaifft2 = real(ifft(yafft2)); % take inverse fft
%pull out the original 1s of signal
legend('Original signal (ya) ','New frequency signal (yaifft2) ')
The final signal is a little over 4Hz which is what we expect. There is some distortion visible from the interpolation, but that should be minimized with a longer signal with a smother frequency domain representation.
Now that I've gone through all of that you may be wondering if there is an easier way. Fortunately for us, there is. We can take advantage of the hilbert transform and fourier transform properties to achieve a frequency shift without ever worrying about Fs or tolerance levels or bin spacing. Namely we know that a time shift leads to a phase shift in the Fourier domain. Well time and frequency are duals so a frequency shift leads to a complex exponential multiplication in the time domain. We don't want to just do a bulk shift of all frequencies because that that will ruin our symmetry in Fourier space leading to a complex time series. So we use the hilbert transform to get the analytic signal which is composed of only the positive frequencies, shift that, and then reconstruct our time series assuming a symmetric Fourier representation.
Fs = 44100;
FShift = 2.3 %shift our frequency up by 2.3Hz
%1a create signal
ya = .5*sin(2*pi*2*t);
yaHil = hilbert(ya); %get the hilbert transform
yaShiftedHil = yaHil.*exp(1i*2*pi*FShift*t);
yaShifted = real(yaShiftedHil);
legend('Original signal (ya) ','New frequency signal (yaifft2) ')
Band-limited interpolation using a windowed-Sinc interpolation kernel can be used to change sample rate by arbitrary ratios. Changing the sample rate changes the frequency content of the signal, relative to the sample rate, by the inverse ratio.

Remove noise on a wav file

I'm working on a small code to learn signal processing on Matlab. I have got a .wav sound with some noise and I just want to remove the noise. I tried the code under but noise is not removed correctly. My idea is to do a cut band filter to remove the different noise components on the fft. After a lot of researches, I don't understant where is my problem. Here my code :
clear all;
close all;
% We load and plot the signal
[sig,Fs] = audioread('11.wav');
N = length(sig);
figure,plot(sig); title 'signal'
% FFT of the signal
fft_sig = abs(fft(sig));
% Normalisation of the frequencies for the plot
k = 0 : length(sig) - 1;
f = k*Fs/length(sig);
% Loop with 2 elements because there are 2 amplitudes (not sure about
% this)
for i = 1:2
% I put noise components in an array
[y(i),x(i)] = max(fft_sig);
% Normalisation of the frequencies to eliminate
f(i) = x(i) * (Fs/N);
% Cut band filter with elimination of f from f-20 to f+20 Hz
b = fir1(2 , 2 * [f(i)-20 f(i)+20] / Fs, 'stop')
sig = filter(b,1,sig);
figure,plot(abs(fft(sig)));title 'fft of the signal'
Here the images I got, the fft plot is exactly the same before and after applying the filter, there is a modification only on the x axis :
The sampling frequency is Fs = 22050.
Thanks in advance for your help, I hope I'm clear enough in my description
Since you haven't explicitly said so, the code you provided essentially defines your noise as narrowband interference at two frequencies (even though that interference may look less 'noisy').
The first thing to notice is that the value x(i) obtained from max(fft_sig) corresponds to the 1-based index of the located maximum. It won't make a huge difference for large N, but it may have an impact for smaller values especially when trying to design a very narrow notch filter. The corresponding frequency would then be:
freq = (x(i)-1) * (Fs/N);
Also if you are going to iteratively attenuate frequency components you would need to update fft_sig which you use to pick the frequency components to be attenuated (otherwise you will always pick the same component). The simplest would be to recompute fft_sig from the filtered sig:
sig = filter(b,1,sig);
fft_sig = abs(fft(sig));
Finally, since you are trying to attenuate a very narrow frequency range, you may find that you need to increase the FIR filter order by a few orders of magnitudes to get a good attenuation at the desired frequency without attenuating everything else. As was pointed out in comments such a narrow notch filter can often be better implemented using an IIR filter.
The updated code would then look somewhat like:
% Loop with 2 elements because there are 2 amplitudes
for i = 1:2
% I put noise components in an array
% Limit peak search to the lower-half of the spectrum since the
% upper half is symmetric
[y(i),x(i)] = max(fft_sig(1:floor(N/2)+1));
% Normalisation of the frequencies to eliminate
freq = (x(i)-1) * (Fs/N);
% Cut band filter with elimination of f from f-20 to f+20 Hz
b = fir1(2000 , 2 * [freq-20 freq+20] / Fs, 'stop')
sig = filter(b,1,sig);
fft_sig = abs(fft(sig));
%figure;plot(f, abs(fft_sig));title 'fft of the signal'
figure;plot(f, 20*log10(abs(fft_sig)));title 'fft of the signal'
As far as the last FFT plot showing a different x-axis, it is simply because you omitted to provide an x-axis variable (in occurrence f used in the previous plot), so the plot shows the array index (instead of frequencies) as the x-axis.

