I recently tried to find an implementation of the Pastry DHT but couldn't find an active source. I think this was the largest implementation https://www.freepastry.org/ but the last stable release was in 2009. Is pastry still used and is the free pastry implementation abandonded. Also what are the alternatives for Pastry used today ?
I think it doesn't work now. I tried it before, but I give up and use libtorrent now.
I need some of your help.
I searched everywhere on the internet, but I could not find how to create a plugin for Gaim, the predecessor of Pidgin.
I do NOT want to create a Pidgin plugin. I want to create a Gaim plugin, but since Gaim is very old, well, it is hard to find documentation for it.
(PS : If you know how to write a plugin for Gaim, please note I want to make one for Windows - not Linux.)
(PPS : I'm french. Sorry for my bad English.)
You're going to run into a number of issues here...
First off, Gaim hasn't existed for 15 years, and of course we (the Pidgin core team many of who got involved during the Gaim days) aren't going to support it for that reason.
Secondly, building on windows has always been a pain for us as we had to carry all of the dependencies. I imagine most of the links that you might find are all long dead because of the 15 years that have passed since that. That said you might be able to get away with using our win32-dev directory from https://data.imfreedom.org/pidgin/win32-dev.7z but of course that's completely untested and that directory is used to build the Pidgin 2.x.y releases.
Finally, as you've found out, most of the documentation from Gaim has been gone for a very long time. We did set up https://gaim.pidgin.im as a joke which was the last copy of the site we had before the rename, but there's not much there when it comes to development documentation. So your best bet is to look at existing plugins. I still have the source code for guifications1 available at https://keep.imfreedom.org/grim/guifications1/file/default.
The Dart FakeAsync package seems to have the same functionality as quiver.testing.async inside the Quiver package so as a Flutter and Dart app developer I'm confused as to which one to use?
Is one supposed to be used over the other in particular circumstances? nothing in the documentation for either package gives any guidance on this either. Both packages also seem to be authored and maintained by members of the Google Flutter and Dart teams which makes it even more confusing.
The only thing I can see is that FakeAsync package is last updated in July 2018 while Quiver was in Nov 2019, so is FakeAsync deprecated? if so it's not labelled as such. And also a small number of core packages currently depend on FakeAsync, while a very large number of diverse package depend on quiver (though can't know if they depend on quivers testing.async).
I tried (with limited success) to dig into the muddled history.
FakeAsync was a third-party contribution to quiver, and a few months later, the author forked package:fake_async from quiver's version. I don't know what the rationale was for having two separate implementations, but I could guess that perhaps the author wanted to have more direct control over the code. (In other words, package:fake_async initially was not authored nor owned by Google.)
I asked around, and my understanding is that package:fake_async stopped being maintained, and Google's Dart team ended up taking ownership of package:fake_async so that it could be updated for Dart 2.
From package:fake_async's changelog, it does appear that it was meant to be a superset of quiver's version, but the implementations have since diverged so that it's no longer fully backward compatible.
At this point, I personally would use the quiver version: it's better maintained and is what Flutter uses, so I expect that it has much more inertia behind it.
I've also filed https://github.com/dart-lang/fake_async/issues/16 requesting that guidance be added to the documentation.
I now recommend using package:fake_async. Flutter moved in the other direction and switched to using package:fake_async instead. package:fake_async has been updated to be a proper superset of of the quiver version. Also see https://github.com/google/quiver-dart/issues/590.
While I'm making an Android app, Eclipse will strike out some things. More specifically, Gallery. Here is a screen shot:
When I hover my mouse over the warnings, it says The type Gallery is deprecated. I don't know what Deprecated means, but I do know that it's a Java term. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
(From the question before editing: The term is deprecated, not depreciated. It's a common typo, but worth being aware of for searching purposes :)
It's basically a bit like "obsolete" - you're encouraged not to use classes or methods which are deprecated. Typically the documentation will explain why you're not meant to use them, and give you a better alternative. The deprecated version is only present for backward compatibility, usually.
It's worth taking this seriously - a lot of the time if you're using a deprecated API, you're coming at something from a fundamentally flawed approach. Date is the clearest example of this, where the Java 1.0 API was almost entirely deprecated in 1.1, when Calendar was introduced. Using the deprecated methods in Date is a sure way of storing up problems for yourself.
See the Oracle "How and when to deprecate APIs" page for more information.
Deprecated means it used to support older SDK, but not anymore. Thats why you get the warning.
It is just a warning most of the times it works, but you most be careful because it could cause problem with newer versions.
Deprecated isn't a Java term. It is used in many other things but a lot in programming. It simply means that it is no longer supported...normally replaced with something else. The Android Docs will help you adapt it to what you need depending on what you're doing
Those listed on their website are quite old and don't work with latest code. I tried, but not luck, the code is outdate. Anyone know a good plugin?
VoteNY works with latest stable (1.24.2), as far as I can see and in my testing on a live wiki.
I've just started getting into Catalyst, and I've been finding it really helpful. One of my favorite things about it was TTSite in that it got me going fast and gave me something to develop with without just black text (and it required no work from me to setup). However, I've been reading in a lot of places that it's buggy, or even deprecated as mentioned here on the actual Catalyst tutorial. However I've found it nothing but helpful and have had no issues, so basically I'm wondering is there reason for me to be worried and not use it? And if so, does anyone know of a similar alternative that kind of gives you a base template set up to work within? Thanks a lot!
I don't think TTSite is officially deprecated in terms of support .. it is still included in the Catalyst::View::TT distribution as of 0.39 (released 10-April 2012). I suspect it is more a case of some developers disliking the base templates that are provided and TTSite no longer being recommended as part of the default Catalyst tutorial.
TTSite provides a very simple base that has some quirks. For example, the context object is called Catalyst instead of c, and the use of TT's WRAPPER command can get in the way of AJAX and non-html views.
More background reading:
Discussion on the Catalyst-Dev mailing list regarding changing the Catalyst tutorial from TTSite to straight TT
Catalyst wiki: disabling TT wrapper for AJAX requests
A blog post on TTSite including changing Catalyst context reference to c
A modern base theme would probably start with something like Bootstrap or one of the 960 Grid HTML/CSS frameworks. I'm not aware of an actively maintained Catalyst::View helper that would be a better replacement for TTSite, but also don't find it too onerous to drop in the latest version of Bootstrap :)