Stop SKAudioNode from Playing - swift

I am trying to play footstep sounds only when the player is moving. I added a check to see if the player is already moving to make sure it would not play audio on top of each other.
For some reason is not working which is causing a bunch of tracks to play over each other which sounds very bad.
Any ideas?
let footstepSound = SKAudioNode(fileNamed: "Footsteps.mp3")
if (degree != 50) {
if (isFootstepping) { return }
isFootstepping = true
else if (isFootstepping && degree == 50) {
isFootstepping = false

Solved! The issue is that the footstepSound variable was not globally declared. This was causing a new variable to be created on each function call, therefore when .removeFromParent was called it was never referencing the old variable.


transporting a bool across scene's while changing it

For my game you need to complete a mini-game to unlock abilities. But I atually have no clue how to do it cause the value gets resetted to false whenever I load the main-level.
Code playerMovement:
static bool FistAttackEnabled;
void Update ()
if (FistAttackEnabled == true)
if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
PlayerMovement.SetFloat("Attacking", 1f);
Code miniGame:
void Start()
FistAttackEnabled = Player.GetComponent<Player_Movement>().FistAttackEnabledPortable;
void Update()
if (SheepsAmountGuess == NeededAni)
FistAttackEnabled = true;
But this doesnt work. I tried making a portable bool (FistAttackEnabledStatic = FistAttackEnabled) Because you cant transport static bool value's across scripts, but this also didn't work. Does anyone have a clue how to do it?
PS: The code is bigger but it doesn't have anything to do with the attack.
Each time the scene is loaded the scripts are reloaded, so variables will go to their "default" state
You can avoid the destruction of the gameObject by usign DontDestroyOnLoad(this.gameObject);
Since the GameObject wont be deleted each time you reload the scene a new copy will be created to solve that you should use a singleton(look for it you will find information easyly)
Both things will solve the problem temporaly but once you close the game everything will go to the original state. You should use some method to save the progress, PlayerPrefs is a really easy way to do it.

Unity: LoadScene does not work when fired from timer

in my game, when the player dies, a dying sound is played and once the sound is over, the scene is supposed to be reloaded when the user still has enough lives.
Before I had the sound, the play died instantly upon calling the death() function:
public static void Death()
AddCoinScript.coinCounter = 0;
if (LivesScript.livesCounter > -1)//to get 0 live
var currentScene = SceneManager.GetActiveScene();
//TO DO GameOver
This worked like a charm.
But now I added a death sound to it. Unfortunately, unity doesnt provide an event handler for when the sound is done playing (I want the scene to be reloaded not instantly anymore, but after the death sound is done playing), so I have decided to take it upon myself to just build a timer. The timer fires right after the death sound is over. This is what this function has become:
public static void Death()
AddCoinScript.coinCounter = 0;
System.Timers.Timer timer = new System.Timers.Timer();
timer.Interval = aSDeath.clip.length * 1000;
timer.Elapsed += delegate
if (LivesScript.livesCounter > -1)//to get 0 live
var currentScene = SceneManager.GetActiveScene();
//TO DO GameOver
As you can see, to make sure the timer REALLY fires, I set up a "debug.Log("TIMER")" to see, if it really works. And guess what: it does. The debug now shows "TIMER" in its console. But you know what doesnt work anymore? The two lines of code right beneath that.
var currentScene = SceneManager.GetActiveScene();
It's the same exact lines that worked just before - but when fired from the timer, they just get ignored? How is this even possible?
When I change it all back, it works again. Only when the timer fires the two lines, they get ignored.
This is totally odd or am I missing something? Thank you!
Okay I am not an expert on C# and delegate but apparently it creates a separate thread and you can only use SceneManager.GetActiveScene on main thread.
Since i am not so sure about delegate i will offer an easier solution. You can use a coroutine since you know how much you have to wait like this:
public void Death()
IEnumerator DeathCoroutine()
AddCoinScript.coinCounter = 0;
// wait for duration of the clip than continue executing rest of the code
yield return new WaitForSeconds(aSDeath.clip.length);
if (LivesScript.livesCounter > -1)//to get 0 live
var currentScene = SceneManager.GetActiveScene();
//TO DO GameOver
What about using a coroutine ? You just start it when the player dies, and yield while your sound is still playing.

Why is it SO Hard to Just Mute a Sound in Unity?