Ways to Compute Spectrum Matlab

I have a question while computing the spectrum of a time series in Matlab. I have read the documentations concerning 'fft' function. However I have seen two ways of implementation and both wgive me different results. I would appreciate to have some answer about this difference:
1st Method:
Time specifications:
Fs = 1; % samples per second
Fs = 50;
freq = 0:nPoints-1; %Numerators of frequency series
freq = freq.*Fs./nPoints;
% Fourier Transform:
X = fft(timeSeries)/nPoints; % normalize the data
% find find nuquist frequency
cutOff = ceil(nPoints./2);
% take only the first half of the spectrum
X = abs(X(1:cutOff));
% Frequency specifications:
freq = freq(1:cutOff);
%Plot spectrum
2nd Method:
NFFT = 2^nextpow2(nPoints); % Next power of 2 from length of y
Y = fft(timeSeries,NFFT)/nPoints;
f = 1/2*linspace(0,1,NFFT/2+1);
% % Plot single-sided amplitude spectrum.
% plot(handles.plotLoadSeries, f,2*abs(Y(1:NFFT/2+1)))
I thought that it is not necessary to use 'nextpow' function in 'fft' function in Matlab. Finally, which is the good one?
The short answer: you need windowing for spectrum analysis.
Now for the long answer... In the second approach, you are using an optimised FFT algorithm useful when the length of the input vector is a power of two. Let's assume that your original signal has 401 samples (as in my example below) from an infinitely long signal; nextpow2() will give you NFFT=512 samples. When you feed the shorter, 401-sample signal into the fft() function, it is implicitly zero-padded to match the requested length of 512 (NFFT). But (here comes the tricky part): zero-padding your signal is equivalent to multiplying an infinitely long signal by a rectangular function, an operation that in the frequency domain translates to a convolution with a sinc function. This would be the reason behind the increased noise floor at the bottom of your semilogarithmic plot.
A way to avoid this noise increase is to create manually the 512-sample signal you want to feed into fft(), using a smoother window function instead of the default rectangular one. Windowing means just multiplying your signal by a tapered, symmetric one. There are tons of literature on choosing a good windowing function, but a typically accurate one with low sidelobes (low noise increase) is the Hamming function, implemented in MATLAB as hamming().
Here is a figure illustrating the issue (in the frequency domain and time domain):
...and the code to generate this figure:
% Create signal
fs = 40; % sampling freq.
Ts = 1/fs; % sampling period
t = 0:Ts:10; % time vector
s = sin(2*pi*3*t); % original signal
N = length(s);
% FFT (length not power of 2)
S = abs(fft(s)/N);
freq = fs*(0:N-1)/N;
% FFT (length power of 2)
N2 = 2^nextpow2(N);
S2 = abs(fft(s, N2)/N2);
freq2 = fs*(0:N2-1)/N2;
t2 = (0:N2-1)*Ts; % longer time vector
s2 = [s,zeros(1,N2-N)]; % signal that was implicitly created for this FFT
% FFT (windowing before FFT)
s3 = [s.*hamming(N).',zeros(1,N2-N)];
S3 = abs(fft(s3, N2)/N2);
% Frequency-domain plot
hold on
xlabel('Frequency [Hz]')
grid on
legend( 'FFT[401]', 'FFT[512]', 'FFT[512] with windowing' )
% Time-domain plot
hold on
grid on
legend( 'Original samples', 'Windowed samples' )

