Filter data from Stream in Flutter/Dart - flutter

I have a Stream which contains List of objects. i.e. List<ProductSubCategoryListModel> and
ProductSubCategoryListModel contains isSelected boolean and CategoryId int.
I want to filter Stream which only has isSelected == true and get list type of List<ProductSubCategoryListModel> in return. After this need to get all the CategoryId from `List.
Here's my code.
Future<void> fetchProducts(
TrendingCategoriesModel categoryModel, int pageIndex) async {
_localCategoryModel = categoryModel;
//Stream I want to manipulate to get List<ProductSubCategoryListModel>
var stream =;
var request = ProductListRequestModel();
var searchParameterModel = SearchParams();
searchParameterModel.SearchText = '';
searchParameterModel.CategoryIDs = //List<int> of CategoryIds filtered from List<ProductSubCategoryListModel>;
searchParameterModel.SubCategoryIDs = null;
searchParameterModel.AttributeIDs = null;
searchParameterModel.SubAttributeIDs = null;
searchParameterModel.StartPrice = 0;
searchParameterModel.EndPrice = null;
searchParameterModel.EndPrice = null;
request.PageIndex = pageIndex;
request.PageSize = 10;
request.SortExpression = '';
request.SortType = '';
request.IsGetFilterData = true;
request.searchParams = searchParameterModel;
if (!_productListController.isClosed) _productListController.sink.add(null);
var response =
await _networkHandler.callAPI(NetworkUrl.PRODUCT_LIST, request);
if (response != null) {

You can use map method it returns new stream with mapped data. Map will be applied to each event in a stream.
Additionally you can apply distinct method just after map, if you need to ensure that only unique values will be emitted to the subscriber


How to join two firebase queries in the same Stream?

I am using Streambuilder to display a list of tasks. For this I want to join two queries in Firebase: The tasks that have been completed in the last 7 days (alList1) and all the pending tasks (alList2)
The way I do the query is as follows:
Stream<List<AlarmaModel>> cargarAlarmasStream(int fechaMinima) {
final List<AlarmaModel> alarmaListVacia = [];
Query resp = db.child('alarmas').orderByChild('fechaCompleta').startAt(fechaMinima);
final streamPublish1 = {
if(event.snapshot.value != null) {
final alList1 = Map<String,dynamic>.from(event.snapshot.value) {
AlarmaModel alTemp = new AlarmaModel();
alTemp = AlarmaModel.fromJson(Map<String,dynamic>.from(e.value));
alTemp.idAlarma = e.key;
return alTemp;
return alList1;
} else return alarmaListVacia;
Query resp2 = db.child('alarmas').orderByChild('completa').equalTo(false);
final streamPublish2 = {
if(event.snapshot.value != null) {
final alList2 = Map<String,dynamic>.from(event.snapshot.value) {
AlarmaModel alTemp2 = new AlarmaModel();
alTemp2 = AlarmaModel.fromJson(Map<String,dynamic>.from(e.value));
alTemp2.idAlarma = e.key;
return alTemp2;
return alList2;
} else return alarmaListVacia;
return streamPublish1;
However, at the time of displaying it on the screen with the StreamBuilder, it is only showing me alList1, which is the one contained in streamPublish1. How can I do in the return to output the result of StreamPublish1 added to StreamPublish2?
I was testing the solution in Stackoverflow 36571924 as follows:
Stream<List<AlarmaModel>> pubStream = StreamGroup.merge([streamPublish1, streamPublish2]);
return pubStream
It was close, but it didn't work. It only retrieves the last list (alList2) and not the combination of both.

Flutter - Function - Return Array

I've build an List with 44 places:
List<String> departmentdes = new List(44);
after that I've called a function:
The function is an api call:
postDepartment() async {
final response = await http.get('url');
final jsonresponse = json.decode(response.body);
List<Department> departments = [];
for(var d in jsonresponse) {
Department department = Department(
fid: d["fid"].toString(),
int index = departments.length -1;
for(int i = 0; i<=index; i++) {
departmentdes[i] = departments[i].fid;
return departmentdes;
After the postDepartment(); I want to print the departmentdes but it always returns null. Why?
i < index
You're already defining index to be length -1
Just a little logic error.
Change your postDepartment to this and see if it helps:
Future<void> postDepartment() async {
final response = await http.get('url');
final jsonresponse = json.decode(response.body);
List<Department> departments = [];
for(var d in jsonresponse) {
Department department = Department(
fid: d["fid"].toString(),
int index = departments.length -1;
for(int i = 0; i<=index; i++) {
departmentdes[i] = departments[i].fid;
return departmentdes;
Also check if your departments is not null.

