Hosting a Telethon User BOT on google-app-engine - google-app-engine-python

I am trying to deploy a simple user bot on Google App Engine Flexible Environment running python3.7, but I get the following error. Can anyone help me with suggestions of solving this?
"File "/env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/telethon/client/", line 20, in phone: typing.Callable[[], str] = lambda: input('Please enter your phone (or bot token): '), EOFError: EOF when reading a line"
Thank you for your time

Telethon (obviously) requires you to login and make a normal user session on your account, which natively requires you to input your number when asked and enter the code received but since Google App engine doesn't allow input as #Sashidhar mentioned, depending on your userbot implementation, you can try using the userbot.session method for authentication, it can be generated locally and placed in the Google App Engine.

I try to use python on app engine to call telethon functions, upon deploy the app. I receive the Internal Server Error from browser.
I am seeing you are success on this road, would you mind shine a light on this to help me starting up, such as how to configue the app.yaml,, requirements.txt , .... or any proper arrangement of librarys to make this work.
much much thanks in advance.
following is my which raised server internal error on brows, the problem does not happen if this first telethon related line is remarked:
client = TelegramClient(phone, api_id, api_hash)
from flask import Flask, request
import datetime
import time
import asyncio
from telethon import TelegramClient, events, sync
app = Flask(__name__)
api_id = xxxxxxxx
api_hash = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
phone = '+xxxxxxxxxxxx'
#app.route('/', methods=['GET'])
def hello():
reqaction = request.args.get('action', 'connect')
client = TelegramClient(phone, api_id, api_hash)
if __name__ == '__main__':'localhost', port=8080, debug=True)
would you mind shine a light on this to help me starting up, much thanks

I am now able to host my user BOT on GAE using the session string login method.


Google Signin for Unity (Windows standalone build) - invalidGoogleToken when used with Playfab

Hopefully someone can point me in the right direction here, I'm attempting to log into Playfab using a google auth code retrieved from an async call in Unity, the flow is as follows:
Click my login to google button in Unity.
Unity begins to listen for the response and opens a google login browser session.
User clicks email/signs into email they want.
This response is returned to Unity with an auth code.
I have then attempted to use the returned google auth code with playfabs LoginWithGoogleAccount method":
PlayFabClientAPI.LoginWithGoogleAccount(new LoginWithGoogleAccountRequest()
TitleId = PlayFabSettings.TitleId,
ServerAuthCode = returnedWindowsGoogleAuthCode,
CreateAccount = true,
}, OnPlayfabGooglePlayAuthComplete, OnPlayfabGooglePlayAuthFailed);
This then fails with a returned response from playfab with "invalidGoogleToken".
From what I've read from what I've come across on google is that this token is possibly in a "used" state by the time I am calling LoginWithGoogleAccount and I possibly need a refreshed token? but I am not too familiar with the Google API so I could be completely off the mark there? But if this is the case what should I do here? How do I re-request a valid token without going back to the browser to do the same thing again?
To give you an idea of pretty much the exact code I'm looking at but I've altered slightly to get it to work in Unity I am following the Google Sample OAuthDesktopApp code:
OAuthDesktopApp Sample Code
I am calling the method "button_Click", this runs and makes the request, Unity then begins listening for the google response at line 72 and the auth code is then output to logs at line 129.
This auth code output at line 129 is what I have then been passing back in to LoginWithGoogleAccount which then results in the failed "invalidGoogleToken", this does also then run a request for user information which does correctly return the name/email of the user you signed in with etc.
Just to add to my previous comments, if I remove the call to performCodeExchange line 132 (I read somewhere that at that point I am swapping the auth code for a token and thus the auth code will no longer work? I'm guessing here) and then if I call PlayFabClientAPI.LoginWithGoogleAccount with the auth code I am presented with:
PlayFabError error:
error.GetHashCode(): 2051826304
error.Error: InvalidGoogleToken
error.ErrorMessage: invalid_grant details: Missing code verifier.
error.ErrorDetails: null
Hopefully this may help someone guide me.
First thanks to those that replied to this, So I've managed to solve this after a comment from a Playfab mod, There appears to be no official way from Google to login using a standlone Unity build nor an official way to then login to Playfab using the same build method.
The solution I've used uses a modified Unity version of one of the Google samples from OAuth 2.0 for Mobile & Desktop Apps .
This will allow you to get the oauth code within Unity then you can pass this oauth code to Playfab for login, BUT Playfab has since deprecated the way to do this (which is silly if its the only solution) so you need to modifiy Playfabs SDK to include the accesstoken then you can use this to finally login.

Logging into Yahoo Finance Using MechanicalSoup

Right now I have been trying to access yahoo with python and am I am not sure why I can't seem to login.
My intended flow is
go to yahoo -> go to login -> enter username -> press submit button -> enter password -> press submit button.
Please let me know where I have made a mistake and why not code doesn't seem to work. Any alternatives to login into yahoo that are not selenium-based would be appreciated and still use python.
"""Example app to login to Yahoo using the StatefulBrowser class."""
from __future__ import print_function
import argparse
import mechanicalsoup
browser = mechanicalsoup.StatefulBrowser(
soup_config={'features': 'lxml'},
# Uncomment for a more verbose output:
form1 = browser.select_form(nr=0)
browser['username'] = ''
response = browser.submit_selected()
browser['passwd'] = 'badPass'
response = browser.submit_selected()
page = browser.get_current_page()
A quick look at the login page source shows that it uses JavaScript quite extensively. It seems very likely that the form submission is handled by JavaScript, though I can't point to an exact line of code that proves this incontrovertibly.
Since MechanicalSoup does not support JavaScript, you may need to find an alternate tool that does, such as Selenium. See this FAQ for more information.

