¿int number does not repeat with random.range unity? - unity3d

I have 2 numbers that are used with random.range what I need is that the combination of both is not repeated 2 times, that is to say the combination a1, b1 can never be repeated but now I can't get that to happen is for a card game that I have to develop where the same card cannot be repeated neither in the hand nor in the game.
class Meca
public List<carta> cardPlay2; //current card combination, each update resets the list
public List<carta> cartaJugada; // current combination of cards, these are saved so that in future
updates the combination is not repeated
public bool isChange;
if (isChange)
int num = 5;
for (int j = 0; j < num; j++)
isChange = false;
void cambioCarta()
GameObject temp = Instantiate(carta);
GameObject tem2p = Instantiate(carta2);
script carta
public int Num_cartas, PaloCarta;
public Mecanic meca;
void Start()
meca = GameObject.FindObjectOfType<Mecanic>();
if(gameObject.tag == "carta1")
if (gameObject.tag == "carta2")
void cartas()
Num_cartas = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 11);
PaloCarta = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 5);
carta carta1 = new carta
numCarta = Num_cartas,
palo = PaloCarta
public class carta
public int numCarta;
public int palo;
what I'm trying to do is this
private void controlCartaMano2()
Num_cartas = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 10);
PaloCarta = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 4);
for (int i = 0; i < meca.cardPlay2.Count; i++)
while (meca.cardPlay2[i].numCarta == Num_cartas && meca.cardPlay2[i].palo == PaloCarta)
Num_cartas = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 10);
PaloCarta = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 4);
private void controlCartaJugada()
for (int i = 0; i < meca.cartaJugada.Count; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < meca.cartaJugada.Count; j++)
if(meca.cartaJugada[i].numCarta == meca.cartaJugada[j].numCarta &&
meca.cartaJugada[i].palo == meca.cartaJugada[j].palo)
Num_cartas = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 10);
PaloCarta = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 4);
if you have any idea how to do it I would appreciate it

You can use a Fisher-Yates shuffle method. That will shuffle the array, in place. It's then a simple matter of passing over the array incrementally. Here's a generic method that will shuffle an array:
static void Shuffle<T> ( T [ ] array )
var _random = new System.Random ( );
for ( int i = 0, n = array.Length; i < ( n - 1 ); ++i )
var next = i + _random.Next ( n - i );
var item = array [ next ];
array [ next ] = array [ i ];
array [ i ] = item;
For more information, here's the Wiki page : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fisher%E2%80%93Yates_shuffle


Unity Destroy() doesn't delete script

Noob mistake I was only referencing the parents brain from the child's instead of copying it directly. It's a neural network that can grow in size (or shrink) through genetics. I was going to post it but it doesn't fit on this without me having to type a larger ratio of words to code oh look it works now
public class Animal1 : MonoBehaviour
public class Neuron1
public int[] children;
public float[] weights;
public float bias;
public float value;
public Neuron1()
children = new int[10];
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
children[i] = -1;
weights = new float[10];
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
weights[i] = 1;
bias = 0;
value = 0;
float sightRange = 2;
Vector2 left = new Vector2(-.4f,.6f);
Vector2 right = new Vector2(.4f, .6f);
RaycastHit2D hitLeft;
RaycastHit2D hitForward;
RaycastHit2D hitRight;
public LayerMask animalLayerMask;
public int food = 0;
int foodCounter = 0;
int foodForReproduction = 3;
float noFoodCounter = 0;
int lifeWithoutFood = 20;
int maxBrainSize = 100;
public Neuron1[] brain1 = new Neuron1[100]; //first three and last three are inputs and outputs and are never mutated
int childrenMaxAmount = 5;
float biasInitRange = 2;
float weightInitRange = 2;
int outputSize = 2;
int inputSize = 3;
GameObject manager;
public bool firstGen = false;
public GameObject parent1;
public bool directCopy = false;
float maxTravelRange = 5;
Color color;
float colorMutationRate = .1f;
public GameObject animal1Prefab1;
bool debugBool = false;
void Start()
manager = GameObject.Find("Manager Object");
if (firstGen == true)
InitializeBrain(3, 2, 20);
firstGen = false;
transform.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().color = new Color(Random.Range(0f, 1f), Random.Range(0f, 1f), Random.Range(0f, 1f), 1);
if (parent1.GetComponent<Animal1>().brain1[0].bias == 1234)
Debug.Log("parent passing brain after deletion");
Mutate(parent1, 5, 1f, .5f);
transform.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().color = color;
void Update()
if (brain1[0].bias == 1234)
GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().color = Color.black;
if (transform.position.x > maxTravelRange)
Vector2 newPosition = new Vector2(-maxTravelRange, transform.position.y);
transform.position = newPosition;
if (transform.position.x < -maxTravelRange)
Vector2 newPosition = new Vector2(maxTravelRange, transform.position.y);
transform.position = newPosition;
