Kube-aws: Template format error: Unresolved resource dependencies [IAMRoleController] - kubernetes

I'm using kube-aws v0.15.2 to setup a Kubernetes cluster in AWS. I have predefined IAM roles and instance profiles for controller, etcd and workers. I have another cluster that is using the same IAM roles and instance profiles which was created using kube-aws v0.9.x. With the newly generated cluster.yaml I generated certs and rendered stack. But while performing validate I'm getting the following error:
$ kube-aws validate
Validating UserData and stack template...
generating assets for control-plane, network, etcd, nodepoolA
Error: failed to validate control plane: invalid cloudformation stack template https://s3.amazonaws.com/.../mycluster/exported/stacks/control-plane/stack.json:
ValidationError: Template format error: Unresolved resource dependencies [IAMRoleController] in the Resources block of the template
In cluster.yaml, IAM block of controller would look like this:
# role:
# name: "yourManagedRole"
# # strictName: true
manageExternally: true
# managedPolicies:
# - arn: "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AdministratorAccess"
# - arn: "arn:aws:iam::YOURACCOUNTID:policy/YOURPOLICYNAME"
arn: "arn:aws:iam::xxxxxx:instance-profile/MyKubernetesIAMInstanceProfileController"
Addons like kube2iam, kiam etc are disabled.
Please let me know how to fix it.
Thanks in advance

It looks like kube-aws will target the fix for 0.16.2 and 0.15.3 as well.
Created ticket in github: https://github.com/kubernetes-incubator/kube-aws/issues/1855


Define Path for secret in Hashicorp not work with Quarkus

I have this error when I deploy my app:
My properties are these:
My policy in hashicorp is the same and the role is attached for this policie.
When I disabled this property: quarkus.vault.secret-config-kv-path the app running but not load any secrets this is the console message:
I have used this documentation
Any help or idea for get the values for hashicorp, probably other method programmatic
This could be a typical issue with kv ver 1 vs 2. Ver 2 has different path. You should consider it in your settings and policy, check the document: https://developer.hashicorp.com/vault/tutorials/secrets-management/versioned-kv#compare-kv-v1-and-kv-v2
In most cases you need to add data after a mount point in the path: kv2/data/dev/test/test...

vault-secrets-provider alias not recognized with docker-kaniko

I'm having some issues when trying to use Hashicorp vault template (kubernetes with Google Kubernetes Engine) with to.be.continuous.
Actually when I use it with Google Docker Kaniko layer I got an error message: ... wget: bad address 'vault-secrets-provider'.
It seems that Kaniko doesn't recognize the vault-secrets-provider layer. Would you please help me with this? Or perhaps, where I can ask for some help?
This is a summary of .gitlab-ci.yml
# Kubernetes template
- project: 'to-be-continuous/kubernetes'
ref: '2.0.4'
file: '/templates/gitlab-ci-k8s.yml'
- project: "to-be-continuous/kubernetes"
ref: "2.0.4"
file: "templates/gitlab-ci-k8s-vault.yml"
K8S_DEFAULT_KUBE_CONFIG: "#url#http://vault-secrets-provider/api/secrets/noprod?field=kube_config"
VAULT_BASE_URL: "http://myvault.myserver.com/v1"
Error Message:
[ERROR] Failed getting secret K8S_DEFAULT_KUBE_CONFIG:
... wget: bad address 'vault-secrets-provider'
I tried many times directly without Vault layer and Kaniko works ok, I mean without Vault secrets.
How I can accomplish this? I tried modifying the kaniko template but without success.
I will appreciate any help with this.
To fix your issue, first upgrade the docker template to its latest version (2.3.0 at the time this response was written).
Then depending on your case you have 2 options:
Docker needs to handle some of your secrets managed by Vault: then you shall also activate the Vault variant for Docker,
Docker doesn't needs to handle any secret managed by Vault: don't use the Vault variant for Docker, you'll have a warning message from Docker not being able to decode the secret (basically the same as the one you had, but not failing the build),
You shall simply use it in your .gitlab-ci.yml file:
# Docker template
- project: 'to-be-continuous/docker'
ref: '2.3.0'
file: '/templates/gitlab-ci-docker.yml'
# Vault variant for Docker (depending on your above case)
- project: 'to-be-continuous/docker'
ref: '2.3.0'
file: '/templates/gitlab-ci-docker-vault.yml'
# Kubernetes template
- project: 'to-be-continuous/kubernetes'
ref: '2.0.4'
file: '/templates/gitlab-ci-k8s.yml'
- project: "to-be-continuous/kubernetes"
ref: "2.0.4"
file: "/templates/gitlab-ci-k8s-vault.yml"
K8S_DEFAULT_KUBE_CONFIG: "#url#http://vault-secrets-provider/api/secrets/noprod?field=kube_config"
VAULT_BASE_URL: "http://myvault.myserver.com/v1"