Fourier Transforms in MatLab

So I have had a few posts the last few days about using MatLab to perform a convolution (see here). But I am having issues and just want to try and use the convolution property of Fourier Transforms. I have the code below:
width = 83.66;
x = linspace(-400,400,1000);
a2 = 1.205e+004 ;
al = 1.778e+005 ;
b1 = 94.88 ;
c1 = 224.3 ;
d = 4.077 ;
measured = al*exp(-((abs((x-b1)./c1).^d)))+a2;
rect = #(x) 0.5*(sign(x+0.5) - sign(x-0.5));
rt = rect(x/width);
subplot(5,1,1);plot(x,measured);title('imported data-super gaussian')
subplot(5,1,2);plot(x,(real(fftshift(fft(rt)))));title('transformed slit')
u = (fftshift(fft(measured)));
l = u./(real(fftshift(fft(rt))));
response = (fftshift(ifft(l)));
%Data Check
check = conv(rt,response,'full');
z = linspace(min(x),max(x),length(check));
My goal is to take my case, which is $measured = rt \ast signal$ and find signal. Once I find my signal, I convolve it with the rectangle and should get back measured, but I do not get that.
I have very little matlab experience, and pretty much 0 signal processing experience (working with DFTs). So any advice on how to do this would be greatly appreciated!
After considering the problem statement and woodchips' advice, I think we can get closer to a solution.
Input: u(t)
Output: y(t)
If we assume the system is causal and linear we would need to shift the rect function to occur before the response, like so:
rt = rect(((x+270+(83.66/2))/83.66));
figure; plot( x, measured, x, max(measured)*rt )
Next, consider the response to the input. It looks to me to be first order. If we assume as such, we will have a system transfer function in the frequency domain of the form:
H(s) = (b1*s + b0)/(s + a0)
You had been trying to use convolution to and FFT's to find the impulse response, "transfer function" in the time domain. However, the FFT of the rect, being a sinc has a zero crossing periodically. These zero points make using the FFT to identify the system extremely difficult. Due to:
Y(s)/U(s) = H(s)
So we have U(s) = A*sinc(a*s), with zeros, which makes the division go to infinity, which doesn't make sense for a real system.
Instead, let's attempt to fit coefficients to the frequency domain linear transfer function that we postulate is of order 1 since there are no overshoots, etc, 1st order is a reasonable place to start.
I realized my first answer here had a unstable system description, sorry! The solution to the ODE is very stiff due to the rect function, so we need to crank down the maximum time step and use a stiff solver. However, this is still a tough problem to solve this way, a more analytical approach may be more tractable.
We use fminsearch to find the continuous time transfer function coefficients like:
function x = findTf(c0,u,y,t)
% minimize the error for the estimated
% parameters of the transfer function
% use a scaled version without an offset for the response, the
% scalars can be added back later without breaking the solution.
yo = (y - min(y))/max(y);
x = fminsearch(#(c) simSystem(c,u,y,t),c0);
% calculate the derivatives of the transfer function
% inputs and outputs using the estimated coefficient
% vector c
function out = simSystem(c,u,y,t)
% estimate the derivative of the input
du = diff([0; u])./diff([0; t]);
% estimate the second derivative of the input
d2u = diff([0; du])./diff([0; t]);
% find the output of the system, corresponds to measured
opt = odeset('MaxStep',mean(diff(t))/100);
[~,yp] = ode15s(#(tt,yy) odeFun(tt,yy,c,du,d2u,t),t,[y(1) u(1) 0],opt);
% find the error between the actual measured output and the output
% from the system with the estimated coefficients
out = sum((yp(:,1) - y).^2);
function dy = odeFun(t,y,c,du,d2u,tx)
dy = [c(1)*y(3)+c(2)*y(2)-c(3)*y(1);
Something like that anyway should get you going.
x = findTf([1 1 1]',rt',measured',x');