if (transform.position.y > maxTravelRange)
Vector2 newPosition = new Vector2(transform.position.x, -maxTravelRange);
transform.position = newPosition;
if (transform.position.y < -maxTravelRange)
Vector2 newPosition = new Vector2(transform.position.x, maxTravelRange);
transform.position = newPosition;
hitLeft = Physics2D.Raycast(transform.position, transform.TransformDirection(left), sightRange, ~animalLayerMask); //left
hitForward = Physics2D.Raycast(transform.position, transform.TransformDirection(Vector2.up), sightRange, ~animalLayerMask); //forward
hitRight = Physics2D.Raycast(transform.position, transform.TransformDirection(right), sightRange, ~animalLayerMask); //right
if (hitLeft)
brain1[0].value = 1;
if (hitForward)
brain1[1].value = 1;
if (hitRight)
brain1[2].value = 1;
// one output for speed, another for turning
int rotDir = 1;
if (brain1[maxBrainSize - 1].value < 0)
rotDir = -1;
Vector3 eulerRotation = new Vector3(0, 0, (45 * rotDir + (transform.rotation.eulerAngles.z % 360)) % 360);
transform.rotation = Quaternion.RotateTowards(transform.rotation, Quaternion.Euler(eulerRotation), Mathf.Abs(brain1[maxBrainSize - 1].value) * 25 * Time.deltaTime);
if (brain1[maxBrainSize - 2].value > 0) // so they can't go backwards
transform.Translate(Vector2.up * (brain1[maxBrainSize - 2].value * .1f) * Time.deltaTime);
//reset outputs
brain1[maxBrainSize - 2].value = 0;
brain1[maxBrainSize - 1].value = 0;
// reset inputs
brain1[0].value = 0;
brain1[1].value = 0;
brain1[2].value = 0;
noFoodCounter += Time.deltaTime;
if (food > 0)
food = 0;
noFoodCounter = 0;
if (foodCounter > foodForReproduction)
foodCounter = 0;
if (noFoodCounter > lifeWithoutFood/2)
foodCounter = 0;
if (noFoodCounter > lifeWithoutFood)
void InitializeBrain(int inputs, int outputs, int sizeExcludingInputsAndOutputs)
for (int i = 0; i < sizeExcludingInputsAndOutputs + inputs; i++)
brain1[i] = new Neuron1();
for (int i = maxBrainSize - outputs; i < maxBrainSize; i++) // outputs
brain1[i] = new Neuron1();
// all neurons in between the inputs and outputs
for (int i = inputs; i < sizeExcludingInputsAndOutputs + inputs; i++)
brain1[i].bias = Random.Range(-biasInitRange, biasInitRange);
for (short j = 0; j < childrenMaxAmount -1; j++) // -1 so there is always at least one free space for a child
int rnd1 = Random.Range(inputs, sizeExcludingInputsAndOutputs + inputs);
bool alreadyContains = true;
int errorCounter = 0;
while (alreadyContains) // making sure none are children of themselves, and that it doesn't already have this child
alreadyContains = false;
for (short h = 0; h < childrenMaxAmount; h++)
if (brain1[i].children[h] == rnd1) // if it already has this child
alreadyContains = true;
rnd1 = Random.Range(inputs, sizeExcludingInputsAndOutputs + inputs);
while (rnd1 == i) // and its not itself
rnd1 = Random.Range(inputs, sizeExcludingInputsAndOutputs + inputs);
if (errorCounter > 100) // so we don't get stuck in small network sizes
goto outside2;
brain1[i].children[j] = rnd1;
brain1[i].weights[j] = Random.Range(-weightInitRange, weightInitRange);
if (Random.Range(1, 10) > 8)
break; // so not every neuron has the same amount of children
// assign children of inputs
for (int i = 0; i < inputs; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < childrenMaxAmount; j++) // assigning all max children (sometimes) to inputs, their amounts of children will never change
int rnd1 = Random.Range(inputs, sizeExcludingInputsAndOutputs + inputs);
bool alreadyContains = true;
int errorCounter = 0;
while (alreadyContains)
alreadyContains = false;
for (short h = 0; h < childrenMaxAmount; h++)
if (brain1[i].children[h] == rnd1)
alreadyContains = true;
rnd1 = Random.Range(inputs, sizeExcludingInputsAndOutputs + inputs);
if (errorCounter > 1000) // so we don't get stuck in small network sizes
goto outside1;
brain1[i].children[j] = rnd1;
//brain1[i].weights[j] = 100; // input weight
// assign parents of outputs
int brainEnd = maxBrainSize - outputs;
for (int i = brainEnd; i < maxBrainSize; i++)
for (short j = 0; j < childrenMaxAmount; j++) // same amount of parents as inputs have children
int rnd1 = Random.Range(inputs, brainEnd);
while (brain1[rnd1] == null)
rnd1 = Random.Range(inputs, brainEnd);
bool alreadyContains = true;
int errorCounter = 0;
while (alreadyContains) //making sure we dont already have this parent
alreadyContains = false;
for (short h = 0; h < childrenMaxAmount; h++)
if (brain1[rnd1].children[h] == i)
alreadyContains = true;
rnd1 = Random.Range(inputs, brainEnd);
while (brain1[rnd1] == null)
rnd1 = Random.Range(inputs, brainEnd);
if (errorCounter > 1000) // so we don't get stuck
goto outside3;
for (int h = 0; h < childrenMaxAmount; h++) //adding to next available child space of the parent
if (brain1[rnd1].children[h] == -1)
brain1[rnd1].children[h] = i;
brain1[rnd1].weights[h] = Random.Range(-weightInitRange, weightInitRange);
void Think()
int[] activatedChildrenIndexes = new int[500];
int[] workingArray = new int[500];
int workingArrayCounter = 0;
short layerCounter = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++)
activatedChildrenIndexes[i] = -1;
//initializing inputs as first activated children layer to be calculated
activatedChildrenIndexes[0] = 0;
activatedChildrenIndexes[1] = 1;
activatedChildrenIndexes[2] = 2;
