Compare a user selection versus two different benchmarks - tableau-api

I have a predefined benchmark for each client and would also like to include a user defined benchmark. So that I can compare a selected clients performance on several metrics versus the predefined benchmark and and a group of clients the user selects, excluding the selected client.
For example using the built in Superstore data, I want to compare a sale person to other sales people in their region (predefined benchmark group) and also compare a sales person to a user selected group of other sales people (user defined benchmark group) for the metrics commission and sales. How can I do this in Tableau?

Following up on this, I have put together a Tableau Public workbook that may help you see how to use Set Actions:
I'll try and write this up in the near future as well, but you should be able to deconstruct how this works. There is 1 set and the actions on the dashboard drive it.

Ok I suggest you look at using sets. This article from Tableau is very informative and should cover your use cases:


Is it possible to set up a single Tableau workbook that pulls different data based on the user (or group)?

We use Tableau to create self-serve reports for various internal groups. The reports are identical in structure and style, but have different source data. As an example: European sales YTD and North American sales YTD.
For reasons we can't just have one workbook that each group then selects a dropdown for their data, they have to be separate workbooks. There are maybe a dozen of these.
We find ourselves constantly catching bugs or adding new components, and then having to go do it 10+ identical times in all the workbooks. Or worse, making a hot-fix and then not doing it for the others until it becomes an issue.
Ideally we'd make the change once in one master workbook and it'd cascade to all the others. Is something like that possible in Tableau?

How to filter information in the dashboard of tableau where has two dimension on it

I'm building up a supervisor scorecard on Tableau, but stuck on filter the supervisor.
There're few criteria that needed to be integrated into the scorecard. Eg. The employees' lateness under each supervisor will be taken into account that supervisor's performance. Also, the supervisor's own lateness will also take into account his performance.
My expectation would be aggregating all the criteria in dashbaord, and filter supervisor's ID or Name to get his scorecard data.
Here is the sample of my data.
Now i've completed all the employee level data. I created multiple worksheet to evaluate the supervisor's performance based on their employees' performance, and filter by 'SupervisorID'
But i'm having a hard time to aggregate supervisor's own performance into it.
If i filter by SupervisorID, the Tableau will still give me employee level data. I've tried to create a set to only put Supervisor inside in a single worksheet, but all I can think of right now is to filter by EmployeeID to get the supervisor level data, but in this way, i'm not able to get the information in dashboard because i was using 'SupervisorID' to filter the supervisor.
Any idea would be helpful for me. Thank you in advance!
I'm having a hard time to aggregate supervisor's own performance into it.
If i filter by SupervisorID, the Tableau will still give me employee level data. I've tried to create a set to only put Supervisor inside in a single worksheet, but all I can think of right now is to filter by EmployeeID to get the supervisor level data, but in this way, i'm not able to get the information in dashboard because i was using 'SupervisorID' to filter the supervisor previously.
Can anybody think of a way for this situation? Any idea would be helpful for me. Thank you in advance!
Could you not filter by the role? This should show the same viz but with only the employees with "Supervisor" as the role.
Edit: I think I misread your need. It sounds like you want to show the supervisor with the total late mins for them and their reporting employees. I think that you might want to create a calculated field that shows the supervisor if the supervisorid is not null else show the employee name. In your example, this field would have lines 1,2, and 4 with "Johnny". You can then use this field in conjunction with your late minutes field. I think this may get you where you want to go.

Billing by tag in Google Compute Engine

Google Compute Engine allows for a daily export of a project's itemized bill to a storage bucket (.csv or .json). In the daily file I can see X-number of seconds of N1-Highmem-8 VM usage. Is there a mechanism for further identifying costs, such as per tag or instance group, when a project has many of the same resource type deployed for different functional operations?
As an example, Qty:10 N1-Highmem-8 VM's are deployed to a region in a project. In the daily bill they just display as X-seconds of N1-Highmem-8.
2 VM's might run a database 24x7
3 VM's might run batch analytics operation averaging 2-5 hrs each night
5 VM's might perform a batch operation which runs in sporadic 10 minute intervals through the day
final operation writes data to a specific GS Buckets, other operations read/write to different buckets.
How might costs be broken out across these four operations each day?
The Usage Logs do not provide 'per-tag' granularity at this time and it can be a little tricky to work with the usage logs but here is what I recommend.
To further break down the usage logs and get better information out of em, I'd recommend trying to work like this:
Your usage logs provide the following fields:
Report Date
Resource URI
If you look at the MeasurementID, you can choose to filter by the type of image you want to verify. For example VmimageN1Standard_1 is used to represent an n1-standard-1 machine type.
You can then use the MeasurementID in combination with the Resource URI to find out what your usage is on a more granular (per instance) scale. For example, the Resource URI for my test machine would be:
*Note: I've replaced the "MY_PROJECT" and "ZONE" here, so that's that would be specific to your output along with the name of the instance.
If you look at the end of the URI, you can clearly see which instance that is for. You could then use this to look for a specific instance you're checking.
If you are better skilled with Excel or other spreadsheet/analysis software, you may be able to do even better as this is just an idea on how you could use the logs. At that point it becomes somewhat a question of creativity. I am sure you could find good ways to work with the data you gain from an export.
9/2017 update.
It is now possible to add user defined labels, then track usage and billing by these labels for Compute and GCS.
Additionally, by enabling the billing export to Big Query, it is then possible to create custom views or hit Big Query in a tool more friendly to finance people such as Google Docs, Data Studio, or anything which can connect to Big Query. Here is a great example of labels across multiple projects to split costs into something friendlier to organizations, in this case a Data Studio report.

