Hi I am getting an error with following piece of code.
import org.apache.spark.sql._
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions._
import spark.implicits._
// Define case classe for input data
case class Article(articleId: Int, title: String, url: String, publisher: String,
category: String, storyId: String, hostname: String, timestamp: String)
// Read the input data
val articles = spark.read.
option("delimiter", ",").
val writeDf = spark.sql("""SELECT articles.storyId AS storyId1, articles.publisher AS publisher1
FROM articles
GROUP BY storyId
ORDER BY publisher1 ASC""")
val writeDf = spark.sql("""SELECT articles.storyId AS storyId1, articles.publisher AS publisher1
| FROM articles
| GROUP BY storyId
| ORDER BY publisher1 ASC""")
org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: expression 'articles.`publisher`' is neither present in the group by, nor is it an aggregate function. Add to group by or w
rap in first() (or first_value) if you don't care which value you get.;;
Sort [publisher1#36 ASC NULLS FIRST], true
+- Aggregate [storyId#13], [storyId#13 AS storyId1#35, publisher#11 AS publisher1#36]
+- SubqueryAlias articles
+- Relation[articleId#8,title#9,url#10,publisher#11,category#12,storyId#13,hostname#14,timestamp#15] csv
Data set looks like:
articleId publisher Category storyId hostname
1 | Los Angeles Times | B | ddUyU0VZz0BRneMioxUPQVP6sIxvM | www.latimes.com
goal is to create a list of each story paired with each publisher that wrote at least one article for that story.
[ddUyU0VZz0BRneMioxUPQVP6sIxvM, Livemint]
[ddUyU0VZz0BRneMioxUPQVP6sIxvM, IFA Magazine]
[ddUyU0VZz0BRneMioxUPQVP6sIxvM, Moneynews]
[dPhGU51DcrolUIMxbRm0InaHGA2XM, IFA Magazine]
[ddUyU0VZz0BRneMioxUPQVP6sIxvM, Los Angeles Times]
can someone suggest code improvement to get the desired output?
Parser, compiler getting confused.
You have no AGGregate with the GROUP BY. Use DISTINCT on storyid, publisher.
Check if you also need storyId1 on GROUP BY as well.
I have a dataset that has Id, Value and Timestamp columns. Id and Value columns are strings. Sample:
I want to concatenate Values that belong to the same Id, and order them by Timestamp. E.g. for rows with Id1 the result would look like:
Some pseudo code would be:
res = SELECT Id,
FROM table
Can someone help me write this in Databricks? PySpark and SQL are both fine.
You can collect lists of struct ofTimestamp and Value (in that order) for each Id, sort them (sort_array will sort by the first value of struct, i.e Timestamp) and combine Value's values into string using concat_ws.
PySpark (Spark 3.1.2)
import pyspark.sql.functions as F
.agg(F.expr("concat_ws(';', sort_array(collect_list(struct(Timestamp, Value))).Value) as Values"))
# +---+-----------+
# |Id |Values |
# +---+-----------+
# |Id1|100;300;200|
# |Id2|433 |
# +---+-----------+
in SparkSQL
SELECT Id, concat_ws(';', sort_array(collect_list(struct(Timestamp, Value))).Value) as Values
FROM table
This is a beautiful question!! This is a perfect use case for Fugue which can port Python and Pandas code to PySpark. I think this is something that is hard to express in Spark but easy to express in native Python or Pandas.
Let's just concern ourselves with 1 ID first. For one ID, using pure native Python, it would look like below. Assume the Timestamps are already sorted when this is applied.
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({"Id": ["Id1", "Id1", "Id1", "Id2","Id2","Id2"],
"Value": [100,200,300,433, 500,600],
"Timestamp": [1658919600, 1658919602, 1658919601, 1658919677, 1658919670, 1658919672]})
from typing import Iterable, List, Dict, Any
def logic(df: List[Dict[str,Any]]) -> Iterable[Dict[str,Any]]:
_id = df[0]['Id']
items = []
for row in df:
yield {"Id": _id, "Values": items}
Now we can call Fugue with one line of code to run this on Pandas. Fugue uses the type annotation from the logic function to handle conversions for you as it enters the function. We can run this for 1 ID (not sorted yet).
from fugue import transform
transform(df.loc[df["Id"] == "Id1"], logic, schema="Id:str,Values:[int]")
and that generates this:
Id Values
0 Id1 [100, 200, 300]
Now we are ready to bring it to Spark. All we need to do is add the engine and partitioning strategy to the transform call.