int thoughtDepth = 6; //keep this as low as possible, will change to make it a percent of the amount of neurons that already exist
for (int x = 0; x < thoughtDepth; x++)
for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++) // cycle through activated children and add their activated children to a list
int currentNodeIndex = activatedChildrenIndexes[i];
if (currentNodeIndex == -1)
//activation function
if (brain1[currentNodeIndex].value <= 0)
brain1[currentNodeIndex].value = 0;
brain1[currentNodeIndex].value = 1;
for (int j = 0; j < childrenMaxAmount; j++)
if (brain1[currentNodeIndex].children[j] == -1)
+= (brain1[currentNodeIndex].value * brain1[currentNodeIndex].weights[j]) + brain1[currentNodeIndex].bias;
bool activatedChildIsInNextLayer = false;
for (int h = 0; h < 500; h++)
if (brain1[currentNodeIndex].children[j] == activatedChildrenIndexes[h])
activatedChildIsInNextLayer = true;
if (brain1[brain1[currentNodeIndex].children[j]].value > 0
|| layerCounter == 0
|| brain1[currentNodeIndex].children[j] > maxBrainSize - outputSize)
if (!activatedChildIsInNextLayer)
workingArray[workingArrayCounter] = brain1[currentNodeIndex].children[j];
if (workingArrayCounter < 499)//to prevent out of bounds indexing
if (brain1[brain1[currentNodeIndex].children[j]].value < 0 && brain1[currentNodeIndex].children[j] < maxBrainSize - outputSize)
brain1[brain1[currentNodeIndex].children[j]].value = 0; //resetting negative nodes that didn't get added to next layer
brain1[currentNodeIndex].value = 0; // resetting value after passing to children
for (int i = workingArrayCounter; i < 500; i++)
workingArray[i] = -1;
workingArrayCounter = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++)
activatedChildrenIndexes[i] = workingArray[i];
void Mutate(GameObject parent, float mutationRate, float weightsMutate, float biasMutate)
color = parent.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().color;
for (int i = 0; i < maxBrainSize; i++) // initialized to its parent's brain
if (parent.GetComponent<Animal1>().brain1[i] != null)
brain1[i] = new Neuron1();
brain1[i].bias = parent.GetComponent<Animal1>().brain1[i].bias;
for (int j = 0; j < childrenMaxAmount; j++)
brain1[i].children[j] = parent.GetComponent<Animal1>().brain1[i].children[j];
brain1[i].weights[j] = parent.GetComponent<Animal1>().brain1[i].weights[j];
for (int i = inputSize; i < maxBrainSize - outputSize; i++)
if (brain1[i] != null)
if (Random.Range(0, 100) < mutationRate) // it will be mutated
switch (Random.Range(1, 5))
case 1: //change one of its weights
int weightCounter = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < childrenMaxAmount; k++) // counting its weights
if (brain1[i].children[k] != -1)
brain1[i].weights[Random.Range(0, weightCounter)] += Random.Range(-weightsMutate, weightsMutate);
color.r += Random.Range(-colorMutationRate, colorMutationRate);
color.g += Random.Range(-colorMutationRate, colorMutationRate);
color.b += Random.Range(-colorMutationRate, colorMutationRate);
case 2: //change its bias
brain1[i].bias += Random.Range(-biasMutate, biasMutate);
color.r += Random.Range(-colorMutationRate, colorMutationRate);
color.g += Random.Range(-colorMutationRate, colorMutationRate);
color.b += Random.Range(-colorMutationRate, colorMutationRate);
case 3: //break a connection/ remove neuron
int childrenCounter = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < childrenMaxAmount; k++) // counting its children
if (brain1[i].children[k] != -1)
int rndChild = Random.Range(0, childrenCounter);
for (int s = rndChild; s < childrenMaxAmount - 1; s++) // shift children list down starting from rndChild and to the second to last element
brain1[i].children[s] = brain1[i].children[s + 1];
brain1[i].weights[s] = brain1[i].weights[s + 1];
brain1[i].children[childrenMaxAmount - 1] = -1; // removing the last child after shifting the list down one
brain1[i].weights[childrenMaxAmount - 1] = 0;
color.r += Random.Range(-colorMutationRate, colorMutationRate);
color.g += Random.Range(-colorMutationRate, colorMutationRate);
color.b += Random.Range(-colorMutationRate, colorMutationRate);
case 4: //add a new child if possible
int childrenCounter2 = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < childrenMaxAmount; k++) // counting its children
if (brain1[i].children[k] != -1)
if (childrenCounter2 < childrenMaxAmount) // if we have room for another child
int newChild = Random.Range(inputSize, maxBrainSize);
while (brain1[newChild] == null)
newChild = Random.Range(inputSize, maxBrainSize);
brain1[i].children[childrenCounter2] = newChild;
brain1[i].weights[childrenCounter2] = Random.Range(-weightInitRange, weightInitRange);
color.r += Random.Range(-colorMutationRate, colorMutationRate);
color.g += Random.Range(-colorMutationRate, colorMutationRate);
color.b += Random.Range(-colorMutationRate, colorMutationRate);
if (Random.Range(0, 100) < 10) // create a new neuron if space is available for one
for (int i = inputSize; i < maxBrainSize - outputSize; i++)
if (brain1[i] == null) // the first available neuron
brain1[i] = new Neuron1();
int rndParent = Random.Range(0, maxBrainSize - outputSize);
int childrenCounter3 = 0;
if (brain1[rndParent] != null)
for (int k = 0; k < childrenMaxAmount; k++) // counting its children
if (brain1[rndParent].children[k] != -1)