serverless framework AWS pseudo parameters stack name

What is the correct way to get the output of a cloudformation stack in a serverless.yml file without hardcoding the stack name?
I have a serverless.yml file where I import a cloudformation template to create an ElastiCache cluster.
When I try to do so, I get this error:
Serverless Error ---------------------------------------
Invalid variable reference syntax for variable AWS::StackName. You can only reference env vars, options, & files. You can check our docs for more info.
In my file I'd like to expose as an environment variable the ElastiCacheAddress output from the cloudformation stack. I am using the serverless pseudo-parameters plugin to get the output:
# Here is where I try to reference the CF output value
service: hello-world
name: aws
# ...
cacheUrl: ${cf:#{AWS::StackName}.ElastiCacheAddress}
# Reference to the CF template
- '${file(./cf/cf-elasticache.yml)}'
The CF template is the one from the AWS Samples GitHub repository.
The snippet with the output is here:
Description: ElastiCache endpoint address
Value: !If [ IsRedis, !GetAtt ElastiCacheCluster.RedisEndpoint.Address, !GetAtt ElastiCacheCluster.ConfigurationEndpoint.Address]
Name: !Sub ${AWS::StackName}-ElastiCacheAddress
You can use a workaround to get your way through these syntax caveats.
In this case, I would suggest you to create a custom node to set variables you would want to reuse. You can then reference these variables using Serverless Framework syntax only, to avoid that error, like so:
# Here is where I try to reference the CF output value
service: hello-world
name: aws
# ...
cacheUrl: ${cf:${self:custom.stackName}.ElastiCacheAddress}
# Reference to the CF template
- '${file(./cf/cf-elasticache.yml)}'

Is it possible to use variables in a codeship-steps.yml file?

We currently use Codeship Pro to push Docker images to a private registry on AWS, as well as to deploy those images to an ECS cluster.
However, the codeship-steps.yml file includes a hard-coded region name for which AWS region I'm pushing to. For example:
- name: push_production
service: app
type: push
image_name: 123456789012.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/project/app-name
image_tag: "{{.Timestamp}}"
tag: master
registry: https://123456789012.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com
dockercfg_service: aws_generator
I would like to be able to fairly easily switch this to deploy to a different AWS region. Thus the question:
Is it possible to use variables in a codeship-steps.yml file?
I know some of the properties can use a handful of built-in variables provided by Codeship (such as the {{.Timestamp}} value used for the image_tag property), but I don't know if, for example, values from an env_file can be used in the image_name, registry, and/or command properties of a step.
I'm imagining something like this...
- name: push_production
service: app
type: push
image_name: "123456789012.dkr.ecr.{{.AWS_REGION}}.amazonaws.com/project/app-name"
image_tag: "{{.Timestamp}}"
tag: master
registry: "https://123456789012.dkr.ecr.{{.AWS_REGION}}.amazonaws.com"
dockercfg_service: aws_generator
... but that results in an "error parsing image name during push step: invalid reference format" on the push step.
I've tried simply not specifying the registry in the image_name...
image_name: project/app-name
... but I get a "Build Error: no basic auth credentials" on the push step. At this point, I'm running out of ideas.
Is it possible to use [environment] variables in a codeship-steps.yml file?
While the image_tag can take advantage of Go templates, the same is not the case for image_name, registry, or anything else. This is a separate set of templating variables that are accessible only to the image_tag generation.
As for environment variables in general (CI environment variables or those defined in the service configs), these values can be used in codeship-steps.yml on the command step when passed through a shell command. For example:
- service: app
command: echo The branch name is: $CI_BRANCH
Results in:
The branch name is: $CI_BRANCH
- service: app
command: /bin/sh -c 'echo The branch name is: $CI_BRANCH'
Results in:
The branch name is: master
As for your 'no basic auth credentials' error message, it's possible that there's an issue with how you are retrieving the basic auth credentials for access to your image registry. If you are on a MacOS device, I would recommend that you review our documentation on how to generate Docker credentials.

How to configure a custom resource type in a concourse pipeline?

I've already done a google search to find a way to setup a custom resource in concourse pipeline but the answers/documentation do not work.
Can someone provide a working example of custom resource type that is pulled from a local registry and used in a build plan?
For example, say I were to clone the git resource and slightly modify it and pushed it to my local registry.
The git resource image would be name: localhost:5000/local_git:latest
How would you be able to use this custom resource (local_git:latest) in a pipeline definition?
There are two main settings to consider here when running a local registry:
Must use insecure_registries:
insecure_registries: ["my.local.registry:8080"]
If you are running your registry in "localhost", you shouldn't use localhost as the address for your registry, if you do, the docker image will try to resolve to the localhost of the docker image instead of your local machine, in order to avoid this problem, use the IP address of your local machine. (DON'T use
You can define your custom resource type in your pipeline under the resource_types key in the pipeline yml.
- name: custom-git
type: docker-image
repository: localhost:5000/local_git
An important note is that custom resource type images are fetched in a manner identical to using a base resource in your pipeline, so for your case of a private Docker registry, you will just need to configure the necessary source: on the docker-image resource (See the docs for the docker-image-resource)
You can then use the type for resources as you would any of the base types:
- name: some-custom-git-resource
type: custom-git
source: ...
Note the type: key of the resource matches the name: on the resource type.
Take a look at the Concourse Documentation for Configuring Resource Types for more information on how to use custom types in your pipeline.