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
spark = SparkSession.builder.getOrCreate()
sdf = transform(df,
partition={"by": "Id", "presort": "Timestamp asc"},
Because we passed in the SparkSession, this code will run on Spark.sdf is a SparkDataFrame so we need .show() because it evaluates lazily. Schema is a requirement for Spark so we need it too on Fugue but it's significantly simplified. The partitioning strategy will run logic on each Id, and will sort the items by Timestamp for each partition.
For the FugueSQL version, you can do:
from fugue_sql import fsql
Easiest Solution :
| id| newcol|
|Id1|[100, 300, 200]|
|Id2| [433]|
| id| newcol|
|Id2| 433|
Please check below image for the reference to my use case
You can get the same result without using pivot by adding the columns manually, if you know all the names of the new columns:
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.{col, when}
.withColumn("cheque", when(col("ttype") === "cheque", col("tamt")))
.withColumn("draft", when(col("ttype") === "draft", col("tamt")))
.drop("tamt", "ttype")
As this solution does not trigger shuffle, your processing will be faster than using pivot.
It can be generalized if you don't know the name of the columns. However, in this case you should benchmark to check whether pivot is more performant:
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.{col, when}
val newColumnNames = dataframe.select("ttype").distinct.collect().map(_.getString(0))
.foldLeft(dataframe)((df, columnName) => {
df.withColumn(columnName, when(col("ttype") === columnName, col("tamt")))
.drop("tamt", "ttype")
Use groupBy,pivot & agg functions. Check below code.
Added inline comments.
scala> df.show(false)
|tdate |ttype |tamt|
|2020-10-15|draft |5000|
scala> df
.groupBy($"tdate") // Grouping data based on tdate column.
.pivot("ttype",Seq("cheque","draft")) // pivot based on ttype and "draft","cheque" are new column name
.agg(first("tamt")) // aggregation by "tamt" column.
|tdate |cheque|draft|
|2020-10-18|7000 |null |
|2020-10-15|null |5000 |
I am trying to join two datasets of meters readings in Spark SQL using joinWith, so that the returned type is Dataset[(Reading, Reading)]. The goal is to match each row in the first dataset (called Current) with its previous record in the second dataset (called Previous), based on a date column.
I need to first join on the meter key, and then join by comparing date, finding the next largest date that is smaller than the current reading date (i.e. the previous reading).
Here is what I have tried, but I think this is too trivial. I am also getting a 'Can't resolve' error with MAX.
val joined = Current.joinWith(
(Current("Meter_Key") === Previous("Meter_Key"))
&& (Current("Reading_Dt_Key") > MAX(Previous("Reading_Dt_Key"))
Can anyone help?
Did not try to use LAG, think that would also work. But looked at your requirement with a joinWith and decided to do apply some logic for performance reasons. Many Steps in Jobs skipped. Used different names, you can abstract, rename and drop cols.
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.Window
import spark.implicits._
case class mtr0(mtr: String, seqNum: Int)
case class mtr(mtr: String, seqNum: Int, rank: Int)
// Gen data & optimize for JOINing, just interested in max 2 records for ranked sets.
val curr0 = Seq(
mtr0("m1", 1),
mtr0("m1", 2),
mtr0("m1", 3),
mtr0("m2", 7)
val curr1 = curr0.withColumn("rank", row_number()
// Reduce before JOIN.
val currF=curr1.filter($"rank" === 1 ).as[mtr]
val prevF=curr1.filter($"rank" === 2 ).as[mtr]
val selfDF = currF.as("curr").joinWith(prevF.as("prev"),
( col("curr.mtr") === col("prev.mtr") && (col("curr.rank") === 1) && (col("prev.rank") === 2)),"left")
// Null value evident when only 1 entry per meter.
|_1 |_2 |
|[m1, 3, 1]|[m1, 2, 2]|
|[m2, 7, 1]|null |
selfDF: org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset[(mtr, mtr)] = [_1: struct<mtr: string, seqNum: int ... 1 more field>, _2: struct<mtr: string, seqNum: int ... 1 more field>]
I have two Spark DataFrames:
cities DataFrame with the following column:
bigCities DataFrame with the following column:
I need to transform DataFrame cities and add an additional Boolean column there: bigCity Value of this column must be calculated based on the following condition "cities.city IN bigCities.name"
I can do this in the following way(with a static bigCities collection):
var resultDf = spark.sql("SELECT city, CASE WHEN city IN ['London', 'Cairo'] THEN 'Y' ELSE 'N' END AS bigCity FROM cities")
but I don't know how to replace the static bigCities collection ['London', 'Cairo'] with bigCities DataFrame in the query. I want to use bigCities as the reference data in the query.
Please advise how to achieve this.
val df = cities.join(bigCities, $"name".equalTo($"city"), "leftouter").
withColumn("bigCity", when($"name".isNull, "N").otherwise("Y")).