while (brain1[rndParent] == null || childrenCounter3 == childrenMaxAmount) // making sure it is both an existing neuron and that it has room for another child
childrenCounter3 = 0;
rndParent = Random.Range(0, maxBrainSize - outputSize);
if (brain1[rndParent] != null)
for (int k = 0; k < childrenMaxAmount; k++) // counting its children
if (brain1[rndParent].children[k] != -1)
brain1[rndParent].children[childrenCounter3] = i; //giving the neuron a parent
brain1[rndParent].weights[childrenCounter3] = Random.Range(-weightInitRange, weightInitRange);
int rndChild = Random.Range(inputSize, maxBrainSize);
while(brain1[rndChild] == null)
rndChild = Random.Range(inputSize, maxBrainSize);
brain1[i].children[0] = rndChild; // giving the new neuron a child, a weight, and its bias
brain1[i].weights[0] = Random.Range(-weightInitRange, weightInitRange);
brain1[i].bias = Random.Range(-biasInitRange, biasInitRange);
color.r += Random.Range(-colorMutationRate, colorMutationRate);
color.g += Random.Range(-colorMutationRate, colorMutationRate);
color.b += Random.Range(-colorMutationRate, colorMutationRate);
void RemoveDeadNeurons()
bool allGood = false;
while (!allGood)
for (int i = inputSize; i < maxBrainSize - outputSize; i++) // for every hidden layer neuron
if (brain1[i] != null) // if it's a neuron
if (brain1[i].children[0] == -1) // if it has no children
brain1[i] = null; // deleting neuron
for (int h = 0; h < maxBrainSize - outputSize; h++) //remove from other neurons children list, including from the input layer
if (brain1[h] != null)
for (int g = 0; g < childrenMaxAmount; g++)
if (brain1[h].children[g] == i) // if brain[h] has the removed neuron as a child
for (int s = g; s < childrenMaxAmount - 1; s++) // shift children list down
brain1[h].children[s] = brain1[h].children[s + 1];
brain1[h].weights[s] = brain1[h].weights[s + 1];
brain1[h].children[childrenMaxAmount - 1] = -1; // removing the last child in the list after shifting it down one
brain1[h].weights[childrenMaxAmount - 1] = 0;
goto outsideRDNLoop; // break out of for loop and recheck the brain
bool parentless = true;
for (int h = 0; h < maxBrainSize - outputSize; h++) // check if it is parentless
if (brain1[h] != null)
for (int g = 0; g < childrenMaxAmount; g++)
if (brain1[h].children[g] == i) // if it is a child of brain[h]
parentless = false;
if (parentless)
brain1[i] = null; //deleting neuron
goto outsideRDNLoop;
if (i == (maxBrainSize - outputSize) - 1) // if we reached the end of the for loop and this line, we know the brain was allGood
allGood = true;
void Reproduce()
GameObject offspring = Instantiate(animal1Prefab1, new Vector2(transform.position.x + 1, transform.position.y + 1), Quaternion.identity);
offspring.GetComponent<Animal1>().parent1 = gameObject;
offspring.name = "animal1";
void OnDrawGizmosSelected()
Gizmos.color = Color.red;
Gizmos.DrawRay(transform.position, transform.TransformDirection(left) * sightRange);
Gizmos.DrawRay(transform.position, transform.TransformDirection(Vector2.up) * sightRange);
Gizmos.DrawRay(transform.position, transform.TransformDirection(right) * sightRange);
I've not run your code, just looked at it, but this looks suspicious if you are having problems with the contents of brain1 being overwritten elsewhere:
void Mutate(GameObject parent, float mutationRate, float weightsMutate, float biasMutate)
color = parent.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().color;
// This line here is suspicious:
brain1 = parent.GetComponent<Animal1>().brain1; // initialized to its parent's brain
What you are doing here is replacing the reference to the child's brain with the parent's - so if you are starting with just one parent initially, every single entity will be sharing the same brain.
I think perhaps you meant to deep copy the contents from parent's brain into the child's brain? What your assignment here is doing is just taking the reference to the parent's brain and using it as the child brain as well.
Example Deep copy:
Updated Neuron1 class:
public class Neuron1
public int[] children;
public float[] weights;
public float bias;
public float value;
public Neuron1()
children = new int[10];
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
children[i] = -1; // to stop looping when reaching -1
weights = new float[10];
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
weights[i] = 1;
bias = 0;
value = 0;
// Added clone function:
public Neuron1 Clone()
Neuron1 clone = new Neuron1();
for (int i = 0; i < clone.children.Length; i++)
clone.children[i] = this.children[i];
for (int i = 0; i < clone.weights.Length; i++)
clone.weights[i] = this.weights[i];
clone.bias = this.bias;
clone.value = this.value;
return clone;
Updated start of Mutate function.
void Mutate(GameObject parent, float mutationRate, float weightsMutate, float biasMutate)
color = parent.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().color;
Neuron1[] parentBrain = parent.GetComponent<Animal1>().brain1; // initialized to its parent's brain
for (int i = 0; i < brain1.Length; ++i)
brain1[i] = parentBrain[i].Clone();
Well, I have a demo scene here. In it I created an empty game object. It has a script attached to it (CSharp.cs), like this:
In my Update method I wrote
And as soon as I start the game, the game object including the script is deleted.