Filemaker GetSummary from related table

I'm been using FM for the first time and have a need to use Get Summary on a financial information table. This generates various summaries of different income by customer, year and type. The layout generated from this table is good. The use of Get Summary allows me to do math with the various results, whereas sub summary totals by income type (as far as I know) cannot be added and divided by each other.
The problem I'm facing is that I wish now to create a layout based on customers and include some of the Get Summary detail from the financial table. Because my new layout is based on customers, I understand I cannot use Get Summary from financial as either a related field or in a portal.
The end game is simply to scroll through customer records, one after the other, and have key financial information show on their 'home' screen if you will, for years and type.
Any help gratefully appreciated. Thanks
I understand I cannot use Get Summary from financial as either a
related field or in a portal.
No, that's not quite correct. The GetSummary() function returns the sub-summary value by breakfield - if records are sorted by breakfield. Thus if the portal (or the underlying relationship) sorts the related records by type, you will see sub-summary values in the portal. However, you won't be able to see only sub-summary values, since a portal has no sub-summary parts.
There are other ways to show summarized related data. If you don't have (and don't expect to have) a large amount of records, considering filtering a (one-row) portal to show only a specific type of related records, then place the summary field inside it. Of course, this assumes the types are known in advance and unchanging.

Crystal Reports: ? Possible to show Full Set in one chart, and subsets in separate charts?

In Crystal Reports, is there a way to get both full set charting and subset charting, in the report headers?
I'm working on a report from an erstwhile co-worker and I'm still trying to make things "better".
While I haven't found the solution to accruing time
( see Accruing over time (non-overlapping) - technique? )
I'll press on with how to use the resulting data once I retrieve it.
The report is a Global Availability report for network technologies, and part of the report is graphic:
Chart availability for different
network types for last "n" months'
Charts availability for each region
(for each network type for "n"
months' time).
She (co-worker) had a global chart, but for each region, she did a separate sub-report containing just the chart for that region. The query isn't optimal, and using the sub-reports, the query is repeated each time.
If there a way to use a single data-set in one report for all five charts, forcing the four regional charts to display only that region's data?
Additional info:
The charts are all Bar charts, design is
y-axis: calculated availability
x-axis: Group by network type (Switches, Trunks, "Network)
sub group by month
Bad Example:
Let me see if I understand this. In your Report Header, you have 5 Subreports for the 4 regional graphs and the global graph. And you want to collapse this all into 1 Subreport if possible?
Yes, but you can't do it like in your image where United States & Europe are side-by-side. They would have to be 1 per row. Also, the datasource also has to be formatted correctly. To do this,
Make a new subreport. Group it by the Region.
In this subreport, make your regional graph in the Group Header section.
In this subreport, also make your global graph in the Report Header section.
Insert this subreport into your main report and you should be done.
Sometimes, the only way out of the fire is through it.
After lots of un-satisfactory refactoring, I spoke with the original (years ago) requestor and got some good information. I have yet to speak to the most recent requestor again (who didn't have any knowledge of the technical requirements the last several times).
Spoke w/ the guy who is tending a related db, and I get permission to add come functions, views, store procedures, etc. to THAT db... Within reason and after code/perf review -- something that isn't normally conducted, so I welcome it. I WILL have the ability to do the procedural stuff through... a procedure. Written as a stand-alone, I should be able to re-use it for any of the queries against future needs.
And... Yes, I am pretty much going to have to (read "get to") re-design, and hopefully get rid of most of the sub-reports. Yeay, me.
Thanks for coming along for the ride.