DOM element not rendering html - dom

I have built an html table that generates dynamically from a data array. It is intended to make a menu of beers on tap in my bar. The array contains the following data: [tap_number, brewery_image, beer_name, price_for_a_pint, price_for_a_pitcher]. Therefore the array dictates that the table generate with 5 columns and 14 rows (with current data). The image data consists of an html tagged image and similarly the beer_name is tagged <h3></h3>. All the html tagged data is rendering as text. What have I done wrong? btw, using Materialize css for basic table styling. Have tried with bootstrap also - same result. Here's a snippet of the html element that the js generates:
<table class = "tabel">
...has <td>column name</td> X5
<td><img src='[url of image]' alt=''></td>
...a bunch more rows..
So data positions 1 and 2 should be rendering according to html tag but are just appearing on the page as the text of their html. All data from the array is passed as textContent. Should I be using innerHtml? when I do, nothing at all renders. Cannot figure out what amateur mistake I've made or whether Materialize is screwing me... Thanks for any advice...

It was an amateur mistake. was using innerHtml instead of innerHTML....


Cannot define Row Class to Footable

I'm using jQuery Footable V3 and trying to using the class="" attribute to but when the table is initialized the class attr desappear
Here is my example
<table class="table footable " data-page-size="20" data-paging="true" data-filtering="true" data-sorting="true" ">
<th data-type="number" data-breakpoints="all" >ID</th>
<th data-sortable="false" data-filterable="false" data-formatter="formatter">X</th>
<th data-type="text" data-sortable="true"><?=_("DescripciĆ³n")?></th>
<tr class="danger">
<td>1111111111111</td> </tbody> </table>
Not only class attributes are removed from static tables (where HTML was already created before footable() call) but also HTML inside TD (links, images etc.) with current version 3.0.1.
The current FT 3 documentation is misleading concerning "static" tables, partially wrong.
Have a look at Github issues. You'll find some related to your question.
The best way to avoid this behavior is to load table rows and columns via JSON strings e.g. created with PHP.
Or to use workarounds. Use attributes like data-myclass="danger" and convert it via JQuery to class attribute after FT has been initialized. Sometimes slow!
Or use FT 2 until developers post a statement or maybe new version 3.

colspan like feature for spring form textarea

How can I get colspan like feature in a form:textarea in spring form tag?
This is my current code:
<td><html:textarea rows="5" cols="60" path="comment" /></td>
There are total 5 columns in the table. I would like to have the label in the first column and textarea in the remaining 4 colums. How can I achieve this?
I think you don't need a "colspan-like" solution but colspan itself. Note that what you want to span is a table cell, not the textarea. Therefore, you must use the attribute on the enclosing td element.
Text areas in HTML have their own layout of rows and columns but it's completely unrelated to HTML tables. A colspan attribute on a textarea simply doesn't make sense.
Here's a piece of HTML code that does the trick.
<td colspan="2"><textarea cols="60" rows="3"></textarea></td>
Here's a working example on JSFiddle, styled with CSS to make the structure more visible.

customizing size of form fields created using field.custom.widget

I used the following code to generate a form in attached image.
Is it possible to change the size of the fields in the form.
I want to decrease size of input field of Estimated time and the dropbox field to the right of it
<td><b>Type :</b></td><td><div>{{=form.custom.widget.type}}</div></td>
<td><b>Title :</b></td><td><div>{{=form.custom.widget.title}}</div></td>
<td><b>Description :</b></td><td><div>{{=form.custom.widget.description}}</div></td>
<td><b>Estimated Time :</b></td><div'><td>{{=form.custom.widget.estimated_time}}{{=form.custom.widget.estimated_time_unit}}</td> </div>
<td></td><td><div align='center'>{{=form.custom.submit}}</div></td>
Yes. You can and there are many ways.
The recommended way is to look at the generates JS. You will find it follows a naming convention described in the book. You can use CSS to change the look-and feel of every widget.
input[name=estimate_time] { width:50px }
Similarly you can use JS/jQuery (I would recommend you do this in the view).
jQuery(document).ready(function(){ jQuery('input[name=estimate_time]').css('width','50px');});
You can also use jQuery-like syntax in python in the controller:

Nesting dynamically displayed components in wicket

I have a need to create following kind of markup with wicket using ajax:
<td>displayed/closed if first is clicked <a>open</a></td>
<tr><td>this and following displayed/closed if above open is clicked</td></tr>
<tr><td>there may be any number of these</td></tr>
<td>there may be any number of these as well <a>open</a></td>
<td>any number of these as well <a>second</a></td>
How to use ListViews or some other wicket element to individually toggle open "inner" rows of the table. I don't want to resort to render everything and toggling visibility but really create the rows in server side only when expand is requested. The markup should also be valid xhtml (rules out arbitrary container for row groups). I know I can put multiple tbodys, but it's good enough only for one level of nesting (no .... allowed).
From Lord Torgamus' comment, the ajax tree sounds appropriate..

php - splitting a string with HTML by the first instance of a table cell

I am checking on HTML content on my page, and I've got the split down to have the variable left with this content:
<td>Oklahoma City</td>
<div id="
Those are dynamic pages I'm checking, so the data will always be different, but the layout the same...
How can I get the value out of the second <td> if that html is in 1 variable(string)?
It was a full page, I've used explode twice to remove everything above a div field and everything below the last dive field id... so it has some open html tags left because I did not know how to get rid of that along the way to be left with just this:
<td>Oklahoma City</td>
Can you tell me how to get that out? I just need the second one because it is the county and that is what I'm checking on...