But if I replace transform.gameObject wit just this then only the script disappears and the game object remains.
DestoryImmediate() is not recommended to be used, instead use Destory()
Destroy() will set the object to null at the end of the frame and whereas DestroyImmediate() function immediately set object reference to null.
DestoryImmediate can also delete prefabs/scenes/art in your project outside of playmode which is another reason you should not use it.

2D procedural dungeon generation game

I am currently messing around with a procedural 2D game in unity. Below are the scripts i am using to generate the dungeon and wanted to know if there was anyway of specifying a standard starting room. I have prefab room built but would like to have a single prefab room players always start in.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Tilemaps;
public class DungeonGeneration : MonoBehaviour {
private int numberOfRooms;
private int numberOfObstacles;
private Vector2Int[] possibleObstacleSizes;
private int numberOfEnemies;
private GameObject[] possibleEnemies;
private GameObject goalPrefab;
private TileBase obstacleTile;
private Room[,] rooms;
private Room currentRoom;
private static DungeonGeneration instance = null;
void Awake () {
if (instance == null) {
DontDestroyOnLoad (this.gameObject);
instance = this;
this.currentRoom = GenerateDungeon ();
} else {
string roomPrefabName = instance.currentRoom.PrefabName ();
GameObject roomObject = (GameObject) Instantiate (Resources.Load (roomPrefabName));
Tilemap tilemap = roomObject.GetComponentInChildren<Tilemap> ();
instance.currentRoom.AddPopulationToTilemap (tilemap, instance.obstacleTile);
Destroy (this.gameObject);
void Start () {
string roomPrefabName = this.currentRoom.PrefabName ();
GameObject roomObject = (GameObject) Instantiate (Resources.Load (roomPrefabName));
Tilemap tilemap = roomObject.GetComponentInChildren<Tilemap> ();
this.currentRoom.AddPopulationToTilemap (tilemap, this.obstacleTile);
private Room GenerateDungeon() {
int gridSize = 3 * numberOfRooms;
rooms = new Room[gridSize, gridSize];
Vector2Int initialRoomCoordinate = new Vector2Int ((gridSize / 2) - 1, (gridSize / 2) - 1);
Queue<Room> roomsToCreate = new Queue<Room> ();
roomsToCreate.Enqueue (new Room(initialRoomCoordinate.x, initialRoomCoordinate.y));
List<Room> createdRooms = new List<Room> ();
while (roomsToCreate.Count > 0 && createdRooms.Count < numberOfRooms) {
Room currentRoom = roomsToCreate.Dequeue ();
this.rooms [currentRoom.roomCoordinate.x, currentRoom.roomCoordinate.y] = currentRoom;
createdRooms.Add (currentRoom);
AddNeighbors (currentRoom, roomsToCreate);
int maximumDistanceToInitialRoom = 0;
Room finalRoom = null;
foreach (Room room in createdRooms) {
List<Vector2Int> neighborCoordinates = room.NeighborCoordinates ();
foreach (Vector2Int coordinate in neighborCoordinates) {
Room neighbor = this.rooms [coordinate.x, coordinate.y];
if (neighbor != null) {
room.Connect (neighbor);
room.PopulateObstacles (this.numberOfObstacles, this.possibleObstacleSizes);
room.PopulatePrefabs (this.numberOfEnemies, this.possibleEnemies);
int distanceToInitialRoom = Mathf.Abs (room.roomCoordinate.x - initialRoomCoordinate.x) + Mathf.Abs(room.roomCoordinate.y - initialRoomCoordinate.y);
if (distanceToInitialRoom > maximumDistanceToInitialRoom) {
maximumDistanceToInitialRoom = distanceToInitialRoom;
finalRoom = room;
GameObject[] goalPrefabs = { this.goalPrefab };
finalRoom.PopulatePrefabs(1, goalPrefabs);
return this.rooms [initialRoomCoordinate.x, initialRoomCoordinate.y];
private void AddNeighbors(Room currentRoom, Queue<Room> roomsToCreate) {
List<Vector2Int> neighborCoordinates = currentRoom.NeighborCoordinates ();
List<Vector2Int> availableNeighbors = new List<Vector2Int> ();
foreach (Vector2Int coordinate in neighborCoordinates) {
if (this.rooms[coordinate.x, coordinate.y] == null) {
availableNeighbors.Add (coordinate);
int numberOfNeighbors = (int)Random.Range (1, availableNeighbors.Count);
for (int neighborIndex = 0; neighborIndex < numberOfNeighbors; neighborIndex++) {
float randomNumber = Random.value;
float roomFrac = 1f / (float)availableNeighbors.Count;
Vector2Int chosenNeighbor = new Vector2Int(0, 0);
foreach (Vector2Int coordinate in availableNeighbors) {
if (randomNumber < roomFrac) {
chosenNeighbor = coordinate;
} else {
roomFrac += 1f / (float)availableNeighbors.Count;
roomsToCreate.Enqueue (new Room(chosenNeighbor));
availableNeighbors.Remove (chosenNeighbor);
private void PrintGrid() {
for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < this.rooms.GetLength (1); rowIndex++) {
string row = "";
for (int columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < this.rooms.GetLength (0); columnIndex++) {
if (this.rooms [columnIndex, rowIndex] == null) {
row += "X";
} else {
row += "R";
Debug.Log (row);