You can use collect_list() on the the bigCities table. Check this out
scala> val df_city = Seq(("London"),("Austin")).toDF("city")
df_city: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [city: string]
scala> val df_bigCities = Seq(("London"),("Cairo")).toDF("name")
df_bigCities: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [name: string]
scala> df_city.createOrReplaceTempView("cities")
scala> df_bigCities.createOrReplaceTempView("bigCities")
scala> spark.sql(" select city, case when array_contains((select collect_list(name) from bigcities),city) then 'Y' else 'N' end as bigCity from cities").show(false)
|city |bigCity|
|London|Y |
|Austin|N |
If the dataset is big, you can use collect_set which will be more efficient.
scala> spark.sql(" select city, case when array_contains((select collect_set(name) from bigcities),city) then 'Y' else 'N' end as bigCity from cities").show(false)
|city |bigCity|
|London|Y |
|Austin|N |
I am using Spark 1.6 and I would like to know how to implement in lookup in the dataframes.
I have two dataframes employee & department.
Employee Dataframe
Emp Id | Emp Name
1 | john
2 | David
Department Dataframe
Dept Id | Dept Name | Emp Id
1 | Admin | 1
2 | HR | 2
I would like to lookup emp id from the employee table to the department table and get the dept name. So, the resultset would be
Emp Id | Dept Name
1 | Admin
2 | HR
How do I implement this look up UDF feature in SPARK. I don't want to use JOIN on both the dataframes.
As already mentioned in the comments, joining the dataframes is the way to go.
You can use a lookup, but I think there is no "distributed" solution, i.e. you have to collect the lookup-table into driver memory. Also note that this approach assumes that EmpID is unique:
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
import sqlContext.implicits._
import scala.collection.Map
val emp = Seq((1,"John"),(2,"David"))
val deps = Seq((1,"Admin",1),(2,"HR",2))
val empRdd = sc.parallelize(emp)
val depsDF = sc.parallelize(deps).toDF("DepID","Name","EmpID")
val lookupMap = empRdd.collectAsMap()
def lookup(lookupMap:Map[Int,String]) = udf((empID:Int) => lookupMap.get(empID))
val combinedDF = depsDF
My initial thought was to pass the empRdd to the UDF and use the lookup method defined on PairRDD, but this does of course not work because you cannot have spark actions (i.e. lookup) within transformations (ie. the UDF).
If your empDf has multiple columns (e.g. Name,Age), you can use this
val empRdd = empDf.rdd.map{row =>
val lookupMap = empRdd.collectAsMap()
def lookup(lookupMap:Map[Int,(String,Int)]) =
udf((empID:Int) => lookupMap.lift(empID))
As you are saying you already have Dataframes then its pretty easy follow these steps:
1)create a sqlcontext
val sqlContext = new org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext(sc)
2) Create Temporary tables for all 3 Eg:
3) Query using MySQL Queries
val MatchingDetails = sqlContext.sql("SELECT DISTINCT E.EmpID, DeptName FROM EmpTable E inner join DeptTable G on " +
Starting with some "lookup" data, there are two approaches:
Method #1 -- using a lookup DataFrame
// use a DataFrame (via a join)
val lookupDF = sc.parallelize(Seq(
("banana", "yellow"),
("apple", "red"),
("grape", "purple"),
Method #2 -- using a map in a UDF
// turn the above DataFrame into a map which a UDF uses
val Keys = lookupDF.select("SomeKeys").collect().map(_(0).toString).toList
val Values = lookupDF.select("SomeValues").collect().map(_(0).toString).toList
val KeyValueMap = Keys.zip(Values).toMap
def ThingToColor(key: String): String = {
if (key == null) return ""
val firstword = key.split(" ")(0) // fragile!
val result: String = KeyValueMap.getOrElse(firstword,"not found!")
return (result)
val ThingToColorUDF = udf( ThingToColor(_: String): String )
Take a sample data frame of things that will be looked up:
val thingsDF = sc.parallelize(Seq(
("blueberry muffin"),
("grape nuts"),
("apple pie"),
("rutabaga pudding")
Method #1 is to join on the lookup DataFrame
Here, the rlike is doing the matching. And null appears where that does not work. Both columns of the lookup DataFrame get added.
val result_1_DF = thingsDF.join(lookupDF, expr("SomeThings rlike SomeKeys"),
Method #2 is to add a column using the UDF
Here, only 1 column is added. And the UDF can return a non-Null value. However, if the lookup data is very large it may fail to "serialize" as required to send to the workers in the cluster.
val result_2_DF = thingsDF.withColumn("AddValues",ThingToColorUDF($"SomeThings"))
Which gives you:
In my case I had some lookup data that was over 1 million values, so Method #1 was my only choice.