hangouts-chat: hangouts chat bot unable to post messages to a Bot implementation https endpoint

I have developed a HTTPS Synchronous end point that responds to POST messages and configured the URL as "Bot URL" under Chat bot configuration for Hangouts Chat. It is deployed to an EC2 in amazon aws and added a route53 entry for the URL: https://mychatbot-implementation which redirects HTTPS POSTs to my ec2.
However, chat bot is not posting any messages to the https end point and there are no errors logged.
Link to screenshot of chat-bot configuration
Chat Bot Implementation Code Here:
from flask import Flask, request, json, render_template, make_response
app = Flask(__name__)
#app.route('/', methods=['POST'])
def on_event():
event = request.get_json()
resp = None
if event['type'] == 'REMOVED_FROM_SPACE':'Bot removed from space...')
if event['type'] == 'ADDED_TO_SPACE':
text = 'Thanks for adding me to "%s"!' % event['space']['displayName']
elif event['type'] == 'MESSAGE':
text = 'You said: `%s`' % event['message']['text']
return json.jsonify({'text': text})
if __name__ == '__main__':, ssl_context='adhoc', debug=True, host='my host ip address')
Could someone please advise on the next steps?
Unfortunately, mychatbot-implementation isn't a valid Internet TLD, so Route53 will never be able to route your request (in fact, it won't get it). You have 2 issues to be concerned with (bot implementation, user-reachability) and need to tackle them separately (divide-n-conquer) rather than trying to solve everything at once.
I suggest that to test your bot implementation, you keep your bot running on EC2 and get a reachable IP address (w.x.y.z) to your instance (plus port#) and change your configuration to point to that, i.e., https://w.x.y.z:8080/ and see if the Hangouts Chat service can reach your bot. Once you get this working and your bot debugged, then you can worry about getting a TLD and registering with DNS.

How to check whether E-Mail was successfully sent in Liferay 6.1.20EE via MailServiceUtil

I'm using Liferay 6.1.20 and my Portlet is using the Liferay Mail Service to send an E-Mail via the in Liferay configured SMTP-Server.
My Question is now: is it possible to check whether the SMTP-Server is available or is it possbile to check whether the E-Mail was successfully sent? If the SMTP-Server is not available I want to give an output to the User. Actually I only see the following line in the server console:
14:06:47,679 WARN [liferay/mail-1][MailEngine:560] Failed to connect to a valid mail server. Please make sure one is properly configured. Could not connect to SMTP host: localhost, port: 25
I hope someone can give me a solution for that. Thanks!
basically there are two problems which prevent you to discover if any failure occurred when sending e-mails with MailServiceUtil service.
Firstly messages are sent asynchronously over Liferay message bus, so the user gets faster response but you never know if anything failed on the way.
Secondly messages eventually get to MailEngine where all exceptions get caught and are only written to the log.
So, I suggest you to override MailEngine class with ext-plugin (it's in util-java) to handle exceptions differently and then use it directly from your plugin instead of MailServiceUtil which only pushes all to the message bus.
Since Liferay 6.2, if you set mail.throws.exception.on.failure=true in your file, the MailEngine class will also throw a com.liferay.util.mail.MailEngineException on errors, instead of just logging.
A really old question, but as I kept arriving here, I am leaving this to anyone that may need (tested on 7.3).
We can test if the mail flow is normal with the following Groovy script:
import com.liferay.mail.kernel.service.MailServiceUtil
import javax.mail.*
import javax.mail.internet.*
import com.liferay.mail.kernel.model.MailMessage;
def from = new InternetAddress("")
def to = new InternetAddress ("")
def mail = new MailMessage(from, to, "subject", "test message", false)
And, as mentioned in the other answer, the property to view exceptions is still valid.

Facebook Canvas App Loading Partially

I have a single page FB Canvas app that is calling through the iframe a page I have hosted on Heroku.
Loading the page directly through my heroku link works no problem. However, when I try to load the page through the canvas app, it sometimes only loads half of the HTML. I need to spam refresh in order for the entire page to render correctly in the app.
I've checked my page against W3C validator and there are no syntax issues.
Is it Heroku just being slow? It loads pretty quickly when I access the url directly.
What could cause my page to just load halfway and stop?
I had this issue while using Heroku, but only for me and a colleague which were associated to the app as owner and tester respectively, other accounts could load the page just fine.
Testing the same app hosted via pagekite over a 24/3 ADSL works perfectly.
HTTPS or HTTP doesn't seem to matter. I'd say this is an Heroku issue.
EDIT: I'm not sure what happened, but the problem isn't there anymore. I can't think of anything that I did that fixed the issue, but I did many things both before and after the problem went away, such as cacheing remote data in the DB, and whatnot. I can't be certain anything of that helped or if it's some hidden issue in the Heroku infrastructure.
I contacted Heroku about the issue, by the time they came back to me, the issue had suddenly disappeared.
I have promised to get back with logs (both application and client HTTP/TCP logs), if you have this issue and can reproduce it, capture the logs and send it to Heroku support. Capturing TCP traffic can be done with wireshark and the Heroku application logs are available via heroku logs.
I had this issue, too. I think it is related to the issue in this question: iFrame showing up Blank in Facebook Canvas App
If it is a Python app using Flask try this code:
from werkzeug.wsgi import LimitedStream
class StreamConsumingMiddleware(object):
def __init__(self, app): = app
def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
stream = LimitedStream(environ['wsgi.input'],
int(environ['CONTENT_LENGTH'] or 0))
environ['wsgi.input'] = stream
app_iter =, start_response)
for event in app_iter:
yield event
if hasattr(app_iter, 'close'):
Active it with this line:
app.wsgi_app = StreamConsumingMiddleware(app.wsgi_app)