public void MoveToRoom(Room room) {
this.currentRoom = room;
public Room CurrentRoom() {
return this.currentRoom;
public void ResetDungeon() {
this.currentRoom = GenerateDungeon ();
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Tilemaps;
public class Room
public Vector2Int roomCoordinate;
public Dictionary<string, Room> neighbors;
private string[,] population;
private Dictionary<string, GameObject> name2Prefab;
public Room (int xCoordinate, int yCoordinate)
this.roomCoordinate = new Vector2Int (xCoordinate, yCoordinate);
this.neighbors = new Dictionary<string, Room> ();
this.population = new string[18, 10];
for (int xIndex = 0; xIndex < 18; xIndex += 1) {
for (int yIndex = 0; yIndex < 10; yIndex += 1) {
this.population [xIndex, yIndex] = "";
this.population [8, 5] = "Player";
this.name2Prefab = new Dictionary<string, GameObject> ();
public Room (Vector2Int roomCoordinate)
this.roomCoordinate = roomCoordinate;
this.neighbors = new Dictionary<string, Room> ();
this.population = new string[18, 10];
for (int xIndex = 0; xIndex < 18; xIndex += 1) {
for (int yIndex = 0; yIndex < 10; yIndex += 1) {
this.population [xIndex, yIndex] = "";
this.population [8, 5] = "Player";
this.name2Prefab = new Dictionary<string, GameObject> ();
public List<Vector2Int> NeighborCoordinates () {
List<Vector2Int> neighborCoordinates = new List<Vector2Int> ();
neighborCoordinates.Add (new Vector2Int(this.roomCoordinate.x, this.roomCoordinate.y - 1));
neighborCoordinates.Add (new Vector2Int(this.roomCoordinate.x + 1, this.roomCoordinate.y));
neighborCoordinates.Add (new Vector2Int(this.roomCoordinate.x, this.roomCoordinate.y + 1));
neighborCoordinates.Add (new Vector2Int(this.roomCoordinate.x - 1, this.roomCoordinate.y));
return neighborCoordinates;
public void Connect (Room neighbor) {
string direction = "";
if (neighbor.roomCoordinate.y < this.roomCoordinate.y) {
direction = "N";
if (neighbor.roomCoordinate.x > this.roomCoordinate.x) {
direction = "E";
if (neighbor.roomCoordinate.y > this.roomCoordinate.y) {
direction = "S";
if (neighbor.roomCoordinate.x < this.roomCoordinate.x) {
direction = "W";
this.neighbors.Add (direction, neighbor);
public string PrefabName () {
string name = "Room_";
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, Room> neighborPair in neighbors) {
name += neighborPair.Key;
return name;
public Room Neighbor (string direction) {
return this.neighbors [direction];
public void PopulateObstacles (int numberOfObstacles, Vector2Int[] possibleSizes) {
for (int obstacleIndex = 0; obstacleIndex < numberOfObstacles; obstacleIndex += 1) {
int sizeIndex = Random.Range (0, possibleSizes.Length);
Vector2Int regionSize = possibleSizes [sizeIndex];
List<Vector2Int> region = FindFreeRegion (regionSize);
foreach (Vector2Int coordinate in region) {
this.population [coordinate.x, coordinate.y] = "Obstacle";
public void PopulatePrefabs (int numberOfPrefabs, GameObject[] possiblePrefabs) {
for (int prefabIndex = 0; prefabIndex < numberOfPrefabs; prefabIndex += 1) {
int choiceIndex = Random.Range (0, possiblePrefabs.Length);
GameObject prefab = possiblePrefabs [choiceIndex];
List<Vector2Int> region = FindFreeRegion (new Vector2Int(1, 1));
this.population [region[0].x, region[0].y] = prefab.name;
this.name2Prefab [prefab.name] = prefab;
private List<Vector2Int> FindFreeRegion (Vector2Int sizeInTiles) {
List<Vector2Int> region = new List<Vector2Int>();
do {
Vector2Int centerTile = new Vector2Int(UnityEngine.Random.Range(2, 18 - 3), UnityEngine.Random.Range(2, 10 - 3));
int initialXCoordinate = (centerTile.x - (int)Mathf.Floor(sizeInTiles.x / 2));
int initialYCoordinate = (centerTile.y - (int)Mathf.Floor(sizeInTiles.y / 2));
for (int xCoordinate = initialXCoordinate; xCoordinate < initialXCoordinate + sizeInTiles.x; xCoordinate += 1) {
for (int yCoordinate = initialYCoordinate; yCoordinate < initialYCoordinate + sizeInTiles.y; yCoordinate += 1) {
region.Add(new Vector2Int(xCoordinate, yCoordinate));
} while(!IsFree (region));
return region;
private bool IsFree (List<Vector2Int> region) {
foreach (Vector2Int tile in region) {
if (this.population [tile.x, tile.y] != "") {
return false;
return true;
public void AddPopulationToTilemap (Tilemap tilemap, TileBase obstacleTile) {
for (int xIndex = 0; xIndex < 18; xIndex += 1) {
for (int yIndex = 0; yIndex < 10; yIndex += 1) {
if (this.population [xIndex, yIndex] == "Obstacle") {
tilemap.SetTile (new Vector3Int (xIndex - 9, yIndex - 5, 0), obstacleTile);
} else if (this.population [xIndex, yIndex] != "" && this.population [xIndex, yIndex] != "Player") {
GameObject prefab = GameObject.Instantiate (this.name2Prefab[this.population [xIndex, yIndex]]);
prefab.transform.position = new Vector2 (xIndex - 9 + 0.5f, yIndex - 5 + 0.5f);
any help would be awesome even if you can point me in the direction to a how to.