I have spent all day looking for a solution to this problem, and I simply can't find one. Using JavaScript in Unity 3D, I have a script where I want to play a sound when the player's velocity on the X axis reaches a certain point, and if it's not at that point, then the sound will be muted. And I believe I have all the structure right, it's just the line of code that says to mute the audio that won't work. I've tried all kinds of different combinations, and I get an error for each one.
The script looks like this:
#pragma strict
var playing = false;
var audioSource = GetComponent.<AudioSource>();
function Update () {
if (transform.GetComponent.<Rigidbody>().velocity.x <= 2.5 &&
transform.GetComponent.<Rigidbody>().velocity.x >= -2.5)
} else {
function Mute () {
audioSource.mute = true;
function Unmute () {
audioSource.mute = false;
function Sound () {
if (transform.GetComponent.<Rigidbody>().velocity.x >= 2.5 && playing ==
playing = true;
yield WaitForSeconds(2);
playing = false;
if (transform.GetComponent.<Rigidbody>().velocity.x <= -2.5 &&
playing == false)
playing = true;
yield WaitForSeconds(2);
playing = false;
I've gotten all kinds of different errors, but the one I seem to be getting the most says "UnityException: GetComponentFastPath is not allowed to be called from a MonoBehaviour constructor (or instance field initializer), call it in Awake or Start instead. Called from MonoBehaviour 'motioncheck' on game object 'Ball'." I'm not sure what this means, since I'm still kinda a nub at JavaScript.
I feel like it shouldn't be this hard to just mute a sound. I'm going to assume that the answer to this is really simple and that I'm just really dumb. That's what usually seems to happen, lol.
In the mean time, I'm going to continue my rampage across the internet in search for answers to this problem.
Your mute code is fine.
"UnityException: GetComponentFastPath is not allowed to be called from
a MonoBehaviour constructor (or instance field initializer), call it
in Awake or Start instead. Called from MonoBehaviour 'motioncheck' on
game object 'Ball'." I'm not sure what this means, since I'm still
kinda a nub at JavaScript.
See this:
var audioSource = GetComponent.<AudioSource>();
That's a Unity API and you have to call their functions from inside a function. The Awake or Start function is appropriate for initializing component variables.
var audioSource : AudioSource;
function Start()
audioSource = GetComponent.<AudioSource>();
Note that Unityscript/Javascript is now discontinued. They no longer update the doc on this and you cannot create new scripts from the Editor anymore. It still works as for now but the compiler will be removed soon. Please learn and start using C# before its support is totally removed.

Strange If/Else Behavior

I am making a mobile game in which the player is required to touch objects in a specified order. The correct order is determined in a List called clickOrder. To determine the current object the player is supposed to click, currClickIndex is used.
When touching a correct object, the debug text will display "Correct" for a split second, and will then immediately change to "Wrong." What I am unsure about is why both the if and else blocks are executed when only touching a single object.
void Update()
if (Input.touchCount == 1)
if (this.enabled)
Vector2 worldPoint = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition);
RaycastHit2D hit = Physics2D.Raycast(worldPoint,;
if (hit != null && hit.collider != null)
// check if the touched object is the correct one
if (hit.collider.gameObject == clickOrder[MyData.currClickIndex])
debug.text = "Correct";
debug.text = "Wrong";
As soon as the correct object is being touched, you do this:
which moves you forward in the ordered sequence, and from then on, the previously correct object is not correct anymore. But you're still touching it.
If you want to avoid this, you need to move forward in the sequence after you've touched the correct object.
if (there are touches and the correct object is being touched)
set a flag;
else if (a flag has been set)
reset the flag;

Very Basic Node Removal in Swift

I found some other questions about node removal in swift, but none of them seemed to be quite relevant to my issue.
I just want to do a basic node removal, for example:
override func touchesBegan(touches: NSSet, withEvent event: UIEvent){
let covernode1 = SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: "tester")
covernode1.position = CGPointMake(100.0, 600.0)
for touch: AnyObject in touches {
if self.nodeAtPoint(location) == self.fake {
if(button1 == 1 && button2 == 1){
if(button1 == 2 && button2 == 2){
I have tried
but to no avail.
The code runs the addChild part fine, but removal seems to be a problem. I even tried just changing the position of the node so it's off screen, with something like
covernode1.position = CGPointMake(-100.0, -600.0)
This did not work either.
Thank you.
Unfortunately I don't have enough reputation to comment on your original question, so this may not be an "answer" per se, but I'll try and diagnose what I think is going on, and hopefully you can clear up some points for me.
The covernode1 that you are trying to remove from the parent view in your if statement may be a different node than the one you added to the view when you called addChild(covernode1)
I think this is the case because when you say you are using covernode1.position = CGPointMake(-100.0, -600.0) and it still does not work, that makes me think that is a completely different SKNode object.
Instead, try declaring covernode1 outside of the function as a class variable. That way, when you actually instantiate it and refer to it in the function, it is grabbing the correct node you are looking for. Let me know if any of this helps. I'll edit the answer when I know a bit more from your response.
Also, are your button1 and button2 vars originally set to 1?
EDIT: Another question: Are you receiving any error when calling .removeFromParent() or is just "not doing anything"?
One simple thing you could do (kind of cheating but it will work) is to hide the node using
covernode1.hidden = true
Also make sure the if statement actually runs because I don't know why the things you tried should not work. To test that, place a println("log") in the if block.
Hope that helps :)
From button1 and button2, I think you are trying to do this: On the first click, you add a SKNode. On the second click, you want to remove the SKNode.
Thus on the second click your let covernode1 = SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: "tester") is a different instance although it has the same variable name ! Thus the instance on the second click is not removable since it was not added to anything.
Try this,
if(button1 == 1 && button2 == 1){
self.tempChildCount = count(self.children) //tempChildCount is an integer
if(button1 == 2 && button2 == 2){
let childNode = self.children[self.tempChildCount - 1 ] as! SKNode