Trying to Move Cards

I am trying to move a card I have found using the search function from one list to another on the same board.
I have tried to set up a new list using the a new factory.list and searching for the list using FirstorDefault LINQ Query but keep getting an Error.
Below is some code I have tried to move my cards.
string query = jnum;
var search = factory.Search(query, 1, SearchModelType.Cards, new IQueryable[] { board });
await search.Refresh();
var CardList = search.Cards.ToList();
foreach (var card in CardList)
string tName = card.Name.Substring(0, 6);
if (tName == jnum.Trim())
cardid = card.Id;
var FoundCard = factory.Card(cardid);
string FoundListid = FoundCard.List.Id;
var fromlist = factory.List(FoundListid);
if (Item != null)
if (mail.Body.ToUpper().Contains("Approved for Print".ToUpper()))
//var ToList = factory.List("5db19603e4428377d77963b4");
var ToList = board.Lists.FirstOrDefault(l => l.Name == "Signed Off");
FoundCard.List = ToList;
// from on proof
//MessageBox.Show("Approved for Print");
else if (mail.Body.ToUpper().Contains("Awaiting Review".ToUpper()))
//var ToList = factory.List("5db19603e4428377d77963b3");
var ToList = board.Lists.FirstOrDefault(l => l.Name == "On Proof");
FoundCard.List = ToList;
// from in progress or to start
// MessageBox.Show("Awaiting Review");
else if (mail.Body.ToUpper().Contains("Amends".ToUpper()))
var ToList = factory.List("5dc9442eb245e60a39b3d4a7");
FoundCard.List = ToList;
// from on proof
// non job mail
I keep getting a is not a valid value Error.
Thanks for help

When using NumericField, get absolutely nothing back every time

Been playing with Lucene.NET the last two days.
After reading up on Dates, I was led to believe that Dates are best converted to Milliseconds, and stored in NumericField, with Indexing=true, and Store=No.
But now nothing ever returns - it must be something basic, but I'm just not seeing it.
The saving code is as follows:
else if (type == typeof (DateTime?))
var typedValue = (DateTime?) value;
field = numericField = new NumericField(documentFieldName, 4, Field.Store.YES, true);
long milliseconds = typedValue.HasValue?(typedValue.Value.Date.Ticks/TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond):0;
field = stringField = new Field(
(value != null)?value.ToString():string.Empty,
Field.Index.ANALYZED) ;
// Write the Document to the catalog
When I query for docs against the values saved in Field ... no problem.
When I query for documents by matching against the values in NumericFields, nothing returns.
Where did I go wrong?
Thanks for your help.
Lucene.Net.Analysis.Analyzer analyzer = new Lucene.Net.Analysis.Standard.StandardAnalyzer(Lucene.Net.Util.Version.LUCENE_30);
var q2 = NumericRangeQuery.NewLongRange("Val", 3, 3, true, true);
var uxy2 = documentSearchManagementService.Search("Students", termQuery, "Id");
public ScoredDocumentResult[] Search(string indexName, Query query, params string[] hitFieldNamesToReturn)
if (_configuration.IndexRootDirectory.IsNullOrEmpty())
throw new Exception("Configuration.IndexRootDirectory has not been configued yet.");
//Specify the index file location where the indexes are to be stored
string indexFileLocation = Path.Combine(_configuration.IndexRootDirectory, indexName);
Lucene.Net.Store.Directory luceneDirectory = Lucene.Net.Store.FSDirectory.Open(indexFileLocation);
IndexSearcher indexSearcher = new IndexSearcher(luceneDirectory);
TopScoreDocCollector topScoreDocCollector = TopScoreDocCollector.Create(10, true);
indexSearcher.Search(query, topScoreDocCollector);
List<ScoredDocumentResult> results = new List<ScoredDocumentResult>();
foreach (var scoreDoc in topScoreDocCollector.TopDocs(0, 10).ScoreDocs)
ScoredDocumentResult resultItem = new ScoredDocumentResult();
Lucene.Net.Documents.Document doc = indexSearcher.Doc(scoreDoc.Doc);
resultItem.Score = scoreDoc.Score;
List<ScoredDocumentFieldResult> fields = new List<ScoredDocumentFieldResult>();
foreach (string fieldName in hitFieldNamesToReturn)
string fieldValue = doc.Get(fieldName);
fields.Add(new ScoredDocumentFieldResult{Key= fieldName,Value=fieldValue});
resultItem.FieldValues = fields.ToArray();
return results.ToArray();

MongoDB/Mongoose .find() equal to true/false where null==true

Trying to simplify this snippet into a one liner.
var conditions = [{key: isTrueOrFalse}];
if (isTrueOrFalse)
conditions.push({key: null});
query.find({$or: conditions});
The key, by default, isn't set in the model.
I wrote this util function to make it a one liner, but I'd prefer to use something built into mongoose if possible.
var findWithDefaultIfNull = function(query, key, value, defaultValue) {
var conditions = [];
var condition = {};
condition[key] = value;
if (value == defaultValue) {
condition = {};
condition[key] = null;
query.find({$or: conditions});
exports.findWithDefaultIfNull = findWithDefaultIfNull;