Nice procedural dungeon generator! Just as a suggestion, could you cache the first room at the beginning when you are generating the dungeon? Then you can grab the initialRoomForPlayerSpawn coordinates/ position as a reference point for the character placement.
Room initialRoomForPlayerSpawn = null;
while (roomsToCreate.Count > 0 && createdRooms.Count < numberOfRooms) {
Room currentRoom = roomsToCreate.Dequeue ();
this.rooms [currentRoom.roomCoordinate.x, currentRoom.roomCoordinate.y] = currentRoom;
createdRooms.Add (currentRoom);
AddNeighbors (currentRoom, roomsToCreate);
/* Cache First Room */
if(createdRooms != null && createdRooms.Count <= 1) {
initialRoomForPlayerSpawn = currentRoom;

Why can't these gameobjects instantiate in Unity3D?

In the below code snippet I'm trying to instantiate gameobjects at different probability rates but I keep on getting the following error:
No appropriate version of 'UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate' for the argument list '(Spawn06[])' was found.
The help would be much appreicated. Thanks.
public var Characters : Spawn06[];
function SpawnCharacters() {
var i = Random.Range(0, 100);
for(var j = 0; j < Characters.Length; j++) {
if(i >= Characters [j].minProbabilityRange && i <= Characters [j].maxProbabilityRange) {
temp = Instantiate(Characters);
pos = temp.transform.position;
temp.transform.position = new Vector3(Random.Range(-3, 4), pos.y, pos.z);
public class Spawn06 {
public var spawnCharacters : GameObject;
public var minProbabilityRange : int = 0;
public var maxProbabilityRange : int = 0;
You can't pass your an array of your class to Instantiate.
for(var j = 0; j < Characters.Length; j++) {
if(i >= Characters [j].minProbabilityRange && i <= Characters [j].maxProbabilityRange) {
temp = Instantiate(Characters[j].spawnCharacters); // Pass a GameObject instead of an Array of Spawn06
pos = temp.transform.position;
temp.transform.position = new Vector3(Random.Range(-3, 4), pos.y, pos.z);

Unity stops responding upon hitting play only when I uncomment a method

When I uncomment the line "ConnectMaze(maze)" in the Start() method, Unity instantly stops responding when I hit play. None of the Debug.Log statements show up in the console. If I comment out that specific line, I am able to see the Debug.Log statements in the console and Unity does respond. I am thinking that there could be an infinite loop in the ConnectMaze while loop, however wouldn't the Debug.Log statements prior to the loop still show up in the console? Below is the code that is causing the issue.
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class MazeBase : MonoBehaviour {
public const int mazeLength = 11;
private int[,] maze = new int[mazeLength,mazeLength];
private int numWalls;
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
Debug.Log ("Initialize Start");
InitializeMaze (maze);
Debug.Log ("Initialize End");
Debug.Log ("Connectivity Start");
ConnectMaze (maze);
Debug.Log ("Connectivity End");
MazeGenerator.Generate (transform,maze);
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
private void CreateMazeBlock(){
Vector3 mousePos = Input.mousePosition;
mousePos.z = 10;
Vector3 cameraPos = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint (mousePos);
int cameraPosX = (int)Mathf.Round (cameraPos.x);
int cameraPosZ = (int)Mathf.Round (cameraPos.z);
if (maze [cameraPosX, cameraPosZ] != 1) {
maze [cameraPosX, cameraPosZ] = 1;
MazeGenerator.GenerateSingleBlock (transform, cameraPosX, cameraPosZ);
private void DeleteMazeBlock(){
Vector3 mousePos = Input.mousePosition;
mousePos.z = 10;
Vector3 cameraPos = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint (mousePos);
int cameraPosX = (int)Mathf.Round (cameraPos.x);
int cameraPosZ = (int)Mathf.Round (cameraPos.z);
if (maze [cameraPosX, cameraPosZ] == 1) {
maze [cameraPosX, cameraPosZ] = 0;
MazeGenerator.DeleteSingleBlock (cameraPosX, cameraPosZ);
private void InitializeMaze(int[,] maze){
for (int i = 0; i < mazeLength; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < mazeLength; j++) {
if (i == 0 || i == mazeLength - 1 || j == 0 || j == mazeLength - 1) {
maze [i, j] = -1;
} else if (Random.Range (0, 100) < 50) {
bool createWall = true;
//Following if statements prevent a 2x2 square of walls
if (IsWall (maze, i - 1, j - 1) && IsWall (maze, i - 1, j) && IsWall (maze, i, j - 1)) {
createWall = false;
}else if (IsWall (maze, i - 1, j + 1) && IsWall (maze, i - 1, j) && IsWall (maze, i, j + 1)) {
createWall = false;
}else if (IsWall (maze, i + 1, j - 1) && IsWall (maze, i + 1, j) && IsWall (maze, i, j - 1)) {
createWall = false;
}else if (IsWall (maze, i + 1, j + 1) && IsWall (maze, i + 1, j) && IsWall (maze, i, j + 1)) {
createWall = false;
maze [i, j] = -1;
private bool IsWall(int[,] maze, int i, int j){
return maze [i, j] < 0;
private void ConnectMaze(int[,] maze){
Debug.Log ("GetNextTile Start");
ArrayList startTile = GetNextTile (maze,0);
Debug.Log ("GetNextTile End");
int startX = (int)startTile[0];
int startZ = (int)startTile[1];
int numberOfFloods = 1;
Debug.Log ("Flood Fill 1 Start");
int numFound = FloodFill(maze,startX,startZ,numberOfFloods);
Debug.Log ("Flood Fill 1 End");
while (numFound != (mazeLength * mazeLength) - numWalls) {
ArrayList nextWallTile = GetNextTile (maze, 1);
int wallX = (int)nextWallTile[0];
int wallZ = (int)nextWallTile[1];
maze [wallX, wallZ] = 0;
int numFound2 = FloodFill(maze,startX,startZ,numberOfFloods);
if(numFound2 == (mazeLength*mazeLength)-numWalls){
if (numFound2 - numFound > 1) {
numFound = numFound2;
} else {
maze [wallX, wallZ] = 2;
int temp = (mazeLength * mazeLength) - numWalls;
Debug.Log ("Number of empty tiles: " + temp);
Debug.Log ("Number of tiles found: " + numFound);
private int FloodFill(int[,] maze, int x, int z,int value){
int numEmptyTilesFound = 0;
if (x < 0 || z < 0 || x >= mazeLength || z >= mazeLength) {
return 0;
if (maze [x, z] == -1 || maze [x, z] == value) {
return 0;
maze [x, z] = value;
numEmptyTilesFound += FloodFill (maze, x - 1, z, value);
numEmptyTilesFound += FloodFill (maze, x + 1, z, value);
numEmptyTilesFound += FloodFill (maze, x, z - 1, value);
numEmptyTilesFound += FloodFill (maze, x, z + 1, value);
return numEmptyTilesFound;
private ArrayList GetNextTile(int[,] maze,int value){
int startX = 0;
int startZ = 0;
bool search = true;
for (int i = 0; i < mazeLength; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < mazeLength; j++) {
if (maze [i, j] == value) {
startX = i;
startZ = j;
search = false;
ArrayList startingPoint = new ArrayList ();
startingPoint.Add (startX);
startingPoint.Add (startZ);
return startingPoint;

issue in my if statement to make comparison in my java program

any help please, so i already wrote the prog but my if statement in my for loop is not working. the prog need to generate 6 random nos,then apply bubble sort which i already did.then the user must enter 6 numbers and these numbers must be compared against the random numbers and must say whether numbers are found in the random numbers or not. here's the code. something is wrong with the if statement ` public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
int numbers[] = new int[6]; //random numbers will be stored in new array
//2 loop will be created to avoid duplication of numbers
System.out.println("Array before Bubble sort");
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
numbers[i] = (int) (Math.random() * 40);
if (i > 0) {
for (int b = 0; b < i; b++) { //
if (numbers[b] == numbers[i]) {
i--; //decrement to continue the for loop if the integer has been repeated
System.out.print(numbers[i] + ","); //random numbers will be printed before using sorting bubble sort
//sort an array using bubble sort
System.out.println(" \nArray after bubble sort");
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
System.out.print(numbers[i] + ",");
BufferedReader input = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
System.out.println("\ninput 6 number between 1 and 40");
int inputNumber = Integer.parseInt(input.readLine());
for (int b = 0; b < 6; b++) {
int outcome=Integer.parseInt(input.readLine());
System.out.println("found in random numbers");
System.out.println("not found in random numbers");
} catch (Exception e) {
public static void bubbleSort(int[] numbers) {
int n = numbers.length;
int temp = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
for (int j = 1; j < (n - i); j++) {
if (numbers[j - 1] > numbers[j]) { //swap the element
temp = numbers[j - 1];
numbers[j - 1] = numbers[j];
numbers[j] = temp;
System.out.println("\ninput 6 number between 1 and 40");
//Scanner is specifically designed for getting an input purpose and introduced in Java 5,so better use it
Scanner s = new Scanner(System.in);
//you need to have nested loop here
//But the best way to search is use binary search,as you have already sorted the array
while (s.hasNextInt()) {
//one at a time from the input is put to outcome
int outcome = s.nextInt();
boolean found = false;
for (int b = 0; b < 6; b++) {
found = false;
if (outcome == numbers[b]) {
found = true;
//remember to break the inner loop if a match is found
} else {
found = false;
if (found == true) {
System.out.println("found in random numbers");
} else {
System.out.println("not found in random numbers");